NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Advancing the cause of Allah through lies and deceit

Remember George Soros’ liberal organization, The Center for American Progress, where the self-avowed communist Green Jobs Czar Van Joneswent to after his quick departure from the Obama administration? Meet Vice President and stealth jihadist Faiz Shakir, author of the recent ‘Islomophobia’ distraction piece entitled Fear, Inc. I’d call him a radical Christophobe with extremist Israel phobic tendencies, hates liberty and wants to shut down free speech. The brave patriots that Shakir condemns in his article for spreading what he calls as fear mongering, miss-information are simply honest and sincere individuals, which are sharing the truth about anti-Semitism, the evils of Shariah law, C.A.I.R and The Muslim Brotherhood’s campaign to destroy America from within.

JIHAD WATCH (Robert Spencer)
Spencer: "Fear, Inc.": The business of saving jihad from "Islamophobia"

In "Fear, Inc.: The Business of Saving Jihad From 'Islamophobia'" in Human Events this morning, I discuss the irony of the release of the latest slick and well-funded "Islamophobia" report just as more jihad attacks are being perpetrated and more jihad plots uncovered:
This past week, “Mohammed K.,” a Muslim teenager in Maryland, was arrested for plotting jihad murder along with Colleen LaRose, aka “Jihad Jane,” who tried to recruit jihadists to kill Lars Vilks, a Swedish cartoonist who dared poke fun at Islam’s prophet Muhammad. Mohammed K. also wrote in an Islamic jihadist chat room about carrying out a Columbine-style shooting in his high school in the name of Islam, because “the kids who study in my school proudly state that their parents work in NSA [National Security Agency] and FBI.”
Also last week, two Muslims beat unconscious an ex-Muslim author, Paris Dipersico, for writing a book, Wake Up Call, in which he wrote: “Islam is a religion of ‘peace’ and Muslims will kill you to prove it.” Dipersico said that his attackers “called me a Jew in Arabic and said the Jews are paying you to write this against Islam.” Other Muslims threatened to kill him.
Meanwhile, here again in the last few days, Islamic jihadists murdered 18 people in a jihad/martyrdom suicide car bombing at the United Nations headquarters in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja. Other Islamic jihadists murdered 18 more people in a jihad/martyrdom suicide attack in Algeria. In Somalia, Islamic jihadists beheaded 11 people, in accord with the Koran’s exhortation to behead unbelievers (47:4). In Pakistan, a Muslim gang put a gun to the head of Mehek Masih, a 14-year-old Christian girl, at her home. As they kidnapped her, one of them told her parents that he was going to force Mehek to “convert to Islam and become my mistress.”
And as all this was happening, the far-Left Center for American Progress issued “Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America,” the latest in an ever-lengthening string of markedly similar “exposés” claiming that the problem America and the world face is not Islamic jihad, but “Islamophobia.” These reports all claim to show that the anti-jihad movement in America is a sinister cabal of well-funded, dishonest hacks stirring up hate against innocent Muslims in order to profit from it. Like them, it is highly distorted and markedly unfair, twisting the facts and cooking the data in order not to enlighten but to manipulate, not to educate but to propagandize.
And all that Islamic jihad activity just in the past week? “Fear, Inc.” gives no indication that any of it ever happened....


ATLAS SHRUGS (Pamela Geller)


