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String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created






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String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created

By Barbara Hollingsworth |

June 17, 2016 | 3:56 PM EDT

Dr. Michio Kaku. (Wikipedia)

Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist at the City College of New York (CUNY) and co-founder of String Field Theory, says theoretical particles known as “primitive semi-radius tachyons” are physical evidence that the universe was created by a higher intelligence.

After analyzing the behavior of these sub-atomic particles - which can move faster than the speed of light and have the ability to “unstick” space and matter – using technology created in 2005, Kaku concluded that the universe is a “Matrix” governed by laws and principles that could only have been designed by an intelligent being. “I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore,” Kaku said, according to an article published in the Geophilosophical Association of Anthropological and Cultural Studies. “To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.

” “The final solution resolution could be that God is a mathematician,” Kaku, author of The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind, said in a 2013 Big Think video posted on YouTube. “The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”

String Theory “revolutionized” mathematics and physics by demonstrating a “super symmetry” in the universe. Kaku said it also explains gaps in the Big Bang theory. “First of all, the Big Bang wasn’t very big. Second of all, there was no bang. Third, Big Bang Theory doesn’t tell you what banged, when it banged, how it banged. It just said it did bang. So the Big Bang theory in some sense is a total misnomer,” the well-known physicist said in 2015.

“We need a theory that goes before the Big Bang, and that’s String Theory. String Theory says that perhaps two universes collided to create our universe, or maybe our universe is butted from another universe leaving an umbilical cord….

“Some people believe that maybe, just maybe, we have detected evidence of that umbilical cord.”



  • “The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”

    Don't understand it, but it sounds poetic!


    what's S Hawkins say?

  • "the universe is a “Matrix"", so we are in the Matrix. Where is Neo when we need him?

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    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a scientist, dazzled by the order and scope of Nature, even as he may misapprehend it, to infer the Existence of a Creator. It is those who deny the possibility of the Creator who are thinking irrationally. They have made a leap of faith into unfaith, exactly the mental process they purport to ridicule.


    Kaku has been cookoo for a long time. The guy's an insufferable jerk. And as for string theory, well, it's not generally accepted in the first place.

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    Hey, Barbara Hollingsworth very short article, as far as it goes, but we the people of Earth are much further along with our knowledge and relationship with the known Creation by intelligent design, by the Divine Creator/Source, that we Christians call GOD

    And then, after organized Human religions, we have Earth people who believe in a Creator/Source/Yahweh/Jehovah/Alla/Law of One/or GOD like the Christians believe, as mentioned.

    But I also believe that our GOD or the Creator/Source as do many ETs and EDs, that believe in a creator call him, as being Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, of both the visible and unvisible, of ALL dimensions, times and densities, only tells me our Creator has many, many children he loves in the Multiverse......So I say this:

    What almost everybody agrees on (upwards of 80%) that UFOs & ETs are real and exist. According to Mr. Corey Goode, with over 20 years service in the Secret Space Program (SSP) ,the Cabal or the secret Earth government and their syndicates (as termed by the SSP Alliance) have enslaved humanity under a false paradigm of a limited "status quo" technological society, for the last 60 to 70 years, while secretly developing incredible technology (a Star Trek level of advancement) used to colonize Mars and the solar system and beyond, to include, engaging in trade with thousands of extraterrestrial (ET) races.

    Also the full disclosure of the facts, are not known by the masses; that there have been Earth Humans on the Moon and Mars for several decades, starting with that knowledge by Presidents Truman & Eisenhower, and currently in 2016 we operate the LOC (Lunar Operations Command) base on the unseen side of the moon, and the other base also on the unseen side of the moon, we call the Dark Fleet base which with a very strong telescope you can see large space crafts coming and going from the Dark Fleet base if you look near the 10 o'clock position as you are facing our visual side facing the Earth, because this base, is just around the unseen side at that position.....

