NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Don't forget one of the OTHER massacres Obama and the liberal progressive democrats lied about .

Three years after the White House arranged a hero's welcome at the State of the Union address for the Fort Hood police sergeant and her partner who stopped the deadly shooting there, Kimberly Munley says President Obama broke the promise he made to her that the victims would be well taken care of.

"Betrayed is a good word," former Sgt. Munley told ABC News in a tearful interview to be broadcast tonight on "World News with Diane Sawyer" and "Nightline."

"Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of," she said. "In fact they've been neglected."

There was no immediate comment from the White House about Munley's allegations.

Thirteen people were killed, including a pregnant soldier, and 32 others shot in the November 2009 rampage by the accused shooter, Major Nidal Hasan, who now awaits a military trial on charges of premeditated murder and attempted murder.

Tonight's broadcast report also includes dramatic new video, obtained by ABC News, taken in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, capturing the chaos and terror of the day.

WATCH Exclusive Video of Fort Hood's Aftermath

Munley, since laid off from her job with the base's civilian police force, was shot three times as she and her partner, Sgt. Mark Todd, confronted Hasan, who witnesses said had shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he opened fire on soldiers being processed for deployment to Afghanistan.

As Munley lay wounded, Todd fired the five bullets credited with bringing Hasan down.

Ft. Hood Hero: Obama 'Betrayed' Victims Watch Video
Exclusive Video of Fort Hood Shooting Aftermath Watch Video
Nov. 5, 2009: Fort Hood Shooting Watch Video

Despite extensive evidence that Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, the military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and is treating the incident as "workplace violence" instead of "combat related" or terrorism.

READ a Federal Report on the FBI's Probe of Hasan's Ties to al-Awlaki

Al-Awlaki has since been killed in a U.S. drone attack in Yemen, in what was termed a major victory in the U.S. efforts against al Qaeda.

Munley and dozens of other victims have now filed a lawsuit against the military alleging the "workplace violence" designation means the Fort Hood victims are receiving lower priority access to medical care as veterans, and a loss of financial benefits available to those who injuries are classified as "combat related."

READ the Fort Hood Victims' Lawsuit

Some of the victims "had to find civilian doctors to get proper medical treatment" and the military has not assigned liaison officers to help them coordinate their recovery, said the group's lawyer, Reed Rubinstein.

"There's a substantial number of very serious, crippling cases of post-traumatic stress disorder exacerbated, frankly, by what the Army and the Defense Department did in this case," said Rubinstein. "We have a couple of cases in which the soldiers' command accused the soldiers of malingering, and would say things to them that Fort Hood really wasn't so bad, it wasn't combat."

Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said the Department of Defense is "committed to the highest care of those in our military family."

"Survivors of the incident at Fort Hood are eligible for the same medical benefits as all servicemembers," said Little. "The Department of Defense is also committed to the integrity of the ongoing court martial proceedings of Major Nidal Hasan and for that reason will not at this time further characterize the incident."

Secretary of the Army John McHugh told ABC News he was unaware of any specific complaints from the Fort Hood victims, even though he is a named defendant in the lawsuit filed last November which specifically details the plight of many of them.

"If a soldier feels ignored, then we need to know about it on a case by case basis," McHugh told ABC News. "It is not our intent to have two levels of care for people who are wounded by whatever means in uniform."

Some of the victims in the lawsuit believe the Army Secretary and others are purposely ignoring their cases out of political correctness.

PHOTO: First lady Michelle Obama stands with Kimberly Munley of Killeen, Texas, and Mark Todd of Killeen, Texas, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 27, 2010, prior to the start of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 13, 2013 at 3:22pm

HOT PETITION!  Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators.  We delivered 107,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 150,000?

Obama:  Draft your 18-y/o Daughters; Gay Bonus Pay  

President Obama promised bonus pay for troops who engage in homose xual behavior during his State of the Union Address, regardless if they are married or unmarried.

the law signed by President Clinton, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which forbids federal benefits for any other marriage than one man + one woman, Obama said:

"We will ensure equal treatment for all service members, and equal benefits for their families – gay and straight."  That includes spousal pay for unmarried boy-friends.

This homose xual bonus pay adds to medical and commissary benefits illegally bestowed by outgoing SECDEF Leon Panetta last week, given to any homose xual who signs an application, regardless of whether they have a valid "marriage" certificate from any state.

