NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
The White House finds itself suddenly on the defensive regarding the entire fable of the killing of Osama bin Laden!
Is the Illuminati finding Americans less gullible than they thought? Or is all the turmoil being created by a small but vocal minority?
NEWS BRIEF: "White House alters narrative of bin Laden raid: Factual errors over bin Laden operation forces White House to double back and fix their story", By Stephen Collin son, Middle East Online, 2011-05-05
"Factual errors concerning some of the most explosive details of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden have forced the White House to double back and fix their story ... Adjustments to the story, which began to be told late on Sunday, have seen the narrative embroidered with new details and left a sheaf of unanswered questions about the circumstances and results of the raid."
Every time the government initiates a disaster, officials seem clumsy with their details, and have to backtrack. This happened in the disaster at Waco, at Oklahoma City and the attacks of 9/11. Now, Obama officials are having to go back to fix some of their original details. What are some of these factual errors?
"On Monday, the White House said that bin Laden was armed when he was shot dead in his comfortable compound in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad, not far from Islamabad."
"But a day later, White House spokesman Jay Carney corrected the account, saying the terror chief was unarmed when gunned down by a Navy SEAL, raising doubts about the US assurances that they were ready to take bin Laden alive."
If American SEALs killed an unarmed man, that is premeditated murder!
"On Monday, John Brennan, President Barack Obama's counter-terror chief, said that bin Laden's wife had died after being used as a human shield in the attack, implying a cowardly act of self-defense by the the Al-Qaeda leader."
"Officials soon rowed back from that story too and Carney provided a new chronology on Tuesday, saying that bin Laden's wife had rushed a Navy SEAL officer confronting her husband, and had been shot in the leg but did not die."
Wow! Not only was the original story wrong when it said that bin Laden's wife died as he was using her as a human shield, but now we discover that she really did not die after all!
"There have also been differing accounts over which of bin Laden's adult sons was killed in the raid, Hamza of Khalid ... Carney's account on Tuesday notably did not mention the death of a bin Laden son."
What was the excuse for all these factual errors? Officials claim they were caught up in "the fog of war". What happened was what always happens during these planned incidents; the government seems incapable of presenting a coordinated event, where all officials are on the same page at the same time.
Americans must have the courage to believe that our government does not have our best interests at heart; in fact, their Plan boldly calls for the mass elimination of all domestic enemies and, during the "cleansing cycle of the Earth" by the Masonic Christ, the annihilation of 2/3 of the entire population! Please take a few moments to read "From Waco To 9/11 -- Understanding That Our Government Does Not Have The Best Interests of Its Citizens At Heart And May Even Deliberately Kill Them", NEWS1952.
As we stated in an earlier News Alert, the CIA reported in our May 2 News Alert, discerning Americans will have real trouble believing this story that American forces have just now killed Osama bin Laden! Osama has been reportedly dead for a number of years!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEWS BRIEF:a target="_blank" href="">
"Confirming Cutting Edge teaching since October, 2001, a former CIA operative has confirmed that Osama bin Laden has been dead for years!", Cutting Edge Newsletter, October 8, 2008, Paragraph 'V'.
"An important news item that flew under the radar for the most part last week was the assertion from former CIA operative turned whistleblower Robert Baer that Osama Bin Laden is long dead. The hugely respected intelligence & foreign policy expert told Terry Gross, host of National Public Radio show Fresh Air, 'Of course he is dead'..."
"There is voluminous evidence to suggest Bin Laden is long dead. According to French newspaper Le Figaro, Bin Laden was on a kidney dialysis machine after he had one shipped to his base in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2000, and when the CIA personally visited him in a Dubai hospital. Other accounts suggest he was also suffering from Hepatitis C at the time and had only two years left to live."
Actually, in our Daily News Updates in late October, 2001, we began to receive rumors that bin Laden had died! Later, in October , 2008, a former Bush CIA official stated that bin Laden was most certainly dead and that he had died a long time ago.
When the American government promptly buried "Osama bin Laden " at sea only hours after his purported killing and before any independent pathologists could verify that the dead man was really bin Laden, I knew that this "killing" was a fake and was staged for propaganda purposes. Because the whole story is fake, the Obama White House has now backtracked on its declaration that it would release photos of the dead man.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEWS BRIEF:
"Obama rejects releasing bin Laden death photo", Aljazeera News, 04 May 2011
"Barack Obama, the US president, has told an American television channel that he has decided not to release photos showing the body of Osama Bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader, after he was killed by US commandos. Jay Carney, the White House spokesman, said Obama had consulted members of his national security team before making the decision."
" 'There is no doubt that we killed Osama bin Laden. You will not see bin Laden walking on this Earth again', the president said. 'It is not in our national security interests to allow those images, as has been in the past the case, to become icons to rally opinion against the United States',\ Carney said."
This next segment reveals possibly one of the fundamental reasons the President decided not to release any official photos of bin Laden's "death".
"US president decides against releasing images of al-Qaeda leader's body as some raise concerns over legality of raid."
