Well, the beat goes on. We've seen the displays at the U.N. this week and it's so sickening it makes you want to leave the room to get away from the television. I suspect some of us just want to throw the TV out the window! On the domestic front, we're heading to a mighty bleak future vis-a-vis the safety of this country and the safety net of our retirement, and the safety of our welfare. Obama's lies are so legion, we must have been hearing things!
Afghanistan, the So-called Good War:
It may well end up that the occupier of the White House will dither and dather, and continue his blathering campaigning throughout the country and the world on all that "The One" deems important. He's on a cult mission, not a leadership mission. If he does not send the troops his own appointed general, the eminent General McChrystal requested, then save the lives of those wonderful American boys and girls, men and women, who are already there and BRING THEM HOME. He says he's working out a strategy....A STRATEGY???...FOR WHAT? DEFEAT, SURRENDER, RUNNING AWAY WITH HIS TAIL BETWEEN HIS LEGS. What a guy! Alas, I fear there is but one strategy "The One" has for this country, and it's not a pretty thought!
As the world becomes more and more "complicated" to use a euphemism, our fearless leader is showing himself to be more in the camp of Chavez of Venezuela, Putin of Russia, Castro of Cuba, Zelaya of Honduras, and so on.
We have gone back on our word to install a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. STICK THE POLES AND CZECHS UNDER THE BUS.
We have decided to support a man who was thrown out of office in Honduras because he wanted to change the constitution of that country and become "president-for-life" (a la Chavez in Venezuela), in spite of not having the support of that country's supreme court and its legislature, nor the support of the majority of the Hondurans. STICK HONDURAS UNDER THE BUS.
We have decided that Israel must stop building settlements and give the Palestinians a contiguous country. Have you seen the map of Israel and the surrounding Palestinian state? STICK ISRAEL UNDER THE BUS.
We have instituted tariffs on China for their less-expensive tires because it impacts our own tire manufacturers. The backlash for this could be horrendous. Why blame China? Why not realize that there are Americans who prefer to buy the Chinese product because it's CHEAPER and they cannot afford to BUY AMERICAN? I know, I know, we should all buy American, but there are many in this country who can barely afford their cars much less a Goodyear or Goodrich tire. (It's the economy we currently live in where we have to watch almost every penny and certainly every dollar we spend!) I'll not say we're sticking CHINA under the bus, but watch out for tariffs imposed by China on AMERICAN goods....every action has a reaction... But I can say that we will STICK FOREIGN TRADE UNDER THE BUS.
This week we learned that the ranks of the unemployed swelled "ONLY" a tad over 500,000 more Americans, less than expected. There was glee heard by all... GLEE? Are they SERIOUS? Ohhh...I forgot...it's the stimulus, stupid, which prevented more Americans from becoming unemployed! My niece who lives in Rhode Island sent me an e-mail stating that their lovely state received some so-called stimulus money from the federal government. They spent $3 MILLION on the construction of LADDERS so that the FISH COULD SWIM UPSTREAM! This is a fine example of our tax dollars assisting the American PEOPLE who need JOBS...how long did it take to make the ladders? How many ladders? How many man hours? Has anyone heard of the Survival of the Fittest? If the fish cannot get upstream, should they not perish? Remember as a kid seeing the salmon swimming upstream, some getting eaten along the way by the bears? The weaker salmon perish...the strong survive... This is NATURE.
And of course, we have the withholding of water in the State of California so the desert smelt can thrive...only IT'S NOT WORKING...and the farmers in the valley are suffering. Is this being done so that developers can go into the valley once the farmers are out of business so they can develop the land? I'd like to think not...but one does get a mite paranoid with what's going on...
The Dems in Washington (and soon I'll not be capitalizing that city's name) are crowing, they're ecstatic, at the turnaround in the country's economy. Yes, indeedy, good times are a-coming! In the meantime, they of course will extend unemployment benefits until March of next year as there are TOO MANY UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE JOINING THE ROLLS in this country who cannot find another job. HELLO? IS ANYBODY HOME?
The banks, so far, have kept their purse-strings tightened as they don't want to loan money to folks or to businesses....how will the economy turn around without a little lessening of the stricture? Can you blame the banks as the Obama administration wants to do? I say a resounding NO, NO, and NO AGAIN. They are being prudent. And I DO NOT mean loans to folks who cannot possibly pay mortgages!!! The FHA is doing that very well indeed now and will soon be looking for their own bailout as they repeat what we've ALREADY GONE THROUGH with the housing crisis.
The small business community in this country has seen nary a benefit from the so-called stimulus package. Without the fearless men and women who have started their small businesses and are struggling to survive in this economic environment, unemployment will continue on its merry way. We need the entrepreneurs of today and those to come who will hire the unemployed. Big business has shed many, many hundreds of thousands of jobs...and they're not likely to rehire many of these folks back any time soon.