"Panetta extended the issuance of military identification cards, access to family support initiatives and joint duty assignments for couples in the military," reports

These benefits do not apply to heterose xual girlfriends of unmarried active duty service members, proving equality is not the goal of the homose xual agenda.  They demand, and now receive, special privileges never granted to straight soldiers.

Regarding women in combat, President Obama appears ready to force your 18-year old daughters to register for the draft via selective service.  

"We will draw upon the courage and skills of our sisters and daughters, because women have proven under fire that they are ready for combat."

Please watch my 5-minute commentary--> (beginning at 06:55 mark) on women in combat, here.  What does the Bible say about women in combat?  My answer may surprise you.

But in any case, I oppose forcing 18-year old girls to register for the draft.  Is anybody willing to create a new, free petition to stop this, using  

Let's take action.  Please demand Congress enforce the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, by signing sign our petition for DOMA, and we will fax all 100 Senators instantly:

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Victory!  House votes to defend Traditional Marriage in Court

We have another victory to report.  After YOU helped fax over 100,000 petitions to Congress in 2012, the new Congress just voted to FUND the legal defense of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in court.
 In a 228-196 vote, almost all Republicans voted to do what President Obama refuses to do, enforce the law defining marriage as one man plus one woman.

The homose xual newspaper Washington Blade complained:   "Republicans will take the extraordinary measure of including an authorization of their efforts to defend DOMA in the Rules of the House of Representatives and by doing so, continue to spend taxpayer funds, already adding up to $1.7 million, in their attempts to defend this [ ... ] law in federal courts and the Supreme Court.”

The move is exactly what we asked Congress for, and just in time as two traditional marriage cases will soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.  (Details below.)  

Let's take a stand for traditional marriage = one man + one woman, this time by petitioning all 100 Senators to follow the example of the House...

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Forget SCOTUS.  Congress "evolving" on homose xual "marriage."  Take action.

While I am encouraged the conservative-leaning Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has taken up two homose xual 'marriage' cases for 2013 (California Prop 8 and federal 'marriage' DOMA benefits cases), I am alarmed that two news stories here and here suggest the U.S. Congress is "evolving" to the left and may soon vote on whether to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).   

If President Obama can strong-arm Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on the fiscal-cliff talks, how soon before Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) forces a vote, or adds a poison-pill amendment to homose xualize marriage?  ABC News reports: "Back then, about 31 percent of the country supported same-sex marriage, and not one state allowed it. Today, 51 percent of Americans support it, and it's legal in nine states and the District of Columbia."

Strangely both liberals and conservatives agree, if the SCOTUS uphold DOMA, then the only way to repeal DOMA will be through an Act of Congress, which Obama seeks.

ABC reports before Obama endorsed gay 'marriage,'  "he had directed his Justice Department to stop defending DOMA in court, believing that the issue belonged to the states.  As such, House Republican leaders tapped lawyer Paul Clement to defend the law.  

"Edward Whelan, president of the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, is careful to separate the legal debate regarding DOMA from the change in public opinion.

"The constitutional status of DOMA shouldn't be affected at all by any change in public opinion on same-sex marriage," the DOMA supporter says. "Supporters of same-sex marriage are free to try to revise DOMA legislatively."  [This from a conservative.]

[Dr. Chaps comment:  Revise DOMA legislatively?  Don't think they won't try.  We MUST continue to petition Congress, 1) to defend DOMA in court, and 2) to defeat repeal efforts.]

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Chaplain quotes Jesus, gets 3 death threats from angry homose xuals

Friends, I need your prayers and support this week.  Three times this week I received death threats from angry homosexuals saying "You're going to hang, Nazi!" and "You're going to burn in hell, you disgusting, fake Christian, Nazi.  You know nothing about Jesus.   You're a disgusting parasitic Nazi.  You're going to burn in hell."  I have posted a recording of one angry lady here.

The violent woman did not leave her name or phone number, so I can't yet trace the calls, which occur daily at 2 or 3pm for three days in a row.  
This isn't the first time either.  I usually ignore anonymous emails, but I get dozens of such threats every year.

What did I do to deserve such "love" and "tolerance" from their community?  As a Chaplain, I quoted Jesus Christ and the Bible (Matthew 7 and Romans 1) in a TV interview that is now going viral in over 40 pro-homose xual blogs, listed here, including
The Advocate.  My video interview with David Pakman is posted on YouTube and has gone viral with 5,000 hits in the first 24 hours.  

