The Second American Revolution will not be Violent!
A very interesting Rasmussen poll was released today. The headline reads, “66% ANGRY AT GOVERNMENT POLICIES, 60% SAY NEITHER PARTY HAS ANSWERS.”
Who are these angry people? According to Rasmussen they are 90% of the Republicans, 44% of the Democrats and 77% of the Independents.
Wow. How can this be? Nancy Pelosi assures us that it is only a vocal minority who show up at Tea Parties and Town Hall meetings and they are not representative of the majority of Americans. Harry Reed has spoken with authority that these “evil-mongers” are only a few right-wing-nut-jobs on the fringe, inspired by Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh. In fact, Barak Obama himself stated on a recent news show that he was not aware of any protest or major objections to his plans for America.
Incidentally, he hasn’t had time to follow the activities of ACORN either. This is entirely possible, as his entire time is taken up making speeches (teleprompter required) and appearing on Sunday news programs (ah, er, ah) and late night talk shows (ah, er, ah). Kind of makes you wonder who is running the store. In response to the recent march on Washington, Bagdad Bob (AKA Robert Gibbs – Presidential Press Secretary) answered that the White House was not aware of any march on Washington. I find it incredible that we now have a government which has angered 66% of the population, but is too self-centered and disconnected to even know it. Well, at least to admit it.
Another interesting fact to come out of this poll is that 63% of Democrats are fearful of political violence, while only 29% of Republicans and 37% of Independents fear any violence at all. Why would so many Democrats be living in fear? Is it because of the Tea Parties and Town Halls? I think not. There have only been two instances of violence associated with Tea Parties and Town Halls. In one case it was several democrat union thugs beating up a black man exercising his right to free speech and the other was a democrat biting the finger off a protestor twice his age. Such bravery!
Actually, there is a genetic reason for their fear. It is a fact of human nature that people expect others to act as they would, given the same situation. In other words, Democrats are fearful of violence because that is how they would react if angry. Only those who have been mentally defeated react in violence.
In 1775 our Founding Fathers had no choice but take up arms against a tyrannical government. They used the only weapons they had; muskets, canon and swords. However, these same founding fathers gave us a far more powerful weapon for dealing with a tyrannical government. It’s called the ballot box, and our out of touch congressmen, Republican and Democrat, have every reason to fear it. The ultimate authority in this nation is “We the People,” not the President, not the Congress, and especially not the unelected, unaccountable, and unconstitutional Czars appointed by a man who every once in awhile finds time to set behind a desk in the oval office for a photo op.
The only time our government needs to fear Americans in the streets is when they are headed toward the ballot box. In that case, be afraid, be very afraid!
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