NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.






WASHINGTON — Rep. Richard Hanna, R-Oneida County, is among 80 prominent Republicans who have signed onto a legal brief with the Supreme Court supporting gay marriage, according to spokeswoman Renee Gamela.

The signatures are being submitted this week as part of a friend-of-the-court brief backing a lawsuit that challenges California’s Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage, according to the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER). AFER is a Los Angeles-based group founded to oppose Proposition 8, which passed in November 2008.

The participation of Hanna and other Republicans in the lawsuit was first reported Tuesday by the New York Times. Hanna was unavailable for comment on Tuesday.

Manny Rivera, a spokesman for AFER, said additional Republican signatures are being gathered before Thursday’s court deadline for filing briefs.

Oral arguments are scheduled for March 26.

Republicans backing the Supreme Court petition include Ted Olson, U.S. solicitor general under President George W. Bush; Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah and a former GOP presidential candidate; and Christine Todd Whitman, former governor of New Jersey. Whitman and Huntsman are among six former Republican governors who have signed the brief.

Other Republicans on the list include several dozen former officials of various Republican presidential administrations, advisers to 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and GOP political consultants.

Hanna and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida are the only current members of the House or Senate who have signed the brief.

Hanna, a second-term House member whose largely rural congressional district is anchored by Utica and Binghamton, was endorsed by the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights group, in his 2010 and 2012 campaigns.

AFER said that one of its board members, Ken Mehlman, personally secured many of the signatures.
Mehlman is a former chairman of the Republican National Committee who also chaired President George W. Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign.

“Ronald Reagan, our great conservative president, used to say real change occurs around the kitchen table,’’ Mehlman said in an email he sent to Politico. “This brief is reflective of real change occurring all across our country as families sit around kitchen tables, think about the value of family to their own lives and recognize these benefits should be available to all Americans.”



”...Family, being defined as one man and one woman and their offspring or legal minor dependants, their direct ancestry and their posterity; “


was written in 2008

If it had been deployed, far and wide then,
would We the People have had a better
class of Representatives and Senators
today? ...even a better President?


Is the FAMILY clause therein

still relevant, now?


Read the Declaration





Take Action: DOJ Says One Man, One Woman Marriage is Unconstitutional

by Bethany Monk

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court Friday arguing that a federal law defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman is unconstitutional because it discriminates against homosexuals.

The DOJ is seeking to strike down the law that defines marriage for all federal purposes.

The department argues in the brief that the law is unconstitutional under “heightened constitutional scrutiny.” In other words, the DOJ is asserting that sexual orientation should be treated as a suspect classification, like race or sex. The usual test for laws not involving suspect classifications is the “rational basis” test, which is a much lower threshold for laws to meet. Marriage laws have uniformly been tested under a “rational basis” review in the past.

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), signed by President Clinton in 1996, also protects the right of any state not to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. That particular provision is not being challenged. The court will hear two cases — one challenging DOMA and the other challenging California’s marriage amendment — in March.

The DOJ filed its brief in the DOMA case, United States v. Windsor. The suit involves a New York woman required to pay federal inheritance taxes on property her late partner left her. Although their Canadian marriage is recognized in New York, it is not recognized under DOMA.

Equating homosexuality to race in terms of constitutional protection would have major implications for state and federal laws on the family.

“If the Supreme Court finds that homosexuality is entitled to ‘heightened constitutional scrutiny,’ it could mean bad news for all marriage or family laws that define or promote one man, one woman marriage, or that support the notion that children are entitled to a mom and a dad,” said CitizenLink Judicial Analyst Bruce Hausknecht.

If DOMA is struck down because the Court equates homosexuality to race and gender, it would also, down the road, cause legal issues for churches, faith-based organizations and believers across the country.

“People and organizations from faith traditions who support the biblical standards behind marriage would be viewed in the law the same as race bigots, no better than the segregationists in the Jim Crow South who built separate water fountains for whites and blacks,” Hausknecht said. “If that indeed happens, the legal consequences for the American church will be severe, and it will be with the blessing of the Supreme Court.”

The court has already made it clear in past cases that the federal definition is constitutional, said Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Counsel Austin Nimocks.

“The wisest course is for the Supreme Court to resist demands to prematurely end the national debate over the future of marriage,” he explained. “The court should respect the freedom of both Congress and citizens to affirm a bedrock social institution that diverse cultures and faiths have honored throughout the history of Western Civilization.”


Take Action: Ask Your U.S. Senators to Protect Marriage
Please ask both of your U.S. senators to oppose any repeal of DOMA.





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HOT PETITION!  Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We delivered 114,000 fax petitions. Help reach 150,000Free option here.

