NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Hey, Barry- I Hear You’re Lookin’ For Property In Hawaii!

Gleaning figures from their respective Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), the Nebo School District in Utah County, Utah for the fiscal year ending 30 June 2010 spent $160,171,219 to educate 28,282 students- while during that same period, the Ocean City School District of Cape May County, New Jersey spent $42,337,900 to educate 2095 students. Cost per student: Nebo, $5663 as opposed to Ocean City, $20,209- nearly four times as much. Without haggling over quality of education or other variables, I would simply ask, “Nearly four times as much?”


Here’s another example from New Jersey. Suppose you want to take a bus from Atlantic City to New York City. The Greyhound fare is $25. If you take government-subsidized NJ Transit, the fare is $35.75! I rest my case…


Now, it is not my intent to embarrass New Jersey, and surely Governor Chris Christie is trying his level best to turn our state around. But if you find examples like this here in Jersey (that you can actually wrap your mind around), can you even begin to imagine the problems lurking within the sprawling federal bureaucracy? Can you understand why Clint Eastwood suggested it may be time for a businessman to inhabit the White House?


Yep, Barack Hussein Obama is a fast talker (when he has a teleprompter), but when it comes to making pragmatic decisions with that most desirable prerequisite called “common sense,” Barry’s a few nickels short of a $2 roll.


Take the recent fiasco in Libya. The US Marine Corps has been thoroughly trained at great taxpayer expense to protect US interests abroad. However, rather than select the obvious choice for the job, the Obamanites hired local Libyans to guard the American Embassy in Benghazi- and with tragic results. Then “Team O” tried to lay the blame (Standard Operational Procedure for them) on the clown who produced that anti-Muslim film. Jog my memory please! What was the date? Oh, yes! 9/11!


But it gets worse- much worse. Rewind the Obamanite tape to “Fast and Furious!” Here’s the rationale behind that dumb-ass maneuver. “Let’s send thousands of guns into Mexico- so we can see which drug cartels use them to murder innocent men, women and children.” Well, hundreds were indeed murdered- including our beloved US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.


Or do you remember Obama’s proclamation that Afghanistan was the “right war?” Like Mayor Eastwood, I must ask Barry if he inquired of the Russians how their miserable Afghan experience turned out. And (of course) Barry had to announce a transparent exit strategy- complete with a definitive timetable so the Taliban would simply wait for us to leave that bloody hellhole. Wish you’d be that transparent with us, Mr. President!


In a similar vein, I question why we went into Libya in the first place. There was no significant threat to the United States- at least as compared to either Syria or Iran. How’s that turnin’ out for ya, Barry? And are the Libyan people better off than they were four years ago? Nope! And neither are we!


Yes, Obamanite foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster- and not without catastrophic economic implications. Has yer pain at the pump been up lately? Has the price of everything else (except yer home value) been going up along with soaring transportation costs? Can we even build an American bridge without using Communist Chinese workers? Can we really afford to shell out billions of borrowed dollars in foreign aid to countries that hate us? Talk about government gone wild!


Yes, it is time for a change, America! A change from all remaining mismanaged local and state governments clear up to the rogue White House! This is not just another election, folks! I’d even go further than a battle for “the soul of America.” This is a matter of our republic’s life and death. Four more years of these commie clowns running the show (especially with their nefarious course being surreptitiously charted by NWO foreign interests), and the crushing tyranny of these rabid weasels will be irreversible! Maybe I ramble- and my vitriolic anger betimes overpowers my reason. Maybe I’m just an obscure festering thorn in Obama’s greasy palm- but we better drastically change America’s course this November!


And finally, Barry, I hear you’re lookin’ for property in Hawaii- but I’d rather ya retire in yer brother’s Kenyan shack. My offer of a little battery-operated black and white TV with rabbit ears is still open- so ya can still watch yer vapid White House reruns. But whether it’s Hawaii or Kenya, take that lousy lapdog Senator Reid with you! I’m sure Harry will lend you a birth certificate!

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Comment by Linda Maddox on September 26, 2012 at 9:01pm

I got it, why would anyone vote for Obama?

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on September 25, 2012 at 9:32am



Could Mitt Romney follow Ronald Reagan's path to victory?

Published: 12 hours ago
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Could Mitt Romney’s 2012 election hopes follow the path of Ronald Reagan’s resounding victory in 1980?

The answer is yes, but not in the way many GOP backers are touting it.

In fact, while the common Republican narrative is that Reagan came suddenly storming from behind in October, a careful examination of the final months of 1980 demonstrates the polls looked a lot more like … well, like 2012.

In January of 1980, Republican challenger Ronald Reagan trailed incumbent President Jimmy Carter by over 30 percentage points. A late poll by Gallup, shortly before 1980′s momentum-swinging presidential debate on Oct. 28, claimed Carter was still leading Reagan by a margin of 47 percent to 39 percent.