Fear Inc. Fears Truth

The Washington Post's Michelle Boorstein, proud tool and pathetic shill, was chasing me today for comment on “Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America,” yet another "in-depth report," a predictable misfired missile by Islamic supremacists and leftist useful idiots. Another salvo in their campaign to destroy truth and truth tellers. The real phobia is theirs: truthophobia.
The American people believe their eyes, not the media's lies. Boorstein, an incredibly dishonest smear merchant, has done her fair share of hit pieces and defamation work on moi. I asked this of the wild Boor:
Let me understand this. You want me to comment on your libel, smears and defamation of my work as human rights activist?
What nerve. Think about this. The mainstream media give us no opportunity for fair play, much less an opportunity to rebut the lies. NONE. And they want me to "comment" on the blood libel.
Ever since the heinous murders in Norway, we have been subjected to an unrelenting campaign of vilification. It appears that the Norway mass murderer Anders Breivik cited us, along with John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, Barack Obama and a host of others, in his lengthy cut-and-paste manifesto; despite that manifesto's ideological incoherence, his citations of our work have led to an international campaign to blame us for the massacre. The New York Times, NBC, the BBC, CNN, the Washington Post, many European publications, and a host of others have claimed that we are responsible for creating a climate of "hate" in which a Breivik was inevitable. This is not only false, but such charges against us challenge fundamental principles of the freedom of speech.
We submitted this present article defending ourselves to the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Washington Times, the New York Post, National Review, the American Spectator, the London Spectator, the Guardian, and the Wall Street Journal. Most ignored the submission altogether; National Review and the New York Post were the only ones who bothered to inform us that they were turning down the piece. The mainstream media was ready and eager to demonize us, but not so willing to give us a fair hearing and a chance to rebut their false charges. (more here)
Over at the wildly funded machine of hate and lies, the "Center of American Progess," the Soros cranks have spent hundreds of thousands producing a pile of dung masquerading as research. This is part of leftist/Islamic war machine on freedom, truth and .... America. Anyone who dares expose the agenda of the global jihad can expect their names, reputations and credibility to be destroyed and libeled.
Why isn't the wild Boorstein chasing after the million$ these killers are getting? Who paid for this "report"? It reads more like a Mein Kampf treatise. The funding section of the report is outrageous. I have not seen one dime from any those donors, though they name me as a recipient. Lies.
And where is all their money coming from? CAIR just announced they have almost reached their nearly 700K goal for the month. From where? Now that they lost their 501C3 status, we'll never know where their questionable funding comes from. Who pays for Media Matters and Think Progress, The Center of American Progress and all their busy little trolls, not to mention all of their smear merchant bloggers?
There is no one here at Atlas but me. Those websites employ an army working day and night to destroy my colleagues and me. They mean to destroy this country, and they will crush anyone who gets in their way.
This "report on Islamophobia" is Goebbels attacking the Jew. I wear it as a badge of honor. These quislings are the enemy. They fear my work, and that is good. They fear my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.
After a six-month-long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress Action Fund released a 138-page report, "Fear Inc: Exposing the Islamophobia Network in America", which for the first time reveals that more than $42m from seven foundations over the past decade have helped empower a relatively small, but interconnected group of individuals and organisations to spread anti-Muslim fear and hate in America. I, along with co-authors Eli Clifton, Matt Duss, Lee Fang, Scott Keyes and Faiz Shakir, expose this network in depth, categorise it, trace the money trail to the donors, name the players in the network, connect the dots between them, and uncover the genesis of several fictitious threats such as the current "anti-sharia" fear sweeping the nation, as well as the protests of neighbourhood mosques as alleged "Trojan horses" and incubators of radicalisation. (Wajahat Ali, The Guardian)
As for these outrageous claims of funding, remember, I have not received one cent from any of these funders they attempt to tie me to. My cause is righteous. The have nothing on me. And I struggle to fund every initiative (right now the 911 rally needs funds -- you can paypal me a contribution at The idea that there is a network amongst us is projection. They have a network. They are a machine. We are not. We are a wildly divergent group of individuals who see the threat these seditionists pose and are willing to give our lives over to defeating them.
Watch them choke on their own vomit.
Fear, Inc. is the title of the stealth jihadists' condemnation of blasphemers. As if we should not fear the ideology that has resulted in over 17,000 Islamic attacks since 911, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands (not to mention the over 270 million dead in over a millennium of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements).
CiF Watch blogged on one of the "researchers," Wajahat Ali, back in May in 2010 here. Heh.
Spencer has a lot more on this trash here:
The Islamic supremacist propaganda machine cranks out another "Islamophobia" report
“Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America,” from the Center for American Progress is just the latest in an ever-lengthening string of markedly similar “exposés” of so-called “Islamphobes.” Each purports to show that the anti-Sharia movement in America is a sinister cabal of well-funded, dishonest hacks stirring up hate against innocent Muslims in order to profit from it. Each has been highly distorted and markedly unfair, twisting the facts and cooking the data in order not to enlighten but to manipulate, not to educate but to propagandize.
Just in recent months there have been two other reports, both almost identical in substance to “Fear, Inc.”: the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Jihad Against Islam” and the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations’ “Same Hate, New Target: Islamophobia and Its Impact in the United States.” Each of these is lavishly produced, printed on glossy paper and full of colorful illustrations. With the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the midst of a full-scale, years-long campaign at the United Nations to compel the West to criminalize any honest discussion of how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to recruit and motivate terrorists, it would be useful to know who is funding these slickly produced reports; but, true to form, the mainstream media instead glosses over the radical and genuinely sinister ties of the organizations that produced them, and repeats their agitprop as if it were fact.
But it isn’t. In what follows I must, for reasons of time, limit myself largely to responding to the report’s attacks on me; however, the “Fear, Inc.” attacks on my colleagues and others doing similar work are no more substantive or less manipulative and propagandistic.
The misinformation starts on the first page, when the “Fear, Inc.” authors call me “one of the anti-Muslim misinformation scholars we profile in this report.” The term “anti-Muslim” is immediate evidence of the manipulative, propagandistic nature of this report: my work, and the work of the other scholars and activists demonized in “Fear, Inc.,” has never been against Muslims in the aggregate or any people as such, but rather against an ideology that denies the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people. In fact, years ago at Jihad Watch I had an exchange with an English convert to Islam. I said: “I would like nothing better than a flowering, a renaissance, in the Muslim world, including full equality of rights for women and non-Muslims in Islamic societies: freedom of conscience, equality in laws regarding legal testimony, equal employment opportunities, etc.” Is all that “anti-Muslim”? My correspondent thought so. He responded: “So, you would like to see us ditch much of our religion and, thereby, become non-Muslims.”
