NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 23, 2013 at 10:19pm

minn gunMinnesota lawmakers in the state senate have proposed a bill that would require gun owners to register their weapons under the guise of “universal background checks.” Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, a gun rights advocacy group in Minnesota summarized what the bill aims to do:

 “SF 458, among other faults, would make you a criminal, punishable with up to a year in jail, if you buy or sell a pistol or cosmetically frightening rifle without doing the transfer through a licensed dealer (who will charge you $25 to make a permanent record for the federal government) or without the buyer getting a purchase permit (for which the police chief or sheriff will charge another $25).”

 Once again, this wouldn’t deal with the criminal element. What criminal is going to care that the law requires that he register his weapon or that he get a background check? All this would do is give the feds a list of people in the state of Minnesota who own a firearm, and they’re using the background check to do it. Criminals would be exempt.

It’s another way of achieving their goal of citizen disarmament through the back door. It’s practically impossible to try to go door-to-door, inspecting people’s homes for guns and taking them away. They’ve got to go about it in a more gradual way, pretending to be concerned about mental illness and acting like if we knew everyone’s criminal history, we could keep guns out of the wrong hands. They frame the debate in such a way that even some conservatives think that universal background checks and mental health checks are a good idea before allowing someone to own a gun. But it’s because people have accepted these criteria for gun ownership that the government will continue to broaden the definition of mental illness and withhold 2nd Amendment rights from anyone who has even the smallest criminal record (even if the citizen was actually innocent).

They’re even trying to bar military veterans from owning guns on the basis that these veterans might not be competent enough to handle their own affairs because of certain physical or mental conditions. If Veterans Affairs decides that a particular veteran is not competent, then that vet will not be able to own a firearm. A letter from the VA to a veteran said that there would be consequences if the vet disobeyed their orders:

 “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both…”

 And these “determinations of incompetency” are all at the discretion of the VA.

There was a Missouri bill that was introduced last week that would ban all semi-automatic rifles and require all semi-automatic rifle owners to turn in their weapons within 60 days of the law’s effective date or else become felons. In response, a Republican proposed a bill that would make it a class D felony for any lawmaker to propose a bill that encroaches on people’s 2nd Amendment rights. Now, if we could get every state to enact something like that, we’d be in much better shape.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 21, 2013 at 9:54pm

logo Gun Owners of America

Urge Your Congressman to Sign the Stockman-Broun letter
Both Reps. leading the way to defeat ALL gun control
We’ve seen this happen a dozen times in the past 45 years:  Anti-gunners introduce legislation to ban most guns or set up a national gun registry.  And, too often, so-called “pro-gun” legislators negotiate a “compromise victory” for gun control advocates. 
Of course, the “compromise victory” merely serves as a platform for the next round of gun control demands.
We’re here to say:  Enough!
We’re sick and tired of having our congressmen parse our survival with enemies who want to destroy us:
* In the Senate, Tom Coburn (R-OK) is, sadly, working on gun control “compromise” with the most notorious gun grabber in the Senate -- none other than Chuck Schumer himself.
* In the House, Congressmen like Paul Ryan (R-WY) have indicated that they might support a ban on private sales at gun shows -- stating that private gun buyers should first get the permission of the government (as if that would stop criminals from getting guns).
This is outrageous and a betrayal of American gun owners!  Gun control would do nothing to stop the shootings in Newtown, Aurora, and Tucson.  And we’re sick and tired of crooked politicians who want to exploit these tragedies for political gain.
The very liberal and anti-gun Ed Rendell -- who is the former Democrat Governor of Pennsylvania -- summed it up pretty well when he said anti-gunners were “lucky” Newtown was so horrific. If a conservative said this about an act of terror, there would be a national uproar. But liberals say these things with impunity.
We are not willing to give moral monstrosities like Rendell a single word of anti-gun law.
And the way to stop it is for pro-gun Congressmen to sign the Stockman-Broun letter, which would petition the Speaker of the House to observe the “Hastert Rule” with respect to anti-gun legislation. 
Under the Hastert Rule, no gun control could be brought to the floor unless it was supported by a majority of the Republican caucus -– 117 Republican representatives.   
As we stated in a previous alert, we believe that gun control should die if only one constitutionalist-representative opposes it -- or even if none do.  But, as a practical matter, if 117 congressmen sign a letter demanding that Boehner not bring up a gun control bill opposed by those 117 congressmen, gun control will die.  Without that letter, Democrats will join with anti-gun Republicans, and gun control will pass.
Enforcing the Hastert Rule would prevent MSNBC and the Obama administration from doing what it has discussed incessantly:  Forming an anti-gun coalition between House Democrats and a handful of “blue state” Republicans, who would be picked off, one by one. 
The Republicans hold a majority in the House.  We should encourage them to “man up” and start determining the agenda, and not let the anti-gun Democrats determine it!
ACTION:  Click here to contact your Representative.  Urge him to sign the Stockman-Broun letter.  Please note that there are two different action responses for you to send, and the system will automatically send that response, depending upon whether your congressman is a Republican or Democrat.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 21, 2013 at 9:27pm

DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of White American Gun Owners

Screen Shot 2013-02-20 at 6.11.09 PMA provider of “realistic” shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies has created a line of “non-traditional threat” targets that include pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds and elderly American gun owners.

Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. is a 21-year designer and full service provider of training targets for the DHS, the Justice Department and thousands of law enforcement agencies throughout the country.

The company’s website offers a line of “No More Hesitation” targets ”designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.” The targets are, “meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusual targets for the first time.”

The targets include “pregnant woman threat,” “older man with shotgun,” “older man in home with shotgun,” “older woman with gun,” “young school aged girl,” “young mother on playground,” and “little boy with real gun.”

Why are top training target suppliers for the government supplying the likes of the DHS with “non-traditional threat” targets of children, pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds, and elderly American gun owners unless there is a demand for such items?

This is particularly alarming given the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has purchased roughly 2 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last year, enough to wage a near 30 year war.

Read more:

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 21, 2013 at 9:17pm

Don’t Mess With Texas: Lawmakers Seek to Block Federal Gun Control

By Girls Just Wanna Have Guns / 20 February 2013

dmwtAUSTIN, Texas (AP) – Under a measure advancing in the Texas Capitol, local police officers could be convicted of a crime for enforcing any new federal gun control laws.

The Firearm Protection Act moved to the House Committee on Federalism on Tuesday.

Rep. Steve Toth, a newly elected Republican from the Woodlands, said the bill would protect officers who defy federal orders to confiscate assault-style rifles and magazines containing more than ten rounds of ammunition.


Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 21, 2013 at 9:13pm

Obama Website Invites Victims to Share Gun Violence Stories

An e-mail from invites people to share their gun violence stories and reasons for supporting stronger gun control measures.

The “From” window of the e-mail says, “Sami Rahamim,” though replies go to

In the e-mail, Rahamim explains that one of his parents died as a result of gun violence:

“My dad, Reuven Rahamim, was killed this past September in a mass shooting. I was 17 years old, one of 15 children who lost a parent that day. I’m honoring his memory — and those of many others who have fallen — by doing something about gun violence.”

“Share your story,” he invites readers and provides a link to a submission page on the website.

Another page on the website displays “stories about gun violence,” attributing the author’s first name, last-name initial and hometown.

Many of the stories are about gun violence involving schools and students. One, by “Kindra S.” of Chelsea, MI, describes how “a mentally unstable teacher went on a shooting tirade after school & killed our superintendent & attempted to kill our principal and another teacher.”
Post Continues on

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 21, 2013 at 8:53pm

The Disarming of Our Vets! Veterans Receive Letters from Dept. of Vet. Affairs Prohibiting Possession of Firearms or Ammunition

21 February 2013


Written By Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D.

How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.

What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?

That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me. It is being sent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of America’s heroes. In my capacity as Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) I have been contacted by some of these veterans and the stories I am getting are appalling.

The letter provides no specifics on the reasons for the proposed finding of incompetency; just that is based on a determination by someone in the VA. In every state in the United States no one can be declared incompetent to administer their own affairs without due process of law and that usually requires a judicial hearing with evidence being offered to prove to a judge that the person is indeed incompetent. This is a requirement of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states that no person shall “… be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law…”.