    Has any of our elected officials, even ONE, told you the truth about UFOs, ETs, the Secret Earth Alliance, Secret Space Program, the Navy run Solar Warden, the LOC (Lunar Operation Command) on the Moon, the Military Industrial Complex called the ICC(Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) on Mars using Humans under slave conditions of manufacturing and mining, including the asteroid belts, for the last 60 to 70 years, and YES, the controlling demonic elite with the dark cabal, with the aid and oversight by the Royal Draco Reptilians, calling the shots, behind the scenes of our world governments and what they control?

    They control our money supply, most of the food we eat, much of the water we drink, the types of fuel we burn, the way diseases get treated, our entertainment, our religions, our governments, our education systems, our space technologies, the stock markets, the media, and even the air we breathe. No one on the planet escapes their clutches. So what is all of this secrecy about, you might ask? Most people would call it the love of money & power.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely, as the saying goes.

    For example, millions of us are now aware and awake to the very advanced technologies we already have, and have had for decades, and the Secret NRO manned Space Stations that are over 50 years ahead in advanced technology over the current archaic ISS (International Space Station) we are now talking about abandoning soon.

    There is quite a lot of classified technologies that are in use in these “Programs” that are being suppressed and could completely change the nature and quality of life of every human being here on Earth. The “Free Energy” technologies would end the need of the “Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies”, The “Frequency and Light Healing” technologies would end the “Current Pharmaceutical Corporations”, the “Neurological Interface” technologies would end the need for “Large Education Institutions” and the “Food Replication” technologies and “Environmental Purification and Restoration” technologies would end poverty, starvation and begin to reverse the damage humanity has done to the Earth virtually over night.

    Here is some places to go to research the information I posted above, for those of you who want to research this further, but do not know where to start:

    Just search using google, yahoo or search engine of your choice, the names of Mr. Corey Goode, Dr.Steven Greer, Dr. Michael E Salla, or David Wilcock, William Tompkins, Andrew D. Basiago, Alfred Lambremont Webre, or Ms.Laura Eisenhower(great granddaughter of President IKE Eisenhower) just to name a few, who have either walked on the Moon and Mars, or have the proof of this information. And one name above, you may not know is ALSO running for President in 2016 in a "write-in" campaign that is not part of the Primary process: Andrew D. Basiago. Look it up, with his 100 Disclosures.

    ....So "We the people" say enough is enough.....research ALL or any part of this information and use your own free will and discernment. You will discover the real truth, of why we call this current era, the dummed down masses in an old technology "staus quo" agenda, promugated by the rich and powerful controlling elite. Check out "The Event" of UFO Full Disclosure and Data Dump of factual historical and secret advanced technology information to be revealed very soon. High level meetings have taken place recently between parties of the controlling elite/cabal/Royal Draco reptilians, and the Earth resistence group, "We the People" with the aid of breakaway support by the Secret Space Program Alliance, major factions of the Solar Warden, and defensive assistance by an advanced highly Intelligent, Positive, Benevolent, Spiritual Beings from the Blue Sphere Alliance, who have the power to control and defeat evil agendas, through co-creative consciousness by us, "We the People".

    Now you know,....Secrecy was agreed upon by Truman & Eisenhower, up to the present President, and promised never to be exposed to the we know why, look at the mess and trillions of dollars it all has caused by keeping it secret from us, and withholding all of the advanced technology that would help us world citizens to solve ALL of our problems: .....Pass this on, after you do your own research......Thanks, my friends, you deserved the right to know the truth, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

    FAIR USE NOTICE: This information/disclosure is for research and educational purposes only with the purpose of promoting environmental, human rights, social, economic and scientific awareness. Any information and/or videos which are, or contain copyrighted material which use in accordance with US Copyright Law 17 U.S.C. Section 107 "Fair Use" is allowed for the purposes of criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, and or research and is not an infringement of copyright.

