NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Homosexual Agenda set to target Little League, Future Farmers of America, Special Olympics, 4-H Clubs, YMCA, youth sports and many more.

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The radical Homosexual Lobby will not stop!

Once again they are attacking the Boy Scouts of America in an attempt to force the scouts to abide by their radical agenda.

Radical politicians in California are proposing legislation (SB 323) that deliberately tramples on individual and organizational religious beliefs.

SB 323 will strip the tax-exempt status from pro-Family youth organizations unless they renounce their pro-Family policies and embrace radical homosexual values.

Radical homosexual activist and Executive Director of Equality California, John O'Connor, made it clear that this bill is about punishing the Boy Scouts for rejecting the Homosexual Agenda.

You see, the Boy Scouts are a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising boys into men while teaching them their "duty to God and my country" and keep them "physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."

And because the Boy Scouts have upheld their pro-Family policy and embraced traditional values, they have been cruelly targeted by the Homosexual Lobby for years.

But this bill attacks more than just the Boy Scouts. . .

. . . This proposed legislation would force ALL youth oriented organizations to incorporate the Homosexual Agenda or else pay the price.

This list includes Little League, Future Farmers of America, Special Olympics, 4-H Clubs, YMCA, youth sports and many more.

You see,the Homosexual Lobby wants to hold these organizations financially hostage.

If passed, this bill would make youth-serving organizations get rid of all existing pro-Family and pro-Christian policies or lose their tax-exempt status -- forcing nonprofit groups to pay excessive taxes!

This legislation is by far one of the most radicalized proposals I have ever come across.

If this passes into law, it will be the first of its kind -- setting precedent to the likes of which we’ve never seen.

The Homosexual Lobby will not rest until everyone is forced to share in their perverted agenda.

That’s why I hope I can count on you to continue standing with Public Advocate in our fight for the Family.

Thank you,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help fund Public Advocate's fight for traditional values.

Because Public Advocate of the U.S. is a non-profit, charitable organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. This email was not produced or emailed at taxpayer expense. Public Advocate's phone number is (703) 845-1808, its address is 5613 Leesburg Pike, Suite 17 Falls Church, VA 22041, and its website is

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 11:30am

Photo Credit: WND

The government agency charged with investigating discrimination in the workplace is itself facing a discrimination lawsuit by a worker claiming he was forced to violate his religious beliefs.

Greg Somers, an investigator for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, has filed a lawsuit over an agency policy requiring employees to investigate and prosecute claims against employers based on allegations of “sexual orientation.”

However, claims of discrimination based on “sexual orientation” have no basis in federal law.

In 2011, the EEOC, under the Obama administration, issued a policy directive requiring that claims of discrimination on the basis of lesbian, “gay,” bisexual or transgender status be processed as gender discrimination.

Shortly after the memo was issued, Somers requested a religious exemption from being forced to investigate LGBT claims, arguing it violated his sincerely held religious belief that homosexuality, along with adultery and other sexual practices, is a personal choice. Towards the end of last year, after working its way through the federal administrative process, Somers was told his request had been denied.

Read more from this story HERE.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 11:04am

Photo Credit: examiner

At the Starbucks annual shareholders meeting on Wednesday, CEO Howard Schultz sent a clear message to anyone who supports traditional marriage over gay marriage: we don’t want your business. After saying Starbucks wants to “embrace diversity of all kinds,” he told a shareholder who supports traditional marriage that he should sell his shares and invest in some other company.

According to a report by Forbes, Schultz seemed a bit intolerant of any Starbucks shareholders who opposed gay marriage for moral or religious reasons. During the meeting, shareholder Tom Strobhar (who founded the Corporate Morality Action Center) pointed out that after the company voiced its support for a referendum backing gay marriage in Washington state, a boycott by traditional marriage supporters caused a drop in sales revenue. Schultz told him “You can sell your shares in Starbucks and buy shares in another company” if he did not agree with the company’s pro-gay marriage stand.

Read more from this story HERE.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 11:50pm
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 7:05pm

New Age Impact on the Church: Pushing Universalism

How can Christians defend themselves from being deceived by New Age teachings?

Dr. David Reagan and I were delighted to have as our guest on Christ in Prophecy Warren Smith, the author of the book The Light that Was Dark. This fascinating book tells Warren's touching story of how in his search for a Savior he got sidetracked into the occultic darkness of the New Age Movement. From his many years of experience under that influence, Warren now has dedicated his life to warning Christians about the dangers of the New Age and help us recognize how we can avoid these satanic influences from creeping into our churches.

