NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Posted on November 16, 2012 by The Watchdog
Gun confiscation will fail in America. Any efforts they try will fall flat on its face. Tyrants to think they can alter the gun culture that existed for over 300 years is delusional. The right of the people to be armed has been part of our heritage before America became a republic. These authoritarians are the enemies to a free people. These power freaks want us disarmed. Senator Diane Feinstein is calling for strict gun control laws. She just stirred up a hornets nest. Her with many gun grabbers want gun confiscation on a major scale. They want only the government to posses guns
Regardless what the President does. He can sign executive orders using the regulatory process in the bureaucracy. He can sign the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty this year. The Senate can ratify the treaty with two thirds concurring. He can appoint all anti gun justices to the Federal Courts and the US Supreme Court. Possibly tipping the balance of power with radical leftist judges. Regardless what the Obama White House tries to do to start gun confiscation. He will fail miserably.
Here are the 15 reasons gun confiscation will fail:
1. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is part of our Constitution. Gun ownership is on the rise. The gun culture and the right to self defense is clear as day in the minds of many American. The second Amendment in engraved the heart of every red blooded American.
2. Organizations like Gun Owners of America and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership have educated the people. They spoke about the historical precedents of our founders. They have planted the seed in the minds of Americans talking about the true reason for gun ownership. Patriot broadcasters like Alex Jones and Mark Koernke have planted the seeds of Liberty and the coming New World Order for many years. Now the seed are starting to sprout.
3. The American people are aware what happens when the people are disarmed. Many defectors from totalitarian countries give first hand accounts... confiscation was accomplished. There is just too much evidence that gun control is about tyranny and control. Nothing good happens in a disarmed society. mass murder always follows.
4. The American people know what gun control does to cities like Chica... A police state comes in to fill the void. The law-abiding lose every time and criminality is rewarded.
5. Many Police and Military will stand down if the order is given to s.... The numbers going out to seize privately owned weapons will be diminished as a result. Many military personal did not carry out the order for gun confisca... .The US government does not have the personnel to carry it out. Even with foreign troops, federal agents, mercenaries and some brain-dead cops and troops. Obama’s brown-shirts and trained Boy scouts will not be enough either. Streets gangs armed by the FBI to be shock troops will fail also. 180 to 200 million gun owners is a huge leaderless standing army. I say they are outnumbered. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said” the lack of operatives Stalin bloodthirsty machine would have ground to a halt.” Not many people will go quietly in the night to be in a FEMA camp.
6. The County Sheriff is the most powerful elected position in the United States. It is not the President. Many County Sheriffs will not go along with gun confiscation. County Sheriffs are accountable to the people. Not the Federal government, Even though many Sheriffs will sell out his constituents for thirty pieces of silver to go along with gun confiscation. Many Sheriffs will stand with the people.
7. Many Americans will fight back. People know the 2nd Amendment stati... The people know gun ownership is necessary for a free state. They are aware the right to keep and bear arms was not about hunting. It is about resisting tyranny when the government has gone rogue. Shotguns are meant more than just a sporting purpose. They are effective against the black uniform thugs too. Not just moose.
8. The President can declare the 2nd Amendment to mean only the military and the National Guard can posses arms. Many states written in their constitutions have the provision retai... State constitutions cannot be overridden by Federal edicts or treaty law.
9. There is suspicion of these shootings in Aurora Colorado and in Wis.... Since operation Fast and Furious has been exposed as a false flag against gun owner... Fast and Furious went down in flames. The American people are not buying the lies.
10. The recent Presidential election revealed election fraud from both .... Do we have a lawful government in place? Is the President elected legitimately by an open and honest election? Many Americans feel if the government cannot prove the elections were honest and fair. Then many feel they are not obligated to follow any laws or decrees. That includes gun confiscation. Many Americans are fed up with the government.
11. The Authoritarians are using an old playbook that is obsolete and outdated. They are overconfident. That is going to be their downfall. Just because gun confiscation worked in other countries. It does not mean it will work here. Our culture is not European, Latin American or Asian. We Are Americans. Even through many people are dumb down. They are still plenty of Americans with guts and determination to resist.
We all had the benefit in our lifetime to see the atrocities when t... We will not allow the red terror to happen here as it happened in Russia, China and other despotic regimes when dictators disarmed the people. We know gun confiscation is not about the safety of the children or stopping crime. It is about controlling the people so we cannot resist.
12. The President and every other dictator is a narcissist. They are legends in their own minds. They are out of touch with reality and the American people. The American people do not share his values. If Obama is not out in the field leading the charge to grab the guns. He is just a coward. If he is commanding gun confiscation from a desk. He is in for a rude awakening when the people under him in the agencies cannot be trusted. Many Federal agents will not risk their lives for a paycheck.
13. If Gun confiscation is to start. They would only go after soft targets like the northeast. They would come for the guns when the man is at work and the wife is home. The feds tried this during the Branch Davidian raid. Still they wer... That is why they retreated. They will not go after hard targets. They will not try to grab guns in the south and definably not Texas. They will dare not go into area where they risk high casualties.
14. The power structure does not know the magnitude of national discontent. People are furious at the TSA and their abuses. People are out of work. They see the government growing and being more abusive on all levels of government. They see police using tazers and unnecessary use of force and even deadly force. The cops are not held accountable. That keeps enraging people.
15. People are now buying arms in record numbers. It keeps climbing eve... Some Police Chiefs and Sheriffs told people to buy gun because of l...
People realize gun control in any form is unconstitutional. They understand the government wants a monopoly on deadly force. Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun. As long as the people are armed. If American people still retain the right to keep and bear arms. Then they still hold the power to take back the republic. This is what scares the system. They are terrified.
Gun confiscation will fail here. The mask of off Obama. People see him for what he really is. The American people will not allow this President to wreck this nation. As long as people posses arms. They posses much power. The system knows. This is why they want our guns. Now matter what they try, gun confiscation will fail.
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