In other words, he saw a call for equality of rights for women and non-Muslims in Islamic societies, including freedom of conscience, equality in laws regarding legal testimony, and equal employment opportunities, as a challenge to his religion. To the extent that they are, these facts have to be confronted by both Muslims and non-Muslims. But it is not “anti-Muslim” to wish freedom of conscience and equality of rights on the Islamic world -- quite the contrary.
The report also contains a – by now obligatory – lengthy excursus on Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik: “While these bloggers and pundits were not responsible for Breivik’s deadly attacks, their writings on Islam and multiculturalism appear to have helped create a world view, held by this lone Norwegian gunman, that sees Islam as at war with the West and the West needing to be defended.” While granting that we are not responsible for Breivik’s acts, the report also takes pains to point out that “Robert Spencer and his blog were cited 162 times in the nearly 1,500-page manifesto of Anders Breivik, the confessed Norway terrorist who claimed responsibility for killing 76 people, mostly youths.” Not surprisingly, it doesn’t mention that I have never sanctioned or justified violence, or that Breivik was plotting violence in the 1990s, before I had published anything about Islam, or that he complained that I was not recommending violence, or that he recommended making common cause with jihadists, which I would never do – indicating that his “manifesto” is actually ideologically incoherent, and not a legitimate counter-jihad document at all. These facts are not mentioned in “Fear, Inc.,” because they would interfere with its propagandistic agenda.
As for the claim that Breivik committed his murders because of the worldview we had created that “sees Islam at war with the West,” “Fear, Inc.” is also silent about the many Muslims who have declared that they are indeed at war with the West, in the name of Islam. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said: “Have no doubt... Allah willing, Islam will conquer what? It will conquer all the mountain tops of the world.” CAIR cofounder and longtime Board chairman Omar Ahmad said in 1998: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” (He now denies saying this, but the original reporter sticks by her story.) The prominent American Muslim leader Siraj Wahhaj said in 2002: “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.” The most influential Islamic cleric in the world today, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has said: “Islam will return to Europe as a conqueror and victor, after being expelled from it twice.”
True to form for these “Islamophobia” reports, “Fear, Inc.” ignores such statements and many others like them, attempting to create the impression that the only ones responsible for the idea that Islam is “at war with the West” are the “Islamophobes.”
Without offering any substantive refutation, “Fear, Inc.” dismisses as “inaccurate and perverse” my statement that Islam is “the only religion in the world that has a developed doctrine, theology and legal system that mandates violence against unbelievers and mandates that Muslims must wage war in order to establish the hegemony of the Islamic social order all over the world.” What is “inaccurate and perverse” is the report’s denial of this, since it is a matter of objective verification that all the mainstream Islamic sects and schools of Islamic jurisprudence do indeed teach that the Islamic umma must wage war against unbelievers and subjugate them under the rule of Islamic law. The report does not and cannot produce any evidence that Islam does not contain sects and schools that teach this.
Most of what “Fear, Inc.” says about me is just name-calling, but it makes an attempt at substance with this: “Spencer’s views on Islam—and his credibility in discussing Islam at all—are challenged by scholars at his own alma mater. He has ‘no academic training in Islamic studies whatsoever,’ according to Islamic scholar Carl W. Ernst, Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Instead, Professor Ernst says Spencer selectively uses textual, religious evidence to mainstream the claim that ‘Islam is not a religion of peace.’ Indeed, Spencer gives misplaced credence to the ‘Sharia threat’ argument that is then mainstreamed by the Islamophobia network.”
Ernst’s dismissal of my work on the basis of my having “no academic training in Islamic studies whatsoever,” besides being false, is completely void of substance: the determination of whether or not one’s work is accurate is not decided by the number of one’s degrees, but by the nature of the work itself. What’s more, Ernst’s claim is especially laughable given the ideological dominance of the far-Left Middle East Studies Association (MESA) among academics in this field today, such that dissenting voices are seldom, if ever, heard. Ernst’s own objectivity, moreover, is in severe doubt after he flew to Tehran in December 2008 to accept an award from Iran’s anti-Semitic, genocide-minded Islamic supremacist President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Another compromised authority that “Fear, Inc.” cites is Charles Johnson, the “Little Green Footballs” blogger who several years ago moved from the right to the hard Left, betraying his former friends and posting vicious and arguably libelous false charges about them. For “Fear, Inc.,” Johnson’s blog is “popular” and “right-leaning,” when in fact it is no longer either one.
“Fear, Inc.” likewise trumpets the 2004 Amman Message as a “Sharia-based condemnation of violence from the world’s leading Islamic authorities.” The report deceptively fails to mention, however, that the Amman Message forbids Muslim-on-Muslim violence based on takfir, or declarations by one Muslim group that another is apostate. The Amman Message’s three points, mentioned in “Fear, Inc.,” do not address violence or non-violent jihad activity against non-Muslims at all, and the Amman Message’s website actually endorses an undefined “legitimate jihad.”
That is indicative of the dishonesty and one-sidedness of this report. The chief indication of that dishonesty is the wildly misleading presentation of financial data – making the sums involved appear much greater than they actually were by lumping together donations given to disparate organizations over a period of many years. When examined closely, the sums involved are actually far lower than those regularly received by Leftist and Islamic supremacist groups such as the ones that have produced the recent “Islamophobia” reports. Hamas-linked CAIR just announced today that it had almost reached its goal of raising $650,000 during Ramadan. I have never received that kind of support for Jihad Watch during any comparable period of time.
An honest presentation about “Islamophobia” would address the American people’s reasonable concern about the continuing series of violent acts committed by Muslims in the name of Islam, and outline ways in which the Muslim community could lessen suspicion against Muslims by cooperating fully and honestly with law enforcement anti-terror activities. But instead, “Fear, Inc.” is designed to portray Muslims as victims and demonize all those who stand in the way of the misogynistic and unjust agenda of the Islamic jihad, whether advanced by violent or non-violent means. As such, it is simply an instrument of that jihad.
UPDATE: As predicted, as if on cue, Michelle wild Boarstein of the Washington Post served her masters well here.
'This isn’t playing games. We want to end Islamophobia. If we want to do that, we have to identify motivators of this hate industry, marginalize them and demand they be held accountable,' Shakir said." That's Faiz Shakir, one of the authors of the report and a Center for American Progress Vice President.
They want to end freedom. No one is paying me or motivating me except my love of life, liberty and the United States of America. They will never defeat me.



