NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
To ALL who hate America but live within our borders;
One of the "Rights" we are permitted in this country is the freedom to move about as we please.
Any of you who speak out with contempt about this country, her Judeo-Christian values, her Constitution etc., if living here is such a burden PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GET THE HELL OUT!!!!!!!!
[yes, the First Ammendment permits you to SPEAK freely, it does NOT gaurantee that your opinions will be HEARD, reguardless of how important you think you are!]
If Socialism is the system under which YOU choose to live, go live in a Socialist-Marxist-Communist are absolutely FREE to make that decision for yourself, you have NO RIGHT to force me & my family as well as others who love this country to live under whatever Utopian system YOU choose!
Hey, Uncle Sam, I'd like to add one more to the list of Presidential announcements we would ALL like to hear.
"The State of Israel will become the 51st of these United States of America, ANY attack on Israel will be considered an act of war against the United States and will be met with the full force of the American Military."
Other than that I agree with each and every one of those 'promises'. I also believe that we should be REPAID by any country we 'rescue' from some evil or other.
"What the World Needs Now is Just TOUGH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!" and since we've repeatedly taken the role of "parent, rescuer, Robin Hood" upon ourselves it is long past time to let other countries stand on their own.
" ISOLATIONIST"??????? Yer DARN TOOTIN' !!!!!!!!
Thursday, 07 Jul 2011 04:53 PM
By Henry J. Reske
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Gov. Mitt Romney is "the only one who’s plausible,” says Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg. (Getty Images Photo) |
One of the things I've noticed is that all of these 'oddities' are occurring with increased speed and the thing I've been praying for is that more Americans will WAKE UP and pay attention. The media has now achieved the status of complete uselessness............these people are either incredibly EVIL or hopelessly stupid! If this President were white he'd have been run out of town on a rail long before now!
The thing these people [the Obamanites] still have on their side is the number of Americans who still believe with ALL their hearts that "IT CANNOT HAPPEN HERE"!!!!!!!!!!! And because they don't read about it in their local newspaper or see it on their hometown news, they believe that those of us who are paying attention are the radical, tin-foil-hat wearing NUTS who have completely lost our grip on reality!
The fact of the matter is that Barack Obama is out Chavezing Chavez!!!!!!!
The thing that is really making me crazy is that he keeps doing things that are completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL and where in the name of GOD is Congress????? It appears to me that they just give him a this Affirmative Action run AMUCK???? Are people making allowances because he's "INEXPERIENCED" or "BLACK" or just plain EVIL?????
Everything he is doing is NOT due to the first two 'reasons'........ALL of it is deliberate. It is Cloward & Pivin on a grander scale than has ever been attempted and IT IS WORKING!!!! He is overwhelming the system, placing financial burdens on us that will be impossible to repay and is angling to raise the debt ceiling to dig this hole even deeper.
He and the 'progressives' have cultivated horrible class warfare and envy.....they keep harping that "THE RICH" have to pay MORE which now arouses the ire of the dependent underclass [also cultivated by the far left] to a fever pitch. Perhaps it is time someone pointed out to that group that the very polititians who pit neighbor against neighbor are, themselves RICH! Perhaps the wealth that should be confiscated FIRST should be that of those in Congress.......Jay Rockefeller? any of the Kennedys? the Pelosis or Herb Kohl to name just a few. Of course THEIR fortunes are safely tucked into trusts. How about Warren Buffett? He even admitted that his secretary pays a higher tax RATE than he does!
Then we have the issue of the 49% of Americans who pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES............. is anyone surprised that these people vote for the smooth talker with the great hair and ultra white teeth who promises them they will NEVER have to pay them????
When it gets to the point that there are food shortages, energy shortages etc...he is really hoping that we, the American People will BEG him to take care of us......forget the Constitution....just HELP US !!!!
Forgive me for sounding a little bitter but what was once considered a "MELTING POT" has curdled and seperated and doesn't look like it will blend together anytime soon.
In my state of Wisconsin we have Union Thugs threatening businesses and private citizens as well as our elected officials. We has fourteen DemocRAT Senators who RAN AWAY rather than stay and do their job. We have teachers whining because we can no longer afford to pay ALL of their health care and ALL of their pensions....some even sued because we didn't want to pay for their Viagra [it's all for the children, don't you know? REALLY?!?!?] We had the leader of the Police and Firefighter Professional Organization sending letters implying non action if peoples' homes were on fire.
Our world is in turmoil on so many fronts that it is difficult to know even where or how to begin...... it's as if we are looking at Humpty Dumpty after his tumble off the wall and no one knows how to proceed.
