NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

hello again. the national collegate athletic association.....terrell pryor......the national football league. here is a different slant on the way i look at things. pryor is the quarterback of ohio state that got caught taking money cars clothes prostitution and a whole bunch of other stuff from an ohio booster fan. did you know that because of his prowess on the football field, the nfl actually postponed the supplemental draft for 6 days! this is the first time this has ever happened. this supplemental draft was initially set up so that basically students that were football players that graduated at a different time because of courses, or health issues could go into a special draft pool . this allowed them to be eligible to play in a current year and not to have to sit out and wait a year due to a late graduation date. ok, that sounded like a good idea. well, then how is pryors situation affected??? well, basically, he is ineligable for this years supplemental draft. as of today, some how the nfl has found a loophole an declared this lying, cheating, stealing and basically immoral, unethical, greedy,slimeball to be declared elligable. here is the situation, as i see it. the nfl, for some reason, wanted to have pryor in this years draft. they had to find some reason that even though he is not eligeabl, to make him ok for this draft and do it in such a way that the ncaa would not take a chance on a long and exspensive law suit to sue the nfl for not abiding with the true spirit of which the rules and regs. were written. it is still in the works as to weather the nfl will be sued for this infraction or not. but the nfl certainly thinks they will win if there is a battle. here is why i am writing or commenting about this whole episode at this time. on this monday, he will be drafted by one of the nfl teams. somebody out there, who owns a nfl team, who has already spent a boatload of money and pulled a hell of a lot of strings and called in more than a few favors, wants this kid bad. his team doesnt have a quarterback that is a franchise type quarterback. this guy....HAS A WHOLE LOT OF POWER AND MONEY!!! this is a major problem. this is tampering and manipulation on the highest level. i want to know which one of the true worlds most powerful and evil men it is. someone out there may know of a way to track this guy down. for once hes let his pure greed get the best of him and he has let his guard down!!! i dont know how to do it....heck, i cant even spell or use a computer very good. but i certainly know to do what he did.....he is a big name and money is no object to him anymore. all he cares about is getting his own way no matter what. a true asshole. which one of you guys out there on this site knows how to do it and wants to do it???? i sure have gotten a lot of emails about a lot of different things. here is a chance to tag one of these evel guys and put him in the spot light and be able to take him out of his game after he has been exposed!!! if this person can do this, the point here is , he is into everything and manipulating everyone in all aspects of our lives. so, like i always say, somebody has to get on this and stay on just this one issue. if we dont do this, we have missed a true chance at making a difference. when all you guys want to do is fight over a bunch of political puppets all the time we just go round and round changing issues all the time and never really accomplishing anything. you are trying to knock the front door down. they know it and they are guarded and more than capable to repell any such attempts. we got to go through the back door , the dogs entrance, down the chimmney, some where that the big guys with the power think they are safe but have a little chink in thier armor. like my one area... the gulf oil spill that nobody even brings up anymore. united we can stand, split up we will be defeated. they know it and it is truely the GUN that they shoot us down with every day of our supposed free lives. just for the hell of me if you have not used gasoline this week. email me if you have not used electricity this week, email me if you have drank even one glass of pure water that hasnt been contaminated by man for the betterment of man!!!! by the way,if you havent used electricity this havent read this!!!  WOLF 

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