Pushing Universalism

Dr. Reagan: One of the new teachings that really disturbs me about this whole New Age impact on the Church is that more and more I am seeing Christian leaders either directly saying or implying that there are many different roads that lead to God. There are many different roads, they believe, like there is the Muslim road, and the Hindu road, but they all lead to the same God, they say.

Warren Smith: It is exactly what New Age leader Neale Donald Walsch said. He said that speaking for his god, he said, "There are a thousand ways to God and they will all get you there, except for one, and that's the one that denies that there are a thousand ways to God."

Dr. Reagan: There seems to be a tremendous feeling today in many churches that we cannot really preach the Gospel because the Gospel calls for repentance. The Bible talks about sin. It talks about the blood of Jesus. Those teachings will be offensive. We claim we've got to be seeker sensitive, and we've got to be sure that we don't offend anyone. Well, the Gospel is offensive!

Warren Smith: Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are not offended in me." But, Jesus taught that His teachings would be hard for people to follow. You and me are going to be persecuted for believing and teaching about them. Jesus said that, "They hated me; so they are going to hate you." But, Jesus didn't leave it at that, for as you know, we have His Holy Spirit. We are to walk in the world, but we are to stand on God's truth as the Bible teaches. We are to contend for the faith. But, what is happening today is that a lot of pastors are capitulating, for they are trying to fill their churches, but they are really compromising.

Today there is also a lot of double speak. Paul warned about those who are double-tongued. James warned of people who are double-minded. David talked in Psalm 12 about those with a double heart. What is happening is that some pastors will be cornered about what they are saying and that they lead their congregations into New Age teachings. They will say, "Oh, you have to watch out about the New Age." But, then they'll come back to someone like me and accuse, "Hey, he's warning about the New Age." You've got to be really careful.

One well known Christian figure who is going around at the highest levels of church assemblies and denominations said very clearly in one of his books, that to survive in the Post-Modern Church, you will need to speak out of both sides of your mouth. He actually said that! Then he used the two words imminence and transcendence, thinking he was being cute. But, that's what Alice Bailey, Benjamin Creme with Maitreya, The Aquarian Conspiracy, and other New Agers said, that God is not only transcendent out there, but that he is imminent inside each and every person. So here you've got this man who is going around to every denominational leadership level saying that to survive in the Post-Modern Era you have to learn to speak out of both sides of your mouth. He also then quotes Teilhard de Chardin who says that he sees with these emergent leaders that they are seeing faith in a much more magnificent way than their forefathers ever did.

This is arrogance! Its pride! It's the crew of the Titanic telling everybody that everything's okay.

Full Armor

Dr. Reagan: What can we do to protect ourselves against deception, because it says in the Bible that the end times are going to be a time of great deception? There are a lot of people out who think they could never be deceived. But, we can all be deceived, so how can we protect ourselves from deception?

Warren Smith: Just like my old A Course in Miracles teacher once said, "Put on the full armor of God and stand fast against the wiles of the Devil."

Nathan Jones: So, you want us to read A Course in Miracles? [chuckle]

Warren Smith: No, instead, get into the Bible and stay in the Word.

Nathan Jones: Romans 1:16 is our guide.

Warren Smith: My old New Age teacher pulled that out of her Bible background, but she was right. This sad woman had a very difficult demise because that was one of the rare times when she quoted Scripture.

The Bible is our only source of truth. It has warned about every deception that we are getting involved in today. The Bible is so completely, authoritatively from God. You need to measure, like the Bereans, whatever you are being told using the Bible. You've got to remember a little leaven, leavens the whole lump.

Harry Ironside, the old Moody Bible teacher, once said, "The most insidious form of deception is error mixed with truth." So, people need to be aware that deception is coming at you from all over the place.

  - By Nathan Jones -

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 5:22pm

Video: Limbaugh Compares Gay Marriage To Loving His Couch

During his radio show yesterday, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh railed against the destruction of traditional family values through the push for same-sex marriage recognition.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 4:50pm

Emotional Embrace Of Same-Sex Marriage

obama gay marriage sc Emotional Embrace Of Same Sex Marriage

This has been another eventful month regarding the national conversation surrounding same-sex marriage (SSM).  Last week, Ohio senator Rob Portman had a “change of heart,” coming out in support of SSM as a result of his son’s recent confession of being gay.