Senator endorses Satan, blames Jesus & Bible.  Defend traditional marriage!

The Republican-In-Name-Only (RINO) U.S. Senator from Ohio Rob Portman has openly endorsed homose xual "marriage" and its enforcement upon all 50 states.

"I’ve come to the conclusion that for me, personally, I think this is something that we should allow people to do, to get married, and to have the joy and stability of marriage that I’ve had for over 26 years," Portman told CNN. "That I want all of my children to have, including our son, who is gay."

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule [of Jesus], and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Dr. Chaps comment: So let me get this straight.  A sitting U.S. Senator, who lied to Christian voters to obtain his office, now openly endorses what the Bible calls sin, simply because his son enjoys sin?   Portman does not love his demon-ruled son, if he wants his son to remain demon-ruled.  

Portman blames the Bible and Jesus Christ, who wrote the Golden Rule?  Sorry, love is not lust.  The Senator does not speak for Jesus Christ, who clearly defined marriage as defined by God from the beginning between "male and female" in Matthew 19:4-6.

If Portman loved his son, he would obey the scripture:  "Do not hate...Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt." (Lev.19:17, NIV)  Rather than confront Satan indwelling his own family, the Senator now effectively endorses Satan as good.

The Bible in 1 Tim 3:5 declares Portman is now unfit for office, and should resign:  "If a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?"  Portman is unfit to lead us.

No Bible-believing Christian in Ohio or America can support Portman's 2016 re-election. But more importantly, we MUST send a message to all 100 Senators today, to stand AGAINST Portman's open defiance of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.  Please sign our petition today, and defend DOMA and oppose S.598.  Please fax all 100 Senators.

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Or select our free option here.

Bill Clinton: 'gay' marriage good, DOMA bad. Take action!

Former President Bill Clinton, (a role-model for his marriage skills), is now asking Congress to fully homose xualize federal marriage, and repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage between one man and one woman.  Clinton's  breaking op-ed for the Washington Post says in part:  

Clinton: "In 1996, I signed the Defense of Marriage Act. Although that was only 17 years ago, it was a very different time. In no state in the union was same-sex marriage recognized, much less available as a legal right, but some were moving in that direction...supporters of the bill known as DOMA believed that its passage 'would defuse a movement to enact a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, which would have ended the debate for a generation or more.' It was under these circumstances that DOMA came to my desk, opposed by only 81 of the 535 members of Congress...

[Dr. Chaps' comment: He now admits he only signed DOMA to fool the rest of us into NOT passing a Constitutional Amendment when we should have in 1996.]

Clinton: "I know now that, even worse than providing an excuse for discrimination, the law is itself discriminatory. It should be overturned...President Abraham Lincoln concluded a message to Congress by posing the very question we face today: "It is not 'Can any of us imagine better?' but 'Can we all do better?' "

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  Yes, we can ALL do better, by passing a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage between one man and one woman, as Jesus did in Matthew 18.]

Clinton:  "The answer is of course and always yes. In that spirit, I join with the Obama administration, the petitioner Edith Windsor, and the many other dedicated men and women who have engaged in this struggle for decades in urging the Supreme Court to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act."

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  No, Mr. Clinton, you're wrong.  It's time we urge the Congress to protect DOMA before the U.S. Supreme Court.  Let's petition all 535 Congressmen and Senators to defend traditional marriage.]

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Or select our free option here.

Victory!  House votes to defend Traditional Marriage in Court

We have another victory to report.  After YOU helped fax over 100,000 petitions to Congress in 2012, the new Congress just voted to FUND the legal defense of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in court.
 In a 228-196 vote, almost all Republicans voted to do what President Obama refuses to do, enforce the law defining marriage as one man plus one woman.

The homose xual newspaper Washington Blade complained:   "Republicans will take the extraordinary measure of including an authorization of their efforts to defend DOMA in the Rules of the House of Representatives and by doing so, continue to spend taxpayer funds, already adding up to $1.7 million, in their attempts to defend this [ ... ] law in federal courts and the Supreme Court.”

The move is exactly what we asked Congress for, and just in time as two traditional marriage cases will soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.  (Details below.)  

Let's take a stand for traditional marriage = one man + one woman, this time by petitioning all 100 Senators to follow the example of the House...

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Forget SCOTUS.  Congress "evolving" on homose xual "marriage."  Take action.

While I am encouraged the conservative-leaning Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has taken up two homose xual 'marriage' cases for 2013 (California Prop 8 and federal 'marriage' DOMA benefits cases), I am alarmed that two news stories here and here suggest the U.S. Congress is "evolving" to the left and may soon vote on whether to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).   