Standing up for Jesus and traditional marriage can cause suffering.  Who will stand with me?  If you're able to please donate to our non-profit ministry this week, (from which I've never taken a penny of salary since I founded this in 1999), please donate here.  

Then please sign our petition to Congress again, for traditional marriage:

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Breaking:  Appeals Court: "Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional."  Take action!

As if our founding fathers wrote sod omy protections into the Constitution, the liberal 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to force homose xual 'marriage' benefits upon the federal government, perhaps in all 50 states, striking down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.

Reuters reports:  "A U.S. appeals court in New York on Thursday ruled that a U.S. law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to lawfully married same-sex couples.

"The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is now the second federal appeals court to reject part of the Defense of Marriage Act. It upheld a lower court ruling that had found a central part of the law unconstitutional.

"Appeals in several cases are currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, which could choose to take up the issue in its current term.

"Two members of a three-judge panel ruled in favor of Edith Windsor, an 83-year-old [lesbian] who argued that the law discriminates against gay couples in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

"They found that gays and lesbians are entitled to heightened protection from the courts, based on the history of discrimination the group has suffered.

"Homosexuals are not in a position to adequately protect themselves from the discriminatory wishes of the majoritarian public," Judge Dennis Jacobs wrote for the majority.

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  Now lesbians get homose xual "bonus pay" from YOUR taxes.  Who thinks President Obama or AG Eric Holder will help appeal this to the Supreme Court?  THEY WON'T.  That's why we MUST petition Congress to defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and appeal NOW to the Supreme Court.]

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Obama forces homose xual "marriage" at Supreme Court

It wasn't enough that President Obama's campaign web-site replaced the 9/11 memorial with a "gay flag" and fundraising appeals to homosexuals, but more importantly...

Now Obama's Department of Injustice and Attorney General Eric Holder have violated federal law by appealing two more homose xual "marriage" cases to the Supreme Court.
 (That makes 4 total.)

Reuters reports:  "The U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday asked the Supreme Court to consider two additional legal challenges to a federal law that defines marriage as between a man and a woman, after submitting similar cases for review in July."

"The two petitions filed by the department urge the high court to consider at least one gay marriage case in the near future to determine whether Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act violates legally married same-sex couples' rights by treating them differently than heterosexual couples.

In other words, Obama wants YOUR tax-payer dollars redistributed as "sod omite bonus pay" for unmarried couples who violate the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.
 And DOJ spends your tax dollars sending federal lawyers to defend this?  

We must continue to petition Congress to defend traditional marriage.  Let's fax all 435.

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Court enforces Homose xual Bonus Pay & "Marriage" upon 4 States and the USA

The First Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled to enforce homose xual 'marriage' upon the federal government and four states, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampsire, Rhode Island, (and Puerto Rico).  
Read ruling here.

In a 3-0 ground breaking decision, WSJ reports (with a nice summary and select quotes from the bad ruling):  "Judge Michael Boudin, an appointee of President George H.W. Bush, authored the unanimous decision. He was joined by Judge Sandra Lynch,a Clinton appointee, and Chief Judge Juan Torruella, a Reagan appointee."

The judges struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional under the 10th and 14th Amendments.  "Congress’ denial of federal benefits to same-sex couples lawfully married in Massachusetts has not been adequately supported by any permissible federal interest," they wrote (as if the founding fathers wanted homose xual federal benefits?)

Sadly, neither the 10th Amendment nor the 14th Amendment authorize "homose xual bonus pay" with your federal tax dollars as this court imagines.  The 10th Amendment protects states rights, but would never enforce a non-existent Massachusetts case-law (written by left-wing judges and enforced by then Governor Mitt Romney) upon a federal agency such as the U.S. Post Office.  The 14th Amendment protects equality based upon race, but never promotes voluntary choice of immoral sexual preference.

Judicial activism has run overboard.  It's time for Congress to pass a Constitutional Amendment that defines marriage as only valid between one man and one woman, as Jesus defined marriage in Matthew 19.  Please help me petition Congress today...

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)


While the national media covers only the debt crisis, Democrats in the Senate are attacking traditional marriage between one man and one woman, by attempting to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  Not satisfied with homosexualizing the military, or forcing gay "marriage" in states like New York, radical homosexuals testified on Capitol Hill today demanding homosexual "bonus pay" with more than 1,100 federal benefits that reward their acts of sod omy in all 50 states, taxing heterosexuals more to pay homosexuals to engage in immorality.  

