NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Judi McLeod Tuesday, November 29, 2011
In a perfect world Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones would pony up to pay the invoice to the Richmond Tea Party for “costs incurred for previous rallies” and quit with the bogus audit that is wasting time and taxpayers’ money.
But it’s a Marxist world ever since Barry Soetoro arrived under the name of Barack Hussein Obama in the White House.
Why is anyone, let alone the Tea Party Movement, surprised that while ‘His Worship’ Dwight Jones is ignoring the TP invoice for three Tax Day rallies at Kanawha Plaza, he allowed Occupy Richmond protesters “to convene in the same park for two weeks”?
The best-of-our-day investigative journalists at Big Government should unearth the White House memo sent to all Democrat supporting big city and small town mayors advising them to provide room in public parks for Occupy Wall Street (OWS) activists because that the memo exists is as certain that Obama will go out golfing again.
And it is as certain as the sunrise that the Tea Party Movement has not been on an even playing field ever since Obama decided to rid the Republic of it.
While Obama and Company are now trying to lull the masses back to sleep with the lie that OWS have been sent packing from city parks, how many are seeing the Big Picture?
The OWS movement is not dead, it’s just going back to where it’s always been: the longstanding politic underbelly underground where activists get to do their damage in the comfortable shade of government-funded activism.
Greenpeace, which joined the OWS fray, will be back scaling walls and harassing Toys R Us in time for Christmas. Code Pink will be back defaming courageous troops. The Ruckus Society will be training anarchists and teaching them how to clog up the already overburdened legal system.
Activist-charged police brutality will be the most striking feature of the OWS aftermath.
Their time in OWS was a collective dedication to the re-election of Barack Obama.
In order to complete the mission, they had to steal the narrative of the Tea Party and to bury it too deep for archeological finds.
Before OWS took over the parks, the czars-replete Obama regime counted on Big Sis Janet Napolitano to demonize the Tea Party Movement. Tea Party members were consistently depicted as the bible-thumping, bitter clinger, domestic terrorists who posed a clear and present danger to the status quo.
When non-ending smears in the mainstream media did not convince the public at large that the Tea Party was more than a grass roots uprising of mostly older American citizens trying to turn the tide from drowning high taxes, the administration started to get desperate.
It was getting close to another election year, and the Obama regime had to do something.
That something was OWS.
Murder, mayhem, rape, stashed drugs and weapons should have been expected from university graduates who exchanged indoctrination for public displays of street theatre malcontent.
Some of the OWS antics were staged to distract people from something important going on in their own White House: The fundamental transformation of America.
Just scratching the surface shows that the OWS’ mission against the Tea Party Movement comes right out of the Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky. OWS, like their White House supporters, attempt to define the Tea Party and then to infiltrate them.
At the end of the day, OWS rehearses the impossible. Their overnight takeover of the public park is an act. The Tea Party is real life that comes from the real tragedy of lost homes and jobs being played out by real people.
Just as career politicians will do everything for the working man except be one, self centered, Me-First OWS types cannot relate to real people or real people’s suffering. OWS is one trial balloon that flopped right back to Mother Earth.
Originating from anti-consumerism, Black Friday was an unarguable success right on the OWS’ watch.
Meanwhile, the Richmond Tea Party should tell His Worship Dwight Jones to stick their bill where the sun don’t shine and go on to defeat him at the very next civic election.
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