NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Victory! Obama hates our Military Chaplains freedom of Conscience clause

Urgent Petition! Defend Military Chaplains.  Demand Congress keep 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310 to protect chaplains free speech and chapels from desecration.  Select here, sign petition, we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!)

Victory!  Obama hates our Military Chaplains freedom of Conscience clause.

After YOUR FAXES to Congress in 2012 helped change the law giving chaplains a great victory for free religious speech against homosexual sin, President Obama issued a statement complaining that Chaplains don't need freedom protections.

When Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013, which includes the provisions, he blasted both Congress and chaplains, WND reports.

"Section 533 is an unnecessary and ill-advised provision, as the military already appropriately protects the freedom of conscience of chaplains and service members,” Obama wrote in a signing statement that accompanied the legislation, saying he would not pay much attention to it.

"My administration remains fully committed to continuing the successful implementation of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and to protecting the rights of gay and lesbian service members; Section 533 will not alter that," Obama declared, saying he would make certain the conscience protections do not produce any discriminatory results [against gays].

"The Secretary of Defense will ensure that the implementing regulations do not permit or condone discriminatory actions that compromise good order and discipline or otherwise violate military codes of conduct," Obama wrote.

Dr. Chaps comments:  In other words, Obama will defend homosexuals from discrimination, but Obama will ignore enforcement of the new law we just made him sign protecting chaplains, and instead protect homosexual aggressors.

Friends, these statements are shocking.  Revealing how Obama loves sin more than Christ, and will continue to allow persecution of Christian chaplains, despite the law.   Thankfully he didn't veto our provisions (as he once threatened), and at least on paper if not yet in reality, Chaplains have freedom to preach against sin, THANKS TO YOUR FAXES TO CONGRESS.

Now let's inform the NEW Congress that we want the same protections, not only for chaplains, but also for military chapels (which are not yet protected, and face daily desecration by sodomite acts on the Christian altars.)

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.

Victory!  Conference Committee KEEPS Chaplain and Troops protections

You just changed the law, by signing and blasting our fax petition to protect Chaplains and Christian troops right to voice opposition to homosexual sin.  
Pending a routine upcoming vote for final passage of the Pentagon Budget, we just won a major battle (and lost another one) in the Conference Committee reconciling the different House and Senate versions of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA 2013).

First, the good news:  Chaplains and Christian troops will be protected and cannot be punished by the military if they voice personal beliefs against homosexual sin.  Our friends at the Chaplain Alliance report:  "As passed by the conference committee, the NDAA requires the armed forces to accommodate the beliefs of a service member and prohibits any adverse personnel action, discrimination, or denial of promotion, schooling, training, or assignment based on the member’s beliefs. The amendment also prohibits a member of the armed forces from requiring a chaplain to perform any rite, ritual, or ceremony that is contrary to the chaplain’s conscience and religious beliefs."

Second, the bad news:  Pro-homosexual Democrats in the Senate insisted on desecrating chapel buildings, and stripped the House language
prohibiting homose xual "wedding" ceremonies from blessing acts of sodomy on the Christian altar.

While Chaplains need not preside or perform, they must still facilitate homosexual "weddings" by turning over the keys to their chapel buildings in all 50 states, for sod omite desecration of the Christian altars.  As reported below, chapels have already been desecrated in New Jersey, Florida, and Louisiana, in 3 states where homosexual "marriage" remains illegal, UNLESS you're inside a military chapel where they were allowed and even celebrated by force of the Obama Administration.

Why would President Obama force Christian chapels and altars to be desecrated by acts of sodomy?  This remains an outrage, and I vow to fight this battle again in 2013.  

While today is a day of celebration for protecting the careers of Christian troops, it is not too late to petition Congress to reconsider adding the good "chapel protection" language before the final vote and signature of NDAA 2013.  Please sign our petition today...

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.

2,000 Chaplains petition 26 Senators to protect freedom.  Will you join them?

2,000+ Military Chaplains are petitioning these 26 Senators through their bishops, to protect religious freedom and stop sod omite desecration of military chapels, ADF reports.

"The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, an organization of chaplain endorsers, calls on the U.S. Congress to protect the conscience of our military personnel in the wake of the Senate’s refusal so far to pass such protections.

"Earlier this year, in Section 536 of H.R. 4310, the House passed language protecting the rights of conscience of members of the armed forces, including chaplains. The House also passed language in Section 537 of H.R. 4310 that ensures military chapels are not used for any marriage or marriage-like ceremonies involving anything other than the union of one man and one woman. The Senate removed both of these sections when it passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act.

