NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

New legislation would fire sheriffs who disobey federal gun restrictions


Move over – there might be a new sheriff in town if you don’t go along with federal gun control mandates, says new state legislation. The 380 sheriffs who have vowed to defend the constitutional right to b... may now be at risk to lose their jobs.

Many state legislatures are now pushing to passing measures that would remove any sheriff found defying federal law.

In the Texas state legislature, Dallas Democratic Representative Yvonne Davis introduced a measure that would fire any aw enforcement officer who disobeys state or federal orders.

And it gets worse.

The bill even calls for the removal of any  law enforcement officer who just promises — either on paper or just verbally — not to enforce any federal gun control mandates that the federal government passes.

“Beware because once something like this is introduced in one state, it will be followed very quickly in several other states,” one gun lobbyist told the Washington Examiner.

But while some state legislators are working with the federal government to push gun control, others are still fighting against it.The Senate gun bill is expected to be introduced when the Senate reconvenes after the Easter recess.

The Idaho state legislature is working toward passing legislation that would actually prohibit state and local police from enforcing any gun control mand.... State legislatures in Montana, Wyoming, Texas and Virginia are also proposing legislation that would block any new federal gun restrictions.

As for Texas, Gov. Rick Perry has been calling all gun owners and companies to move to the longhorn state, but if this new legislation passes he may have a problem.

If your guns aren’t even safe in Texas anymore, you might want to keep on going to Mexico.

Laura Byrne About Laura Byrne

Laura Byrne is a writer for Red Alert Politics. Her work has been featured on Yahoo! News, Fox Nation, and the Daily Caller. If she's not reporting, she's running or reading. She grew up on the Alabama Gulf Coast and spent her college years in New Orleans at Tulane University. After graduating, she finally left her Southern roots to move to Washington D.C. Follow her on Twitter at @Byrne_Notices.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 7:39pm

Video: Obama: ‘Tears Aren’t Enough’

Obama basically admits his proposals won’t work!!

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 7:24pm

Biden says gun control votes ‘only the beginning’

Vice President Joe Biden told gun control supporters Wednesday that the upcoming votes on gun legislation in the Senate are only “the beginning” in the country’s push toward alleviating gun violence.

“That doesn’t mean this is the end of the process. This is the beginning of the process,” Biden said in a conference call hosted by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns. “The American people are way ahead of their political leaders, and we, the president and I, intend, and the mayors intend, to stay current with the American people.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Senate will consider a comprehensive gun package, including universal background checks, next month. The vice president voiced his belief that the country is “on the verge” of requiring universal background checks, a measure that has drawn opposition from Republicans and moderate Democrats.

“No one anticipated that there’d be a loophole big enough to drive a Mac truck through,” Biden said of the current background check system. “I think we’re on the verge of getting a serious, thorough universal background check system in place and it will, emphasize, it will save lives.”

Post Continues on

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 7:04pm

Dear 2nd Amendment Supporter:

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley has a "gun control lite" bill he's selling to weak-kneed Senators on Capitol Hill . . .

. . . and what's even worse, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says, "it might be something I can support."

You would think ALL Republicans are lining up behind Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to support the filibuster of Harry Reid's gun control bill -- S. 649.

But that’s just not happening.

And it appears Grassley and McConnell's "gun control lite" bill could destroy all efforts to stop Obama's war on your gun rights when the Senate returns to Washington on April 8.

It’s unclear exactly what Grassley's gun control bill contains, but it’s clear he’s more than willing to cut a “deal,” especially after he was the lone Republican vote with the gun-grabbers in a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

That's exactly how we're going to get gun control -- weak-kneed Republicans buckling.

That’s why it’s vital you take action AT ONCE.

Call the offices of both Senators -- Grassley and McConnell -- RIGHT NOW!

INSIST Grassley and McConnell OPPOSE the motion to proceed on S. 649, SUPPORT the Paul, Cruz and Lee filibuster, and, drop their plans for a “gun control lite” bill.

Senator Chuck Grassley: 202-224-3744

Senator Mitch McConnell: 202-224-2541

If you have trouble getting through on those phone lines, please click on the links below to send an email to both Grassley and McConnell.

Click here to email Senator Chuck Grassley

Click here to email Senator Mitch McConnell

Obama's gun control point man in the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid, is on the look-out for just this type of weak-kneed behavior from as many Republicans as he can find.