If President Obama can strong-arm Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on the fiscal-cliff talks, how soon before Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) forces a vote, or adds a poison-pill amendment to homose xualize marriage?  ABC News reports: "Back then, about 31 percent of the country supported same-sex marriage, and not one state allowed it. Today, 51 percent of Americans support it, and it's legal in nine states and the District of Columbia."

Strangely both liberals and conservatives agree, if the SCOTUS uphold DOMA, then the only way to repeal DOMA will be through an Act of Congress, which Obama seeks.

ABC reports before Obama endorsed gay 'marriage,'  "he had directed his Justice Department to stop defending DOMA in court, believing that the issue belonged to the states.  As such, House Republican leaders tapped lawyer Paul Clement to defend the law.  

"Edward Whelan, president of the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, is careful to separate the legal debate regarding DOMA from the change in public opinion.

"The constitutional status of DOMA shouldn't be affected at all by any change in public opinion on same-sex marriage," the DOMA supporter says. "Supporters of same-sex marriage are free to try to revise DOMA legislatively."  [This from a conservative.]

[Dr. Chaps comment:  Revise DOMA legislatively?  Don't think they won't try.  We MUST continue to petition Congress, 1) to defend DOMA in court, and 2) to defeat repeal efforts.]

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Breaking:  Appeals Court: "Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional."  Take action!

As if our founding fathers wrote sod omy protections into the Constitution, the liberal 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to force homose xual 'marriage' benefits upon the federal government, perhaps in all 50 states, striking down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.

Reuters reports:  "A U.S. appeals court in New York on Thursday ruled that a U.S. law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to lawfully married same-sex couples.

"The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is now the second federal appeals court to reject part of the Defense of Marriage Act. It upheld a lower court ruling that had found a central part of the law unconstitutional.

"Appeals in several cases are currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, which could choose to take up the issue in its current term.

"Two members of a three-judge panel ruled in favor of Edith Windsor, an 83-year-old [lesbian] who argued that the law discriminates against gay couples in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

"They found that gays and lesbians are entitled to heightened protection from the courts, based on the history of discrimination the group has suffered.

"Homosexuals are not in a position to adequately protect themselves from the discriminatory wishes of the majoritarian public," Judge Dennis Jacobs wrote for the majority.

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  Now lesbians get homose xual "bonus pay" from YOUR taxes.  Who thinks President Obama or AG Eric Holder will help appeal this to the Supreme Court?  THEY WON'T.  That's why we MUST petition Congress to defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and appeal NOW to the Supreme Court.]

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)


While the national media covers only the debt crisis, Democrats in the Senate are attacking traditional marriage between one man and one woman, by attempting to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  Not satisfied with homosexualizing the military, or forcing gay "marriage" in states like New York, radical homosexuals testified on Capitol Hill today demanding homosexual "bonus pay" with more than 1,100 federal benefits that reward their acts of sod omy in all 50 states, taxing heterosexuals more to pay homosexuals to engage in immorality.  

On Tuesday Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced, and President Obama quickly  endorsed a new bill S.598 to promote homosexual marriage, mislabeled the "Respect for Marriage Act" (RFMA) to end federal law that defines traditional marriage between one man and one woman.  White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday "President Obama is proud to support the Respect for Marriage Act," which disrespects traditional marriage by enforcing homosexual marriage upon all 50 states. His views are no longer "evolving" rather Obama is now fully out of the closet promoting gay marriage nationwide.

At last week's hearings 5 pro-homosexual witnesses and just 3 conservatives argued for and against repealing DOMA, and passing RFMA, including 2 high-profile gay activists, Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, and Evan Wolfson, founder and executive director of Freedom to Marry. Joining them will be Susan Murray, an activist attorney from Vermont, and complainers Ron Wallen of California and Andrew Sorbo of Connecticut, both of whom were denied homosexual bonus pay, and bonus Social Security checks (funded by heterosexual tax-payers) when their homosexual "marriage" partners died.  

Testifying in favor of keeping DOMA intact were pro-marriage heroes Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Austin Nimocks, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, and Tom Minnery, senior vice president of government and public policy for Focus on the Family.

44 States have passed laws like DOMA defining marriage between one man and one woman, but if RFMA is passed and the federal DOMA law repealed, all 44 state laws could be in danger of being overturned in court.  Just imagine Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi, etc. being forced to issue homosexual "marriage" licenses, or forced to recognize and pay your tax benefits to homosexuals "married" in New York.   

Let's take a stand, by petitioning all 100 Senators to defend DOMA, and reject RFMA.  

