NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

"It will never happen here", or will it?....or IS it?





(A story of deception, treachery, and betrayal


.....As told to me, in confidence)







January 1,1959, at the stroke of midnight, Castro brought his “change” to Cuba with a loud bang. My grandfather was a police officer in Havana and for that he was considered an enemy of the state. Within hours he was snatched from his wife and 3 children. He was unfairly sentenced to death by firing squad. My great aunt and my great grandmother pleaded for his life. So those revolutionary guerrillas sentenced him to 30 years in prison of which he served 21 and a half years. He was freed in 1979 due to a treaty that was signed between Cuba and the United states to free the oldest political prisoners. My grandpa was in that category. We were living in Miami at the time. We listened to the radio as they were announcing the political prisoner’s names and we heard my grandpa’s name, Jose Antonio Gonzalez! We drove from South Miami to the Opa-Locka airport. We were excited and yet nervous. I met my grandfather when I was 7 years old. My mother had her father until she was nine years old so at least she had some recollection of him. My uncle too. To my aunt however he was really non-existent she did know him at all until she was 24 years old and ready to be married. I always heard my family’s stories with great fascination.


One story my mother tells is when she was a little girl in school…She was 9-10 years old at the beginning of the revolution. One day the teacher told the children in her classroom to close their eyes. The children did so as they were told. Then, the teacher said, “now pray to God for a piece of candy.” The teacher then commanded the children to open their eyes and they found no candy on their desks. So then the teacher again instructed the children to close their eyes and ‘pray to Fidel for a piece of candy.’ Then the teacher commanded the children to open their eyes and each child found a piece of candy on their desk. “See,” she said “God doesn’t exist. Fidel will give you what you want.”


So much was told to me. You can see a pain that still runs deep. These stories were passed on to me so that I and others may not fall into the same trap. It is what made me go out into the streets hand in hand with my grandmother and my great-aunt to protest the return of Elian Gonzalez to Cuba. It is what made me realize what a mistake I made in having believed in the Liberal promise and vote for Bill Clinton only to have him turn his back on the Cuban exiles like his fellow Democrat John F. Kennedy did so many years ago. This is why I do not believe the promises that are made by Barrack Hussein Obama. It is not about the color of skin black, brown, yellow, white; or political party Republican or Democrat. It is about defending our country’s very principle of freedom for all and family values. The core values that make our nation great. To me it is the reason why my family escaped Cuba….Freedom! My brother, Staff Sergeant James xxxxxxx, is defending our freedom right now in Afghanistan.


The fact that we have communists advising the President of this country and the fact that the President himself is a marxist defiles what my brother and so many others are fighting for and have fought for. Don’t let them fight and die in vain! Wake up America!! Do not let our children be indoctrinated the way they tried with my mother years ago. Don’t let our businesses that we sweat and work hard for be taken over like my grandmother’s business was years ago. This is why my family shares these stories. They are lessons that are very deeply engraved in my soul forever. -Maria




Reply by Carmen Mesa 7 minutes ago


I understand Maria's words perfectly because I am also a Cuban American forced to flee my country.


I arrived in this beloved and generous country without my parents back in 1962 when I was 15 years old with my brother who was 1 year younger through the Peter Pan flights that were started by Cuban patriots to get the children that were approaching military age out of the country before the Cuban regime snatched us from our parents.


My parents were willing to make the sacrifice of maybe not being reunited with us in order to get us out of the country and afford us liberty and freedom in this great country of ours.


When I realized what Obama was trying to do to our country while running his campaign of change and hope. (he didn't fool me at all) I vowed to myself that I would do anything in my power to prevent him from stealing my children's and granchildren's future.


...I will do so until I take my last breath.

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Thanks for sharing your story. The indoctrination of our children is already starting. Thank you (to your brother) for serving our country, I am one who understands the sacrifice. This may not have been posted by Maria, but I wanted to say thanks, anyway.
Those who forget the past, are condemned to repeat it!!!!!!

Thank you for this history lesson!!
Thank you so much Maria for sharing your story. I was one of the lucky few who was told about these murderous dictators as a child. Most children never learn these things. They are absent from the curriculum. That is scary.

We need to stand behind Glenn Beck for having the nerve to show his documentary. He will be serverely attacked by the left.
Thanks for Maria's story. God Bless, GRK
Dear Maria,

I am so glad that you are here and sharing your story.

Most of the people who fled to this country had experienced oppression in their native countries. They risked their lives to come to the land which promised liberty and opportunity and freedom from tyranny and opression. America has, since its birth over 200 years ago, been the shining light of freedom and opportunity. She has welcomed with open arms all who wish to become a part of her.