"No American, especially those who wear the uniform, should be required to give up their religious values,” said Chaplain (COL) Ron Crews, USAR retired, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty. 'Men and women who courageously serve in our armed forces should be able to serve without having to violate their consciences. Service members, including chaplains, who have sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions need to be able to serve without fear of recrimination against their values.'

"The National Defense Authorization Act is currently in conference committee.

"'Americans concerned about protecting the rights of conscience of our service members should contact their senators and encourage them to agree with the language passed by the House of Representatives,' Crews said."

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  Friends, NOW is the time to call 202-225-3121 for all 26 members of the Senate Armed Services committee, and all 61 members of the House Armed Services Committee, who will hash out these major decisions during conference committee.]

Don't have time to make 87 phone calls?  You can fax all 87 members instantly, just...

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.

'Gay' Sailors can choose Bunkmates, but Christian Sailors can't opt-out.

As the Presidential election distracts the Senate from passing the Pentagon budget, military chaplains remain under immense pressure to facilitate homosexual 'weddings' in military chapels in all 50 states.  

In New Jersey, Florida, and Lousiana Christian military chapels have been desecrated by acts of sodomy, despite the fact all three of these states prohibit gay 'marriage.'  

Now the Washington Times confirms what we said all along, that military Christians face persecution since the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which already causes anti-Christian discrimination.  Christian troops endure open homosexual harassment.  For example:

"At an officer training service school, a male serviceman sexually harassed another male serviceman through text messages, emails, phone calls and in-person confrontations. The harassing male insisted the two would 'make a great couple.' The harassed serviceman reported the harassment, but the command failed to take disciplinary action."

Homose xual Sailors receive preferential treatment.  "The Navy has allowed sailors openly engaged in homosexual behavior to choose their bunkmates," says Col. Ron Crews, a retired Chaplain leading the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty.

But if Christian Sailors don't want a homosexual roommate, they cannot refuse one.
Christians who refuse such open homosexual advances are labeled as discriminators.   Can you say double-standard?  Just imagine the horror of being "chosen" as a bunkmate, and then being forced to endure ogling or groping without complaining.  

Sexual harrassment is banned in the military, unless you're a homose xual abusing a Christian, then it's openly encouraged.  For example, desecrating their chapels.   (Examples and proof below.)  But will the Senate protect chaplains and Christians?  

Let's take a stand for our Christian troops rights, especially Chaplains, today.

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.

Obama desecrates Military Chapels in all 50 states.  Can 2 Senators stop him?

An amazing article by our friends at Last Resistance quotes me and asks the question I've been raising for a year now.
 Can Senate Republicans save military chaplains from court-martial, if they refuse to facilitate homosexual "marriage" ceremonies?  

In response to YOUR faxes, two Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and my friend James Inhofe (R-OK) have just introduced new legislation in the Senate, as "The Military Religious Freedom Act."  I met with Wicker's staff this summer, and they received my suggestion clearly, since the new bill mirrors the two good amendments already passed by the House, and protects both military chaplains AND chapels from desecration.

Sadly, more homosexual "weddings" are desecrating Christian chapels on military bases, for example in this story that features a Navy Chaplain who apparently desecrates a Christian chapel in New Jersey with a sod omite ceremony endorsing sin.   (And then claims nobody is offended when Christian chapels are desecrated by acts of sodomy.)  

This "wedding" in New Jersey is President Obama's latest assault on military Christians, after homose xual ceremonies have already desecrated chapels in Florida and Lousiana.

All three states ban homosexual "marriage" so why do reporters lie for Obama, claiming these ceremonies are only authorized in states where gay marriage is licensed?  

This is proof that what I said is true, that Obama has forced homose xual "marriage" upon all 50 states. AP reports Obama's policy: "Under current policy, these ceremonies are allowed on bases where the marriage or civil union is legal under state law."  

In other words, not only does Obama abrogate federal law, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (which applies on federal land, i.e. military bases), but he also abrogates the state laws of New Jersey, Florida, and Lousiana, which clearly prohibit homosexual "marriage."

Let's stand with Senators Wicker and Inhofe, to demand all 100 Senators protect chapels.

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.

First Lesbian 'Wedding' desecrates Military Chapel.  Obama violates state law.

President Obama trampled on Louisiana state law, and desecrated the Christian chapel on a military post at Fort Polk, Louisiana
, by authorizing the first homosexual 'wedding' ceremony by a lesbian couple in a military chapel.  Flaunting his federal power over Louisiana (whose law clearly defines Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman), and ignoring the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, Obama's Pentagon lawyer Jeh Johnson issued a memo this year forcing all military chapels in all 50 states to be open for 'gay' weddings.

