NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

“Cream rising to the top of a dairy farmer’s milk can” applies to most every venue but American politics. And in Washington, DC, especially with regard to the Obama administration, it's more like a thick green slime floating on the surface of a stagnant pond- suffocating every living thing below. 

Yes, the globalists would like to suspend the 2012 elections and keep the Kenyan imposter in the White House a bit longer, but middleclass Americans can no longer breathe free. Moreover, the economic rug (to mix metaphors) has been pulled out from under them, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive in servitude- increasingly difficult to breathe period. The bottom line? Desperate people do desperate things.

And yes, this is exactly what the globalist tyrants desire- an excuse to declare martial law. However, it won’t happen, and I’ll tell you why.  

To stave off a violent revolution, the lamestream media (as they are already beginning to do) will finally begin focusing on the miasmic particulars of Obama's sordid charade. Why? Because even the liberal press knows it will be out of a job when the globalists (as happened in Nazi Germany) take full control of our news. Also, reporting the TRUTH about the Kenyan criminal will sell a pretty big a boatload of newspapers!  

Likewise, the liberal wags in Congress may have supported this Kenyan nightmare ad nauseam, but even they will turn against Obama en masse- rather than allow their individual powerbases to be neutralized by a full-blown police state. Squashing their income from graft and corruption would essentially render them unemployed. (Moreover, some of the Congressional criminals who survived the last election are already calling for Obama to “pull a Lyndon” and opt out in 2012.)   

That leaves the American military. Enforce martial law on behalf of Barry “the Kenyan Imposter” Obama? Ya gotta be jokin’, Jack…

But back to the lamestream press.

Beyond raw power, the quintessence of tyranny is the suppression of truth in tandem with the dissemination of propaganda. Hence, Lincoln’s observation that “you can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time- but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

Honest Abe also said, “I believe in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”

That’s where you come in, my beloved patriot brothers and sisters. Until our reluctant mainstream media finally “gets it,” your angry voices, your militant pens and your nimble fingers remain the great hope of American liberty- the last bulwark of defense against globalist tyranny.

When Mormon President Thomas S. Monson was in Navy boot camp near the close of World War II, he experienced what most men and women feel as they first enter our military- that the stringent requirements of basic training seem more intent on killing off recruits than the enemy. On one particular Sunday, the Chief Petty Officer told the Catholics, Protestants and Jews in turn to march off to Sunday services at the appropriate locations- and not return until 1500 hours. Monson remained standing in place, thinking he stood alone. The Chief then asked Monson and the other Latter-day Saints behind him about their religious persuasion. In perfect unison they replied to a man, “Mormon.” Well, the Chief scratched his head and sent them off to meet together whithersoever they would- and return by 1500. Young Thomas was never so glad that he did not stand alone.                   

Do not fear to stand alone against evil, for alone ye shall never be. There are too many of us! And even if you should be the last warrior standing on the field of battle, God Almighty will send forth the Armies of Heaven on your behalf. If for no other reason, the Gospel of Jesus Christ cannot thrive worldwide if bereft of American liberty- and for this cause Lucifer, aided by his globalist minions, has risen up against us.

Stand for something. Stand up for liberty. Let no evil buy your silence- for it is our collective patriot voice that will silence evil. We have long been taught to know the truth- and that the truth will set us free. But who will know the truth if it is not taught? Let your light shine. Let your voices be heard. Without liberty there is no light- and without light there is only the darkness of tyranny and oppression. What price would you set on the freedom of your children? Stand for something. Stand up for Liberty.
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on October 3, 2011 at 10:40am
[But back to the lamestream press.

Beyond raw power, the quintessence of tyranny is the suppression of truth in tandem with the dissemination of propaganda. Hence, Lincoln’s observation that “you can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time- but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

Honest Abe also said, “I believe in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”] 

I stand with you, Allan. The media no longer serves We the People. We must do for ourselves what we once trusted to the media.

The media have taken sides and most often against US.
REAL CONSERVATIVES is serving WE the People well. ALL internet communication sites serve an equally important roll in this nation.

The communication paradigm has shifted and We the People are the winners. The maninstream media is losing relevance. The changes are ubiquitous and in progress.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on October 2, 2011 at 7:06pm

Thankfully, things are coming apart within the corrupt Soetoro W.H., and in their evil administration.

Comment by Sandra on October 2, 2011 at 5:13pm
Excellent Allan of course. You bet they want to start a race war or anything else they can get people to become violent over. It is not working, "thank goodness". Maybe we are all to smart for them and that id a very good thing. Our day I hope will come in 2012... They are desperate and as I keep saying, the know this is there last shot!  Keep the light on them, they hate it! Thanks again for a good article.






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