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"2012 - Will The Sleeping Giant Awaken?"

By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."  Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto-1941
The preponderance of recorded history tells us that the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Imperial Navy and their carrier-based warplanes on December 7, 1941, came without warning and was a total surprise to the American government and the intelligence community.  The attack by the 19 Arabian terrorists on September 11, 2001, using commercial airliners as flying bombs, also came as a surprise and the American government and intelligence community were caught flat-footed again, or so we are told.  Each of these events changed all American lives forever.  The first event triggered a world war and the second event plunged America into the sudden realization that their national and individual security could no longer be taken for granted.  But the second event gave the American government an excuse and an opportunity to exchange our liberty for increased security. Sadly, many Americans have just rolled over to this blatant and overt increase in power, without so much as a whimper.  Have you been through an airport recently?
Pearl Harbor brought out the ferociousness of the most powerful nation on earth, a nation that found itself under attack by a determined foreign enemy.  It also brought forth the rage of a sleeping giant and this great nation defeated three aligned and heavily armed countries who dared to test the commitment and will of the American people and its military might.  They lost in utter humiliation.
Not all of our enemies are so blatant and obvious as were Germany, Italy and Japan.  The 9/11 attack was perpetrated by the unseen enemy of religious fanaticism and this enemy will be testing us daily and in our sights for many decades to come.  We will struggle on how best to defeat this enemy, in that it does not emanate from a nation with borders.  There are no uniforms, there are no flags and there are no rules, just hit and run and bestial brutality with the goal of absolute domination.   
But there is one more enemy that lurks in the shadows, masquerading as a benefactor, when in reality it is a radical ideology, not much different than radical Islam in its attempt to intimidate and control the masses.  For years this ideology has been growing like an undetected cancer, metastasing in the fabric of our culture and eating away at the foundations of our institutions.  This growing cancer is foreign to all of the principles of freedom.  Its weapons of domination come in the form of irrational compassion and the exploitation of emergencies.  It undermines our liberties and brainwashes our children through propaganda, hype, distortions, lies and the enforcement of political correctness.  This enemy has been so successful in its efforts to conquer the hearts and minds of the people, that America, as a free nation, hovers precariously on the brink of self-destruction.
Lately, this shadowy enemy has been showing its hand in a big way.  The election in 2008 of an in-experienced community organizer with a strange sounding name, Barack Hussein Obama, a combination of Arabic and sub-Sahara Africa, was unprecedented by any previous presidential standards.  His platform of hope and change were in reality, the beginnings of despair, destruction and disaster for America.
Obama immediately started to expose the real agenda of this growing cancer, this radical ideology, in a big way and he signaled his stealth attack five days before he was elected president when he said,  ".... we are just five days away from fundamentally transforming America."  Obama, virtually overnight, finally put a stark face on the progressive movement in America that had been working behind the scenes for over 100 years.  With the help of the majority in Congress under Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid, the door was open for Obama to make an exponential leap forward in his plan to transform America into a socialist utopia.  The U. S. Constitution was no longer an impediment to his plans, it being set aside by decades of abuse and distortion by the government, the courts and the people.
Where Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were overt and sudden attacks on American sovereignty, this radical ideology was and is a covert, decades-long attack to disassemble America as a free nation.  Sensing that victory was almost in their grasp, Obama and company, standing on the shoulders of Wilson, FDR, Johnson and others, moved rapidly to put the icing on the cake of this 100-year progressive plan to control Americans, fed by the fuels of irrational compassion and the exploitation of national emergencies.   Annual deficits and the national debt rose exponentially under Obama's rule.  In just two short years, Obama, with a willing Congress, raised the national debt greater than all previous presidents combined.
But Obama and his partners in international crime weren't aware that there were still some American vanguards that were keeping watch.  As Obama pushed forth with his radical agenda, these vanguards went on the alert and started warning others of what they saw on the horizon, in a replay of the one-if-by-sea, or two-if-by-land signals in the old North Church from the midnight ride of Paul Revere.
The warnings started manifesting themselves in flashes across cyber space.  The Tea Party erupted out of nowhere.  The sleeping giant stirred.  Town hall meetings turned angry and articles and speeches rose in anti-government rhetoric, throughout America.  The sleeping giant's ears flicked back and forth, appearing to be searching for a distant sound. 
States started looking more closely at the 10th Amendment as a defense against Federal abuses of authority.  An involuntary tremble ran down the giant's back. 
Nullification and citizen grand juries were resurrected from the history books as a means to thwart government corruption and intervention into states rights.  The giant's nostrils twitched from an unseen itch. 
The call for the return to common law, in response to our corrupt legal system of admiralty courts, echoed across the land.  A hand of the giant reached up to brush away an imaginary fly from his cheek. 
The talk of armed militias turned from angry discourse to accretion and formation.  The giant's mouth opened in a wide yawn, his nostrils flared and one eye opened abruptly to see what was going on. 
Civil war and even revolution were uttered in uneasy whispers wherever free Americans congregated.  The sleeping giant's other eye opened and he was suddenly and fully awake from his long hibernation.  
Now, as each day passes, this angry beast that gives no quarter, hungers for freedom and justice and seeks out the perpetrators that disturbed his long rest.
