NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

An Acronym Barry Obama Will Never Understand: LBE!

Last night I had an interesting telephone conversation with a Californian recently victimized by the federal crime syndicate. Can’t mention any names, of course, but here‘s the story as told to me by the victim herself. She and her husband unfortunately rented some retail space to a fellow who used it to sell medical marijuana- which, for better or worse, is legal in the Golden State. Well, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) showed up early one morning, broke into the joint (pun intended) and basically seized everything that wasn’t nailed down. While they were at it, they broke into adjoining office space and seized some personal computer equipment belonging to the owners of the property. While the PC equipment was eventually returned, the owners were informed that a federal lien was being placed on their property- and that seizure of the property itself was a distinct possibility. So much for the sovereignty of California. So much for the individual liberty of Californians.

Needless to say, this sort of thing now goes on all across America. Only the names of the victims (and the particular federal agency, administration, department and/or bureau) change. 

For example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is constantly trying to force their will upon American landowners- telling them how they can or cannot use their private land- imposing stiff financial penalties for noncompliance. The worst case is again in California, where the Great Central Valley is systematically being reduced to a vast wasteland and its farmers being forced into bankruptcy.

And certainly, you are familiar with the ruthless Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which is neither part of the federal government nor by any stretch of the imagination a service to the American people. That "service," of course, is merely a collection agency for the international banking cartel‘s Federal Reserve System.

Then there’s the Department of Justice (DOJ) suing Arizona over what amounts to self-defense against the Mexican drug lords. Yet another federal entity, the National Park Service (NPS), erected warning signs in Arizona’s Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge telling visitors to beware of nasty heavily-armed drug runners.

Then we have the notorious Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which apparently not being content with seizing your private property, now feels free to fondle your private parts in public places.

Not to be outdone, another arm of Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), namely the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a lumpy bunk for each one of you noncompliant troublemakers somewhere in its sprawling network of (prison?) camps.

Last on my hit list today, a list by no means complete, is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). If ya get in THEIR way, they just kill ya! In that regard, if you happen to read upon my unexpected demise that I committed suicide, please don’t believe it!

It seems that these brutal unelected representatives of an increasingly ruthless federal bureaucracy, being either unable or unwilling to seek their vindication within the US Constitution, boldly all bear an impressive acronym to foster an image of legal respectability.

Finally today, let me again express my sincere appreciation to all of you who have supported me in my personal effort to defeat the enemies of our Constitutional liberties. However, please understand that while I continually do my best to separate truth from fiction, my main resource continues to be my growing personal understanding of the evils that confront America. Take it or leave it- but if I discover I’m wrong about something, I’ll tell you! For example, as stated earlier this week, I had heretofore believed that Barry’s Connecticut-based Social Security number (042-68-4425) belonged to a dead man. New information regarding real estate fraud in Illinois, however, indicates that this SSN is entirely bogus. Apparently it does not exist!

In a related matter, I shut down my mailing list last night, because someone on that list deliberately used it to disparage me. Anyway, that list had long outlived its usefulness- going the way of electric typewrites and cassette tapes. And yes, I recently dumped Fox News. Also, I just deactivated my Facebook account since I read today courtesy Alex Jones that Facebook’s co-founder Chris R. Hughes attended the 2011 Bilderberg conference. I have always thought it best to lead by example (LBE).  
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

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Comment by Sandra on June 10, 2011 at 10:23pm
Rumors of Hillary have been around even before the Scandal with Bill..
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 10, 2011 at 9:47pm

Can liberal reality get any stranger ? ? ?


Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 10, 2011 at 9:40pm

Is this for real? ? ?



Comment by Annette Akerman on June 10, 2011 at 2:41pm
What a perfect acronym - even if you told 0vomit what it stood for he would not understand it!  My greatest concern since his coming into office has been that we will not act soon enough!  We are being roped in exactly the way the Jews were in pre-WWII Germany!   Sure as you're born we are!
Comment by Teresa Smith on June 10, 2011 at 12:36pm
Allan,Your words left me feeling doomed. I wish I could say, "Hey Allan I think your over the top! Sadly, I can not. Dam. Well, I think I might follow you on that. From what I understand also is that Gov. Perry was at that meeting, if he was forget him. Today, I got a email from a friend in NJ. (once lived there in S. Jersey for many a year) and he told me I needed to take a break from politics. He told me that once before and I stopped the back and forth emailing. I emailed him and said, yea I'm turning it off, thanks..... yea right I'm obsessed and will never stop seeking the truth and find ways to alert people. I would like to turn of Facebook  but I only post political things. I do not use it for personal info really. I don't go on and talk about my life or my day. I will ponder on this though and make a decision soon.
Comment by Vivian Blink on June 10, 2011 at 12:18pm

Another excellent post, Allan! It's absolutely frightening, how swiftly our freedom is slipping away from us all in front of our eyes and how helpless and ineffective  "we the people" seem to be at slowing or stopping it. More and more it seems it will need to reach bloodshed to effect a change for our country, if even then. We can only continue to remain strong together in our faith and leave the final decision to our Heavenly Father who has the whole world in his control, including those who would harm us.

Thank you for constantly searching for the truth and keeping us all informed!

Comment by Sandra on June 10, 2011 at 12:07pm
WOW, another powerful write... Amazing how more and more BIG brother is creeping into our lives.  Instead of errecting signs to warn the US people about drug cartels raking over OUR parks, we need to send troupes there and evict the foreign invaders. Of course we all know that will not happen, we have a current government that stands with another country against it's own citizens, (Arizona) Treason in it's self.  There oath is to protect us all from foreign and domestic intrusions, I guess it seems the people of this country are there real enemy. Unless your a commie that is. It is after all all about control, greed and huge corruption. If we pulled any one of zeros criminal acts we would be locked up and the key tossed. We are governed by tax evaders, thieves and commies. We have spineless elected Congress and Senate people that if are not corrupt, are just as bad by allowing this type of thing to continue. Are elections just rigged as they are in Iran and other countries? Just to appease us into thinking we did vote our way and not there way. I find myself wondering more and more.  Thanks for another good one Allan.






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