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Hillary on the murder of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi "We came, we saw, he died"The Obama & Hillary “Ghostbuster” moment
Doug Hagmann
“Veni, Vidi, Vici.” Those of us who endured years of Latin in our education immediately associate and attribute that phrase to Julius Caesar, a reference to his battle with Pharnaces II of Pontus in 47 BC. Caesar reportedly wrote that sentence, which literally means “I came, I saw, I conquered” to his friend Amantius after the battle.
Those who managed to escape classes in classical Latin, or perhaps partied through them, might instead associate a convolution of that phrase with the 1984 movie Ghostbusters, in which Bill Murray, portraying Dr. Peter Venkman, used it to describe a battle against a particularly ornery ethereal enemy.
Now, we have a current day allusion to that phrase used by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton immediately upon hearing of the murder of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. Upon being told of his murder, Clinton joked with news reporters between interviews, laughing as she said “we came, we saw, he died.” Regardless of Qaddafi’s status as a dictator, such demeanor of a U.S. Secretary of State should be alarming to everyone, but especially to those in the media.
By the utterance of one sentence amid cameras and the press, we bear witness not only to the complete absence of gravitas, we also watch Hillary Clinton “spiking the football” while laughing about a murder that will have an extremely significant impact on the power structure in North Africa and the Middle East. The only thing missing from the setting in which Hillary Clinton had made her statement was a “mission accomplished” banner across the back of the room.
There can be no doubt that the media is facilitating the progressive agenda as many in the U.S. are stuck in the pop culture context of Ghostbusters while we are instead witnessing a Julius Caesar moment. Meanwhile, Obama is playing Caesar and changing the world dynamic to fit a larger and much more nefarious agenda in plain view of the entire world.
Where are our conservative leaders? Where’s the outrage? Do people not understand the significance of what is taking place at the hand of the Obama?
Unless people begin to understand that what is being done in the name of freedom and democracy has nothing to do with either, and do it soon, we are headed for some very dark times. |
MOST Americans understand the gravity of the situation in the Middle East & since our elected 'officials' are CLEAERLY light years away from the majority of the population it is not possible for them to comprehend what is going on anywhere. [maybe it's something in the water in DC].
It appears that the world is going to hell in a hand basket and while we 'chat' here and on other sites, there doesn't seem to be a SANE PERSON ALIVE today who will step up and call everything that is going on exactly what it is. The "media" [talk about an OXYMORON!] is complicit in the agenda of the left. [won't they be surprised when their 'journalistic freedom' is taken away by those who they have so devotedly aided & abetted]
The American People .......... Passive, HAPLESS SHEEPLE that we seem to be are being led down the path to socialism.
The Middle East is heading for a regional caliphate which will be ruled by tyrranical mullahs under strict shariah law. "Infidels", one and ALL, will be slaughtered and it would not surprise me if it didn't ooze into Europe where Islamic communities are growing faster than any other part of the population.
The radical Islamists WILL get their hands on Nukes and we will then have the worst World War in history. I wish I could believe that it is going to be a battle between "Good & Evil" and that good will triumph .........
Is there even enough "GOOD" in the world anymore to at least make a stand?
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