NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

The Coming Possible Destruction of America and What We Can Do About It

America and Me is a lovely posting depicting what so many have done for this country.... Now we must do OUR part, no matter how young or old, no matter the color of our skin or the religion we live by, no matter our economic status, no matter heterosexual or homosexual or bisexual or whatever-sexual, no matter employed or unemployed or under-employed, no matter our personal circumstances, no matter if we have or have not served our country on the battlefield of foreign wars. We have OUR OWN BATTLEFIELD right here, right NOW!

We must STAND UP and BE COUNTED...this is OUR country and we must not let it be taken away by a lunatic huge-government-loving mob. We must form our own mob of dissenting voices to say, No, NO, and NO AGAIN until the message is heard. We have HAD ENOUGH. We LOATHE what is going on in our country right now from the president's policies to the policies of the Progressives in the government, from the shennigans of ACORN and the SEIU, from the outright CORRUPTION of our politicians to the folks in government who will NOT SPEAK OUT for fear of reprisal. We, the people, are NOT afraid. Our voices are being heard loud and clear. The lily-livered in the House and Senate may be too afraid to speak out...BUT WE ARE NOT! The politicians want to have pork thrown their way so they can say to their constituents: "See? Look what I have done for YOU!" when they return to their home states, bragging that they brought in X-millions of dollars to their constituents. It turns out that the constituents may not WANT the X-millions of dollars which THEY and the rest of the country have to pay for.... LOL

Worry not that the so-called mainstream media is not reporting on this and other serious matters...that's small potatoes. To hell with the mainstream media....who even watches their newscasts? Who reads the left-wing press anymore? These companies are ALL in trouble and are scrambling just to stay alive!

Here are but a few battleground hills we must capture and maintain:

1. The battle against terrorism and Islamic fundamentalists: We MUST defeat those who wish to destroy us. If we "punt" as done under Carter, Clinton, and now under Obama, we will LOSE THE WAR. We MUST NOT let Shariah law become part of the law of this great land. We must CRUSH Sharia law at any and all avenues and not let it get a foothold in our country. If we bend to this minority, what then? Once the foothold has been attained, it's as tough as nails to get it back, and we MUST get it back.

2. We must continue our fight against any and all forms of Obama-care. We do NOT NEED an overhaul of our system as it is today but, rather, some fine-tuning. Reform TORT law, reform the insurance industry so that the states must be forced to allow ALL insurance firms to compete should they want to within a particular state, and CLEAN UP the fraud and waste. Obama admits there is significant fraud and waste; where are his plans for cleaning this up? Ooops...I used the word "plans"...I forgot: HE HAS NO PLANS. Just empty words and a teleprompter!

3. Global Warming (myth or otherwise) and Cap & Trade. Get RID of this bill! We will end up losing millions of jobs, all for nothing. We will see our electric bills increase abysmally with this plan, which "The One" freely admitted in a speech on the subject (with a smile, I might add). Cap & Trade has one goal and one goal ONLY: One nail in the economic coffin of this country, with more nails to come.

4. Cash for Clunkers: Although a relative failure from the standpoint of helping AMERICAN manufacturers, this was quite a success for the Japanese, and I do not begrudge them one sale. However, we will soon be hearing about another success from this debacle, and it's SPURIOUS! As reported by John Crudele in The New York Post (Thursday, September 10th), the cash for clunkers program gave up to $4,500 in taxpayer money about 800,000 new car buyers. I summarize the comments thusly: This, in and of itself, will provide us with an artifically low inflation rate; to wit, the subsidy to these 800,000 car buyers will be handled in the Consumer Price Index as if the price of a car FELL by $4,500. LOL So the administration will CROW about inflation not being a threat...but remember, it's in part due to this car program! And it's a fallacy!

5. Foreign policy and Obama's missteps are becoming legion. OBAMA has apologized for America all over the globe... NOTE TO OBAMA: If it weren't for America, most of those countries would be DEFUNCT! OBAMA has PROMOTED Zelaya in Honduras who wants to be president for life over the results of any FREE ELECTIONS. He has refused thus far to recognize Honduras! OBAMA is enamored with Chavez of Venezuela to the point of making you sick. Chavez has paid Obama back for this overture in spades by promising to provide Iran with the gasoline which it needs so badly (yes, they produce lots of oil but have no refining capacity!) thus helping to negate part of the embargo currently in effect... OBAMA has given Iran a so-called finite time period in which to respond to his overtures of peace and friendship (are we back in the Sixties now??). Megrahi was released from a jail in Scotland, and the OBAMA administration was amazed...who believes THIS??? It's inconceivable that Scotland and Britain would not inform the State Department and/or the president directly of this ghoul's imminent reliease. (Unless...the Queen was upset with the slime-bucket's provision of an Ipod with the speaches which "The One" had given up to that point in time when the gift was given... Is there a sequel?) OBAMA has turned his back on Israel over the settlement issue....where are our fellow Jewish brethern on this issue? Where are these fine people's voices?

6. Obama's statement: Judge me by the company I keep. Well, we have judged and one of the Czar's is history. He has, however, not DISAPPEARED entirely...but is in the shadow of the government somehwere. Bit by bit we are leaning about the Czars who have been appointed (sans congressional approval)...and the stink of dog-poop is clinging to their shoes. With the help of those of us who are investigators (and alas, I cannot purport to be one of these fine ladies and gentlemen), we are learning more and more about these left-wing stinkers.

7. Obama's brethern in the SEIU and other unions, and ACORN. Once again, the smell of dog-poop is overpowering and is flowing all over the streets of this country. But, as with the Czars, these people are being exposed for EXACTLY what they are....they game the system, lie, cheat, and steal, and, in addition, are big contributors to the DNC. They want their DUE on the backs of the American citizenry. As citizens, we must stand up and say, oh, no, you don't. The SEIU is all but out of money as they've stiffed their membership in order to elect the Progressives currently in Congress and have spent money on television ads and other means of self-promotion to ensure their own livelihoods. ACORN has BILLIONS in taxpayer money...and FOR WHAT? So they can CHEAT the Census? So they can CHEAT as to how many voters live in a district? So they can advise folks on how to CHEAT the IRS and the American people? So they can aid and abet HUMAN TRAFICKING for the SEX SLAVE INDUSTRY? And the list goes on and on.

8. LASTLY, OBAMA'S PERSONAL BUS. The numbers of folks thrown under the bus is growing exponentially. Starting with the Reverand Wright, it has grown in leaps and bounds to include the two ACORN employees who went under the bus in the last day or two. These women very adequately promoted gaming the system, just as "The One" has gamed the system to get elected as president. Is there buyer's remorse yet? Methinks so....yet I've not yet heard ONE PERSON say they voted for Obama and regretted it. The silence is it possible they realize they've been GAMED and are embarrassed? Perhaps so.

Call your representatives; fax them; e-mail them; tweet them.

Call the RNC and say NO MORE MONEY unless you speak up about what's going on!

Call the DNC and say GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER and NO MORE MONEY until you speak up about what's going on.

Glenn Beck has done his part and is CONTINUING to do his part. He needs OUR HELP NOW...let's give it to him!

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Comment by okpatriot on December 10, 2009 at 9:54pm
I have never contributed any funds to the RNC or the DNC and never will.






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