NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Fellow Citizens

The fact that war criminals are now to be tried in civilian court does not bode well for your constitutional rights:


If an enemy combatant can assert certain defenses, not in a Military Tribunal, which is the proper venue for war crimes, instead claiming certain protections such as the Fifth Amendment, Miranda Rights, etc., then the Rights of Citizens of this country will be reduced to the lowest common denominator. If war criminals are to enjoy the same rights as a U.S. Citizen, then they must be presumed Innocent until proven Guilty. This will give terrorists the equivalant of an "Open-Season Hunting License on defenseless, Law-Abiding Citizens.

If in fact, through some easily contrived loophole, they are exonerated, and are set free, the Legal Prescedent will have been set for any despot who arises in this Nation to try Legal Citizens under the new prescedent. In other words, Legal Citizens will be treated no differently than War Criminals. Such a state only exists in this Nation under the Executive Power to declare martial law, where ALL Rights are suspended. Gone will be the 2nd Amendment, Miranda Rights, the 5th Amendment-the entire Bill of Rights.

Conversely, the Justice System will have become a People's court, where you will be forced to prove your innocence. The burden will then be on YOU, not the State.

This new Prescedent will serve to allow opportunistic despots to rationalize, and to justify, your incarceration, or your execution, as an enemy of the State.


Better excercise your 2nd Amendment Right, NOW, while you still have it.

...and keep your powder dry.

God Save America
Your Uncle Sam





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Reply by Ron Miller 3 minutes ago

We are a nation that only knows the immediate needs of ones self. Other words, ME, ME, ME, ME! What is best for ME! How can I get something FREE! ME FIRST! I'm Important! Look At ME!
Well here we are. A Nation controlled by Socialists, Pacifists Liberals who are loaded down with Political Correctness. This policy Gives the most, is the most Understanding, allows the most, has Compassion and Tolerance and further, has special Privileges, Freedoms and Rights that, now, are being given out world wide. This is far in excess of what our Constitution and Bill Of Rights, which our founding fathers created, intended for us.
We have lost our will to fight or oppose issues, people, parties and governments who are undermining our rights, privileges, values and freedoms. Until very recent times, we had it too good. We didn't have to fight for anything! We earned what we wanted, or it was given to us, and everything was just fine. Most issues didn't effect us, those things always happened to other people in other nations in other parts of the world. It wouldn't and couldn't happen to ME!
Our Rights, Privileges, Freedoms and Values are all being diminished and/or destroyed, little by little, one at a time, and we are sleeping, literally, doing nothing about it. These changes are effecting us! They are REAL! They are here, today, NOW!
ALL Americans MUST FIGHT! Get up off your BUTTS and do something to correct this MESS and "GET AMERICA BACK ON TRACK"! Get behind individuals like Judge Napolitano.

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Thank you, Uncle Sam,

With each new day the line that was moved the day before gets moved, yet again.
I have come to accept that the current office holders care not one scintilla for our Constitution.
They are determined to shove their ridiculous, Marxist agenda down our throats and we will like or ELSE!
They ignored or passed off as radical nuts concerned American citizens, using their First Ammendment Rights to speak their minds. The TEA Party attendees have been labled 'tea baggers' not only by far left commentaters but by both Clinton and Obama. [I'm a 61 yr old GRANDMOTHER and I had no clue what the meaming of that term was until I 'Googled' it....OH MY GOSH!!!]
I have emailed and spoken to representatives and senators [we, in Wi. have been blessed with Kohl and Feingold] also Sensenbrenner [who responds but at times is too conciliatory for my liking]. The two dems are so far over the top that they will never change their views..........liberalism seems to be part of their DNA.

Bringing KSM and the others here for trial is nothing more than a Dog & Pony Show.....Holder gets to pretend to be tough on terrorism and paints a bullseye on New York City. The logistics of transporting these [Hard to call them] 'people' twice per day, will be a nightmare for the NYPD and a 'rescue attempt' is more than possible. How conventent that Al Quaeda will be aided and abetted by the Attorney General of the United States in any future attacks.

I am sick to my soul of the people running this country.
The United Nations' small arms treaty is still on the table and I would [ALSO] not be surprised if they try to disarm as many of us as possible.

