NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Ben Swann Reality Check breaks down the Affordable Care Act ruling by the Supreme Court and looks at why the determination that the law is a tax, may make it...
Is Chief Justice Roberts actually sly as a fox?
Although the recent ruling by the US Supreme Court is being widely touted as a victory for the Obama administration, it may not actually be a victory at all. It was the Obama administration that had been adamant that the healthcare bill was not a tax. Whether their demands that it should not be considered a tax was to avoid political fallout for imposing a new tax or whether there were other legalities involved behind their motivation will probably never be revealed.
The fact of the matter is that not only did Chief Justice John Roberts write an opinion of the highest court in our land that the healthcare bill is indeed a tax and therefore could be considered to be constitutional on that basis but could he have actually and intentionally just opened the door for the entire bill to be thrown out as being invalid?
Article I, Section 7, Clause 1 of the US Constitution clearly states:
“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.
So now the US Supreme Court has just ruled that the healthcare bill is actually a tax, therefore it was indeed a Revenue Bill. Yes, the Senate Healthcare Bill that was signed into Law did originate in the Senate.
The bottom line here is that the healthcare law should be considered invalid because it was not originated in the proper chamber of Congress. It should be considered on face value to be null and void, therefore unenforceable in any state of the union.
So, is there anyone in Congress brave enough to stand up and make this issue public? Is there anyone in mainstream media principled enough to expose this problem? Is there 1 member of the 545 in Congress that actually knows the constitution and is willing to stand up and uphold it? Those are the questions standing in the way of busting this information wide open to the public at large.
So far, excluding hundreds of bloggers that are raising this issue online, Reporter Ben Swann of a local Fox affiliate in Cincinnati is a lone voice screaming in the wilderness trying to expose this situation in the mainstream press. You may see the newscast of his segment here.
We The People can't just keep getting railroaded into having invalid, unenforceable, unlawful or unconstitutional "laws" imposed upon us while the perpetrators give their academy award performances believing we are too ignorant to know any better.
Knowledge is power and spreading the word is priceless!
Thought you might all be interested in this letter from a friend of mine in Vermont.
Great clip. FOX got it right that the legality of a tax does not imply the legality of what the tax is intended to fund (this is one of the fallacies the SCOTUS used to uphold Social Security). FOX was also right that relying on the Commerce Clause (to do an end run around enumerated powers) was a dubious position of the federal government (the original intent of the Commerce Clause was to prevent discriminatory (higher) state excise taxes against out-of-state companies operating in-state; i.e., it was never intended to grant the federal government plenary jurisdiction over companies with interstate revenues or expenses). FOX got it right again when it slammed the High Court for allowing ObamaCare to stand even though it originated in a Senate Committee (this both makes Harry Reid's "nuclear option" to reduce cloture from 60% to 50% to break the Senate filibuster illegal by his treating ObamaCare as a budget resolution since all such resolutions must originate in a House Committee, and it makes ObamaCare itself illegal since it raises taxes but did not originate in the House). FOX nailed it yet again when it faulted the Supreme Court for allowing the Administration to penalize citizens and companies for inactivity (failing to purchase a product, in particular one that the federal government has no jurisdiction over in light of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution).
I've been raising all these points for years in my letters to Congress asking that ObamaCare be repealed or defunded. At the end of the day, Congress is more interested in "getting along" with the President than obeying the Constitution. It's really sad how low we've sunk. Our Founders, were they alive today, wouldn't even recognize what horrible stewards we've been of their sacrifice. Thanks again for the link to the really great video.
Cheers everyone! The only step we have open to us is secession. If we in FL secede, we would have a GDP equal to that of Mexico. Texas would be the 5th in standing in the world.
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