Yet Reagan went on to steamroll Carter only a week after the debate, carrying 44 states on the way to a decisive 489-49 victory in the Electoral College and a better than 9-percent margin in the popular vote. The swing is often touted by GOP strategists as the example of how quickly fortunes can change.

Not so fast.

That single Gallup poll, when compared to others at the time, was clearly an outlier. An analysis of several polls by George Washington University political scientist John Sides shows Reagan made his biggest surge in June and July, and from late August onward, the race was virtually neck-and-neck.

“Carter now leads Reagan 45 to 42 percent, according to the Gallup Poll released yesterday,” reported Martin Schram of the Washington Post on Oct. 28, 1980, a significant difference from the earlier 47-39 poll.

See what happens to the presidential race when the ‘Unskewed polls”...

Schram also reported an ABC News poll that had Reagan leading, 45-42, and Time gave Carter a 42-41 lead.

Sides’ analysis shows most polls gave Reagan a narrow lead following the convention fallout, a lead which only blew open after the October debate.

In 2012, the picture looks similarly close after the dust has settled from the party conventions:

  • Gallup has Obama leading Romney 48-46.
  • Rasmussen Reports has Obama 47, Romney 46, though Romney had been leading in the previous two polls.
  • In the Politico-George Washington University poll, Obama leads 50 percent to 47 percent, which is within the margin of error.
  • The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll has Obama up, 50-44.
  • The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll also has Obama leading, 50-44.
  • The Pew Research Center suggests Obama is up, 51-43.

The bad news for Romney is that unlike Reagan’s come-from-behind victory, which had already closed the gap or even taken a lead by September, Romney still has a way to go.

“It’s a stretch,” Reagan biographer Lou Cannon, who covered the 1980 campaign for The Washington Post, told Politico. “It’s hard to make a Carter out of Obama, and it’s even harder to make a Reagan out of Romney. I don’t mean any disrespect to Romney, but I think he’s run a poor campaign. You can’t say anything within this close a margin is over. I don’t do that. But he’s got a lot more to do at this point to win than Reagan had to do.”

The biggest problems Romney faces is that unlike Carter, Obama’s approval ratings currently hover around 50 percent (compared to Carter, who struggled to get 50-percent approval from members of his own party and carried only a 37-percent rating nationally), and polls have shown the electorate much less likely to blame Obama for the poor economy than they were to blame Carter.

All the polls from 1980, however, show that after the Oct. 28 debates, Reagan rode a surge of momentum and never looked back.

Such late-season swings, as it turns out, are not that uncommon:

  • In 1968, Vice President Hubert Humphrey was down by 12 points in early October but nearly closed the gap, before a narrow loss to Richard Nixon.
  • In 1976, Gerald Ford closed a 10-point deficit and actually held the lead in Gallup’s final poll, before actually losing to Carter.
  • In 1988, George Bush engineered a 25-point swing, as Gallup found Michael Dukakis leading by 17 points after the Democratic National Convention, only to lose to Bush by 8 percent.
  • Bush charged back again, from 9 points down in mid-September 1992, to tie with Bill Clinton by the end of October, though Clinton eventually prevailed.
  • In 2000, Vice President Al Gore wiped out a 7-point deficit in the final 10 days of the election and actually won the popular vote, though he lost the Electoral College.
  • In October 2004, John Kerry wiped 9 points away from George W. Bush’s 11-point lead in late September, falling just 2 points short of taking the popular vote.

Whether Romney can find a similar surge to pull away from a close race – like Reagan did in 1980 – remains to be seen.

“Romney’s not Reagan,” charged Ed Rollins, who ran Reagan’s 1984 reelection campaign and managed Michele Bachmann’s bid last year, “and that’s a big difference.”

Republican power broker Charlie Black, who advises Romney and played key roles in three Reagan presidential campaigns, told Politico a close race means anything can still happen.

“In most races, up and down the ballot, challengers are behind the incumbent until close to the end,” he said. “It’s entirely possible that Romney could be slightly behind until late in the game and then come from behind and win by a significant margin. … What [1980] should teach them is you don’t need to panic if you’re down in the first half of September and first half of October. … If the incumbent’s under 50, then you’re in the race.”

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on September 24, 2012 at 4:54pm

If the result of liberal progressive democrat machine policy wasn't so utterly destructive they'd be fun to watch.

Sometimes you can't understand what they're saying cause they have their foot in their mouth.

Romney could assure his victory if he ran these "cartoons" 24/7 on CNN.

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on September 24, 2012 at 4:26pm

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on September 24, 2012 at 1:26am

Right on Brother Allan!






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