Read More:

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 21, 2013 at 8:51pm

Let’s Stop Acting Like There’s a Debate about the 2nd Amendment

Guns and FlagAfter the president, with help from his fraternizers in the deceptive state-run media, somehow won his re-election campaign, I thought it was important to note the first thing Obama and his administration did was turn its attention to the United Nations gun treaty talks.

Hmm, I wonder … If he really had the support of the American people, why is he so busy trying to disarm those who supposedly love him so much?

And all the while Obama and his administration are busy trying to disarm the American people by conjuring up criminals guilty of some sort of gun crimes as an excuse for new gun legislation.

Well, then, let me help: This administration need not look any further than within its own ranks.

And this, friends, is the very reason we are an armed people.

As you know, Attorney General Eric Holder is guilty of putting thousands of assault rifles (AK-47s) into the hands of Mexican drug lords in an attempt to blame the American people for the crimes administration officials are guilty of contriving and committing. As a result, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed, along with hundreds of Mexican civilians, including teens at a birthday party and a Mexican beauty queen.

The state-run media conveniently pulled a media blackout on Fast and Furious, and some Americans gave them a pass and have “forgotten” the atrocities committed upon them by their own government, therefore strengthening tyranny so it might assault the people again on a later date.

The “later date” occurred in Benghazi, when Ambassador Chris Stevens, two Navy SEALs and another U.S. citizen were killed on Sept. 11, 2012.

The Blaze reported:

 “The details of the September 11 attack that killed four Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi are still murky, and there is certainly more to be known.

“Former CIA officer Clare Lopez argues that the key issue is the relationship of the U.S. government, Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya with al-Qaida.

“‘That relationship, Lopez argues, could be connected to the rise of Islamic brigades in Syria, who recently created a “Front to Liberate Syria” to wage jihad against the Syrian regime and turn the country into an Islamic state.’”

The Business Insider stated:

“In 2011 the U.S. sold $33.4 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia and $1.7 billion to Qatar as sales tripled to a record high and accounted for nearly 78 percent of all global arms sales.

“‘The opposition groups that are receiving most of the lethal aid are exactly the ones we don’t want to have it,’ one American official familiar with the situation told the New York Times.”

So, America, was Ambassador Stevens gun running to extreme jihadists? Was Eric Holder responsible for putting guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels? You decide.

Holder has been contriving a gun grab for years. For those who didn’t know, it recently came to light that Holder encouraged the media to “brainwash” the youth about how bad guns are when he was a part of Clinton’s anti-gun administration.

What is interesting here is that the young, through Hollywood and video games, are conveniently taught a “thug” mentality and how to commit crimes. In the meantime, corrupt politicians wait to trample the Constitution and legislate new policies to disarm the American population, leaving them defenseless when the crimes are committed.

Just look at Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine, etc.

Thomas Jefferson stated that the whole purpose of government is to “ensure your rights,” not to take them away.

What this administration is attempting to do is exactly what Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or any other dictator has done. They blame the weapon rather than the person committing the crimes and all the while subtly encourage criminal activity.

Friends, this is not about guns; it is about control. And this issue is not to be overlooked, because gun rights stand between a free country and an enslaved, possibly an exterminated, people.

The Second Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a FREE State, the Right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed [violated].”

According to Federal Statute Title 10, Chapter 13, Section 311 (a), all males between the ages of 17 and 45 who are either citizens of the United States or have declared their intent to become citizens are members of the “unorganized” or reserve militia.

It is time for America to get out of the debate because there is no debate.

We have rights given unto us by our Creator. Period.

President George Washington, when arming the people of the United States of America, said:

“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”

We would do well to heed President Washington’s warning, since over 56 million people in the 20th century were exterminated by their own governments under the guise of gun control.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 21, 2013 at 8:50pm

Firearms Company Striking Back At Anti-Gun NY By Cancelling All Orders For NYPD

york armsNew York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. Andrew Cuomo are perhaps the two most anti-gun people in the entire nation.  They have been responsible for the passage of the strictest gun control laws in the nation.  If Bloomberg had his way, no private citizen would be allowed to own a firearm, period and he is using his billions of dollars towards achieving that goal.