Right! Since bin Laden was killed even though he was unarmed, President Obama and some Pentagon officials might have reason to worry about being brought up on charges of War Crimes by the increasingly effective "International Criminal Court"!
But, we also have to realize that, immediately following any release of official pictures of a dead bin Laden, photographic experts throughout the world would be analyzing these photos using the very best equipment in the world. The White House does not want to be called a "liar" by these kind of photographic experts.
Already, people are worrying about Islamic reprisals for the "killing" of Osama bin Laden.
T-Shirts are selling on the streets of New York City which say, "Obama got Osama".
"Truth is not what is; truth is what people believe it to be"- Adolf Hitler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEWS BRIEF:
"Fears bin Laden killing may spark reprisals", ABC News, May 3, 2011
"International law enforcement agency Interpol has called for extra vigilance in the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden by US special forces. The United States has issued security warnings to Americans worldwide, and a top Republican lawmaker briefed by the White House on bin Laden's death said US security agencies were working to prevent any attacks on the United States or its installations overseas."
" 'This is a key moment because Al Qaeda has to avenge. This is a terrible defeat for them and they have to move as quickly as they can and it's up to us to stop them', said congressman Peter King."
Since "truth" has been accurately defined by the Master Propagandist of the 20th Century as being "what people believe it to be", Muslims are a real danger because they believe the White House story that Osama bin Laden was killed.
Furthermore, President Obama has painted a very large target on his back by claiming this assassination of bin Laden was carried out at his specific order.
Therefore, the Western powers not only need to fear vengeful terrorist attacks in their cities, but the White House needs to fear a specific assassination attempt on President Obama.
Is this a real threat, or just the product of an overactive imagination? In the upcoming Volume 2 of the "2012 & Beyond: Paradigm Shift" DVD, Doc Marquis reveals his greatest fears that the one thing which might bring about a paradigm shift on October 21, 2012, would be if an assassination of President Obama would occur -- possibly by a Jew.
This assassination would provoke an instant worldwide "Jihad" by every Muslim country on earth and could start World War III. Plans for this type of world war are found in the Illuminati Plan, dating all the way back to the late 1890's.
This section is going to help make "Paradigm Shift" most riveting.
After news reports surfaced last week that Israeli jets were preparing to launch an attack against Iranian nuclear facility targets, Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak pulled the rug right out from underneath the sources of this story.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEWS BRIEF:
"Israeli Defense Minister Barak: Iran won't use nuclear bomb against Israel", Middle East Online, 2011-05-05
"JERUSALEM - Even if Iran obtains nuclear weapons it will not use them against Israel or other countries in the Middle East, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak told the Haaretz newspaper on Thursday ... Iran will not drop a nuclear bomb on Israel, 'not on us, not on any other neighbour', Barak told Haaretz. 'I don't think in terms of panic', he added."
You have to give Defense Minister Barak credit for guts, because this statement is at odds with his own boss, Prime Minister Netanyahu! The Prime Minister has been beating the war drums over the supposed threat of Iranian nuclear weapons for the past several years, in order to perpetuate the "Rumors of War" scenario so critically important to the advancement of the New World Order.
Cutting Edge has maintained since Summer, 2003, that since Iran is Ancient Persia she is protected from physical attack by the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 -- NEWS2373, entitled, "Constant Israeli Threats To Bomb Iran Is Setting The Stage For Fulfillment of the Russian-led Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39)".
We stand by this belief that Iran is protected from physical military attack by Ezekiel 38-39!
My note: Read Obidah 15-18
Thanks to Yitzchok D., for sharing the above post content.
All his latest bullshit maneuvers to garner praise from police and firefighters at ground zero, and cement his relationship with the military, make me want to puke. I can see right through his lies and political posturing. The imposter is evil! And the media, including Faux News, are all in-the-tank supporting the fraudulent and illegal usurper.
The felon Barry Soetoro, needs to be prosecuted!
The above article mentioned the 18+ minutes that President Nixon "misplaced" during his last term in office. We might add that the present President has lost almost 4 years or 87,000 minutes through his ineptitude and stealth transparency with the American people. The sad part is that there are gullible, un-informed and like minded, left wing moonbats that will follow this President into the abyss because they have sold their souls to government entitlements! Sad to say the least! The writer of this article could not have made it any clearer to the American people. Get your heads out of your you know what before it is to late to correct this problem we are all in.
After having been denied access to Obama's birth records or school records or anything that might provide the voters who put him into the office of president a reason to believe they did the right thing with their votes, why would anyone believe that the real truths behind the assassination of a "man" they're calling Osama would be less mired in controversy?
Obama is a louse. He and his administration has shredded ANY sense of honesty and integrity. Obama continues to lie through his teeth. Our media lie with him and for him. Obama has cover from all sides even from some of our esteemed Republican conservative elected officials.
It's been a wretched and sickening 3 years and counting. If I wasn't so dammed stubborn, I would have thrown up my arms and turned my back on the rest of my fellow patriots.
But I Will NOT!!!
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