NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
The Audacity of Ignorance
by Annette Schultz aka Annette Akerman
The news tells us that Diane Feinstein wants to limit the number of bullets one can use in a gun for self protection. The second amendment was not put in place for our own specific self-defense, but rather for our self-preservation against a tyrannical government; thus, I became concerned over the regulation of the number of bullets one could be allowed to have in a gun.
The fear of being attacked causes a lot of physical and emotional irregularities to occur when the actual attack is taking place. Among these is the drastic effect it has on the nervous system. The reactions of the nervous system can cause, among other things, shortness of breathing, blurred vision, shaking hands, cowering in fear, difficulty in reasoning: all of which have a marked influence on the efficiency with which one can respond in a crisis.
I have personally seen this in action when my 9 mo. old grandson, was found in the swimming pool, not breathing. His three-year old brother had gone outside and had not firmly shut the door and little brother on hands and knees followed him.
The father who was in tears, carried the boy into the house, hollered at his wife to call 911, put the baby on the floor and covered his own face saying, "I don't know what to do." The mother, my daughter, was so distraught that she could not even dial 911. She literally had to go next door to have the neighbor dial it for her. (The baby was fine because someone had been trained in CPR and knew how to administer it to an infant. It is different than when administering to an adult.) The point I am making is we all react differently under times of fear and duress.
So in many ways, the nerves can cause you to react in the strangest of ways. It is always easy to sit back and be a Monday morning quarterback, Ms. Feinstein, but in real life situations your ideas hold no water. Here is just one example that I read in a book entitled The Rough Riders written by Theodore Roosevelt. I wonder if Ms. Feinstein even knows who this man is??
On page 60, past president Theodore Roosevelt wrote the following of a fight in the Cuban campaign. And I might add that these were trained troops, not your next door neighbor.
"Thomas Isbell, a half-breed Cherokee in the squad under Hamilton Fish, was among the first to shoot and be shot at. He was wounded no less than seven times. The first wound was received by him two minutes after he had fired his first shot, the bullet going through his neck. The second hit him in the left thumb. The third struck near his right hip, passing entirely through the body. The fourth bullet (which was apparently from a Remington and not from a Mauser) went into his neck and lodged against the bone, being afterward cut out. The fifth bullet again hit his left hand. The sixth scraped his head and the seventh his neck. He did not receive all of the wounds at the same time, over half an hour elapsed between the first and the last. Up to receiving the last wound he had declined to leave the firing-line, but by that time he had lost so much blood that he had to be sent to the rear. The man's wiry toughness was as notable as his courage."
I draw attention to the many various places this man received wounds that "did not stop" him, including two that went entirely through his body (one through his neck, and one through his torso). Just such wounds could easily be inflicted upon an assailant and never stop the determination of the attacker, and just such wounds could easily be inflicted by someone unfamiliar and very frightened. Most people who are forced under duress to fire a gun often miss, and could miss as many as seven times or more, and those bullets that did not miss, may not stop the assailant.
So much Ms. Feinstein for your stupid idea of limiting the number of bullets. If someone is being attacked regardless of who it is, (any assailant qualifies as an enemy, including the government) individuals are and always has been "guaranteed" the right to protect themselves.
A key gun law analyst who has published books on the issue of the Second Amendment and its rights and responsibilities for decades says the Feinstein gun ban bill is just exactly that, a gun ban bill.
Not, essentially, a plan to limit certain guns. Not a limit on the size of magazines. Not a plan for restrictions on those with certifiable mental instabilities, a ban on criminals’ access or a plan to encourage gun safety.
Alan Korwin is a nationally recognized expert resource on the issue of gun laws, and runs Bloomfield Press, which is the largest publisher and distributor of gun-law books in the country.
He said if the plan by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is made law, “any semiautomatic firearm with uses a magazine – handgun, rifle or shotgun – equipped with a ‘pistol grip,’ would be banned.”
He explained, “That sounds like a limitation, but it is not. A pistol grip (on page 2) is defined (on page 13) as ‘a grip, a thumb-hole stock, or any other characteristic that can function as a grip.’”
He said, “In other words, the gun list does not matter. It is a smokescreen designed to distract people from the true meaning of the bill. And it has done a magnificent job. It worked! Any semi-automatic firearm that exists, with anything on it you can grip, is banned. (There is a grandfather clause for old stuff.)
“The list is meaningless tripe. It is camouflage for the real purpose of the bill. When the president said he is not going to take away your guns, well, Feinstein’s bill puts the lie to that. Magazine size does not matter. Brand name does not matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s black. If you can grip it, it’s banned under this bill.”
The bill, in fact, states, “‘Pistol grip’ means … any … characteristic that can function as a grip.”
That definition follows on the bill’s specific reference that a “pistol grip” is a banned component.
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Korwin wrote his first book, “The Arizona Gun Owner’s Guide,” in 1989, and it now is in its 25th edition. He subsequently wrote or helped with nine more books on gun laws for several individual states, as well as federal guides to national laws and Supreme Court gun cases.
He maintains on his website a free directory to every gun law in the nation.
He told WND that the list of guns that Feinstein would ban is meaningless.
The definition, Korwin said, “invalidates her entire list of guns, and I’ve written 10 books on this topic, I know what I’m saying.”
He said while there is a grandfather clause for “old stuff,” the reality is that, “Any semi-automatic firearm that exists, with anything on it you can grip, is banned.”
“Pro-rights and anti-rights attention has been focused on the tremendous list of guns that would be banned under Feinstein’s bill, which takes up a significant portion of the 122 pages of this proposal,” he said in his analysis. “Here’s the problem none of the ‘news’ reports have spotted.
“The list of guns doesn’t matter. Magazine size doesn’t matter. If the semi-auto firearm has anything to grip it by, it is banned. It’s very clever actually,” he said.
He also noted there are a number of significant omissions.
In Feinstein’s plan, “nothing addresses criminals – everything is aimed at innocent people who haven’t done anything wrong. … It is all ‘wrong because we say so,’ the worst kind of government abuse – crime by decree,” he said. “The critics appear to be right. This is not about gun control, it is purely about control. The bill simply removes the right to own property Americans currently own.”
He said there also is “nothing” that addresses people “who are nuts, borderline nuts, formerly nuts or no longer nuts and still perpetually banned from their rights.”
He noted there also is no mention of psychotropic drugs that “may cause psychotic episodes, suicidal tendencies, manic behavior, sudden death and various social and psychological disturbances” in the bill. A significant number of perpetrators in most of the mass shootings in recent years have been linked to some sort of drug activity.
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And, he said, there is “nothing in her 122-page bill [that] deals with gun safety. No training, no marksmanship, nothing for teachers, no self-defense awareness, no public education, nothing for schools, everything the president has asked for to increase child safety is missing in her long list of guns she would remove from the hands of the innocent,” he said.
The bottom line is that her proposal is something Congress should fear, he said.
“Every aspect of this bill appears to be an infringement on the Bill Of Rights, with no legitimate justification. Congress cannot pass infringements by majority vote. That is forbidden, although the word ‘infringement’ itself is universally missing in ‘news’ reports, in case you haven’t noticed,” he said.
“Congress can’t just enact whatever they want by majority rule. If they could, we would not have government of limited delegated powers, the hallmark of freedom and The American Way. It must just be a typo, on page two, continuing for 121 pages.”
Feinstein has claimed she wants banned “sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of 120 specifically named firearms, certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one or more military characteristics; and semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.”
Feinstein, is an example of why we have the Second Ammendment. A stupid Tyrannical Government.
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