Grassley and McConnell are two of his top targets.

If Reid manages to pick up the support of enough Senate Republicans, Obama will get what he wants -- fictitious “gun trafficking” legislation, so-called “mental health screenings” and “expanded background checks.”

Possibly even more gun control like Feinstein’s so-called “assault weapons ban” and a federal magazine ban will also be on the table.

That's why Senator Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell's history of “deal-cutting” should be so worrisome to gun owners.

In 2009, instead of whipping Republicans to oppose Obamacare at every opportunity, Grassley worked to a cut a “deal” with anti-freedom forces hell-bent on taking over the American health care system.

I don’t have to go back far to remind you that Mitch McConnell has a history of caving in to the demands of Obama and Harry Reid.

In January, NAGR members fought tooth-and-nail INSISTING Mitch McConnell not cave to Harry Reid’s demands to gut the Senate filibuster.

In the end, McConnell forfeited several of the procedural motions used with great effect by Senator Rand Paul and others to delay legislation that the Majority Leader is trying to jam through, allowing bad legislation to pass more quickly.

And how could we forget McConnell cutting a “deal” with Obama and Reid on the so-called “fiscal cliff” earlier this year?

McConnell’s “deal” gave Obama and Reid $41 in tax increases in exchange for $1 in spending cuts. Yes, you read that right.

So if Senator Chuck Grassley's “gun control lite” bill looks anything similar to the “deals” he and McConnell have cut in recent years, your gun rights will be on the chopping block in just a matter of days.

The only force standing in the way of Reid’s gun control dreams is the vow of a filibuster by Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz.

By filibustering -- opposing the motion to proceed on S. 649 –- Paul, Cruz and Lee can hold the line against gun control for the moment.

And if they hold the filibuster and prevent Reid from getting the 60 votes he needs to break it, gun owners win the first battle in the Obama administration’s war on gun owners.

That's why it's vital you call the offices of both Senators -- Grassley and McConnell -- RIGHT NOW!

INSIST Grassley and McConnell OPPOSE the motion to proceed on S. 649, SUPPORT the Paul, Cruz and Lee filibuster, and, drop their plans for a “gun control lite” bil.

Senator Chuck Grassley: 202-224-3744

Senator Mitch McConnell: 202-224-2541

If you have trouble getting through on those phone lines, please click on the links below to send an email to both Grassley and McConnell.

Click here to email Senator Chuck Grassley

Click here to email Senator Mitch McConnell

Thanks -- in advance -- for taking action.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

P.S. Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley is working on a “gun control lite” bill that could give Obama much of the gun control he wants. What’s worse, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has said it “might be something I can support.”

Call Senators Grassley and McConnell RIGHT NOW! INSIST they support the Paul, Cruz and Lee filibuster and drop any plans they may have for a “gun control lite” bill.

Senator Chuck Grassley: 202-224-3744

Senator Mitch McConnell: 202-224-2541

P.P.S. NAGR has just launched a massive, nationwide grassroots effort designed to mobilize gun owners against gun control. If you can, please consider chipping in $10 or $20 to support NAGR’s efforts.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 6:57pm
logo Gun Owners of America

Your Activism is having an Impact,
but it’s no Time to Let Up!

Take time this Good Friday to give thanks for His many blessings

“It now should be clear who is winning - indeed, who has won - the latest skirmish in the gun control wars.” - Roll Call, March 28, 2013

Just a couple of months ago, many in our nation’s capital thought that new gun control restrictions were inevitable.

But now, here we are at the end of March, and the gun grabbers are dispirited and in retreat:

* Roll Call newspaper said yesterday that gun control supporters are “poised to fail, yet again, in their efforts to pass significant new legislation.”

* Senator Dianne Feinstein said she is “disappointed” that her gun ban is no longer part of the base bill that is going to the Senate floor. "I tried my best,” she said last week, “but my best, I guess, wasn't good enough."

* Anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg admitted he’s “frustrated” that Congress has not taken action on gun control he supports. So much so, he is now taking matters into his own hands by spending $12 million of his own money to run ads in various states.

But bad news for Bloomberg: the Roll Call newspaper reported on Tuesday there are signs “that Bloomberg’s lobbying campaign may not change minds in the next two weeks, even for the senators who are being specifically targeted.”

