NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
To date, Sec. of State of John Kerry has visited with one survivor, but will not give the survivor's name. He will only say the survivor was "remarkably courageous."
Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Frank Wolf (R-VA), and Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.), have trying to gain access to survivors, but all say they have been told different things regarding both the number of survivors and their locations.
They also say they have yet to even receive the names of the individuals.
Chaffetz believes there's a concerted effort to keep these survivors away from lawmakers: "We want to talk to the survivors -- they won't do that. And then the president has the gall to on television and say, 'Oh, we're providing all the access'? Baloney. Bull crap. That's not happening."
Reps. Wolf and Gerlach wrote a letter to Sec. Kerry formally requesting access to the survivors and seeking details about their conditions.
To date, all the GOP lawmakers know is that the survivors are allegedly a combination of security contractors, State Dept. employees, and CIA personnel.
March 9, 2013 By Daniel Noe
PolitiChick Ann-Marie Murrell talks to Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert about Benghazi and the lack of details coming out of the White House.
“If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” – Mark 3
“America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” – Barack Obama
“Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law.” – Barack Obama
“Full gender quality has not yet been achieved.” – Barack Obama
Our president is swiftly finding himself caught between two worlds.
Based on his words and actions (as well as his silence and inactions), we have witnessed a president who has emboldened two zealous and highly determined radical groups – progressive activists and militant Islamists. It would seem these two flourishing movements would be diametrically opposed; but under closer inspection, some commonalities are revealed. Each group looks to control public opinion and in the process squelch all forms of criticism and dissent. They both have effectively capitalized on their own propagandized profile: the persecuted underdog looking to advance a righteous cause. And they are both crafty, tireless, and relentless in applying their methods and manipulations.
In each case, the pursuit of grand and lofty ambitions to change an entire social and political landscape, achieved through the massive seizure and control of power, is the ultimate coveted end. But aren’t the president and his fellow radical sympathizers playing with fire?
“Liberals and Muslims despise most of what patriotic, religious Americans cherish and revere. This makes them common enemies of the American enterprise: comrades de guerre, so to speak.” – J.T. Hatter, American Thinker
As these radical agendas continue to merge in a collective effort to overcome a common enemy (the God-fearing American patriot), it’s sobering to consider the final end of such a union.
“Progressives continue to defend and support their Muslim allies in light of the latter’s historical and continuing offenses against the most hallowed tenets of liberalism: hanging homosexuals; stoning adulterers; maiming criminals; abusing and raping women…Instead of getting tough with the Islamists for their horrors, the president and his leftist followers cover for them.” – J.T. Hatter
I am nowise implying that our president is looking to have our nation overrun by Islamic militants. I do however believe he fits the profile of a ‘useful idiot.’ A progressive whose empathetic overtures to a ‘seemingly misunderstood’ people will be manipulated to secure further political and military advances. In the meantime, our own national interests have become greatly compromised by an administration more interested in radical appeasement over traditionally effective governing tactics, both domestically and abroad.
“Where there is conflict between the Islamic and leftist ideologies, the Muslims always prevail. Progressives will never confront the Islamists, in the fear that to do so would weaken their ally, or that it could produce a backlash so violent and devastating that the beneficial alliance would be destroyed forever.” – J.T. Hatter
The proud people of this nation must stand up and be heard. We too should voice our concerns against the powers and principalities seeking to render us impotent. Let’s reject the tendency to submit to a form of detached social and political apathy to which mainstream America has been banished. We may be down, but we’re not out. It’s time to reoccupy public opinion and turn this thing around.
Photo credit: SS&SS (Creative Commons)
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