NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Under the banner of "FAIRNESS" . . . . AGAIN, our intrepid legislators are going to raise our taxes!

And included in those TAX RAISING senators is one of our OWN supposedly conservative Republicans, Mike Enzi, from Wyoming!

Enzi teams up with our favorite democrat (NOT), Dick Durbin, from incorruptible Illinois Fame.

Senate overwhelmingly backs states' collection of online sales TAXES.

 "overwhelmingly" like in

* * * * Republicans voted for it too! * * * *

The Senate on Friday overwhelmingly approved an amendment empowering states to collect taxes for online sales, delivering a huge victory to lawmakers and stakeholders who have devoted more than two years to the effort.

Sens. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) watched their amendment sail through the upper chamber on a 75-24 vote, confirming their hunch that their legislation has the support needed to pass outside the budget process.

The Senate accepted Durbin’s amendment by voice vote after his Enzi’s modifications were approved.

The lawmakers have been seeking a vote on their Marketplace Fairness legislation since last summer and finally got their answer — that there is plenty support for the change in law that will allow states to collect sales tax on purchases made online by consumers in their states.

"Market Place Fairness" legislation . . . .  you and I both KNOW that with the "FAIRNESS" term in the legislation, We the People will be LAST to get any fairness and the first to get screwed! Special interests and some corrupt politicians are the ones who will benefit FIRST.
 This idea that internet businesses and marketing without being taxed is UNFAIR to traditional "brick and mortar" businesses which are taxed almost to the breaking point by umpteen levels of taxation, is utter bilge!
All ANY business has to do to gain the same tax advantage of an internet business is to:
pssssst!  . . . .
Washington is interested in ANY "Revenue Stream" that will bring MORE money into the US government coffers whether it be by DIRECT taxation of it's citizens through the TAX CODE or via the States taxation process which they ultimately have to share with Washington DC.

Views: 59


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 25, 2013 at 8:17pm

Read this B.S! You'll be even more O.O!!!!

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 25, 2013 at 8:12pm

I'M W/U, PHIL!!!

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on March 23, 2013 at 6:23pm

I'll tell you what Gordon,  . . . . Chip McLean and I see eye to eye! and that's a lot of aye aye!

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 5:52pm


By Chip McLean

January 12, 2013

Is there anyone remaining with an IQ above room temperature who actually believes that the Republican Party believes in limited government, as defined by the U.S. constitution? If so, they have either been hibernating or have been in complete self-denial.

Every election cycle the Republican Party counts on its “conservative base” to dutifully turn out and mark their ballot for whatever candidate has been selected by the GOP leadership. We are told ad infinitum that doing so will keep the Democrat liberal demons from furthering their agenda. The inside the beltway establishment has been chanting this mantra for years and in the process we keep getting Republicans who stand for nothing except their own political gain. Many of us knew the only hope was to change the status quo. The “tea party” became the embodiment of that hope for many, and for a brief moment in 2010 it actually seemed possible that there was some momentum for taking back the “party of Reagan.”

What happened?

There were many things of course, including John Boehner’s lack of a spine; not to mention the pressure exerted on freshmen congressmen to “go along to get along”. In addition, no fresh faces emerged as a presidential standard bearer and just as in 2008, the GOP nominated yet another “it’s my turn” moderate in 2012 to run against Obama. Given the Obama administration’s “achievements” of record sustained unemployment, the first downgrading ever of our national credit rating, bailouts, record numbers on food stamps and a national debt of Mt. Everest proportions amassed during the previous four years, the GOP establishment candidate was still unsuccessful in persuading enough voters to give the administration their walking papers. It should have been a slam dunk. Yes, a dumbed-down electorate replete with low-info voters wanting “goodies” was a factor, but perhaps even more so was that millions stayed home because they didn’t view Mitt Romney as anything other than just still another politico espousing bigger and better government. Once again the choice was the lesser of two evils.

So what have these geniuses in the GOP decided they should do? Get back to sound constitutional principles and actually oppose the opposition? No, in their infinite wisdom the power broker elites (think Karl Rove, Reince Priebus, Ari Fleischer, etc.) have decided that to defeat the Dems they must act more like the Dems. Another Dole-McCain-Romney clone is certain to be the blueprint for the GOP establishment.

While many have written for some time now of the GOP becoming “democrat lite” and have posed the question, “why would people vote for pseudo-democrats when they can have the real thing” - they are in reality posing the wrong question…a better question would be, “what do the establishmentarians hope to gain from positioning themselves further to the left?”