The new gun control laws in New York are so strict that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott used state funds to run ads in New York City and Albany telling New York gun owners to move to Texas where their Second Amendment rights are protected by the state.

Now, one firearms company, York Arms is also taking action against the unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment rights of every New York resident.  Located in Buxton, Maine, York Arms specializes in custom firearms and gunsmithing.  Among their clientele is the New York City Police Department.  However, that’s one client that the company is willing to give up because of the city and state’s gun control laws.

In a statement released on Valentine’s Day, York Arms said:

“Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York.

As a result, we have halted sales of rifles, short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.

For “civilian” customers residing in New York: At your choice, we will:

Complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY.

Refund your payment in full.

Hold your items here for up to 6 months, at no charge – if you are in the process of leaving NY and taking residence in another state.

For LE/Govt customers in New York: Your orders have been cancelled.”

I have no idea what percentage of their business comes from New York, but you know they are going to lose sales by taking this stand.  However, if gun owners across America hear about their stand, it may help generate more sales in support of the company’s ethics.

Now if every other gun and ammunition manufacture would follow suit and cut off all sales to the state and city police departments in New York, it will force them to rethink their policies.  What would happen if all of the law enforcement agencies in the state of New York were no longer able to purchase guns or ammunition?  It would put them at the same level of non-protection as the citizens on New York.

Better yet, I would like to see every gun and ammunition manufacturer stop all sales to the federal government.  While the feds are trying to strip American’s of their guns and ammunition, they have been buying billions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of assault (assault-style) weapons.  Let’s cut off their supply as well.

The best way to treat someone who won’t share something is to take that something away from them.  So let’s take the government’s right buy assault (assault-style) weapons and bulk supplies of ammunition away from them.  If we can’t have it, then neither should they!

Perhaps we need to start a letter writing campaign to every gun and ammunition company in the United States, urging them to follow the example of York Arms, only to extend the same ban to the federal government.  Let’s put the same squeeze on Washington that they are trying to put on us.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 20, 2013 at 9:33pm

Columbine Survivor Pens Bold Open Letter to Obama Rejecting Gun Control: ‘Whose Side Are You On?’

Columbine survivor Evan Todd released an open letter to President Barack Obama on Wednesday in which he offers a point-by-point analysis of proposed firearms control initiatives, dismissing them as ineffective and dangerous to Americans’ rights.

He recently outlined why he fervently disagrees with the gun control policies that have been proposed in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. TheBlaze interviewed Todd earlier this week and subsequently detailed how his experience being shot back in 1999 has shaped his views on the issue.

The letter, which speaks directly to the president, covers a number of key facets in the gun control debate. On universal background checks, Todd expresses his fears that “universal registration can easily be used for universal confiscation.” Additionally, he says his belief that assault weapons bans are ineffective and argues that the first law did little to stop violence when it was in effect from 1994 until 2004; he cites Columbine as a prime example.

“It was during this time that I personally witnessed two fellow students murder twelve of my classmates and one teacher,” he writes. “The assault weapons ban did not deter these two murderers, nor did the other thirty-something laws that they broke.”

Columbine Survivor Even Todd Rejects Obamas Gun Control Initiatives in Open Letter

President Barack Obama uses a cell phone to call supporters during a visit to a local campaign office, Monday, Oct. 1, 2012 in Henderson, Nev. Credit: AP

Of particular note in the letter is the survivor’s insistence that Obama’s proposed regulations impede the rights of Americans and endanger them by capping magazine sizes and restricting the types of guns that are available to law-abiding citizens.

“Why would you prefer criminals to have the ability to out-gun law-abiding citizens?,” he asks the president in the text. “Whose side are you on?”

Read Todd’s open letter to Obama, below.

Mr. President,

As a student who was shot and wounded during the Columbine massacre, I have a few thoughts on the current gun debate. In regards to your gun control initiatives:

Universal Background Checks

First, a universal background check will have many devastating effects. It will arguably have the opposite impact of what you propose. If adopted, criminals will know that they can not pass a background check legally, so they will resort to other avenues. With the conditions being set by this initiative, it will create a large black market for weapons and will support more criminal activity and funnel additional money into the hands of thugs, criminals, and people who will do harm to American citizens.