Now we learn that three weeks ago, a lesbian couple was secretly 'married' upon, and desecrated the Christian altar in the base chapel with sod omy, marking the first reported homosexual wedding in a military chapel ever.  A pro-homosexual chaplain presided at the 'marriage-like religious ceremony' of two lesbian soldiers, but did not issue a license, making the union illegal in the eyes of both Lousiana law, and the laws of Almighty God.

Congressman John Fleming, M.D. (R-LA) told on Wednesday that "the U.S. Army had confirmed to him that the chaplain had performed the ceremony less than a month ago in the base chapel at Fort Polk, which is in Fleming’s district."

"It is my understanding that this is the first ceremony of its type on an American military base and that is, as it’s reported, it was a wedding ceremony between two members of the same gender who are uniformed members of the Army," Fleming said

Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), said this confirms the need for the Senate to pass two good pro-chaplain amendments protecting chapels and chaplains free speech:  "It is very concerning that a same-sex ceremony would occur on a military base in a state where the definition of marriage has been clearly defined as between one man and one woman," Akin said.  "This action is clearly in contravention of state law, and also violates the Defense Department policies issued last fall. This appears to be a case where political agenda has trumped the rule of law, which is absolutely unacceptable. This confirms the importance of the language that my colleagues and I worked to include in the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act for 2013, which would protect chaplains and servicemembers from this liberal agenda. The same individuals who will violate the law to advance their agenda will persecute those around them who disagree with their views."

"Congressman Akin has led the efforts to protect traditional marriage on military bases. In 2011, Congressman Akin offered an amendment to H.R. 1540 which was stripped by the Senate. In May 2012, Akin offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013 which would protect servicemembers and chaplains from recriminations based on their concerns regarding same-sex marriage."

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  Folks, I have been repeatedly saying for months, what nobody believed was true, that military chapels both Catholic and Protestant will be desecrated in all 50 states by acts of sod omy on the Christian altar, robbing all our troops of their right to a sacred worship space.  Any chaplain who objects will be punished, and the keys to his chapel must be turned over to homosexual activists.  Does anybody doubt that my warning has now come true?]

We must take action to protect our chapels.  Please sign our petition to all 100 Senators.

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.

Victory!  House Armed Services Cmte protects Chaplains and Chapels

The House Armed Services Committee added (but the Senate has not yet added) two good religious freedom amendments to the 2013 Defense Authorization Act H.R. 4310, protecting free speech for military chaplains who refuse to preside at homose xual 'wedding' ceremonies, and blocking same-sex marriage or marriage-like ceremonies in chapels on military bases.

The Hill reports:  "Members of the House Armed Services committee voted to include the measure by Rep. Steve Palazzo (R-Miss.) into the panel's version of the fiscal 2013 defense authorization bill late Wednesday night.

"The measure, which prevents 'marriage or marriage-like ceremonies' between same-sex couples from taking place at American military bases, was approved by a 37 to 24 vote along party lines.

"Republican panel members also approved language to protect military personnel from reprisals for expressing 'their moral principles and religious beliefs... concerning the appropriate and inappropriate expression of human sexuality.'

"That amendment, sponsored by Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) was approved by a straight party-line vote of 36 to 25.
"  Now bishops for 2,000 military chaplains are petitioning to pass these amendments to defend chaplains rights.

Sadly, military chaplains report heavy reprisals, as confirmed by Human Events who interviewed "one currently serving chaplain, who spoke to Human Events on the condition of anonymity, told a similar story of pressure to conform [to endorsing homosexual sin]. He declined to give his name citing fear of reprisal; active duty service members are not to speak to the media without prior it is chaplains who say they are being muzzled by the military and a group has formed to pass legislation seeking relief on their behalf."

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  Chaplains being muzzled?  Free speech censored?  Boy does that sound familiar.  2012 is 2006 all over again for evangelical chaplains.  It's time to clean house and pass this new pro-chaplain law, so let's all DEMAND all 100 Senators keep the good pro-chaplain amendments.  Please sign our petition today...]

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310.


Then please call EVERY member of the House Armed Services Committee listed here, by dialing 202-225-3121 and requesting each Member by name, to request they PASS THE AKIN AMENDMENT TO H.R. 1540.

Don't have time to make 61 phone calls today?  Just sign our petition and we will fax all 61 members instantly, saving you much time!  How much time would it take you?  Sign here:

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310

God Bless you, in Jesus' name,
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For media interviews, select here.

Please select here to sign urgent petition, and we will fax all 100 Senators (saving you time!) to PROTECT MILITARY CHAPELS, CHAPLAINS AND TROOPS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to oppose immorality, and keep the 2 good chaplain amendments to H.R. 4310

Prefer to donate by mail?  Please write:  The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO  80970.

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