This week, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and famed, former mega-pastor Rob Bell both came out in support of gay marriage. Clinton, preparing for a presidential run in 2016, justified her position by saying that “gay rights are human rights” and adding “I believe America is at its best when we champion the freedom and dignity of every human being.” For her, this includes marriage.

Bell, who is in the midst of his book tour said on Sunday at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral: “I am for marriage. I am for fidelity. I am for love, whether it’s a man and woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man. I think the ship has sailed and I think the church needs — I think this is the world we are living in and we need to affirm people wherever they are.”

And let’s not forget the Justice Department’s amicus curia brief asking the Supreme Court to strike down Proposition 8, California’s ban on SSM.

Though I don’t support SSM, I think that SSM advocates will see the legal affirmation of the gay lifestyle, and marriage will be redefined. I believe this because the case against SSM hasn’t been made consistently enough to turn the tide.

In all the back and forth on the topic, there are several issues that seem to be purposely overlooked and not discussed when the topic is raised.

At the outset, most agree that the topic of SSM is an emotional one.  It’s emotional for those who happen to be gay and who desire to be married.  It’s emotional for those who have friends or loved ones who are gay and want them to be “accepted”- part of that acceptance is having the opportunity to be married.  It’s also emotional for those who, though they may have friends and loved ones who are gay, still hold to the understanding that marriage is a union between a man and a woman.  Further still, it’s emotional for those who struggle to remain faithful to their religious worldview that impacts their understanding of marriage.

It’s precisely because of emotionalism that reason hasn’t prevailed.

The one issue that’s repeatedly raised when discussing SSM is the notion of “rights.” Advocates of SSM argue that marriage is a basic “right” that is denied to gays and, as such, is illegal.  Therefore, in the interest of fairness, marriage (by law) should be extended to gays in the same way that it is extended to non-gays.

This sounds convincing.  To deny a basic right to one group of people while extending it to another group of people is wrong and discriminatory.  And if that’s what the law does, it should be rescinded.

But that isn’t what the law does.  First, marriage isn’t a “right.”  It’s a civil institution that all societies in history have used and have recognized as the best way to legitimize, protect, and raise children as well as to solidify familial and political connections.

Second, the law doesn’t deny basic “rights” to a particular group unfairly.  When the law defines and recognizes marriage as a union between a man and a woman, it doesn’t exclude any gay person from marrying. The law treats non-gay people the exact same way it treats gay people in regards to marriage: both are prohibited from marrying a person of the same sex.  This means that under the law, a gay person would have to marry the same way everyone else in society has to marry – someone of the opposite sex.  As it relates to all unmarried persons in America, the law is extended equally and doesn’t discriminate based upon sexual preference.

Furthermore, there is no “right” to marry- civil or otherwise- found in the Constitution.  Every single time a person or court claims the denial of the “right” to marry is “unconstitutional,” they’re lying.  The Constitution says exactly nothing about SSM.  When this claim is offered as a defense of SSM, as is currently being done before the Supreme Court, it’s legally unfounded.

Consequently, when gay advocates and gays assert that legal refusal to marry someone of the same sex is a denial of rights that exists for everyone else, it simply isn’t true.  What they’re actually claiming is a new “right” that doesn’t exist anywhere for anyone regardless of orientation- the right to marry someone of the same sex. The “right” for a person to marry someone of the same sex has been denied to everyone.

Another claim that’s continually offered is that people should be allowed to marry whom they love, especially if they’re consenting adults.  Unfortunately, this also isn’t credibly defensible, and here’s why.  Technically, gays can marry other gays.  These ceremonies happen all the time.  Numerous clergy members of varying religions are more than willing to perform these ceremonies.   The only thing that the newly married won’t receive is governmental and societal affirmation and recognition of being “married.”

But if SSM is legalized, how can that law be defended when society arbitrarily moves the discriminatory lines of separation, and how is it justified? If it’s okay for gays to marry other gays because of love and consent, why don’t we allow/legalize polygamy when the parties involved are in love and consenting? Why not aunts and nephews or uncles and nieces when the same requirements of love and consent are present?  If it’s discrimination against gays, why wouldn’t it be discrimination against these other parties if SSM is legalized? And if it is discrimination, how is it justified in light of the qualifications that are used in favor of homosexual marriage?  If we’re to be intellectually honest, legalizing SSM means legalizing a number of other relationships based on the same criteria used for homosexual marriage.

In the end, the law doesn’t take into consideration love when defining marriage- and rightly so. If it did, the relationships above would have to be legalized, normalized, and accepted as equal.

