NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Does Obama need to silence his opposition . . . .

Member of SEAL Team 6 killed, another SEAL injured in parachute accident

A  Navy SEAL from the elite SEAL TEAM 6 was killed and another SEAL injured Thursday night during a parachute training accident in Marana, Arizona, the military said. Details of the accident are not immediately available.

One SEAL was pronounced dead on arrival at the University of Arizona Hospital. The second remains hospitalized in stable condition.

Members of SEAL TEAM 6 carried out the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. All SEAL teams receive extensive parachute training, which is often required for hostage rescue or anti-terrorist operations.

The names of the two SEALS involved in the fatal training mishap have not been released pending notification of next of kin.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 31, 2013 at 7:34am
Use the link for D.U.M.B.'s! You will be amazed. We're paying for this but it's definitely not for us. For us there are FEMA Camps.  I hope you watch this on FULL SCREEN so you can read. Share it with everyone you know. If you belong to ROTC or something like that share it with your leaders and get their feedback.
The pictures contained in this
video are a collection from a
collaborated group of anonymous
hackers and personal researchers,
Therefore, the legitimacy of ALL
of the pictures within cannot be

However, MANY of the pictures are
legitimate photos of actual D.U.M.B.s
and the diggers used to make them.

The objective of this video is to bring
this subject into the open and to
show that the technology exists as do
the facilities...and we're the ones
paying for it!  

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 8:56pm

Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?

After observing the growth of Barack Hussein Obama’s increasingly militant and dictatorial movement over the last several months, I have—on many occasions—been reminded of the infamous Russian tyrant Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.  As the actual facts about Stalin may now have been omitted from US middle and high school teaching text books, I’ll provide a brief summary of Stalin’s achievements. 

Note:  One major difference between Obama and Stalin, however, is that Stalin is said to have gradually increased power within the Soviet Union’s Communist Party.  Obama is grabbing it immediately and will keep his power in place via his “Truth Squads”, his militant Obama Youth (as the Nazis had their “Hitler Youth” this is more Hitlerian that Stalinistic) and his national voter fraud unit ACORN.  

After the 1924 death of then Communist Party boss Vladimir Lenin, Stalin defeated his rival for power Leon Trotsky, grasped dictatorship of the Soviet Union’s Communist Party and had Trotsky deported.  Shortly after seizing power, in 1928 Stalin began the confiscation of privately owned farms.  The farmers who balked at the thefts were exiled to desolate Siberia, died of starvation after Stalin and his police (AKA Soviet “goon squads”) had forcibly taken all of their possessions and ability to earn livings or were put to death by Stalin’s zealots—millions died.  Phase one of Stalin’s destruction of his country and its people had been completed.

In the 1930s Stalin began his elimination of all who opposed him.  This was called the Great Purge.  The first part of Stalin’s purge began in Ukraine and by 1937-38 The Great Purge had been extended into and encompassed the entire Soviet Union. 

Stalin’s political police (AKA NKVD) murdered hundreds of thousands of those who opposed their leader and his ideology.  “The NKVD slated for extermination entire categories of people, such as kulaks, priests, former members of anti-Bolshevik armies, those who had been abroad or had relatives abroad, and immigrants from Galicia; even average citizens perished in huge numbers” and an indication of the vast scope of the Great Purge was the discovery, during the Second World War, in Vinnytsia, of a mass grave containing 10,000 bodies of residents of the region who were shot between 1937 and 1938”… “Adam Ulam and others estimate that in the Soviet Union as a whole, about 500,000 were executed in 1937-39 and somewhere between 3 and 12 million were sent to labor camps” —University of Toronto Press. 

Phase two of Stalin’s “change” and “transformation” of the Soviet Empire into his image—some call it the final phase as all free speech and ability to support oneself—without the good graces of Stalin and his thugs—had been completed.

Obama has long been an adherent of Marxism and—as well as having befriended and worked with Marxist terrorists William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn—one of his earliest mentors was Saul Alinsky; Marxist and the American founder of “community organizing” in Chicago.  In his book “Rules for Radicals”—which he dedicated to Satan—Alinsky outlines how to create radicals and take over impoverished communities and then extend into the larger suburban areas by lulling the middle class into a false sense of comfort with the organizers’ ideas.  Alinsky advises that by the time the “educated” middle class realizes the radicals were lying, it’s too late.

Note:  After Obama is elected, all of his programs and people to keep him in power indefinitely—and to rid him of any and all opposition—will be firmly in place.  You will not be able to vote him out of office.  By the time he assumes the position of President of the United States it will already be too late.  A democratic republic will last only so long as people of good will allow and fight for it.  After they are gone—or removed—it is ended. 