Second, universal background checks will create a huge bureaucracy that will cost an enormous amount of tax payers dollars and will straddle us with more debt. We cannot afford it now, let alone create another function of government that will have a huge monthly bill attached to it.

Third, is a universal background check system possible without universal gun registration? If so, please define it for us. Universal registration can easily be used for universal confiscation. I am not at all implying that you, sir, would try such a measure, but we do need to think about our actions through the lens of time.

It is not impossible to think that a tyrant, to the likes of Mao, Castro, Che, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and others, could possibly rise to power in America. It could be five, ten, twenty, or one hundred years from now — but future generations have the natural right to protect themselves from tyrannical government just as much as we currently do. It is safe to assume that this liberty that our forefathers secured has been a thorn in the side of would-be tyrants ever since the Second Amendment was adopted.

Ban on Military-Style Assault Weapons

The evidence is very clear pertaining to the inadequacies of the assault weapons ban. It had little to no effect when it was in place from 1994 until 2004. It was during this time that I personally witnessed two fellow students murder twelve of my classmates and one teacher. The assault weapons ban did not deter these two murderers, nor did the other thirty-something laws that they broke.

Gun ownership is at an all time high. And although tragedies like Columbine and Newtown are exploited by ideologues and special-interest lobbying groups, crime is at an all time low. The people have spoken. Gun store shelves have been emptied. Gun shows are breaking attendance records. Gun manufacturers are sold out and back ordered. Shortages on ammo and firearms are countrywide. The American people have spoken and are telling you that our Second Amendment shall not be infringed.

10-Round Limit for Magazines

Virginia Tech was the site of the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history. Seung-Hui Cho used two of the smallest caliber hand guns manufactured and a handful of ten round magazines. There are no substantial facts that prove that limited magazines would make any difference at all.
Second, this is just another law that endangers law-abiding citizens. I’ve heard you ask, “why does someone need 30 bullets to kill a deer?”

Let me ask you this: Why would you prefer criminals to have the ability to out-gun law-abiding citizens? Under this policy, criminals will still have their 30-round magazines, but the average American will not. Whose side are you on?

Lastly, when did they government get into the business of regulating “needs?” This is yet another example of government overreaching and straying from its intended purpose.

Selling to Criminals

Mr. President, these are your words: “And finally, Congress needs to help, rather than hinder, law enforcement as it does its job. We should get tougher on people who buy guns with the express purpose of turning around and selling them to criminals. And we should severely punish anybody who helps them do this.”

Why don’t we start with Eric Holder and thoroughly investigate the Fast and Furious program?

Furthermore, the vast majority of these mass murderers bought their weapons legally and jumped through all the hoops —  because they were determined to murder. Adding more hoops and red tape will not stop these types of people. It doesn’t now — so what makes you think it will in the future? Criminals who cannot buy guns legally just resort to the black market.

Criminals and murderers will always find a way.

Critical Examination

Mr. President, in theory, your initiatives and proposals sound warm and fuzzy — but in reality they are far from what we need. Your initiatives seem to punish law-abiding American citizens and enable the murderers, thugs, and other lowlifes who wish to do harm to others.

Let me be clear: These ideas are the worst possible initiatives if you seriously care about saving lives and also upholding your oath of office. There is no dictate, law, or regulation that will stop bad things from happening — and you know that. Yet you continue to push the rhetoric. Why?

You said, “If we can save just one person it is worth it.” Well here are a few ideas that will save more that one individual:

First, forget all of your current initiatives and 23 purposed executive orders. They will do nothing more than impede law-abiding citizens and breach the intent of the Constitution. Each initiative steals freedom, grants more power to an already-overreaching government, and empowers and enables criminals to run amok.

Second, press Congress to repeal the “Gun Free Zone Act.” Don’t allow America’s teachers and students to be endangered one-day more. These parents and teachers have the natural right to defend themselves and not be looked at as criminals. There is no reason teachers must disarm themselves to perform their jobs. There is also no reason a parent or volunteer should be disarmed when they cross the school line.