* ABC News pundit Terry Moran lamented this week that, “The only votes that have really been taken since Newtown have weakened gun control.” This was a reference to the Lee and Inhofe amendments that GOA alerted you to earlier this week.

While only the Inhofe anti-UN amendment passed, the Lee amendment - to immensely raise the bar for passing gun control to a 2/3 vote in the Senate - did muster a majority.

* And more groaning could be heard from the chief gun grabber in the Senate - Chuck Schumer of New York - who said, earlier this month, how “it’s sad” that all his efforts to lure a pro-gun Senator into supporting a “compromise” on background checks have resulted in failure thus far.

It is clear that we have had a lot of help. And to be sure, your activism is having an impact! No one on the Left thought that by the end of March, their forces would be in full retreat.

But it’s certainly no time to let up! We can still be stabbed in the back by other gun groups or “honorable” legislators. So we need to stay alert - just like the Minute Men of old -- being ready to fire off messages to our legislators in a moment’s notice.

Having said that, it’s encouraging to step back and consider where we are right now. No one in the Senate (including Democrats) thinks the Feinstein gun ban can pass. Senator Schumer has given up hope that the Universal Gun Registry can muster a majority. And the Lee amendment (mentioned above) shows how a filibuster could very well keep ALL gun control from coming to the floor.

In regard to that filibuster threat, we are very thankful to Republican Senators Rand Paul (KY), Ted Cruz (TX) and Mike Lee (UT) for taking the lead on this effort.

Again, GOA wants to thank you, our activists, for taking action on our alerts ... for gifting GOA memberships to your friends and family, thereby increasing the number of ground troops that we have in this fight ... for “liking” GOA on Facebook, thus exposing our message to even more of your acquaintances ... for contributing to GOA’s campaign, allowing us to wage the battle against background checks and other gun control the way GOA’s Erich Pratt did earlier this week at the end of his debate on the Lou Dobbs show ... and for much, much more.

So as much of the country celebrates Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday this weekend, the GOA staff wants to wish you a Happy Holiday ... and to be ready to get back to work next week to fight any potential compromises that may be in the works!


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 6:55pm

Obama Uses Executive Power to Move Gun Control Agenda Forward

Friday, March 29, 2013


President Obama is quietly moving forward on gun control.

The president has used his executive powers to bolster the national background check system, jumpstart government research on the causes of gun violence and create a million-dollar ad campaign aimed at safe gun ownership.

The executive steps will give federal law enforcement officials access to more data about guns and their owners, help keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, and lay the groundwork for future legislative efforts.

It is unclear whether the National Rifle Association will challenge any of the executive actions in court. A spokesman for the NRA did not return a request for comment.

Post Continues on

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 29, 2013 at 6:54pm

Eight Most Dangerously Dumb Gun Control Proposals Passed or Pondered

Posted on: March 29th, 2013

There’s dumb and there’s dangerous. And then there’s dumb and dangerous.

Nowhere is the convergence of dumb and dangerous so dynamically eccentric than in the nation’s 50 state legislatures. If you subscribe to the theory that government is an administrative science, then state lawmakers are its mad scientists, concocting legislative mayhem in laboratories of intrigue, innovation, and ideological insanity.

Not surprisingly, a raft of dangerously dumb gun control bills have been submitted in state legislatures across the land since the Dec. 14 Newtown shootings, including 14 proposed semi-automatic firearms bans and 21 proposed magazine capacity limits.

Below are eight of the most dangerously dumb gun control proposals that have either been adopted or are currently being pondered by state legislatures this year:

1.) New York: Gov. Cuomo’s SAFE Act makes it illegal to possess a magazine that holds more than seven bullets beginning April 15, turning thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens into felons by limiting legal use to a magazine that doesn’t exist.

Read more:

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 28, 2013 at 8:09pm

Gutfeld: Hollywood Hates You, Middle America

On ‘The Five’, Greg Gutfeld continues to rail against Jim Carrey for his anti-gun parody.  Gutfeld and the panel defend Charlton Heston as a Hollywood icon and civil rights activist and ask why Carrey didn’t go after a living gun-rights activist like Clint Eastwood.  Hollywood hates middle America, Gutfelds says.  ‘To them you’re all white rednecks.’