Great Purge:  
Barack Obama Truth Squads video:  
Alinsky community organizing: 
Alinsky-Obama video:  
Obama Youth video:

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Sher can be reached at

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 8:55pm

Department Of Homeland Conspiracy

If anyone actually believes the DHS’ historic ammo buy – enough to kill every American some 6 times over – is business as usual, you’re in for one hell of a shock. When has any domestic government agency, without an ongoing theater of war, made repeated purchases of such scope and magnitude? What in God’s name is the underlying purpose or need for such a massive arsenal? Of course Big Sis will tel...l you this is nothing more standard operating procedure; buying huge stockpiles of ammunition through bulk discounts to save taxpayers money. Anti-gun, military hating Liberals saving taxpayers money? Yeah, right! If you couple these ominous purchases with the fact Obama is waging a war against t

he Second Amendment, attempting to disarm the public and even the police, while Homeland Security no longer considers radical Islam and communist sympathizers a threat against America but rather works overtime to openly condemn constitutionalists and our military heroes, then an extremely disconcerting and disturbing picture begins to appear. 

Remember when Barack Obama said he wanted to erect a civilian militia, i.e., loyal to him, that would equal the size and relevance of our military? Well, it has become painfully obvious this president is dying to declare a national emergency; whether by an inevitable economic collapse or by staging/capitalizing on a domestic event that supposedly threatens national security. Such a fortuitous trigger would allow Barack & Co. the opportunity to consolidate his insatiable quest for absolute power and thus conveniently declare patriotic conservatives as the enemies of his Marxist utopia. 

And although I hope this never comes to pass, for whatever reasons, I have but

 one unconditional warning for these scheming despots in Washington: the minute you order DHS agents and tanks to patrol our streets, take arms against the public solely to fulfill and forcefully implement your radical agenda…gun control, Obamacare, wealth redistribution, open borders…you become a condemned enemy of this republic and the Constitution. And for that, there are no laws or walls that can protect you from the wrath of the American people


Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 7:26pm

Obama Is Preparing For War Against U.S. Citizens

Obama Feeds America SC Obama is preparing for war against U.S. citizens

Consider the evidence and the growing alarm expressed from many quarters:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

-Barack Obama, Colorado campaign speech, July 2008

The American people have been patient and far too accommodating. For many years, we have respected the rule of law, even as those who rule over us break the law. We have been too accommodating. And now, it is clear that our worst enemy is our own federal government.

When things collapse (and it won’t be long), can there be any question that the resulting disorder will be catastrophic? Imagine an energy or monetary crisis so severe that trucks cannot deliver food. Imagine stores stripped bare. Hunger makes people crazy.

Barack Obama is out of control. Even though he says “I am not a dictator,” it’s clear he is working to become one since he hates Congress and threatens the Supreme Court. He would rather have a free hand, something he is close to achieving.

Bottom line: either we throw a net over this bugger; or he will destroy our country, vaporize our liberty, and confiscate our property.

The outrage known as ObamaCare should have been sufficient cause for rebellion.

By corrupt means, he rammed this atrocity through against the will of the majority; and now, we have Sen. Orin Hatch claiming it was purposefully designed to fail so as to make way for complete government takeover.

. . . within the immediate future the Democrats are going to throw their hands in the air and say, ‘It’s not working. It’s unaffordable. And we have to go to a single-payer system,’”Hatch said, adding, “. . . where the government controls everybody’s lives.

All of this thoroughly trashes our Constitution, ushering in an age of despotism we once thought of as impossible in America.

The Poser is purposefully destroying our economy. You have to be blind not to see it. He is selling us down the river to our enemies. You have to be deaf not to hear the war drums. He is destroying our liberty by centralizing control in the executive branch. You have to be dumb not to perceive it.

The clearest signal of all: the combined efforts to disarm American citizens and the massive weapons build-up within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

DHS does not have war powers. With whom are they preparing to fight? We’ll give you one guess. Take the Los Angeles riots (or better, the riots in the 60s) and multiply them many fold, nationally. Get the picture?

Ask yourself: Why does DHS need billions of rounds of ammunition, much of it hollow point? Hollow point rounds are specifically designed to blow giant holes in people, not to wound but to kill.

Why does DHS needs thousands upon thousands of assault rifles, the very rifles the Poser wants to ban generally?

Why does DHS need 3,000 armor-plated troop carriers, detention camps, and ready-made plastic coffins by the thousands?

And why does DHS refuse to answer any of these questions?

Congressional representatives are increasingly alarmed about these developments, and they are demanding answers, among them Rep. Leonard Lance (R-N.J.) and Rep. Timothy Huelscamp (R-Kansas.)

And get a load of this razor sharp letter written by a retired Army captain and sent to Sen. John Cornyn, Texas:

It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America.

Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired

Capt. Hestilow urges us to raise hell with our elected representatives. Amen. I suggest we raise hell with the media as well. Why are they ignoring this as they ignored Benghazi? Obviously, most have been bought off.

Finally, a recent editorial in Investor’s Business Daily reminds us of an important attitude articulated in a written report by the head of DHS in 2009, targeting conservatives and the unemployed. The report was titled: “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

“The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for right-wing radicalization and recruitment,” we were warned.

This IBD editorial provides even more alarming evidence citizens must consider very seriously, for we can no longer be accommodating or patient.

If our so-called representatives cannot or will not stop the maniac we call ‘president,’ then We The People will have to take matters in hand (or the military will have to restrain this idiot.) Short of military intervention, the only realistic option is a general strike where citizens refuse to pay taxes and occupy the Capitol.

Photo credit: Dan Jacobs (Creative Commons)


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