NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


Comment by Elizabeth Parella 20 minutes ago

How long have these cases been pending??? What the hell does that have to do with anything? These are terrorists, enemy combatants, captured enemy soldiers...NOT criminals. They have no rights under our standing... But wait...what if the current occupant of the White House wants to treat ALL of these SOBs as criminals? What then? Will our prisons swell with a burgeoning population, filled to the gills with terrorists instructed by bin Laden, or Hamas, Iran, Syria, or any other danged group that has yet to be formed? Will ALL these folks be sent to Illinois, a state which is almost totally underwater from debt? Will California take a bunch with stimulus funds attached like toe tags? New York? New Jersey?

The fact that these two jokers (Obama and Holden) want to treat these folks as criminals is criminal in and of itself.

New York City went through a direct hit, along with Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, and they will put this city at risk AGAIN for a trial? A trial in a courthouse which stands but blocks away from Ground Zero, that sacred ground where so many lost their lives? A trial which, simply put, invites more terrorism on a city which has already had enough?

Mayor Bloomberg has said that "we can take it." Just what is Bloomberg and the City getting out of this? More stimulus to protect the city against any of these monsters who would have terrorism at their heart? More stimulus money to help pay for the union pension deficits (and there's a union for every danged thing in this city)?

My decision to leave New York was made months ago before this announcement was made due to the fiscally irresponsible state and local government which spends, spends, and spends some more with nary a thought to where the funds are going to come from. Now has come another phrase from government: "It's NOT SUSTAINABLE?" No surely isn't....and they had to let it get THAT far before calling it unsustainable? As receipts dwindle due to a poor economy and loads of the unemployed and under-employed, it took them THIS long to figure it out?

The capital flight from New York has been remarkable as folks just up and say "Sayonara" to this city which folks have called home for so many years and, in our case, decades. ENOUGH, they shout, as state and local taxes increase ad nauseum (property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, small business taxes). (By the by, I do not include myself as someone participating in capital flight...I have no capital...but I am fleeing to where my hubby and I can live simply and yet decently which is becoming more and more difficult every day in a city that never stops spending.)

Will there be capital flight from our wonderful country? Will companies just say SAYONARA as they leave to headquarters located in Ireland or any other tax-friendly country? What then? Where will the revenue come from to support this sham president's policies? Will we have given away the treasure of the United States to other countries, to people who don't work, to the extent that it's an unsustainable redistribution of wealth? No matter our personal financial status, will we all have neighbors who do not speak English, who steal and use drugs, who do not work and some who have NEVER worked, all in the name of "redistribution?"

I could go on and on....and then again on and on....but we all know pretty much have the same thoughts. WE have worked hard all our lives and have amassed our little nest eggs so we can live in peace and comfort...WE have never been arrested for the most heinous crimes against mankind...WE are not drug addicts or lay-abouts who will never work a day in their lives...and yet WE are asked to give up what we have for these miscreants? I think not....I know not....

I read a snippet the other day in the New York Post which most adequately explains what the hell is going on here,

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Comment by Vivian Blink on November 19, 2009 at 8:15pm
I believe it is becoming increasingly clear to most of us that Obama is hiding undercover and doing whatever he can to protect Muslim terrorists. He is an attorney (albeit not a very good one)...and he knew full well what he was doing when he made the statement that he would be found guilty...then recanted, but the damage has been done, the jury tainted and a mistrial can be granted, leaving him to go FREE on our soil! Oh yes, Obama knows full well what he is doing!
Comment by Roger Dail May on November 19, 2009 at 11:40am
Am I wrong but isnt New York City a Immigrant Friendly city and Bloomerg and his stance on Guns.
Comment by Cindy Chaffin on November 19, 2009 at 10:15am
What an eloquent lady. She did it without a teleprompter!

Our Country has gone crazy! Trust me? Did he really say that to her?
Comment by Elizabeth Parella on November 19, 2009 at 9:00am
How long have these cases been pending??? What the hell does that have to do with anything? These are terrorists, enemy combatants, captured enemy soldiers...NOT criminals. They have no rights under our standing... But wait...what if the current occupant of the White House wants to treat ALL of these SOBs as criminals? What then? Will our prisons swell with a burgeoning population, filled to the gills with terrorists instructed by bin Laden, or Hamas, Iran, Syria, or any other danged group that has yet to be formed? Will ALL these folks be sent to Illinois, a state which is almost totally underwater from debt? Will California take a bunch with stimulus funds attached like toe tags? New York? New Jersey?

The fact that these two jokers (Obama and Holden) want to treat these folks as criminals is criminal in and of itself.

New York City went through a direct hit, along with Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, and they will put this city at risk AGAIN for a trial? A trial in a courthouse which stands but blocks away from Ground Zero, that sacred ground where so many lost their lives? A trial which, simply put, invites more terrorism on a city which has already had enough?

Mayor Bloomberg has said that "we can take it." Just what is Bloomberg and the City getting out of this? More stimulus to protect the city against any of these monsters who would have terrorism at their heart? More stimulus money to help pay for the union pension deficits (and there's a union for every danged thing in this city)?

My decision to leave New York was made months ago before this announcement was made due to the fiscally irresponsible state and local government which spends, spends, and spends some more with nary a thought to where the funds are going to come from. Now has come another phrase from government: "It's NOT SUSTAINABLE?" No surely isn't....and they had to let it get THAT far before calling it unsustainable? As receipts dwindle due to a poor economy and loads of the unemployed and under-employed, it took them THIS long to figure it out?

The capital flight from New York has been remarkable as folks just up and say "Sayonara" to this city which folks have called home for so many years and, in our case, decades. ENOUGH, they shout, as state and local taxes increase ad nauseum (property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, small business taxes). (By the by, I do not include myself as someone participating in capital flight...I have no capital...but I am fleeing to where my hubby and I can live simply and yet decently which is becoming more and more difficult every day in a city that never stops spending.)

Will there be capital flight from our wonderful country? Will companies just say SAYONARA as they leave to headquarters located in Ireland or any other tax-friendly country? What then? Where will the revenue come from to support this sham president's policies? Will we have given away the treasure of the United States to other countries, to people who don't work, to the extent that it's an unsustainable redistribution of wealth? No matter our personal financial status, will we all have neighbors who do not speak English, who steal and use drugs, who do not work and some who have NEVER worked, all in the name of "redistribution?"

I could go on and on....and then again on and on....but we all know pretty much have the same thoughts. WE have worked hard all our lives and have amassed our little nest eggs so we can live in peace and comfort...WE have never been arrested for the most heinous crimes against mankind...WE are not drug addicts or lay-abouts who will never work a day in their lives...and yet WE are asked to give up what we have for these miscreants? I think not....I know not....

I read a snippet the other day in the New York Post which most adequately explains what the hell is going on here, and this from memory rather than a direct quote:

A homeless person here in
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on November 19, 2009 at 7:24am
What an arrogant, pompous S.OB. I think he was being condescending to her. He thinks he is far above her. He said "Trust Him". Because, he says that he knows many things that the public does not know.

I certainly don't trust that liar that illegally holds the office of commander in chief, why should I believe this A.G. that should have recused himself long ago, due to his firm's representation of Gitmo detainees.

Hell No! I won't take him at his word.






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