Yet another claim SSM advocates use for legalizing SSM is to claim it’s a “civil rights issue.”  To equate the struggle of gays to selfishly redefine marriage with the struggles that black Americans underwent to gain civil rights undermines their argument because it trivializes the misery and misfortune blacks suffered through to gain the level of acceptance that exists today.  There are no “gay only” bathrooms, drinking faucets, or entrances; gays aren’t relegated to sitting in the back of the bus or forced to say “yes sir” and “no ma’am” to their non-gay equivalents.  There is no gay equivalent to Jim Crow laws; gays aren’t having fire hoses or dogs used on them merely because they’re gay – and thank God for that.  So the similarity falls short.

Rob Portman, Hillary Clinton, and Rob Bell have compassion for gays and rightly so.  But to radically redefine an institution that has existed for all of human history and sacrificing reason for sympathy- while forfeiting responsibility for the repercussions-is cowardly and transparent.

Photo credit: khalid Albaih (Creative Commons)


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 4:13pm

Campaign to 'keep sex and politics out of Scouting'

Boy Scouts members mobilize to persuade leaders ahead of vote

Boy Scout leaders, scouts and parents from across the nation have formed a coalition to oppose a proposed change to the iconic organization’s century-old policy that would allow openly homosexual members.

The coalition, which includes scoutmasters and Eagle Scouts, vows to “keep sex and politics out of Scouting” through rallies, petitions and appearances at Boy Scouts of America meetings ahead of the National Council’s vote in May.

An inaugural press conference is planned for Saturday in Orlando, Fla., immediately after one of the largest local Boy Scout councils hosts a high-profile town hall meeting.

The Central Florida Council’s meeting will be attended by BSA CEO Wayne Brock and National Commissioner Tico Perez.

The new coalition says its members “affirm Scouting’s timeless values and will work to keep open homosexuality out of the Boy Scouts.”

It wants to “influence the resolution committee, the BSA voting delegates and the general public regarding the legal, social, political and financial implications of changing the membership policy.”

BSA lawyers are preparing a draft resolution of the policy change for release April 22. The BSA National Council will vote on it during its meetings May 22-23 in Grapevine, Texas.

Last month, BSA leaders instructed committees to “further engage representatives of Scouting’s membership and listen to their perspectives and concerns.”


The coalition plans to gather parents, Scout leaders, major donors and Eagle Scouts in all 50 states who support the current membership policy.

The press conference is scheduled for noon on the sidewalk area outside of the Bob Carr Auditorium at 401 West Livingston St. in Orlando. In case of rain, it will be held at the Sheraton Orlando Downtown Hotel, across the street, at 400 West Livingston St.

Delayed vote

Last month, the BSA executive committee, at its meeting in Irving, Texas, decided to delay the vote on the proposed policy change until May amid strong opposition. The decision will now be in the hands of the larger National Council, which has as estimated 1,400 voting members.

The proposal would allow local Scouting organizations to establish their own rules for membership.

The BSA explained its decision to delay the vote: “After careful consideration and extensive dialogue within the Scouting family, along with comments from those outside the organization, the volunteer officers of the Boy Scouts of America’s National Executive Board concluded that due to the complexity of this issue, the organization needs time for a more deliberate review of its membership policy.”

Among critics of the policy change was Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and wrote a book about the Scouts. Another, Jonathan Saenz, president of the Austin-based Texas Values, pointed out that 70 percent of Boy Scout groups are affiliated with churches.

“A lot of those faith groups do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle and will pull out,” he warned.

President Obama has spoken out in favor of allowing homosexuals, asserting they “should have access and opportunity the same way everybody else does in every institution and walk of life.”

Last year, the BSA formally reaffirmed its traditional position of banning homosexuals from the ranks after a two-year review of the policy.

In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the right of the organization to exclude homosexuals, because homosexual behavior violates the core values of the private organization.

As WND reported, a change in policy is guaranteed to lose the organization membership and leadership, as many have vowed to resign rather than work under the new policy.

WND also reported the BSA’s policy proposal coincides with a sudden drop in major corporate funding that began last summer after a “gay”-rights blogger for the Huffington Post published a collaborative report that named the donors and chastised them for violating their own policy of not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation.

The Scouts count more than 2.7 million members and more than 1 million volunteers.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 4:03pm

Fox News exposed funding homosexual journalists lobby

Thanks to Wayne M., for sharing the above information.






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