Some major newspapers in this country are sorely in need of money as their readership drops precipitously and advertising dollars dry up because these newspapers cannot seem to put out a product which the people want to read. I'm thinking mostly of the New York Times which has been run into the ground by a fellow named "Pinch." Old Pinch decided in 1993 to buy The Boston Globe for $1.1 BILLION. What a guy! What an investment! The Globe is all but bankrupt, and the Times is now looking to dump it to whatever investor might want the thing. Will "The One" intervene and help out his fellow travelers with a bailout? Obama has said he thinks newspapers should be viable entities and is "concerned." Certainly the New York Times has been a "friend of Obama" for quite some time and continues to be so with their wonderful investigative reporting.... Are the major networks next (CBS, ABC, NBC and their myriad offshoots)? Few watch their so-called news, although some (and I'm among the group) love CSI, Criminal Intent, NCIS (both shows), etc. It seems I'm starved for shows where the bad guys get arrested and brought to justice! No more reality TV shows, please...or dancing with the stars and other so-called entertainment of that genre.
First we have Cap & Trade which is supposed to help what I believe is the myth of Global Warming. This will pinch the American public unlike almost any bill we've seen in our history (other than the onerous tax rates in effect which George Bush rescinded). Not only will the personal consumption of our electricity costs go up, the cost of ALL GOODS will go up as most electricity in this country is produced by Old Man Coal...that dirty beast. Obama's words: The cost of electricity will SKYROCKET! Was there a smirk behind that statement? EVERY ACTION HAS AN UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE.
Then we have the so-called Healthcare Reform Bill. The thing this will reform will be a mandate which requires more money spent by Americans as they utilize their healthcare, fewer services, fewer doctors, fewer nurses, etc. A number of doctors will RETIRE if this monstrosity passes...they'd have to because their remuneration will PUT THEM OUT OF BUSINESS! The static costs of doctors (staff, office space, malpractice insurance, etc.) will remain, and they will be paid much, much less than what they are receiving now for Medicare patients. It's as tough as nails to find a doctor to treat you if you're on MEDICAID...think of how hard it will be to get treatment when you're on MEDICARE! Folks will be FORCED by LAW to obtain insurance...where is this in the Constitution? Seniors will have their BENEFITS CUT to help pay for this...our beloved seniors who raised us from "pups" to be the upstanding citizens we are...these same seniors who paid their taxes, sacrificed for this country and for their family members and only wish to lead their lives in peace and tranquility...these same seniors, many of whom served their country in the military...these same seniors who will find themselves UNDER THE BUS.
Card Check is coming down the pipeline. This is a blatant effort by the unions to gain more and more control over business throughout this country. The unions, being "The One's" best friends, will ensure that they have easy access to swell their rolls with oodles of "members" as they struggle just to stay alive. Many of these unions are bankrupt, but wait...."The One" is riding his trusty steed to the rescue.
More controlling bills will come down the pike...most to the detriment of the American people.
THE PROMISES "THE ROCK STAR" MADE WHILE RUNNING FOR OFFICE, and the reality of what is happening:
(1) Transparency. I pledge to make this the most transparent administration ever. I promise that all bills will be posted on the Internet for all the American people to see before they are voted on 72 hours before the vote in Congress....
What have we gotten? Czars who report to no one; bills which will NEVER be posted as the administration is AFRAID to show the American people what will be voted on (and I mean here especially the healthcare bill), stealth tactics all. WHERE'S THE TRANSPARENCY? He has not forgotten about this pledge...he deliberately and with malice aforethought has thrown this concept UNDER THE BUS.
(2) Integrity and Honesty and the Rooting Out of Corruption: This has been especially successful, hasn't it. How long did it take to get JEFFERSON, the man with just shy of $100,000 in his freezer, out of office? How long will it take to get DODD out of office with his favored "deals" on his mortgages...oh, I forgot...that has been investigated and he's okay. How long will it take to get RANGEL out of office with his MYRIAD tax problems and other ethical problems? We're working on that, but it looks a mite bleak. How about the ENRICHMENT of the wives and husbands of members of Congress (Feinstein is a good example, Pelosi another) with Congressional bills which directly impact on their significant other's businesses? Oh....I forgot...there is NO INVESTIGATION into this. It seems that few of us even know about it. HONESTY AND INTEGRITY THROWN UNDER THE BUS.
I could go on and on, but this is enough (to be sure!). But there are THINGS WE CAN DO to STOP THIS MADNESS:
We can keep on FAXING, LETTER WRITING, PROTESTING, E-MAILING, CALLING.... And we will do so until our last breath before this country is changed into a monster which will be called the Global America and not the UNITED STATES of America.
If you're a member of AARP and/or know some members, ask those fine Americans to call AARP and DEMAND they stop their support of the healthcare bill which will crush our seniors. CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP if you deem it appropriate...
For the first time in decades, the people are getting FED UP, SICK TO DEATH, and they're STANDING UP AND DEMANDING TO BE HEARD. This is a PEACEFUL demonstration...no tear gas is needed unlike the G-20 and/or G-8 meetings held around the world, currently going on in Pittsburgh. We COUNT and we want to make sure CONGRESS PAYS ATTENTION. THEY IGNORE US AT THEIR PERIL. They will join the ranks of the UNEMPLOYED in November 2010 if they continue to IGNORE us, BELITTLE us, call us NAMES, and generally think we're a rag-tag army of disaffected Americans.
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