NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

im·peach  (m-pch)tr.v. im·peached, im·peach·ing, im·peach·es

a. To make an accusation against.
b. To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.
ARTICLE ll Section 4. of The Constitution of the  United States of America
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
The impeachment process begins in the House of Representatives.
Article l Section 2. Clause 5,
The House Of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
`The impeachment process continues in the Senate

Article l Section 3 Clause 6 and 7

"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose,
they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief
Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of
the Members present.”
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and
disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States:
but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment
and Punishment, according to Law."

The Impeachment Process In the House of Representatives

  • The House Judiciary Committee ( there are 40 members of the judiciary committee, 23 Republican and 17 democrat) decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. If they do...
  • The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee will propose a Resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue of impeachment.
  • Based on their inquiry, the Judiciary Committee will send another Resolution to the full House stating that impeachment is warranted and why (the Articles of Impeachment), or that impeachment is not called for.
  • The Full House (probably operating under special floor rules set by the House Rules Committee) will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment.
  • Should any one of the Articles of Impeachment be approved by a simple majority vote, the President will be "impeached." However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted of a crime. There still has to be a trial, which is where the US Senate comes in.


`House Republicans Schedule Impeachment Proceedings
Published on Monday October 14, 2013  17:40
Republicans in the House of Representatives have scheduled impeachment proceedings against President Obama, claiming his inability to halt the federal government shutdown makes him unfit for office.
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduced a resolution to impeach Obama this morning and referred the matter to the House Judiciary Committee. Senior aides close to judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte say hearings will begin Thursday.
"I think it's high time President Obama be held accountable for his crimes," explains Bachmann, "For two weeks now, vital government services have been disrupted, federal workers have gone without pay and national memorials have been closed - all because of the president's refusal to negotiate over Obamacare.
"This isn't just poor leadership. The Obama administration is corrupt to the core. The scandals surrounding the IRS, Benghazi, Fast in the Furious and Solyndra have shown us this cabal will do anything to stay in power.
"But in shutting down the government President Obama has committed economic treason against the United States of America, and he must be removed before it's too late. The Constitution provides us the mechanism of impeachment. It's time to end this dictatorial regime and return the presidency back to the American people."
Sour Tea
The U.S. federal government shut down on October 1st after House Republicans refused to fund it unless President Obama agreed to repeal his signature healthcare reform the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare.
Although most polls show that a majority of Americans blame Republicans for the shutdown, many in the Tea Party feel President Obama is at fault  for not immediately acquiescing to their demands.
"The tipping point for me was closing the World War 2 memorial," says Republican Louie Gohmert, who voted for the bill which effectively shut down the government, "I can't believe Obama did that. I mean how dare he put politics ahead of our veterans.
"All this clown needs to do is repeal the most important law he ever passed, and then this will all be over. Why is that so hard? The Tea Party represents almost 22% of Americans. Only a dictator would refuse to give us everything we want. Obama should be more than impeached - he should be in jail."
Hearings in the judiciary committee are expected to last for two weeks, after which the committee will create specific impeachment charges and refer them to the full House. If a majority of House members vote to impeach the President, the matter is referred to the Senate, where the Democratic majority makes ultimate success unlikely.
"We probably won't be successful," admits Ted Cruz, one of the few Republicans in the Senate supporting the impeachment process,"But we have to try. This guy is worse than Hitler. We have to do something."

Impeach Obama President of the United States of America

26,894 Letters and Emails Sent So Far


According to the Constitution of the United States of America, Article 2, Section 1, "No Person except a "Natural Born Citizen", or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the signing of this Constitution, shall be eligible to hold the Office of President."

Whereas, The Second Session of the First Continental Congress, back in March of 1790, defined "Natural Born Citizen" to mean a child born of two parents who must both be American Citizens”;and

Whereas, The wording of the definition of “Natural Born Citizen” as established by our First Continental Congress in 1790 states:

"And the children of "citizens" of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens; Provided, that the
right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."

Whereas, Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land and the written will and authority of We the People; and

Whereas, We the People contend that Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, has failed to meet the requirement necessary to hold the office of President of the United States of America; and

Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, failed to disclose his Indonesian citizenship and hid the fact that he had previously renounced his U.S. citizenship; and

Whereas, The law requires that such persons who want to regain their U.S. citizenship, upon reaching the age of 18, must go before the appropriate US State Department and apply for re-instatement of citizenship, and swear allegiance to the United States of America; and

Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro failed to confirm his allegiance to the United States of America upon his 18th birthday as prescribed by law; and

Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro was still using his Indonesian citizenship to gain entry into Pakistan in 1981; and

Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, did not disclose his Indonesian citizenship, and has failed to affirm his allegiance to the United States of America and has withheld that from the American public; and

Whereas, The House and Senate has failed to act on this matter and abide by and honor the Constitution of the United States of America and failed to honor their pledge to defend our Constitution; and

Therefore, We the People demand that the House Judiciary Committee take immediate action to remove the usurper, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, from unlawfully and unconstitutionally holding the office of President of the United States of America.

Be it further resolved that, the House Judiciary Committee start an immediate investigation into Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro to determine his true citizenship, and this investigation be followed by removing said usurper Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, from the Office of President of the United States of America.

Impeachment of Barrack Hussein Obama
We the People of the United States of America
Hereby require and demand of congress the process of impeachment against Barrack Hussein Obama for the high crime of committing a LIE to the nation ie:,
"If you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan, period.
No one will take it away, no matter what".
This latest impeachment process has yet to begin.
Write your congressmen and women and demand IMPEACHMENT.
Let's bring an end to this nightmare!

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on November 19, 2013 at 1:28am

Impeachment of Obama as president MAY be simpler than trying to remove him as a person who was/is unqualified or lacked qualifications to be president.

Impeachment can be for three categories of crimes, Treason, Bribery, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

If impeachment were to go forward, the charge should be simple and easy to prove. EVERYONE knows his defenders will use every trick and maneuver mankind has used to free the guilty in defense of Obama.

Comment by Katy on November 18, 2013 at 10:15pm

To  charge him with TREASON is better.   Impeachment means he was ever legally the president, which he is not.

Comment by Katy on November 18, 2013 at 10:12pm

THANK GOD FOR MICHELLE BACHMAN!!!    If we had more like her, we would not be in this mess!!   Even a blind man could see all his Treasonous offenses!   What is taking them so long???    The military is suffering and  losing their best, because they will not re-inlist .  How long will CONGRESS wait???

Comment by Bruce Graves on November 18, 2013 at 8:09pm

Thanks for the article Philip. I agree with you and Dave Hodges about martial law. As you reported earlier, "Congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduced a resolution to impeach Obama" and many people agree with that 100%.

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