Sensing that the giant's awakening might interfere with their grand plan of social utopia, this radical ideology, moved to strengthen their hold on power.  New laws were immediately passed, bureaucracies adopted more rules and regulations, treaties were ratified and the moneychangers manipulated the money supply and paid off their friends as the earth started to shake from the rumblings of a financial meltdown, caused by decades of government negligence and corruption.  Security was increased dramatically and the propaganda, warnings of pending doom and the lies multiplied.   The following link from the Heritage Foundation website will give you an idea of what Obama and his obedient servants have done to America and Americans, just in 2011.
International interests colluded with America's ruling class to put a stamp of globalism on their agenda that no longer remains in the shadows.  It is now open warfare between these two opposing forces of good versus evil, freedom versus enslavement and American sovereignty versus the one-world-order.  However, the awakening of the sleeping giant of American exceptionalism, patriotism and the desire to be free no matter what the cost, has risen out of the ashes of apathy and indifference, to confront the forces of evil, as personified by the face of its unwitting, narcissistic puppet master and puppeteer, Barack Hussein Obama.  The giant is awake and justice and retribution are on his mind.
Unfortunately, this giant has a medical condition that will force him to fall asleep again, if the cry for freedom is not resonating loudly throughout the land.  "The Parallax Prophecies" predicts that if in 2012 millions of Americans do not take up the guidon of liberty and purge Obama and those that ride this out-of-control insane train called progressivism, America will slide into a kind of purgatory before it is thrown kicking and screaming into national bankruptcy and then into its ultimate demise as a once-free and prosperous nation.
Let 2012 be the start of term limits for all politicians, a balanced budget, secure borders and a reasonable and fair immigration policy that does not grant amnesty to those that break our laws and English becomes America's official language.  Further, that all federal lawsuits against individual state laws that are designed to control illegal immigration, be dropped.
Let 2012 be the year that scales back government spending to pre-2008 levels, with substantial reductions every year thereafter.  And let this move to scale back government spending also be a move to scale back government itself.
Let 2012 be the year where marriage between one man and one woman, as nature and natural law intended, is officially mandated by federal law and the U. S. Justice Department defends that law with vigor.
Let 2012 be the year that our foreign and military policy transmit the "walk softly but carry a big stick" message to the rest of the world.  And let's quit fighting wars we don't intend to win.
Let 2012 be the year we stop appeasing our enemies, bowing to our friends or enemies and apologizing for America. 
Let 2012 be the year that the unconstitutional Obama Care legislation is summarily removed from the law books and reasonable laws are adopted to help control health care costs and deliver the same quality health care we have been getting that you can't get in any other country on earth. 
Let 2012 be the year that the Department of Education, the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency are dismantled or scaled way back and most of their functions returned to the states where they belong.  
Let 2012 be the year of a national energy policy that puts America's energy needs first.  Highly subsidized alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, or ethanol from corn can never replace crude oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear or hydro-electric power.  A nation without a growing energy supply is a nation in peril.
Let 2012 be the year we start a reasonable environmental policy that recognizes constitutional safeguards and protections.  Let's bury, once and for all, this non-sense and global con-game of "man-caused global warming", euphemistically called "climate change" and the absurd policy that forces its implementation, "the precautionary principle".
Let 2012 be the year that state and local governments quit buckling under Federal mandates and international social and environmental policies like Agenda 21, smart growth and sustainable development.
Let 2012 be the year that we de-fund the United Nations and send it offshore where it belongs.  The United Nations is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet and it never works for American interests.  In fact, the UN works against American interests and our sovereignty and yet the American taxpayer pays almost 25% of the cost to support the UN.
Let 2012 be the year we return to our roots of freedom and where we all, the people and politicians alike, truly preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States as the Founders intended.
Let 2012 be the year that the "Sleeping Giant" awakens in full force and fury and subdues the domestic enemy, this radical ideology, that for over 100 years has threatened to rip and tear a free and prosperous America to pieces.
Let 2012 be the greatest year since freedom was born in 1776, "..... when some ordinary men, with vision and the wisdom of age and experience, in a time of turmoil and confusion, gathered together on the distant shores of a new land and laid down a 'blue print' for free men and women with common purpose and resolve to live out their lives and govern their individual and collective affairs by adhering to that 'blue print'.  The guidance of that 'blue print', through years of significant change, has allowed a free society to pioneer, grow and prosper into the strongest nation in all of recorded human history."  (from our book "The Dimming Light of Freedom")
Let 2012 be the year that freedom is born anew!
Ladies and gentlemen, we don't have to pick up our guns and kill someone to save America.  All we have to do is to vigorously and judiciously use the processes, the mechanisms and the laws already in place, with sufficient courage and force, by millions of Americans of one mind and we can change America for the better.  No it won't be easy, but who said maintaining freedom was easy.
Now, if you need something to stir your blood and get you off your couch, companies known as SafeLink Wireless and Tracefone Wireless are providing free cell phones and 250 free minutes each month to people on welfare and Medicaid, on your tax "dime".    [SafeLink Wireless is a provider of the government's Lifeline Support program.]  Really!  Are you getting a free cell phone and free minutes?  Hardly!   These subsidized idiots say a free cell phone is a right ..... a RIGHT mind you!   But you, the dumb one, pay for your cell phone and you pay for theirs as well.  Just more "free" cash from Obama's "stash" for votes, except that it ain't free ..... is it?
Should you want to give SafeLink/Trackfone Wireless a piece of your mind about this, you can reach their corporate headquarters at:
So, will the Sleeping Giant awaken in 2012 and be filled with a terrible resolve to save the Republic?  That's up to you!

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