Texas Democrat Running Away from Obama and Pelosi in New Ad – Video
Here is video of a new ad by Democrat Rep. Chet Edwards, who is trying to hang onto his Texas CD-17 seat by running away from President Obama and Nancy Pelosi. This ad is a striking example of how Democrats are trying to pass themselves off as conservatives to stave off defeat in November.
Republicans must keep hammering home the fact that a vote for ANY Democrat IS a vote for the radical Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda. If returned to Washington, Dems like Edwards will enable them to continue their radical work.
Obama White House Mulls Ad Campaign Attacking Tea Party Ahead of Midterms
The New York Times is reporting that Obama strategists are mulling a national ad campaign that would attack the Tea Part Movement as extremist, and claim that the GOP has been “taken over” by them. The campaign would take place ahead of the Midterm Elections, and would be designed to tell voters it is “dangerous” to return the GOP to control of the House or Senate:
NEW YORK TIMES: President Obama’s political advisers, looking for ways to help Democrats and alter the course of the midterm elections in the final weeks, are considering a range of ideas, including national advertisements, to cast the Republican Party as all but taken over by Tea Party extremists, people involved in the discussion said.
White House and Congressional Democratic strategists are trying to energize dispirited Democratic voters over the coming six weeks, in hopes of limiting the party’s losses and keeping control of the House and Senate. The strategists see openings to exploit after a string of Tea Party successes split Republicans in a number of states, culminating last week with developments that scrambled Senate races in Delaware and Alaska. .
Go ahead and try this strategy. It won’t work, because voters already know there is no chance that Republicans will be more “extreme” than President Obama or the Democrats in Congress who rammed ObamaCare through against the will of the people.
TOWNHALL QUESTIONER TO BOMAMMA: “I’m sick and tired of you”“
The woman who asks the question in this video is Barack Obama’s worst nightmare. She is one of his supporters – helped put him in office, and yet she articulates perfectly the way millions of Americans are feeling today. Essentially, she asks if “Hot dogs and beans” will once again “be her new reality.”
If such a strong Obama supporter is feeling this way, how about the millions who voted for Obama but could easily move the other direction. How do you think they are feeling right now?
....audio of Rush Limbaugh reacting to President Barack Obama’s Town Hall Meeting today on CNBC – specifically to two questioners who let Obama have it with their questions.
Rush points out that these were Obama supporters, and yet they expressed the deep apprehensions many Americans are feeling. He also talks about Obama’s response to the questioners. Essentially, Obama told them “we’re headed in the right direction,” and “your life is actually better than you think.”
Rush also said Obama has no intentions of making her life better. In fact, his intent is to take more money away from those who have have done well and give it to someone else. “These people were hand-picked,” Limbaugh said, and yet they are calling Obama’s policies into question.
Massive media blackout. the 9/11 Remembrance/Stop the Ground Zero Mosque Rally hosted by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer The distortion goes much deeper than just downplaying by a factor of 10 or 20 the size of the Stop the Ground Zero Mosque Rally.
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