She will march into Hell to rescue people under the persecution of evil............she never 'occupies'.....she liberates, helps to rebuild and returns to her home, never requesting or even expecting repayment on her investment..........not only in monitary compensation but for the loss of life of our brave service men and women.

Americans are a generous people.....we are ever ready with food, water, medecine, labor and our respect for life.

Because of that unlimited generosity, we are loathed throughout the world. We are criticized, impuned and spat upon.

Although the donations of money, physical labor, medical expertise, comfort, care and everything else we extend with no expectation of repayment other than to relieve the suffering of others; other countries sneer at us, accuse us of arriving too late and of having ulterior motives.

We are watching the events in Haiti following the earthquake ten days ago. The USA has been there as quickly as possible, the Israeli rescue teams are pulling victims....still alive, from the rubble. There is aid flowing in from all over the world..............WHERE IS THE HAITIAN GOVERNMENT???????? The 'dictators' who have kept billions of dollars in contributions. The government that has kept the Hatian people dirt poor and dependent? Where indeed!?!?

Those of us who still love this country and believe that she is the greatest nation in the history of nations are again, finding one another. Finding like minded citizens who will pledge, as the founding fathers promised.....our LIVES, OUR FORTUNES and OUR SACRED HONOR to ensure the LIBERTY and JUSTICE promised by those great, wise men, all of those years ago.

I welcome you to this magnificant place and pray that you, too, will fight to preserve it.

God Bless.......
I understand Maria's words perfectly because I am also a Cuban American forced to flee my country. I arrived in this beloved and generous country without my parents back in 1962 when I was 15 years old with my brother who was 1 year younger through the Peter Pan flights that were started by Cuban patriots to get the children that were approaching military age out of the country before the Cuban regime snatched us from our parents. My parents were willing to make the sacrifice of maybe not being reunited with us in order to get us out of the country and afford us liberty and freedom in this great country of ours. When I realized what Obama was trying to do to our country while running his campaing of change and hope. (he didn't fool me at all) I vowed to myself that I would do anything in my power to prevent him from stealing my children's and granchildren's future. I will do so until I take my last breath.
There are hundreds of thousands of us in this same predicament..... we saw it coming in 2007, tried to warn everyone about it.... this is the one and only country in the world with true freedom.... and we'll stay and fight for our lives..... and recover our Republic.

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." - Niemuller
Many people like this two friends from Cuba, knows of the misery and distress that their parents and their families suffer but home, many was bless to be able to scape, some like my self, live in dictatorship with out knowing that was bad, because was the only thing we knew, even the crime committed to the people, was normal, as we learn in early ages, that we have no voice, the soul is kill in our early age, with lies and benefits that has been on the intent to allow the well manipulate mind of the child to think that those that control, reign and eliminate others, are almost like God. In that context I felt bless to not know better, but I have memories of those times, the fear in people's expression, the low tone of the voices of the grown ups, worry to be hear, the un-trust, the remove of the children in families with ties to the monarchy, separations of entire families, that found most of them through time... yes, I still remember the take over of my grand father, when we all was sleep, and the consequence worries of thinking that next can be any of us, but I still believe to be bless, because all of us who go through that kind of system, learn that we have the voice to tell the people of the world, so people can be alert, inform and ready to change the events.
See back some 70-80 years, people don't have communications, no TV, few radios, no internet, people didn't know from city to city, what was going on, and most people got cut by surprise. Today you have many voices that tell you loud to be aware, to stay alert, because we see the signs of the pass in the borders and sometimes even around the corner in this Nation... and you have the internet, where we can reach many people with few words.
To think that nothing can happen here, or the government will not attack it's own people, is to be naive, people should pay attention about the warnings that the Founders leave for future generations, so they can be aware of the signs, nothing can't take away from you from the outside, but from within, that is what we have today. We must understand that to fight evil we need to know where it's, we need to know what evil is, and we need to have the will, the courage and the spirit to fight it back, like nothing else in our life.
Many like us, are here in the USA, from lands where humankind is nothing but a toy, we know when we came here, and we try to raise our voices so people see it. It's time to stop denying the reality. To Governments people are nothing but tools for control and power. Knowledge is power, it's time to take over with that knowledge and be in control of our minds, as long that people follow someone blindly you will stay behind, remember that no matter how good a sound, those that work in the Media, or politicians, or any who talk to the people for money, they have their agendas, as they get pay to talk to you what you want to hear, those that fight next to you with out asking for money but just for the love of this Nation, are the one's that we must listen. Regain control of your self, listen what they inform you with, but do not put people in pedestals, they are humans, and they can betray you, everyone who idolatry a person, is getting themselves ready to have a big deception. Your mind is your power, through the TV you been wash, you been programmed. Think about it, and think for your self.

Fighting for Freedom to Stay Free.

Thanks, I know the truth of the matter. Good work.







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