Read more:

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 28, 2013 at 7:44pm

Dear Gordon,

As you read this, the Obama Administration is working feverishly to polish the crown jewel of their gun control agenda.

Right now, in New York City, Obama’s anti-gun State Department goons along with gun-grabbing United Nations' international bureaucrats are putting the finishing touches on the U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty.”

And while anti-gun Democrats in Washington, D.C. are publicly flaunting draconian domestic gun grabs, President Obama and his anti-gun pals know the U.N. “Small Arms Treaty” is the ultimate prize – one they’ve been committed to enacting from day one.

It was no less than 24 hours after President Obama’s reelection, the Obama administration announced it would pursue the U.N.’s Gun Ban.

All the third-world dictators, petty tyrants and anti-gun bureaucrats at the U.N. got the message loud and clear . . .

They’d just been given the go ahead by President Obama to do their worst – and in a matter of weeks they’ll have their chance to do just that.

Gordon, if you value your Second Amendment rights, it’s absolutely critical you act IMMEDIATELY.

Please click here to sign your “Stop the U.N. Gun Ban” petition I’ve prepared for you RIGHT NOW! There’s no time to waste.

The United Nations will finalize details of their so-called “Small Arms Treaty” TODAY, setting the stage for a full ratification showdown in the U.S. Senate.

And you and I have to face the facts. The danger of a U.N. Gun Ban has never been higher.

After the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, anti-gun hysteria is reaching a fevered pitch.

Now, even the Communist Chinese – who President Obama is depending on to fund his never-ending rush to expand raw government power over our lives – are calling for massive domestic gun control schemes here in the United States.

President Obama is already rushing to comply, pursuing a “broad gun-control agenda” as reported by the Washington Post, which includes outrageous schemes like the Feinstein Gun Ban, magazine bans and broad restrictions on ammo purchases.

But make no mistake. The U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty” is the gun-grabbers’ ultimate prize.

And with Senator Harry Reid calling the shots in the U.S. Senate – armed with an even larger majority than in the last Congress – our backs are against the wall.

This is NOT a fight you and I can afford to lose.

As you know, from day one, fighting terrorism has been the number-one excuse behind the “Small Arms Treaty.”

In fact, the United Nations’ Office of Disarmament Affairs stated, “Insurgents, armed gang members, pirates, terrorists – they can all multiply their force through the use of unlawfully acquired firepower.”

The solution?

According to the U.N., government bureaucrats just need to register every firearm on the globe so they can keep a “watchful eye” on our guns and everything will be fine.

I know you’re not fooled.

To the one-world socialists and tyrants at the U.N., America isn’t a “shining city on a hill.” Our Constitution and our Second Amendment freedoms are an affront to their grand socialist designs for the globe.

And the gun-grabbers’ gun registration scheme is only meant to set the stage for full-scale international civilian gun CONFISCATION.

But the truth is, the international gun registration provision of the Treaty is just a small part of their overall plan.

After getting the go ahead from President Obama, you can bet the gun-grabbers at the U.N. are going for broke, doing everything they can to force the U.S. to adopt even more anti-gun policies, including:

*** Enacting tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through international bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;

*** Confiscating and destroying “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by governments are excluded, of course);

*** Banning the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons including handguns, shotguns and other firearms commonly used for hunting.

That’s why it’s critical you act TODAY.

Once the U.N. finalizes the Treaty, I expect the ratification fight to happen in the U.S. Senate FAST.

In fact, billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group is already running TV ads invoking the emotions of the Connecticut tragedy to pressure Congress!

With Republicans Members in disarray after the 2012 elections, I fear for the worst. The often anti-gun GOP “Old Guard” is cracking down on many of the most pro-gun members, and looking to cozy up to President Obama every chance they get.

Even so-called “pro-gun” Democrats in Congress want an easy way out of voting for gun control fearing their reelections in 2014 – and a U.N. treaty gives them their backdoor opportunity to force gun control on the nation.

So you and I must fight back.

In the next few weeks, my hope is to FLOOD the U.S. Senate with millions upon millions of petitions, letters, emails and phone calls from pro-Second Amendment Americans like you.