The answer, plain and simple is that the party elites are far more concerned with retaining power than they are with standing on anything as risky as principle. The two-party system has become nothing more than a dog and pony show – complete with public grandstanding in order to distract Joe Six-Pack into thinking that voting for a “party” has anything to do with a “choice.” The media has been complicit as well. Take for example their characterizations of the current GOP as being “extreme far right” when nothing could be further from the truth. The Democrats have moved so far to the left in the last several years that George McGovern would now be viewed as a “moderate”. It is only by comparison with the Dems that the GOP could in any way appear “extreme far right.”

Therein lays the problem. While principle holds no value to the GOP elites, popular perception does. Fear is a motivator and the Republican elites fear being viewed as “extreme”. After years of indoctrination by the education system and the MSM, polling data suggests that Americans are shifting their views toward favoring such things as “gay marriage”, “gun control/universal background checks”, “immigration reform” and so forth. Apparently the GOP establishment believes they need to co-opt such ideas if they are to retain position and power. Those who deviate by actually standing on principle are the subject of scorn.

If you need proof of this, look no further than the reactions to Rand Paul’s recent filibuster of Obama’s nominee for the CIA, John Brennan. You would think that the supposed party of limited government and individual liberty would have been lending support to Senator Paul – after all this filibuster was about getting this nominee and this administration to clarify if they believe they can kill Americans on their own soil with drones if they simply deem them to be a “threat”. The reactions from old guard elitists John McCain and his despicable toady Lindsey Graham were predictable. While McCain subsequently apologized for calling Paul (along with Ted Cruz) “whacko-birds”, it is plain to see that protecting US citizens from their own government is not very high on McCain’s list of priorities.

As for Rand Paul, I am not without reservations where he is concerned, as evidenced by his recent change of heart regarding amnesty for illegal aliens. Granted, he didn’t say “amnesty” and has since tried to “clarify” his remarks with talk of “border security first”, but somehow this doesn’t sound very different from “pathways to citizenship” and other similar terminology used by George W. Bush, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and of course “rising star” Marco Rubio – all of whom seem to think pandering to Hispanics by rewarding lawbreakers will “help” the GOP.

The Republican and Democrat parties are two sides of the same coin, and while public grandstanding makes for good entertainment, its real purpose is deflection. The reality is that the only real difference between the two name brand parties is that one party is destroying our republic and freedoms more rapidly than the other. Understand that the power of incumbency with its perks and trappings is intoxicating, and goes a long way in explaining why seemingly well intentioned newcomers end up becoming part of the establishment they were elected to oppose. Americans in poll after poll show an extreme disdain for congress, but somehow keep returning the same congress critters from their districts every election cycle. The dog and pony show continues because it has been proven to be effective.

So what do we do? Term limits would go a long way toward reducing the corruption that comes with an entrenched group of incumbents, but how does one get a congress comprised of incumbents to support such a notion? Obviously they won’t, but we can impose term limits by voting out the scalawags ourselves.

The real key is that we must become more involved at the state and local level. We must work toward nominating and electing those whose guiding principles are constitutionally based. I agree with fellow writer JB Williams who wrote in a recent column:

“The American people had better forget about Washington D.C. altogether and focus all energy on saving the Constitutional Republic state-by-state. They had better stop trying to play politics and start doing the right things, where they can influence the outcome, at the state and local levels.

They had also better stop waiting for anyone else to do the heavy lifting and start doing some heavy lifting for themselves. Tennessee is poised to be the first state in the union to pass aConstitutional Balance of Powers Act setting the state on a proper footing to challenge federal abuses of power. A few other states are poised to follow the lead of Tennessee.

But to save our Constitutional Republic, most of the states will have to take similar actions immediately, or the people will lose their Constitutional Republic before the end of Obama’s second term.”

Indeed. If you are among those waiting for the national GOP to save our republic, here’s a newsflash: they aren’t interested in sending the cavalry. It is time to secede from the GOP – that time is now and it is the only way that we shall save ourselves.


Chip McLean is the editor/publisher for Capitol Hill Coffee House. Chip is a former broadcaster.

His interest in politics began at the age of eight, when his parents took him to a Barry Goldwater rally during the 1964 presidential election. In addition to his work at CHCH, Chip's columns have appeared in a number of online conservative publications.

Website: CapitalHillCoffeHouse


Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 5:18pm

Senate Shows Support For Internet Sales Taxes

Obama Crushes Us With Taxes SC Senate shows support for Internet sales taxes

WASHINGTON — Advocates of an effort to help states collect taxes on Internet sales won a symbolic but important victory Friday as the Senate signaled solid bipartisan support for the proposal.

Senators voted 75-24 for a nonbinding measure that endorses giving states more power to collect existing sales taxes on purchases their residents make from out-of-state Internet companies.