This is your chance to correct history and restore liberty. This simple act of restoring freedom will deter would-be murderers and for those who try, they will be met with resistance.

Mr. President, do the right thing, restore freedom, and save lives. Show the American people that you stand with them and not with thugs and criminals.


Severely Concerned Citizen, Evan M. Todd

Be sure to also read TheBlaze’s exclusive interview with Todd about why he opposes gun control.

Editor’s Note: The author of this article regularly works on speaking tours and educational projects with Evan Todd.

Editor’s Note: The author of this post, Billy Hallowell, was on Wednesday’s BlazeCast to discuss Evan’s letter with Blaze Editor-in-Chief Scott Baker:

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 20, 2013 at 11:18am

Sheriff Warns Of “Second American Revolution” If Gun Grabbers Get Their Way

Milwaukee County law enforcer urged his citizens to arm themselves
Steve Watson
Feb 19, 2013

A Milwaukee County Sheriff has warned that a second American Revolution may be sparked if unconstitutional gun laws are enforced by police and sheriff’s department officials.

Sheriff David Clarke recently urged the citizens he serves to consider learning firearm safety because of “a duty to protect yourself and your family.”

In a message posted on the Sheriff’s website, Clarke wrote “I need you in the game, but are you ready? With officers laid-off and furloughed, simply calling 9-1-1 and waiting is no longer your best option. You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back; but are you prepared?”

“Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?” the message urged.

Speaking on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, the Sheriff hit home his opinions on the gun control proposals that are being pushed via presidential executive orders.

“First of all, to me that would be an act of tyranny. So the people in Milwaukee County do not have to worry about me enforcing some sort of order that goes out and collects everybody’s handgun, or rifles, or any kind of firearm and makes them turn them in.” Clarke said.

“The reason is I don’t want to get shot, because I believe that if somebody tried to enforce something of that magnitude, you would see the second coming of an American Revolution, the likes of which would make the first revolution pale by comparison.” the Sheriff urged.

Like Alex Jones, Sheriff Clarke also recently appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, in an interview that was clearly set up by Morgan in a failed attempt to demonize lawful gun owners and push the idea of strict gun control. During the broadcast Morgan said that Clarke’s plea regarding citizens arming themselves would “turn Milwaukee into the Wild Wild West”.

“This has nothing to do with violence reduction because the type of violence that we’re talking about, that I see on the streets in the Milwaukee area on a daily basis is not even committed using the weapons that the left is trying to ban.” Clarke told Jones’ listeners.

“They are not using assault rifles, they are not using high capacity magazines, they are not buying their ammo over the internet. The criminals couldn’t care less about a background check, so that tells me that this is ingenuous.” he added.

Related: Many More Sheriffs Vow Not To Enforce Federal Gun Control Laws

“If they were serious about violence reduction, they would get behind me… and join me arm in arm in calling for longer periods of incarceration for repeat career criminals who have demonstrated over and over again that they are going to get a hand gun, that they are going to get a firearm and perpetrate violence.” Clarke noted.

The Sheriff added that a recent a Sikh temple shooting in his County a few months ago was perpetrated by an individual who passed a firearms background check.

“My understanding is the creep in Aurora Colorado who shot up the theatre, also passed a background check.” Clarke said. “This isn’t about background checks, of which the overwhelming majority of gun transfers go on anyway.”

“This is about attacking the Second Amendment, it’s about going after the wrong crowd.” The Sheriff posited.

Asked why he believed such strict measures were being pushed by the Obama administration at this time, the Sheriff pointed toward a general push for increased governmental control over society.

“Government control cannot go on as long as people have some sort of ability to say ‘hey wait just a doggone minute’.” The Sheriff told listeners. “That’s what the government fears, they don’t really fear the criminals, they support the criminals. What they fear is a law abiding person.” he added.

“Read the Declaration of Independence, it’s right there where a law abiding people say ‘enough is enough, you are exerting too much influence in our lives, this is tyrannical and we’re going to stop it,’ that’s what they are worried about.” he concluded.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.






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