- By Mary Jo Dilling
I was watching the 9/11 commemoration and, as if my psyche has not been
assaulted enough by seeing again that horrible attack on our nation, I
received a disturbing email from a friend. She asked to me read an
article titled, “Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City,” by
Bob Livingston. It is conceivable that this situation could be more
damaging to our society than was the 9/11 attack. I refrain from
trusting much of anything I receive via email, without doing some
further checking. With just a preliminary check, indeed Chris Dodd did
introduce SB1619, the “Livable Communities Act.” Bob Livingston is
known as an ultra-conservative. Lest I be accused of accepting the
writings of a “far-right kook,” the mainstream characterization of
people who diligently watch for government infringement upon our rights,
I continued my research.
My guard went up when I saw the connection between Agenda 21 and SB1619. For those unfamiliar with
Agenda 21, take heart. You will be seeing a lot more of it before, and
if, we extricate ourselves and our nation from the clutches of big
government and the one world order. Take some time to look into Agenda
21, aka Sustainable Development. It sounds like such an innocuous
term. Our government leaders, Democrats and Republicans alike, have
bought into this wholeheartedly. But if you have any remaining shred
of belief in our founding principle of private property, you might want
to look at our government’s desire to completely control where and how
we live, under the umbrella of Sustainable Development. Agenda 21 is a
program resulting from the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit. It
embraces a global, national and local takeover of resources. You may
be surprised to find the degree to which your local government is
involved in Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Just look. I found it
in my own county government’s policies.
Another astonishing disclosure I found was a report by a man named David Rusk.
Rusk is a former mayor of Albuquerque and creator of the “City Elastic Hypothesis.”
While I wouldn’t argue with his findings, I am very wary of government
using them for social engineering purposes. He is also the author of
Cities Without Suburbs. Perhaps the implications of even this title
make you a bit uneasy. I certainly was alarmed by his report, “Building Sustainable, Inclusive Communities.”
This report was a commentary and analysis of community planning
recommendations adopted by the group, Building One America (BOA), a
group which touts itself as “A National Coalition for Regional Equity.”
Scared yet? Scroll to Appendix A of this report to see the
interconnections of BOA, Poverty and Race Research Action Council
(PRRAC), and the government agencies, HUD, DOT and EPA. Scroll on down
to the end to see quick thumbnail sketches of BOA and PRRAC. Always
get your radar up when you see HUD, DOT and EPA in the same setting as
Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. They will at the very least,
cost you money, and at the most, your freedom.
Dodd’s SB1619 is in lock step with the Sustainable Development policies. The
bill is designed to control habitation patterns through government
grants for “appropriate” land use. You can see the bill for yourself
at U.S. Senate: Legislation and Records Home. Enter SB1619 at the site
and take a look particularly at Sections 7 & 8, the Grant
Programs. On the surface, this all seems noble and worthwhile. We all
want people to have decent housing and, at the same time, protect our
environment. I ask you, how did the federal government’s meddling in
“affordable housing” work out the last time? It caused a near collapse
of our economy. We no longer have the resources for such social
engineering projects, nor do they work. They never have worked and they
never will work. When will the progressives finally realize that they
cannot control human behavior?
If anything beneficial came out of the massive downturn of our economy, it could be the
realization that we need to get along with less. Let free market
principles work. If we can ever get back on our financial feet again,
people, out of economic necessity, may choose to live closer to their
work and they will buy or rent homes at appropriate locations
accordingly. Even if the government bureaucrats who devise these
schemes have the noblest of intentions, their plans always devolve into
mismanagement, inefficiency and corruption. I have, however, seen too
much during the past eighteen months that causes me to doubt their
noblest of intentions. These bureaucrats, mostly from the Left, but a
few RINOS (Republicans in Name Only) may see a Utopian society of worker
bees, functioning happily within an infrastructure created for them by a
benevolent government class, as the path our nation should follow. But
I, and an ever-increasing number of my fellow Americans, don’t accept
this vision. It has taken a hundred years for the big-government crowd
to overplay their hand. Americans have at last awakened from their
lethargy and are finally seeing and understanding the nature of these
bureaucrats’ intentions. I am saddened, though, by the people I still
see in our society, who know we are in trouble and that our government
is becoming increasingly powerful and dangerous, but take it lying
down. They assume a defeatist posture and see the big-government
outcome as inevitable.
As for all humanity, we have been given inalienable rights from God. But God blessed us with just the
right set of circumstances never before created for man. From this
providence arose an honorable and brilliant collection of men, our
founders. With God’s guidance they created a system of government
designed to ensure the preservation of His rights for man. With this
gift of freedom comes the responsibility to protect it. Millions of
Americans now realize this and have stepped up to the task. Through
the primary process, we have discarded many of the self-serving
politicians who see themselves and government as the source of our
rights, rather than from God. We are, however, still in grave danger.
The silent citizens also need to wake up and accept their responsibility
to hold incumbents and the fall-election candidates accountable for
maintaining our founding principles.
What better place to start, silent citizens, than to inspect Sen. Dodd’s bill, SB1619. Find
out what your incumbent senators’ and your candidates’ positions are
regarding this bill and ultimately, government control of where you
live. For that matter, ask officials at all government levels what
their positions are regarding Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development.
You may or may not be alarmed at the thought of a future in which our
descendants will be told where they must live, but keep your eyes and
ears open. You will assuredly find an issue that the government wants
to keep “under the radar,” an issue, against which I hope to God you
are willing to fight.
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