Though the vote was merely a show of sentiment, the one-sided outcome showed that supporters of collecting the levies could prevail should the Senate consider binding legislation later this year.

A congressional battle over the issue has been simmering for years, pitting Internet companies against traditional retail stores.

Part of what is at stake is potential revenue for cash-starved state governments across the country. An estimated $20 billion in sales taxes go uncollected annually by out-of-state online merchants.

Read more at Official Wire. By Alan Frum.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 5:17pm

Memo To RNC: It’s About Principles Not Process

Republican Elephant 2 SC Memo to RNC: It’s about Principles not Process

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has launched a nationwide “Growth and Opportunity Project” reviewing eight key areas he believes must be examined in the wake of a disappointing 2012 campaign.

While I applaud Priebus for his willingness to engage in some self-critical analysis, the reality is that none of the eight aspects he’s reviewing holds the key to a Republican resurgence. It’s not that reviewing campaign mechanics, messaging, fundraising, demographics, SuperPacs, campaign finance laws, the primary calendar, and successful Democrat tactics aren’t important because they are. That’s why I might spend as much time analyzing the process of politics as any nationally-syndicated conservative radio host does.

But if you’re analyzing what went wrong in 2012 (and is still going wrong for the GOP right now), it begins and ends with its principles—or lack thereof.

No campaign, no matter how well-funded and organized, can rise above its own candidate. Now, a campaign can sink a good candidate (and haven’t we seen plenty of that recently), but it can’t make a bad candidate good because grueling campaigns reveal every candidate’s true character and capabilities. You can’t hide your candidate in today’s multi-media environment where everybody has a camera on their phone and mobile device. If a candidate lacks integrity, consistency, professionalism, or discipline, it will be found out. A good campaign with a bad candidate is like good marketing of a bad product. All that good marketing can do for a bad product is help consumers realize quicker just how bad the product really is once they buy it.

There was no technology, messaging, or fundraising that was going to save Mitt Romney. For heaven’s sake, the GOP was so flushed with cash that the RNC ended the 2012 campaign cycle with unspent money in the bank. No tactic was going to make people forget that Romney was on every side of every issue. No tactic was going to make the conservative base forget how many times Romney had sold them out. The campaign revealed that Romney failed to be bold, consistent, and aggressive. If he does those things effectively and credibly, then the process comes into play; but until he does, the process is irrelevant.

People become Republicans or vote Republican based on issues and not personalities. People become Democrats or vote Democrat based on personalities (identity based politics). This is why Republicans tend to win general elections when they’re about issues, and Democrats tend to win when they’re about personas.

When you think Republican, you think issues: limited government, pro-life, anti-tax, strong national defense, family values, etc. When you think Democrat, you think personas: blacks, Hispanics, single women, homosexuals, young adults, etc. That’s why Obama ran in 2008 on the narrative of being the first black president (or “the one”) and in 2012 on the phony “war on women” meme.

What did Romney run on? He ran solely on Obama’s failures, but that’s not an issue: that’s a complaint. Yes, Reagan famously asked voters in 1980 “are you better off than you were four years ago?” But he still had to give them a credible vision on issues they could vote for and not just against. To this day, decades later, its still those issues Reagan’s presidency is most known for—specifically tax cuts to stimulate the economy and defeating the Soviet Union.

Romney couldn’t win the general election for the same reason all establishment milquetoast candidates have lost since 1976: they failed to inspire their base in the primary, which is always a sign they won’t inspire the masses in the general election. It should be simple common sense to anyone with any marketing acumen that if you can’t convince those most likely to buy your product to buy it, you’ll never convince those initially skeptical to do so.

Until Reince Priebus and the other five Republican “leaders” assisting him on this project make first things first – and in this case that means principles – they’re either not really serious about winning or incapable of it. Voters, even many Republicans, could care less about voting for a political party brand-name. They also don’t care that you dressed your stink-brick up in pretty pastels, or that you said “pretty please” when you asked them to take that lemon off their hands on social media.

There’s a reason the most noteworthy national Republican election victories of the last 30 years happened in 1980, 1984, 1994, and 2010. It’s because those were the years the GOP did the best job of offering a truly principled contrast to the Democrats, thus framing the election those years around issues and not personalities. The Left tried saying we hated women and minorities those years, too. But since Republicans focused the voters on issues first, it never became about personalities.

Right now, the average American thinks Republicans hate Obama because he’s black and/or just because he’s a Democrat. Until that changes, no amount of addressing the process will change that perception of Republicans. And until Republicans rediscover their principles again, that perception will remain.


You can friend “Steve Deace” on Facebook or follow him on Twitter @SteveDeaceShow. 

Photo Credit: Donkey Hotey (Creative Commons)

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