As I write you, I’ve just authorized National Association for Gun Rights staff to launch an all-out five-point plan to stop the U.N.’s Gun Ban dead in its tracks, including;

>>> Contacting 14 million Americans via mail and email to alert them to this fight;

>>> Launching a full-scale phone mobilization program to generate calls into Capitol Hill;

>>> Writing op-eds, blogs, and letters to the editor in key targeted states with U.S. Senators whose votes could go either way;

>>> Holding press conferences, granting media interviews and working the talk radio lines to ensure as many Americans as possible truly understand what’s at stake;

>>> And if funds allow, running hard-hitting radio, newspaper, Internet and TV ads to really turn up the pressure on Members of the Senate.

This is not going be cheap. In fact, as it stands today – especially with all the battles we’re facing – I don’t have the money to do everything that needs to be done.

That’s why in addition to your signed petition, I’m hoping you’ll make your most generous contribution of $10 or $20 IMMEDIATELY.

I’m afraid the only way you and I can stop the U.N. Gun Ban is if NAGR members and supporters go above and beyond what they’ve done in the past.

So please be as generous as you can. Please give every penny you can.

But if $20 is just too much, please agree to a generous contribution of $10 or at least $5.

Whatever you do, please act TODAY.

Please sign your “Stop the U.N.’s Gun Ban” petition along with your most generous contribution of $20, $10 or at least $5 TODAY.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

P.S. There’s no time to waste! The United Nations will finalize details of their so-called “Small Arms Treaty” at their meeting happening TODAY, setting the stage for a full ratification showdown in the U.S. Senate.

Please sign your “Stop the U.N.’s Gun Ban” petition along with your most generous contribution of $20, $10 or at least $5 TODAY.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation.  The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404.  They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 28, 2013 at 7:31pm

White House Says Nothing In Proposed Anti-Gun Laws Violates Constitution

At a recent White House press conference, Press Secretary Jay Carney was asked about all of the local sheriffs that have stated that they will not enforce unconstitutional gun laws enacted by the federal government. The reporter for asked Carney:

“There have been 381 sheriffs that have signed on saying they would not enforce gun laws they believed were unconstitutional. Would the administration have a problem if local law enforcement did not enforce whatever gun package were to pass?”

After stating that he had not seen the letters referred to, Carney replied:

“I think as a general proposition we think that people ought to follow the law.  As an absolute matter of fact in my view, and I think many other constitutional experts, there’s not a single measure in this package of proposals the president has put forward that in anyway violates the Constitution. In fact, they reflect the president’s commitment to our Second Amendment rights.”

Richard Mack, Founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association responded to Carney’s reply saying:

“Politicians who violate the Constitution never say I am violating the Constitution, come and arrest me.”

In 1994 Mack, then Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and six other county sheriffs filed a lawsuit in which they claimed that part of the provisions contained in the Brady Bill were unconstitutional. The case went all the way to the US Supreme Court who ruled in favor of the sheriffs. In ruling on this case the US Supreme Court did say that the county sheriff is the supreme law enforcement in their district. Basically that ruling gives the county sheriff authority over federal law enforcement or any other law enforcement that attempts to act within their jurisdictional boundaries.

Mack went on to comment saying:

“When Rosa Parks didn’t give up her seat on the bus, should she have been arrested or should the police have escorted her home?  The law was to arrest her. It was a stupid, unconstitutional law.”

“Every one of the sheriffs is going to follow the Constitution, not follow the president or the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court has already ruled twice for the Second Amendment. The federal government has no right to tell me how many magazines I can have, how many guns I can have and how much ammunition I can have.”

When I read the Second Amendment I don’t see anything that gives the federal or state government any authorization to restrict or infringe upon my right to own and bear firearms of my choosing. Here is what the Second Amendment says:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Notice the last four words of the Second Amendment say, ‘shall not be infringed.’ What part of this phrase does President Obama, Senator Feinstein, Jay Carney and the rest of the Democrats not understand? It doesn’t say that we have the right to keep and bear specific arms in specific quantities under specific regulations. Therefore in the straightforward reading of the Second Amendment any and all pieces of gun control legislation ever passed or ever to be considered, is a violation of the Second Amendment.

A list of those county sheriff associations that are part of the CSPOA effort includes those from: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah and Wyoming. Since County Sheriffs are the ultimate authority in their jurisdiction according to the US Supreme Court, the county sheriffs who have said they will not enforce any federal gun law that violates the Constitution will be obeying White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s admonition when he said that they are to follow the law.






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