We, here, are a relatively small group, There are other groups of all sizes 'out there' but the question is how to connect with them in a meaningful way?
I think we need to really study the path our Founders took..........they didn't always agree 100% on EVERYTHING but they DID agree that Freedom far outweighed tyrrany and opression by a government grown bloated and greedy.
IF it can be repaired, we MUST make sure there are safeguards in place to prevent future bastardization of this form of government.
One thing our Founders relied upon was prayer......God and His laws are the cornerstone of this nation, if we even hope to succeed, we must trust in Divine Providence. This is the first country in the history of the world deliberately built upon Judeo-Christian Values. What else can possibly explain the great things that have arisen from within our borders..........the God given rights gave rise to creativity, progress, success, and generosity beyond that of any other country on Earth.
It also caught the attention of the Devil...........I do believe that we are in an emormous battle between good and evil. I have always believed that the Good Guys win.
Warning To The West |
Posted: 04 Jul 2011 01:18 PM PDT ![]() I was born and raised as Muslim. My name is Abdul Rahman. My whole family is still Muslim. I know the Islamic brain very well. I have lived and breathed with them. I am an insider. I left Islam when I understood Islam is a sick and evil religion. Muslims can fool the gullible West but can’t fool us, the ex-Muslims. On this basis I write the following. Fighting terrorism is easier than fighting the evil teachings of Islam. These evil teachings are already inside the West. Muslims do not need Osama Bin Laden or Zarqawi to lead them. Their inspiration for violence comes directly from the Quran and from Islamic history. One small independent group of Muslims in the West can create havoc.. Ali Sina, of, thinks he can bring down this 1400 years old religion in his lifetime. Is he dreaming? How can you defeat an enemy who has the following agenda? Also remember that the greatest strength of Muslims is that they do not read any site or books that talk against Islam. Most Muslims do not even read the Quran in their own language. Who will tell you the truth about Islam? Muslims? Of course not. Muslims can’t even see the evil in Islam. The West? The gullible West has no clue. Then who? Ex-Muslims and ex-Muslims only can expose Islam to the West. Muslims believe Islam will rule the world, very soon. They are committed to it. The constitution for the new Islamic Republic of EU and USA is under construction. Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic Warfare. To the infidels of the West, Muslims say: We will fight the infidel to death. And they mean it. Meanwhile, Muslims are able to say with complete confidence: American laws will protect us. The rules of war and intelligence-gathering that the world has evolved over the last 100 years count on some fundamental laws of humanity. For example there is some Geneva conventions even for the battlefield. For example, even in the battlefield you give enemy a chance to surrender. You do not take random hostages, behead them, videorecord it, and post it on the internet. Generally, a mother will try to save her babies and children — they won’t sacrifice her own babies for her religion. These are basics of morality for the human race and have been for a very long time, even before religions came along. Modern Islamic warfare did away with all of the above morality. The equation of war has changed. One major mistake the West has made is to believe terrorists need a structural hiarchical power structure to fight an enemy. Islamic teachings prepare Muslims from childhood to act on their own wherever they can — even without the authorization from his/her superiors. No wonder you are seeing so many independent Muslim terrorists all over the world. These are entrepreneur terrorists. These sleeper cells go beyond national origin, language, race, or citizenship. Terrorists could be British born-and-raised citizens, or American Taliban. There is only one thread that binds them together that is "ISLAM." My, our (ex-Muslims'), message to the West is until the West identifies, names, and warns the public who the real enemy is, the West won’t have chance to win this war. The real enemy is "Islam." As long as Mr. Bush, Blair, and the other world leaders are afraid to call a spade a spade, and as long as they keep saying in public the blatant lie that “Islam is a religion of peace” — we run the risk losing our freedom. Our freedom already is curtailed. No major newspapers, magazines, or TV reproduced the Mohammad cartoons in America. They were afraid. So, in effect, 6 million Muslims in America and 1.2 billion Muslims around the globe severely restricted our freedom of expression without officially legislating their Sharia laws that prohibits Mohammad’s caricature. We now have unwritten partial Sharia laws in practice in the USA. Remember ex-Muslims like me are the insiders. We are exposing Islam to the West so we can enjoy Western freedom. Our websites are:, and Qur’an 8:67 “It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughter in the land.” Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.” The author of the above is Abdul Rahman, who goes by an alias to protect himself from Islamic extremists. The Quran is very explicit in its treatment of apostates (people who leave the Muslim faith). The penalty for leaving Islam is death.. Once you're in, you're in for good. Read what other apostates have written. Read more: The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex Read still more: The Life Of Muhammad |
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