NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Obama and Hillary are going to show Libya just how tough we REALLY are . . . . .

Except it'll only be Hillary because as she recently admitted, "the buck stops here", meaning that Obama and Biden, President and Vice President, don't know anything about the security concerns in Libya.

Plus, Obama may have to appear on "The VIEW" again soon.


White House Prepares Retaliation for Ambassador's Death

Monday, 15 Oct 2012 02:04 PM NEWSMAX


The White House has put special operations strike forces on standby and moved drones into the skies above Africa, ready to strike militant targets from Libya to Mali — if investigators can find the al-Qaida-linked group responsible for the death of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.

But officials say the administration, with weeks until the presidential election, is weighing whether the short-term payoff of exacting retribution on al-Qaida is worth the risk that such strikes could elevate the group's profile in the region, alienate governments the U.S. needs to fight it in the future and do little to slow the growing terror threat in North Africa.

Details on the administration's position and on its search for a possible target were provided by three current and one former administration official, as well as an analyst who was approached by the White House for help. All four spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the high-level debates publicly.

The dilemma shows the tension of the White House's need to demonstrate it is responding forcefully to al-Qaida, balanced against its long-term plans to develop relationships and trust with local governments and build a permanent U.S. counterterrorist network in the region.

Vice President Joe Biden pledged in his debate last week with Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan to find those responsible for the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.

"We will find and bring to justice the men who did this," Biden said in response to a question about whether intelligence failures led to lax security around Stevens and the consulate. Referring back to the raid that killed Osama bin Laden last year, Biden said American counterterror policy should be, "if you do harm to America, we will track you to the gates of hell if need be."

The White House declined to comment on the debate over how best to respond to the Benghazi attack.

The attack has become an issue in the U.S. election season, with Republicans accusing the Obama administration of being slow to label the assault an act of terrorism early on, and slow to strike back at those responsible.

"They are aiming for a small pop, a flash in the pan, so as to be able to say, 'Hey, we're doing something about it,'" said retired Air Force Lt. Col. Rudy Attalah, the former Africa counterterrorism director for the Department of Defense under President George W. Bush.

Attalah noted that in 1998, after the embassy bombing in Nairobi, the Clinton administration fired cruise missiles to take out a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan that may have been producing chemical weapons for al-Qaida.

"It was a way to say, 'Look, we did something,'" he said.

A Washington-based analyst with extensive experience in Africa said that administration officials have approached him asking for help in connecting the dots to Mali, whose northern half fell to al-Qaida-linked rebels this spring. They wanted to know if he could suggest potential targets, which he says he was not able to do.

"The civilian side is looking into doing something, and is running into a lot of pushback from the military side," the analyst said. "The resistance that is coming from the military side is because the military has both worked in the region and trained in the region. So they are more realistic."

Islamists in the region are preparing for a reaction from the U.S.
"If America hits us, I promise you that we will multiply the Sept. 11 attack by 10," said Oumar Ould Hamaha, a spokesman for the Islamists in northern Mali, while denying that his group or al-Qaida fighters based in Mali played a role in the Benghazi attack.

Finding the militants who overwhelmed a small security force at the consulate isn't going to be easy.

The key suspects are members of the Libyan militia group Ansar al-Shariah. The group has denied responsibility, but eyewitnesses saw Ansar fighters at the consulate, and U.S. intelligence intercepted phone calls after the attack from Ansar fighters to leaders of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, bragging about it. The affiliate's leaders are known to be mostly in northern Mali, where they have seized a territory as large as Texas following a coup in the country's capital.

But U.S. investigators have only loosely linked "one or two names" to the attack, and they lack proof that it was planned ahead of time, or that the local fighters had any help from the larger al-Qaida affiliate, officials say.

If that proof is found, the White House must decide whether to ask Libyan security forces to arrest the suspects with an eye to extraditing them to the U.S. for trial, or to simply target the suspects with U.S. covert action.

Mr. Obama is a great warrior. Our enemies better watch out!




Is THIS how you do your eye when you AIM that thing?


I've been in this game over 40 years!


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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on October 18, 2012 at 11:00am

Share it Annette.

Comment by Annette Akerman on October 18, 2012 at 10:58am

ROFLMAO - 0vomit is desperate and will stop at nothing and will try anything to stay in power.  His biggest hang up right now is trying to bomb Libya while he has 3 Muslim Brotherhood advisers in the White House he will have to answer to.  So true is the saying: You can't serve two masters for you will hate the one and love the other or love the one and hate the other.

0vomit is between a hard rock and a place trying to decide how to successfully put the election in his back pocket and still appease the Muslims waiting for his victory.  Lies only go so far, even to a group of people whose book allows them to lie to infidels. 

If you don't mine, I am going to take your blog elsewhere.  It is timely and very important.  Great find.

Comment by Paul Arnold Browning on October 18, 2012 at 10:42am

All Communist. Muslem dirt bags.

Comment by Deborah Moore on October 17, 2012 at 10:37pm







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