The Shariah Threat

The Center has undertaken several campaigns to expose the threat to America from Shariah. American civil and political society is under systematic, sustained and seditious assault – a “Stealth Jihad” – by adherents to Shariah, the authoritative legal, political and military Islamic doctrine. These entities seek to install Shariah as a parallel legal and political system in the United States, constituting a separate governance system for the Muslim community with respect to family law, civil society, media and political discourse, finance and homeland security. Many patriotic U.S. organizations are already working at the national and local level to oppose these Jihadists and Shariah.

Rollback #4: The United Kingdom takes on Shariah law
August 31, 2011
Other sovereign nations are also struggling to roll back the influence of Shariah Law in their court systems. Many Americans may not be aware that at least 85 Islamic Shariah courts operate as a separate and wholly unequal legal system in the United Kingdom. Their decrees carry full legal status if approved in U.K. national courts.
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Littman’s exposé “Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel” released by Center in advance of Durban III
August 30, 2011
As an act of opposition to the Durban III Conference scheduled this September 21 in New York City, as well as the impending UN General Assembly vote on the Palestinian proposal to seek a “Unilateral Declaration of Independence,” the Center for Security Policy Press has released the ...
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Looking for ‘Islamophobia’ in all the usual places
August 30, 2011
David Reaboi
Last week the Center for American Progress released the latest in an increasingly desperate series of reports by far-left and Islamist groups attacking my colleagues and me at the Center for Security Policy and others for our work educating Americans about Islamist terrorist threats and exposing...
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PR Newswire US

June 13, 2007 Wednesday 2:30 PM GMT
Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE) Announces Mapping

Shari'a in America Project

WASHINGTON, June 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

The Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE) announced today the launch of the Mapping
Shari'a in America Project, the world's first effort to systematically evaluate the threat that a nation faces from efforts to impose Shari'a within its borders.