The inmates are running the assylum. Only the Good Lord can turn things around, I can't help but wonder if the people of America will get amnesia shortly thereafter.............kind of like they did after 9/11.
They lost there "marbles" Kathryn,Body and soul.It is amazing just how fast and on many fronts this State-ist crowd just can't help itself power hungry and malicious.and a whole year before a chance to vote them out . I have hope. I think with each example of Fedzilla's arrogance we add more to the cause of liberty, And this time we question the governments right to "not" leave us alone.should be some real large kicking and screaming The state-ist has to much to loose Power and money...excellent post KB...CES
Uncle Sam I believe you've just hit upon the precedent most likely to change our legal citizenship into an adversarial relationship with our own government.
The thought that any free citizen might now be treated no differently than terrorist criminals while exercising their own first amendment right to free speech is a nightmare.
The Obama administration must be stopped in their attempt to use our court system to try terrorists. A military tribunal is the proper place for them to be tried. I don't care about the feel good concept of letting the people of New York City try these terrorists, that's only a liberal tactic not a national priority. There are millions of U.S. citizens throughout the nation who have suffered equally along with those living near ground zero. Those people who were killed in the terrorist attacks of 9-11 came from all over the nation.
Since the supreme court has already ruled on some aspects of this issue, it is incumbent upon us to create and pass an amendment to the constitution that will spell out how terrorists are to be tried. To help speed the passage of this amendment, the terrorists will remain incarcerated waiting for passage of the amendment and subsequent military tribunal. Since Eric Holder talks like he can guarantee convictions of these terrorists and they would never be let free, it doesn't matter then how long they stay incarcerated whether it is waiting for passage of an amendment or for long years of trial and endless appeals in our precious court system.
This man, I can't bring myself to call him our president, is intent on giving the terrorists a platform, just as he has done with the dictator in Iran and all the other dictators in South America. He stands against everything that is American. He hates all the principles that make this country great and he intends to change this country into a socialist tyranny. I am so disgusted with all the politicians that are making it easy for him to do so. I pray the Lord to embrace our country and save us from this.

This is OUR President at a MOSQUE prayer session LAST WEEK AT THE WHITE HOUSE, on the site where the INAUGURATION is held every 4 years!

For Obama to continue as our president is an INSULT TO OUR NATION AND OUR FOUNDING FATHERS!
Excellent juxtaposition on his REAL religious beliefs Vivian.
We have to admit it . . . . Islam has succeeded in installing a Muslim in our office of president without firing a shot.
Terrifying, isn't it Phillip?
I recall his "now famous" interview by G. Stephanopoulous after the "slip of his never ceasing tongue", that we had really been duped!
I began talking about it to all my friends and relatives, trying to make them see....I kept saying, "OMGosh! We have a Muslim as president!"
Most replied, "Now calm down, Vivian, you tend to get bent out of shape too easily...the guy probably just had heard so much of the word Muslim most of his life that he just had a forgetful moment, being under pressure from the interview process....Give him a chance... he professes to be a Christian and belongs to a Christian church. Don't judge him," they said.
But in my heart of hearts, (and I think many, many Christians), I knew who and what he is from that moment and I have been sick to my stomach ever since.
And even more terrifying.....I truly believe he probably is an undercover member of Al Qaeda,..... a terrorist! Now that he has "revealed" his true beliefs to us, how much longer until he shows the terrorist side? In a way he already has, by his liberal stance towards Nidal Hassan, (no visit to Ft. Hood), and the GITMO detainees and his policy of reading muslim prisoners of war their rights, etc.
It is, and has been for months, very clear to me. I am reminded of the movie, "Left Behind" when Nicholas Carpathia shot two members of the UN in front of so many people and afterwards,by his mere suggestion,.... no one saw a thing but exactly what he described to them!