On Tuesday Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced, and President Obama quickly  endorsed a new bill S.598 to promote homosexual marriage, mislabeled the "Respect for Marriage Act" (RFMA) to end federal law that defines traditional marriage between one man and one woman.  White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday "President Obama is proud to support the Respect for Marriage Act," which disrespects traditional marriage by enforcing homosexual marriage upon all 50 states. His views are no longer "evolving" rather Obama is now fully out of the closet promoting gay marriage nationwide.

At last week's hearings 5 pro-homosexual witnesses and just 3 conservatives argued for and against repealing DOMA, and passing RFMA, including 2 high-profile gay activists, Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, and Evan Wolfson, founder and executive director of Freedom to Marry. Joining them will be Susan Murray, an activist attorney from Vermont, and complainers Ron Wallen of California and Andrew Sorbo of Connecticut, both of whom were denied homosexual bonus pay, and bonus Social Security checks (funded by heterosexual tax-payers) when their homosexual "marriage" partners died.  

Testifying in favor of keeping DOMA intact were pro-marriage heroes Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Austin Nimocks, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, and Tom Minnery, senior vice president of government and public policy for Focus on the Family.

44 States have passed laws like DOMA defining marriage between one man and one woman, but if RFMA is passed and the federal DOMA law repealed, all 44 state laws could be in danger of being overturned in court.  Just imagine Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi, etc. being forced to issue homosexual "marriage" licenses, or forced to recognize and pay your tax benefits to homosexuals "married" in New York.   

Let's take a stand, by petitioning all 100 Senators to defend DOMA, and reject RFMA.  

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Friends, our nation will soon endorse homosexual "marriage" in all 50 states, if your Senator doesn't take a stand to defend DOMA, since Obama won't.  Let's take a stand today, and demand Senators defend the 1996 DOMA law in court. 


God Bless you, in Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

For media interviews, select here. 

P.S. Time is urgent!  Court cases in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and elsewhere are already failing because Obama and AG Holder refuse to defend the law.  Please sign our petition today!   Prefer to donate by mail?  Please mail paper check or money orders to:   The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO  80970.

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 13, 2013 at 3:20pm

Is Obama Setting US Up for Military Takeover?

obama weak militarySince taking office four years ago, President Barack Obama has been steadily eviscerating the power of the US military, one slice at a time.  Is it really about budget or setting the US for a military takeover by another power?

First he pushed to allow gays to openly serve, which saw the evacuation of a number of good and morally sound military leaders and troops.

Next, he started attacking Christians in the military, stripping them of the symbols of their faith (while not stripping Muslims of the symbols of their faith).  He also pushed new regulations that tried to force military chaplains to go against their faith by performing same-sex marriages and opening up their chapels for those ceremonies.  Chaplains were threatened with court martial for failing to comply.

Then Obama started apologizing for everything our military did against other nations, instead of backing them up.  A growing number of military personnel do not feel that Obama has their back nor does he support them in their duties.

In the name of economics, he orders Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to slice the Pentagon budget by over 20%.  The result is a reduction of troops in all branches of the military.  It also means a reduction of weapons, aircraft and warships.

To add further disharmony among members of the military, the Obama administration is about to extend costly benefits to the unmarried homosexual partners of active military personnel.  The same benefits will not be extended to the unmarried heterosexual partners of active military personnel.  The cost of the extended benefits will cost the Pentagon millions of dollars, but they are cutting everywhere else because of budget constraints.

The Navy has had to put the refueling and reconditioning of one, and possibly two air craft car... because of funding constraints.  One aircraft carrier was scheduled to deploy to the Middle East, but that has also been cancelled because of the budget issues.

In the latest slicing and dicing of our military power, Obama is planning on making another major reduction in our nuclear arsenal.  In 2010, the US had around 2,468 nuclear weapons deployed in underground silos, on submarines and bombers.  He has already reduced that amount to 1,700 and now wants to cut it down to 1000.  That’s a total reduction of 60% in just the last 2 and half years.

I’ve always been taught that the best defense is a strong offense and that America’s strong offense has stopped most countries from attacking our nation since World War 2.  Under Obama’s direction, our strong offense is being reduced to a just a plain offense.  He has been gutting much of our strength and defensive powers.  Before long, other nations will take a second look at our military incapability and decide it’s time to strike.  When they do, I truly wonder whose side Barack Hussein Obama will be on?  I don’t think it will be ours!






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