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

Friends, our nation will soon endorse homosexual "marriage" in all 50 states, if your Senator doesn't take a stand to defend DOMA, since Obama won't.  Let's take a stand today, and demand Senators defend the 1996 DOMA law in court. 


God Bless you, in Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

For media interviews, select here. 

P.S.  Prefer to donate by mail?  Please mail paper check or money orders to:   The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO  80970.

Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.  Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)

'19 Kids and Counting' star attacked

Celebrity may join group hit by leftist gunman

Published: 19 hours ago

The cast of "19 Kids and Counting"

A homosexual advocacy organization has launched a major attack on a member of the Duggar family, known for its TLC reality show “19 Kids and Counting.”

The Duggar family, led by Jim Bob and Michelle, have been open about their Christian faith and dedication to pro-family values. Their show focused on their 17, then 18, then 19 children. Now they also have two grandchildren.

So when the eldest son, Josh, married and with two children already, applied for a position with Family Research Council, a key player in pro-family advocacy in Washington, D.C., the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination attacked.

It described the FRC as “one of the country’s most dangerous hate groups.”

FRC has yet to announce Duggar’s hiring. It put out a statement explaining that Josh Duggar is among a handful of candidates being considered for a position with FRC, but no final decision has been made.

According to a report from Buzzfeed, Duggar is being considered for an executive position with FRC Action, the organization’s lobbying arm.

GLAAD’s wording of its attack largely mirrored that of an attack on the FRC by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a leftist organization that apparently inspired homosexual activist Floyd Corkins’ gun assault on the FRC offices in Washington.

“We greatly appreciate Josh and the Duggar family’s devotion to the pro-family movement and their counter-cultural courage,” FRC spokesman JP Duffy said in a statement.

GLAAD President Herndon Graddick called the Family Research Council “without a doubt one of our country’s most dangerous hate groups, led by the most anti-gay man in America, Tony Perkins.”

“Josh Duggar needs to reconsider his vocational choices and refrain from adding his voice to the chorus of anti-gay voices at the Family Research Council,” Graddick said. “We also demand that TLC refrain from giving a platform to FRC’s hate speech. GLAAD is watching, and we will be prepared to take action.”

Duggar said he wanted to work with a Christian organization to help promote “family values and right to life.”

Josh Duggar

Josh Duggar, 25, is the oldest son of the 19 children of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

The family’s traditional values led members to stump for Rick Santorum in the 2012 presidential election.

FRC Action’s website describes the group, formerly known as American Renewal, as “the non-profit and tax-exempt legislative action arm” of the Family Research Council. It founded in 1992 “to educate the general public and cultural leaders about traditional American values and to promote the philosophy of the Founding Fathers concerning the nature of ordered liberty.”

WND recently reported on the SPLC’s demand that the government inve... “the growing threat of non-Islamic domestic terrorism.”

The letter, signed by J. Richard Cohen, was addressed to Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

The organization routinely describes organizations such as the FRC, which holds firmly to the biblical teachings on issues such as homosexuality, as “hate” groups. It recently released its list of “hate” and “extremist” groups in the United States, lumping charitable ministries such as the FRC along with the KKK and others.

There were suggestions the SPLC itself fostered hate when homosexual activist Floyd Corkins last year entered FRC’s Washington offices and shot a guard.

Constitutional attorney Matt Barber, whose columns appear in WND, wrote recently about the irony of the SPLC’s condemnation of others for having a specific belief based on the Bible.

He’s warned that the SPLC’s labeling would produce trouble.

In a column he wrote: “The SPLC’s dangerous and irresponsible (‘hate group’) disinformation campaign can embolden and give license to like-minded, though less stable, left-wing extremists, creating a climate of true hate. Such a climate is ripe for violence.”

Barber said after Corkins shot and injured FRC employee Leo Johnson, he again raised the issue, writing, “I plead with the SPLC to end its ‘dishonest and reprehensible’ str...

He wrote that he no longer believes the SPLC has a sense of good will.

“In fact, based on FBI evidence and the group’s own actions (and inaction), I and many others are left with no other inference but this: The SPLC – a left-wing extremist fundraising behemoth – may be intentionally inciting anti-Christian violence,” Barber charged.

Cohen said the government needs to take a much stronger stance against Christian “hate groups.”

“The resources devoted to countering domestic hate and radical antigovernment groups and those they may inspire do not appear commensurate with the threat,” the letter from Cohen said.

“The number of far-right antigovernment groups has exploded and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups had remained at a high level,” he said.

Evidence in the Corkins case revealed SPLC listed the exact location of the FRC office, and Corkins used the information to choose his target.

