NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WND
A close examination of the state registrar's stamp on the Obama birth certificate released by the White House indicates the document is forged, according to the preponderance of Adobe expertsconsultingwith WND.
There are two different registrar stamps evident on the Obama birth certificate: The date stamp, indicating April 25, 2011, and the text and signature stamp containing registrar Dr. Alvin Onaka's signature.
Both registrar stamps appear to have been applied by a rubber stamp inked from a blotter.
Jerome Corsi's book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" is available...
The registrar stamps appear to be external objects that were imported into thedocument. The stamps were not impressions copied whole, the experts believe, but were created uniquely for the Obama document by a cut-and-paste process.
Moreover, the area around the date stamp indicates the image is not a scan of a paper document but aPDFfile created electronically.
The inescapable conclusion from this analysis, the experts contend, is that the Obama birth certificate as presented by the White House on April 27 is not an authentic copy of an original 1961 document held in the file of the Hawaii Department of Health. Instead, they say, it's an electronic, manipulated document created most likely from pieces of authentic records– in other words, a forgery.
The experts include Mara Zebest, a nationally recognizedcomputerexpert who has served as contributing author and technical editor for many books on Adobe software, and Doug Vogt, who hasfiled a criminal complaint that charges Obama's birth record is forged.
Stamps are imported links
Viewed inAdobeIllustrator, the date stamp and the registrar text, along with the signature of Dr. Alvin Onaka, constitute two separatelayers, indicating the date stamp was electronically placed on the electronic birth certificate, as seen in Exhibit 1, separately from the state registrar text and signature, as seen in Exhibit 2.
Exhibit 1: Group highlighted to reveal registrar date stamp external link |
Exhibit 2: Group highlighted off to reveal registrar text/signature external link |
That the registrar date stamp and the registrar text/signature stamps were both created by links to external objects imported into the Obama birth certificate is also confirmed by turning on "Links" in the "Window" menu in Adobe Illustrator.
As seen in Exhibit 3, further evidence that the two registrar stamps are external objects imported into the Obama birth document can be seen in that the date stamp and the registrar text/signature can easily be moved and repositioned anywhere on the document.
Moreover, as seen in Exhibit 3, moving the two registrar stamps leaves behind a white halo residue that indicates where the two external links had initially been pasted into the document.
Exhibit 3: Registrar stamp date object and text/signature objects separately repositioned on Obama birth certificate |
Manipulated objects
Exhibit 4 reveals not only was the registrar date stamp imported from an external link, the imported object was scaled and then rotated -90° to be placed in the document.
Exhibit 4: Registrar stamp date object and text/signature objects separately repositioned on Obama birth certificate |
In a similarfashion, Exhibit 5 reveals the registrar text/signature was also an imported object scaled and then rotated -90° to be placed in the document.
Exhibit 5: Registrar stamp text and signature scaled and rotated to be placed in Obama birth certificate |
Identical pixel structure reveals 'cut-and-Paste' creation
An examination of the registrar text under magnification shows several letters that contain the exact pixel structure, a phenomenon that is only possible if the letter was produced by a copy, cut and paste process.
Exhibit 6 demonstrates that the "T" in "CERTIFY" was copied and pasted identically into the text of the registrar stamp eight times. But in four instances (the "T" in "ABSTRACT," the "T" in "TXE," the second "T" in "State," and the fourth "T" in "DEPARTMENT"), the pixel structure is different, showing that these letters were not produced by a copy, cut and paste process.
Exhibit 6: Identical "T" letters (yellow highlight) in registrar stamp text compared with different "T" letters (underlined in green) |
Exhibit 7 provides a second demonstration of letters in the registrar stamp with identical pixel structures. Yellow highlighting shows the letter "H" with identical pixel structures, compared to the letter "H" appearing with a different pixel structure as indicated by green underlining in the second "H" of "HEALTH."
Exhibit 7: Identical "H" Letters (yellow highlight) in registrar stamp text compared with different "H" letters (underlined in green) |
Exhibit 8 gives a third demonstration. Identical pixel structures are seen in the "I" of "IS" and the two "Is" of "HAWAII" (yellow highlighting), compared to the "I" in "CERTIFY" and in "FILE" (green underlining).
Exhibit 8: Identical "I" letters (yellow highlight) in registrar stamp text compared with different "I" letters (underlined in green) |
Other letters also show identical pixel structures: the "E" in "FILE," "HEALTH" and the first appearance of "STATE"; the "O" in the second "OF" and the "O" in "OR"; the "A" in "A" and the "A" in "HEALTH."
