Two recent polls have given Tea Party advocates cause for celebration. A June 15 poll by Gallop, based on 160,000 respondents. finds 40% of the electorate to be conservative, 35% moderate, and 21 % liberal. It goes on to state that conservatives outnumber liberals in all 50 states. A Rasmussen poll released on December 7 finds that if a three party election were held today, the results would be Democrats 36%, Republicans 18%, and the Tea Party candidate 23%, leaving 22% undecided.
There are several messages in these numbers. First and foremost is that if the Tea Party runs its own candidate in a three party race, the Democrat wins. If the Tea Party supports the Republican candidate, the Republican wins. Must the Tea Party, therefore, support the candidate chosen by the Republican Party in order to win? Absolutely not! The important message in these numbers is that we, as the Tea Party, have the ability to dictate who the Republican candidate will be.
Today we stand in the shoes of our founding fathers. The winds blowing from Washington smell of evil, corruption, and tyranny. We, like them, are faced with a government seeking to take away our cherished freedoms and God giv¬en rights. We, like them, have no representation in the halls of government. The hallowed halls of congress, once walked by statesmen dedicated to serv¬ing the interests of the people, are now occupied by power hungry politicians who only hear the voices of the special interests who purchased them. No longer listening to the will of the people, they walk in lockstep with congres¬sional leaders to do the bidding of Obama, their great proponent of socialism. This must not be allowed to stand!
George Washington did not command his army to charge head long into the strength of the British forces. To have done so would have meant certain defeat. Rather, he wisely chose his battles. Like Washington, we have the ability to win the war even though we may lose a few battles. Our objective is control of the Congress. Without congress Obama is helpless and his socialistic agenda is dead. We cannot afford to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by failing to stand united. We have the numbers and the power to determine who the Republican candidate will be. After that we will compare the Republican candidate with the Democrat candidate and see which one best represents our values. Our objective need not be a Republican controlled congress, though that would be preferred, but a Congress controlled by Conservatives.
This goal is well within our reach if we, like Washington, chose our battles carefully. Many point to the fact that Lincoln won as a third party candidate. What is too often overlooked is that Lincoln ran against a divided Democratic party. Our key to victory is to unite, not divide, our base. We can best accomplish this by using our power to determine the Republican candidate rather than running our candidate against the Republican. Our founding fathers left us the ballot box for precisely this purpose. It would be a crime not to use it.
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