Prosecutors said Corkins, scheduled to be sentenced April 29, claimed he was at FRC headquarter interviewing for an internship. When a security guard asked for ID, Corkins took a pistol from a backpack and fired three shots, striking security guard Leonardo Johnson in the arm.

Johnson, however, was able to wrestle away the gun from Corkins, preventing further bloodshed.

Perkins said that only by “ending its hate labeling practices will the SPLC send a message that it no longer wishes to be a source for those who would commit acts of violence that are only designed to intimidate and silence Christians and others who support natural marriage and traditional morality.”

Corkins was carrying 15 Chick fil-A sandwiches in his bag when he was taken into custody. The fast-food restaurant was embroiled in controversy at the time over CEO Dan Cathy’s remarks in opposition to same-sex marriage in an interview. FRC was a vocal supporter of Cathy.

Corkins confessed in a court hearing he intended to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces, and kill the guard.”

He told FBI agents who interviewed him after the shooting that he wanted to use the sandwiches to “make a statement against the people who work in that building … and with their stance against gay rights and Chick-fil-A.”

At a news conference the day after the August attack, Perkins claimed SPLC had encouraged the attack by listing his organization as a hate group.

“Let me be clear that Floyd Corkins was responsible for firing the shot yesterday,” Perkins told reporters in Washington Aug. 16. “But Corkins was given a license to shoot an unarmed man by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center that have been reckless in labeling organizations hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy.”

Cohen’s letter said the SPLC had found that the number of “militias and radical antigovernment groups” and “hate groups” such as the FRC, grew to 1,360 in 2012.

He blasted individuals such as Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and U.S. Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla., as well as former Arizona sheriff Richard Mack, Barber, Fox News Radio host Todd Starnes and Montana pastor Chuck Baldwin.

WND previously has reported that the Obama administration warned that “returning veterans possess combat skills and experienc...

The 2009 report, from the Department of Homeland Security, was called “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” It also said Obama’s governmental managers were “concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities.”

We the People are under attack at all levels AND those attack groups use our own tax monies through liberal progressive radical democrat legislation including Obamacare.

Polygamy Will be Next (And Much More)


There is nothing in our current legal system or  national moral climate that will stop polygamy from becoming the next liberal cause:

“Redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would jettison the rationale and logic behind prohibitions on polygamous marriages, according to several friend-of-the court briefs urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the traditional definition of marriage.

“‘Ultimately, there is no principled basis for recognizing a legality of same-sex marriage without simultaneously providing a basis for the legality of consensual polygamy or certain adult incestuous relationships,’ reads one of the briefs, filed by the Christian legal group Liberty Counsel. ‘In fact, every argument for same-sex marriage is an argument for them as well.’”

The Netherlands is a microcosm of how the homosexual community hoodwinked this once-Christian nation into accepting a perversion. A former Dutch Member of Parliament “has admitted that polygamous marriage is the ‘next logical step’ following the introduction of same-sex marriages in the Netherlands.”

Serial polygamy is already accepted in America. People get married and divorced numerous times with little regard for marriage as a covenant bond. Hollywood types change wives like some people change shoes. Others don’t get married but live together, have children out of wedlock, and few people bat an eye.

Watch the Home and Garden Channel (HGTV) and note how many times non-married couples are living together and the number of homosexual couples that are featured.

In some respects, America is becoming a third-world nation. The cultural mores that made America great are quickly disappearing. Providentially there is a Christian and conservative counter culture that is quietly replacing the disintegrating secular worldview.

Abortion kills off future generations. Homosexuality is a sterile worldview. The only way homosexuality can flourish is by recruitment. I believe a good case can be made that homosexuality is the result of failed families, and that mostly means failed fathers.

The State has become the father figure to many young people. This is especially true in the Black community. The Welfare State made it financially easy for fathers to abandon their children and for the State to become a substitute parent.

Rulers have ever been tempted to play the role of father to their people. . . . When the provision of paternal security replaces the provision of justice as the function of the state, the state stops providing justice. . . . Those who are concerned about the chaos into which the criminal justice system has fallen should consider what the state’s function has become. Because the state can only be a bad imitation of a father, as a dancing bear act is of a ballerina, the protection of this Leviathan of a father turns out to be a bear hug.[1]

There’s something going on in the black community known as the Down Low.

“Ten years ago, the New York Times reported on a growing underground subculture in the black community known as Down Low, comprised largely of men who secretly engage in homosexual activity while living ‘straight’ lives in public.”

Why is this happening? Because a number of black men are looking for father figures, and they believe they can find it in other men.

The people who have gotten on the “gay train” don’t realize what it’s dragging behind it.

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