The project will collect information about America's 2,300-plus mosquesand associated day schools, provide information to both law enforcement officials and the public, and test the proposition that Shari'a amounts to a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government.

Today's announcement comes after a week-long pilot study of the Dar Al Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, which uncovered clear and convincing evidence of direct and indirect links to violent Jihad.
The project is already making this information available to law enforcement and the public. "Shari'a is not merely speech, and it is certainly not religion as understood by the West," SANE's President, David Yerushalmi, said at a morning press conference. "Rather, it is a political and ideological mandate to destroy the West. We believe that every act to teach, preach,and live according to traditional, historical, and authoritative Shari'a contributes to a criminal conspiracy to overthrow our government."

Dave Gaubatz, who will direct the project, added, "We will rank the mosques and schools in terms of their adherence to Shari'a and, in turn, the risks they pose in terms of future Jihadist attacks. We hope that our efforts help inform both law enforcement authorities and the public at large."

Here's how the project would work:

A team of seasoned intelligence and counter-terrorism experts and Islamic scholars (Arabs, Christians and Jews), many fluent in Arabic, Urdu, and Farsi, will visit America's 2,300-plus mosques and associated day schools and collect information that includes statements by their leaders, the literature they use, the level of orthodoxy in prayer and discussion.

Through this investigation, which will last about a year, the project will develop two products:

-- First, for law enforcement officials, an interactive, cross-indexed mapping and ranking of Shari'a (ranked from 1-10) as it is preached, taught, and observed in each of the mosques and Islamic day schools.

-- Second, for the public, an open access portal that provides the ranking of individual mosques and schools.

The project is designed with two goals in mind.

-- First, to test the thesis that Shari'a amounts to a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States by undermining the Constitution. Thus, Jihad or terror (i.e., the murder of innocent Americans), is a tactic, not a goal, of Shari'a.

-- Second, to test the hypothesis that one can identify and interdict much of the early ground work for establishing Jihadist cells and networks by identifying mosques and Islamic day schools that are teaching and preaching traditional and authoritative Shari'a.

If the project establishes the link between Shari'a and the threat tothe United States from Jihad, project leaders will then advocate for the criminalization of Shari'a - that is, to treat it as a criminal conspiracy to undermine the Constitution and to commit murder and treason.

About SANE: The Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE) is a non-profit 501c3 organization based in Arizona with offices in New York. SANE is a membership organization with thousands of members from all over the US. SANE is dedicated to preserving and strengthening America's national existence by probing a new and deeper discussion of the issues others fear or just avoid.

CONTACT: Cindy Page of The Society of Americans for National Existence,


The Center for American Progress Gets the Financials Wrong
by Daniel Pipes
September 2, 2011
To much attention, the leftist Center for American Progress just issued a report, Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America, written by Wajahat Ali and no less than five co-authors (Eli Clifton, Matthew Duss, Lee Fang, Scott Keyes, and Faiz Shakir). It's the predictable leftist-Islamist alarmism about those of us trying to warn the world of lawful Islamism, with a specific focus on five individuals - Frank Gaffney, David Yerushalmi, Robert Spencer, Steven Emerson, and myself.
The report does have one original element, however, a calculation that "seven charitable groups provided $42.6 million to Islamophobia think tanks between 2001 and 2009." The reporting on Fear, Inc. has focused on this $42.6 million number. A table on pp. 14-15 of the report shows how this number was arrived at. Curious to test its accuracy, I asked a colleague to check the nearly $6 million that the report indicates was received by the Middle East Forum from six of those seven foundations over the nine years.

I learned that CAP got two right (Bradley and Becker) and four wrong (Donors, Berrie, Anchorage, and Fairbrook). To give one example, CAP lists Donors Capital Fund providing $2.3 million to us during the period 2001-09; in fact, the correct number is $2.6 million.
Comments: (1) In addition to getting the larger picture wrong, the CAP report cannot even get the details correct. (2) It's pretty rich that CAP, on organization whose 2009 budget was $38,187,695, focuses on 8 organizations receiving about that sum over a period of 9 years. (September 2, 2011)
Related Topics: Muslims in the United States

The Investigative Project on Terrorism (Steve Emerson)

Malik Ali: Supports Hamas and Hizballah Over "New Nazis"
IPT News
May 13, 2010





Obama is curses himself by his very own actions when he trifles with God's Holy Word. See below:


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