NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Yeah, I'm An American Patriot Mobster, Wanna Make Something Of It?

.And, I might add, a proud charter member, too. Well, I suppose it is now official. Obama, and his minions have shown themselves to be exactly who we knew them to be: Elitists, completely out of touch with America, and pushing forward forcefully to implement their job-killing, culture changing plans. However, we now know that they can not take any criticism, nor, can they be tolerant of everyday Americans simply voicing their concerns about those plans.

Get used to it mister President, we're just beginning.

In a setting eerily reminiscent of Stalin's USSR, the president has also commanded that we spy on each other, and report "fishy" or "deliberate falsification" of his pet health care reform to our White House. Hmm, what could that mean? Are we to think what logically follows, is an investigation, not of the charges, but of the individual him or her self? Much as the former Soviet dictator ordered Soviet citizens to "turn in" their friends, or anyone heard being critical of the government, we are now told by our own socialist dictator, that we should emulate the Russian strategy, and I suppose that means our children should become government tattle-tails also. What is the face of this new KGB, American style? Kids Governed by Barry?

How about you? I don't like the term Comrade, not a bit. I much prefer "pal" or "buddy", for they are apt connotations of how Americans do business with each other. What next? Jack booted Chicago like thugs, crawling out of an ACORN bus, and marching to our front doors, pounding on them and demanding that we come quickly?

Remember Arlen Spector, the one time Republican turned Democrat, or was he always just a Democrat hiding behind the Republican label? He and Kathleen Sabelius, the HHS secretary were not warmly received at Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, this past week. To think that ordinary people had the temerity, the gall, to question government motives, easily upset the Senator and the Secretary. Spector loftily told the assembled miscreants that he divided the healthcare legislation between five staffers, each with the responsibility to study their assignments, and report back to the very otherwise busy Senator. These people so disbelieving, and most likely considered acting "stupidly", by the tyrant -in-charge, would have none of it, and do you know why?

Because they themselves had read the bill in it's entirety, that's why!

Let's give Spector a bit of slack here though, for he admitted they, meaning the Congress, were acting quickly. Unfortunately, Spector neglected to advise the "mobsters" as to why all this was being done so quickly. Surely, many must have thought, any legislation threatening to take over one seventh of the US economy, ought to be considered carefully, fully, and implemented only after serious public debate. No, we must get this done as quickly as possible, or so we're told almost daily.

The truth?

Yes, this is one of Obama's signature promises, but there is more at stake here. CONTROL! Control of our America's wealth, our America's economy, and our American freedom!

No, there will be no capitulation, mister President, you are facing the "mob" now, and do you know what? You are no Elliot Ness, and America is no Chicago, in spite of the many Chicagoans infesting the halls of Americas cherished institutions. Just as soon as we are finished with our work to rid ourselves of you, how about calling the Orkin man and having him remove the last vestiges of rodent despotism from our House, our institutions, our America?

It won't matter who it was that left the barn door open, the horses of freedom are out, and they will not be subservient and pull the wagons of drunken power, for they are not the proud Clydesdales of Budweiser fame, no, they are the mustangs of freedom, free to roam the ranges and seek sustenance apart from the will of man.

I kind of like the idea of being a part of the "mob". Sounds really cool, and refreshing, doesn't it?

"Sic Semper Tyrannis!" (Thus Always To Tyrants!)

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Comment by Bob Brown on August 7, 2009 at 7:15pm
Do you think this communique will wake up the sleeping American citizens?

Click on the link below.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on August 6, 2009 at 8:32am
My first reaction to the snitch scandal was to wonder how even the Obama administration could be so stupid and clumsy to make such a magnificient public relations blunder. Even Joe "the Joke"
Biden would find it difficult to match this one. I send my sincere appreciation to the brilliant bureaucrat who hatched this calamity! Take a few days off, Joe. We won't need you for a while,,, RAJ
Comment by Kathryn Ball on August 6, 2009 at 7:45am
Very well stated!
Each piece of legislation has been hurriedly crafted, kept relatively unread and voted on as quickly as possible. The intent is obviously to keep the bills from the 'peasants'.

Our elected officials are marching in lock step to the tune of Pelisi, Ried, Emmanual & Axelrod to pass legislation which will further the delay of the recovery from the recession we are in.

Obama and his teleprompter go to the carefully selected audiences to sell these bills as necessary and WANTED by the American people. The man is on prime time television almost as often as the 'ShamWow' guy!

All of the things this administration is trying to do is promoted by the sycophantic, sock puppet media.

The American people were referred to as 'Hapless, passive, Sheeple' in an article in PRAVDA, for heaven's sake. Today????? Not so much!

'Real' America is waking up, we are finding voices which haven't been used, in some instances EVER, and telling the pols, in no uncertain terms, to remember for whom they work. We are demanding that each piece of legislation they pass be READ and DEBATED prior to any vote.

I find it ammusing that whenever hard working, conservative Americans mobilize in any way the DNC goes on the attack. Has anyone else noticed that they launch well constructed 'talking points' accusing opponents of practicing the same tactics they use?

No reason not to avail ourselves of the same playbook used by the left....Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' can be a useful primer for both sides!
Comment by Oregon Country Girl on August 6, 2009 at 5:35am
Excellent post, beautifully written.
Comment by Elizabeth Parella on August 5, 2009 at 11:25pm
Wonderful reading, Stephen. You're spot on as our Brit friends would say. It's so tiresome to be considered a member of the "chattering class" as Shumer put it a number of months ago. I thus sent both he and every single member of the Senate a letter and, under my signature, was the phrase "a proud member of the chattering class." Dissent is no good (unless, of course, it's against GWB). If you are a dissenter, you're branded a racist which has nothing to do with it, of course. (As an aside, I wrote to the Senators twice...and who did I hear from? Senator Lieberman twice, John McCain twice, Gillibrand once, and Ted Kennedy once! I searched the depth of my mailbox but could find nothing from Shumer... Have tried to call his office, but it's a nonanswered number, no matter what time of the day or night you call!)

The American public does NOT want nanny care of any kind. We do NOT want more spending for ANYTHING. Cars for Clunkers? Stop the madness!!! With the commercial real estate market about to bust, we'll have plenty of need for dough to bail out banks, insurance companies, and all manner of folks all over again to prevent a financial disaster. When this problem comes down the pike, there will be hell to pay.

Having been asked recently about "why the rush" about healthcare, I responded: The Dems want it done as quickly as possible before the American public wakes up, realizes what's coming down the pike...and says a resounding "No, thank you, Mr. President. We do not want this!!!" We do not want Cap & Trade either! Call the eight Republican jerks who crossed over in the House of Representatives...they're representing their own interests and no one else's for sure.

We're branded conservative loons and just a group of a hundred or so Madhatters. Just wait until 2010....then the chickens will come home to roost....
Comment by Bert on August 5, 2009 at 11:21pm
Comment by Emil J Milano on August 5, 2009 at 10:22pm
Amen, mass mailings are going out to, mine is signed, sealed and delivered with my site also.
Comment by okpatriot on August 5, 2009 at 9:24pm
This stings when read!!! I imagine that was what you were aiming for...






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