And anyone who has any power at all to stop this madness appears to be afraid...Congress, Judges, Media, even the Monroe County Grand Jury in the (primarily conservative) Southern state of Tennessee.........almost everyone! Behold...the great tribulation is certainly close! Christians, Look up, "for our redempton draweth nigh!"
No Christian could ever make a 'slip of the tongue' and call their religion by another name Thats just not a normal 'slip of the tongue'. His slip was showing on the other side. He showed his true colors. I caught that same interview and about went through the roof! We have been tricked, embarrassingly, into putting a person that is not constitutionally qualified to be in office and that is most decidedly a MUSLIM!
Wayne, impeachment has been talked about a lot by "We The People", but it is not that easy.
Impeachment is a fundamental constitutional power belonging to Congress. It is a safeguard against corruption and it can be initiated against federal officeholders from the lowest cabinet member, all the way up to the president and the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Besides providing the authority for impeachment, the U.S. Constitution details the methods to be used. The two-stage process begins in the House of Representatives with a public inquiry into allegations. It culminates, if necessary, with a trial in the Senate. State constitutions model impeachment processes for state officials on this approach. Unfortunately, at both the federal and state levels, impeachment is rare.
From the passage of the Constitution to the mid-1990s, only 50 impeachment proceedings were initiated, and only a third of these went as far as a trial in the Senate. The reluctance of lawmakers to use this power is a measure of its gravity; it is generally only invoked by evidence of criminality or substantial abuse of power.
We know this exists in the case of "O" but if we can't even get endictments from our Grand Jurys, we will not likely be successful in The House Of Representatives.
The House of Representatives has only moved seriously to impeach 18 officials in the more than 200 years since the Constitution was ratified, including two presidents, one cabinet member, one senator, and 13 judges. (The trial of the senator in 1797 resulted in the judgment that a United States Senator is not subject to impeachment.) Only seven of these officers were convicted by the Senate. A president has never been removed from office through the impeachment process. Andrew Johnson, who was impeached in 1868, was not convicted by the Senate (by a margin of one vote) and Richard Nixon resigned before the House voted on the articles of impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.
It seems that out POTUS is not afraid of impeachment because it would involve a trial going through the Senate and there are just simply too many liberal democrats that would not cooperate to convict him.
Our only hope at removing him before 2012 is to throw out all the crooks in November 2010.... start fresh and have people up there who will not be afraid of him and his "puppeteers" and who will stand up for the patriots that put them there. Then and only then will we have a chance at impeaching him and it will surely break a record in our history if they do.
Remember November Uncle Sam says...."The Only Day That Matters!"
As long as the constitutionally unqualified person remains in power the constitution is dead. We have to enforce the constitution and remove that communist from power to restore our God-given Constitution! Things are going crazy like because they are completely ignoring our constitution. 'o'nobama said that the constitution is JUST AN OLD DOCUMENT written by some guys a long time ago and well as some other un-American things. Our founders put the qualifications for president specifically into the constitution to avoid what is happening now. Foreign influence in the White House. Remove the communist-in-chief from power thereby restoring the constitution as the law of the land! Kruschev said in 1963 I think it was, 'we will get you from within!'. Let's Roll!
We are a nation that only knows the immediate needs of ones self. Other words, ME, ME, ME, ME! What is best for ME! How can I get something FREE! ME FIRST! I'm Important! Look At ME!
Well here we are. A Nation controlled by Socialists, Pacifists Liberals who are loaded down with Political Correctness. This policy Gives the most, is the most Understanding, allows the most, has Compassion and Tolerance and further, has special Privileges, Freedoms and Rights that, now, are being given out world wide. This is far in excess of what our Constitution and Bill Of Rights, which our founding fathers created, intended for us.
We have lost our will to fight or oppose issues, people, parties and governments who are undermining our rights, privileges, values and freedoms. Until very recent times, we had it too good. We didn't have to fight for anything! We earned what we wanted, or it was given to us, and everything was just fine. Most issues didn't effect us, those things always happened to other people in other nations in other parts of the world. It wouldn't and couldn't happen to ME!
Our Rights, Privileges, Freedoms and Values are all being diminished and/or destroyed, little by little, one at a time, and we are sleeping, literally, doing nothing about it. These changes are effecting us! They are REAL! They are here, today, NOW!
ALL Americans MUST FIGHT! Get up off your BUTTS and do something to correct this MESS and "GET AMERICA BACK ON TRACK"! Get behind individuals like Judge Napolitano.
Holder is trying to make a name for himself. He wants to be in history period. Nothing more Nothing less.







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