What this demonstrates, the experts say, is that the text of the state registrar stamp was assembled by a cut-and-paste job. It resembles, they explain, a crude ransom note assembled by cutting letters from various printed articles and pasting them together to form words.
The "TXE" or "TKE" misspelling and the smiley face
The experts wonder why a forger would not simply copy a registrar date stamp and paste it into the document whole, unless, for some reason they wanted to leave "signatures" – the "TXE" and the smiley face in the initial letter "A" of Dr. Alvin Onaka's signature.
AsWND has reported, the "TXE" misspelling is clear when seen under magnification, as demonstrated in Figure 9:
Exhibit 9: The "TXE" misspelling in "THE RECORD" |
Under higher magnification, it is clear that the "X" is not a result of a smear on the paper but is formed by a fundamentally different pixel structure than is apparent in the various "H" letters highlighted in yellow in Exhibit 10.
Exhibit 10: The "TXE" misspelling in "THE RECORD" seen under higher magnification |
Under even higher magnification, as seen in Exhibit 11, it is even arguable the misspelled "X" is possibly a "K," formed leaning forward to the right in what may be referred to as a "walking K."
Exhibit 11: The "TXE" misspelling in "THE RECORD" seen under even higher magnification |
The "X" or "K," under extreme magnification, appears to have been manipulated, based on the pixel structure.
The smiley face in "Alvin" is also apparent under magnification, as seen in Exhibit 12.
Exhibit 12: "Smiley Face" in "A" of "Alvin" |
Under even higher magnification, as seen in Exhibit 13, the smiley face can be seen to have been created by placing a letter "E" into the forward loop of the "A" in "Alvin."
Exhibit 13: "Smiley face" in "A" of "Alvin" seen in higher magnification |
In summary, an examination of the registrar date stamp and the registrar text/signature stamp in the Obama birth certificate reveals the following anomalies:
Note also that in Exhibit 14, the scan of the authentic birth certificate, the embossed seal is clearly visible, a feature that is not easily observable on the Obama birth certificate.
Comparisonto scanned birth certificate
Aspreviously reported, WND has an authentic long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate issued by the Hawaii Department of Health on March 15, 2011, to compare against the Obama birth certificate.
As displayed in Exhibit 14, a scan of the authentic document after being run through Optical Character Recognition, or OCR, and viewed in Adobe Illustrator includes only one layer. The entire scan is either visible or switched off depending on whether the one layer is clicked to be visible or to be hidden.
Exhibit 14: Authentic Hawaii DOH-issued long-form birth certificate registrar date stamp, March 15 |
Exhibit 15 shows how the authentic registrar text/signature stamp looks in the authentic document scanned with OCR switched on.
Exhibit 15: Scan of registrar text/signature stamp authentic Hawaii DOH long-form birth certificate issued March 11 |
Exhibit 16 is a close-up of the registrar text/signature stamp from the Obama birth certificate.
Exhibit 16: Purported scan of Obama 1961 birth certificate presented by White House as a scanned copy of the original, April 27 |
Exhibit 17 shows the registrar date stamp in the authentic birth certificate scanned with OCR.
Exhibit 17: Registrar date stamp close-up taken from scan of authentic Hawaii DOH-issued birth certificate |
Exhibit 18 is a close-up of the registrar date stamp from the Obama birth certificate.
Exhibit 18: Registrar date stamp close-up taken from Obama birth certificate |
As seen in the comparison between Exhibits 16 and 17, the scan of the authentic birth certificate, even with OCR, displays none of the peculiarities of the Obama birth certificate scan, raising serious doubt that the PDF released by the White House is a scan of the original 1961 birth certificate as the White House represented.
In summary, an examination of the registrar date stamp and the registrar text/signature stamp in the authentic birth certificate scanned with OCR reveals the following:
Optimizing the authentic document after it was scanned with OCR switched on failed to produce in the authentic document the anomalies observed in the registrar date stamp and in the registrar text/signature stamp in the Obama birth certificate.
The comparison of the scanned authentic birth certificate with the Obama birth certificate counters the argument that anomalies observed in the registrar date stamp and the registrar text/signature stamp are due to the Obama birth certificate having been scanned with Optical Character Recognition having been turned on, or with the file having been optimized.
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