    see more

    Oh, the infinite wisdom of the people posting here. They are surely far more intelligent than Mr. Kaku and Einstein.
    people, two of the smartest people of the past century looks at the
    evidence, tries to understand it and comes to the conclusion that there
    must be a creator, but no, we know better. We have been taught
    everything about evolution. This contradicts what we have been taught,
    therefore these people don't know what they are talking about - no
    matter how intelligent they might be.
    And everyone with their silly
    arguments of: If there is a creator, then who created the creator? Well,
    that's just plain silly. If there is a creator (which I strongly
    believe there is) then He created everything from nothing. Well, that
    goes against all the laws of Physics. And that is exactly the point. If
    God could create everything from nothing, He must clearly not be
    governed by the laws of physics which he had made. If He does not need
    to adhere to the laws of Physics, then there is no reason that He
    couldn't exist outside of time and space as we know it. Now, clearly
    this is not proof of God's existence, but merely a logical explanation
    of why God does not need to have been created.
    Just as an interesting
    side-note. The Bible tells us that God is light. Physics tells us that
    as an object approaches the speed of light time slows down and that
    theoretically time would come to a standstill (or cease to exist) once
    the speed of light is reached. So, if we put these two things together,
    it implies that God does not live in time - as I said previously.

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    "The problem with the creator is that if he created the universe. then who created him."

    "We know that a creator did not create humans, because we know we evolved from an ape."

    "When people get to the edge of their own understanding, they assign a higher understanding than their own. It's silly, but can't be proven wrong."

    The purpose of this post is to answer the above questions, posted in this forum.

    As to the 1st, logically if you have a cause that was itself caused, then you can trace those causes & effects back in time-- INFINITELY. That is, you never come to a beginning. Which is ridiculous when you apply it to the Universe, b/c we KNOW it had a beginning. The well-documented expansion of the Universe proves it, b/c you can't go back before the Big Bang.

    Even if you postulate a multiplicity of Universes & employ string theory to say that the collision of string membranes caused OUR specific Universe, you still haven't really solved anything. SOMETHING had to have set the whole thing in motion, & determined the rules by which it all would operate. When you calculate the properties that Something would have to have had, the answer is almost indistinguishable from what the religious call God. Theologians refer to this as the First Cause, itself uncaused. In other words, a self-existing, self-sufficient, all-powerful entity.

    The question, "What caused the First Cause," is therefore a logical fallacy. It implicitly denies one of the essential characteristics that the First Cause must have, which is self-existence. We can ask this question only b/c we have no direct experience of the First Cause. the question we must ask ourselves is NOT, "What caused the First Cause;" but rather, "Are we more comfortable with an unending chain of cause & effect, which we KNOW FROM SCIENCE is wrong; or with a First Cause, itself uncaused, of which we have no direct experience, but which we know from science must be correct?"

    As to the 2d objection, regarding the ape, we may know perfectly well that humans descended from more primitive forms of life, but that in no way disproves the Theistic Conjecture that a deity was involved. The Bible story of Creation was just that-- a story designed for shepherds who wouldn't have understood or accepted a detailed description of evolution. But the basics-- that life was created by a Deity Who shaped its development towards predetermined ends-- is in no way disproven by evolution, simply b/c the basic of Creationism don't limit God as to His methods.

    As to the 3d objection, that all religion comes down to Man assigning to God things that are beyond present understanding, that of course can't be rigorously disproven. But re-read my response to the 1st objection, above, & you'll see that in order to be logically consistent we have to dispense with this notion as well. The reason is that there exist RULES OF LOGIC which in the absence of a God are violated.

    If there IS no First Cause, then we're left with an unending chain of cause & effect-- which we KNOW FROM SCIENCE cannot represent the real Universe. That isn't Man assigning to God things that are beyond present understanding, it's a logical necessity. the question we must ask ourselves is...

    Well, I already said it.

    Michiu Kaku has just now figured out something that Thomas Aquinas knew & wrote about nearly a thousand years ago.

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    Put this in your pipe and smoke it liberals.

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    "String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created"

    & what, or who, created the creator of the Universe?

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on June 19, 2016 at 10:46am

The smaller I see particles, the bigger I see GOD.

The bigger I see the universe, I realize how much room GOD gave me to grow.






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