NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Taxing the Middle Class and Everyone Else in America through Obama's Socialist Programs and the Reign of the Neophytes

HEALTH CARE for all: A new tax on the American public is coming! For those who do not have insurance, they will soon be FORCED to acquire health insurance or else be FINED if they do not. Either way, these folks who have made decisions for themselves vis-a-vis health care will no longer have a choice as they will suffer one way or the other financially. The very poor will receive some assistance at the cost of the rest of the country. For folks making north of $25,000 a year, this will be a disaster.

CAP & TRADE: This will be an exceptionally onerous tax on the American public as our electric bills will, as "The One" has said, SKYROCKET. Those are HIS words, not mine!! All products made using any form of coal-driven electricity will SKYROCKET and will hit our pocketbooks hard. Is this something we can afford at this time when so many are out of work and just plain scrambling to feed themselves and shelter their families? Well, it doesn't seem to make any difference to "The One" and the members of so many in the Congress (both the House of Representatives and the Senate). What are they THINKING? Do they have STOCK POSITIONS in companies like G.E. poised to make a gazillion dollars? Methinks this might be so...

CARD CHECK: As the unions gain more and more control over businesses, both small, medium, and large, the people of this country will PAY MORE for the goods and services provided by union members. Can the people of this country afford that now, even the very poor who do have some benefits? Methinks not. Have we forgotten what the unions have done to manufacturing in this country? Even now, in these tough economic times, some unions want MORE and MORE and MORE benefits and pay package hikes...while the rest of us just struggle along.

These three bills ALONE will push more and more of us into the classification of being "poor."

Now we'll get to some other bright ideas "The One" has for this country.

UNIONS: Some unions, the SEIU for example, one of Obama's pet fellow-travelers, are all but bankrupt. They have used their union dues to get Obama elected and to continue to support him and his minions in the Congress. WATCH OUT that they are not bailed out by the government vis-a-vis their own health care woes AND their pensions. There are too many nasty indications that the government will make these unions whole...and that's very disturbing indeed! How about John Q. Public who lost a great deal in the recent stock market travails? If the union heads want to use the hard-earned dues their members pay for all kinds of purposes, that's for the UNION MEMBERS to take up with their leadership...NOT FOR GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION AND BAILOUT! I read recently that some unions (the teachers' union here in New York, for example) have given money to ACORN! ACORN??? What for? Is the payback ACORN's support for the union membership which wants more and more and more?

NEWSPAPERS: The "fringe media" (the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and so many others) are currently in a lot of trouble financially. Obama has indicated, although briefly, that he thinks newspapers are a very important part of American life and there may be some taxpayer money coming their way. Why should THESE companies be rewarded with taxpayer money when they've run their properties into the ground??? There are some newspapers which are doing relatively well...could it be that their message is what the folks want to read, not the liberal drivel of the Times?

PROSECUTING THE CIA: Despite "The One's" pledge not to look back but to look forward, he will NOT stop Holder from prosecuting some members of the CIA. What the hell is this??? Do we want members of the CIA, FBI, and local law enforcement so afraid of being investigated, sued, and their efforts criminalized by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (Democrat or Republican) that they will think twice about doing their job? This is worse than's MALFEASANCE. These folks are invested with protecting the United States...not worrying about whether whatever actions they take might lead to the own liberty taking away if they might be found guilty of some crime the government makes up as it goes along.

PROTECTIONISM: Obama wants to protect the American tire-making industry. Fine and dandy. But when you start down the road of protectionism, the backlash is horrific. Has ANY THOUGHT been given to this backlash? Don't we WANT to export our goods to China? Any continued protectionism has but one result: THE LOSS OF MORE JOBS IN THIS COUNTRY.

AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS: Amnesty is coming, and make no mistake about it. Look out for the current health care you all will change dramatically as these illegal aliens are granted citizenship and thus health care. EVEN THE MISCREANTS who have broken our laws with nary a thought to the people of this country, and who we cannot seem to deport with any success, will enjoy health care.

THE REIGN OF THE NEOPHYTES: Each and every day there is something else to worry about with this administration which is learning on the job (and this certainly does not include their socialist bent). Each and every day there is yet another whiff of the ugly smell of socialism and communism. Each and every day there is another blunder on either the domestic or international scene. Each and every day there seems to be yet another trial balloon floated out to the public on some program or other. Each and every day we see "The One" on television, touting this program or that. It would be refreshing if he could just shut the hell up, stay in Washington, and try to do the job he was elected to do, rather than running hither and yon espousing one failed program after another.

OUR RESPONSE: We must all continue to bolster each other's efforts at stopping the madness. We must continue our tea parties, our writing and calling and faxing and e-mailing the members of Congress. These people serve SOLELY AT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and they CAN be voted out of office...even the worst of the worst who seem so entrenched. In the face of the above, if we just stand by and let it happen, if we are not proactive, we will live in an America which has no relationship to what the Founding Fathers fought so hard to give us. We owe it to them, and to ourselves, to keep on what we're doing as it IS working, and we ARE making a difference.

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Comment by Elizabeth Parella on September 22, 2009 at 10:19am
Michael Norbury, you're a GENIUS! A GENIUS! Your idea about the prison population forming a manufacturing unit in this country is STUPENDOUS. Not only does it "bring back manufacturing" in a real sense, it also gives those folks in prison a reason for living...a purpose in life which so many are longing for...AND it will provide them with skill sets to use when they are released from prison!
Comment by Butch & Evelene Helton on September 22, 2009 at 8:18am






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