NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Learn About the Power of the County Sheriff We give this movement

Learn About the Power of the County Sheriff We give this movement

Executive Summary – For those of you who do not know
who he is meet Sheriff Mack. He is a former Sheriff from Arizona. The
best way to understand the important work this fellow is doing is to
listen to his you tube videos. Start with part one and then at the end
you will see the links to the next video in the series. Listen to at
least five of them and he will have walked you through practically
everything that is wrong with the USA. Here is the link for the first

Here is the link to the Sheriff Mack website:
note on his website that he is endorsing candidates for Sheriff
around the USA. This will illustrate that the movement is starting to
grow. It is a good movement. It is feasible. It has built in
enforcement and funding is not that critical at all. The two obstacles
funding and enforcement are not there obstacles.

What is Wrong with the Sheriff Movement – The problem is that the counties are incorporated. If you go to county websites you should
be able to see that many if not all are incorporated. Check out this
link for one of the largest counties in the USA:

governments should not be incorporated. The Sheriff of Los Angeles
County is just a private security guard, constitutionally speaking.
Think about it. Can a corporation have a Sheriff? Of course not. This
also applies to the police of cities. Many, not all, of the cities in
the USA are incorporated and as such cannot have legitimate police.
The police are just security guards. I am not talking practically
here, just constitutionally. The de facto government tends to do what
it wants, not operating according to any laws making it up as they go
along. So an underlying problem is the incorporated counties having
sheriffs is inconsistent with the constitution. But we will work
through this here and suggest supporting this movement fully. It is
working within a faulty system. Change has to start somewhere. This
movement has no need of a pied piper bringing in trillions of dollars
of gold and cash. This movement has no need of military support. Study
this one well. It seems that over the last few months people have
been learning and fine tuning things and in a word getting better and
better at it.

Corporations Unconstitutionally Having Police Powers - Corporations do not have legitimate law enforcement powers, they can't
as private corporations. They can have security guards that protect
the assets of the corporation. Anyone will grant a corporation that
right but law enforcement agencies, no way. Now let us see some
absurdities. There is such a thing as railroad police. They are
employed by private companies like Southern Pacific and other
railroads. These railroad police have full police powers in any
jurisdiction that the railroad passes through. So wherever their
railroad corporate employer has tracks, a station, yard, terminals etc
they have police powers. If the railroad operates in and through 50
states, then they have full law enforcement powers, same as the sheriff
in all 50 states. This really goes go. They even have detectives,
patrol persons etc. They have badges, Police ID cards, guns, radios,
red or blue lights, and so forth. Since this is so insane it is hard to
believe so I have included a link to a page listing all of the
railroad police agencies. This particular page lists the railroad
police officers fallen on the job. There are over 50 private
corporation police departments listed. None of this is lawful. It is as
stupid as AOL or Google having police with full powers. The de facto
government really knows few limits. Railroads are just corporation,
not governments. Go here to see a list of many railroads that have
police agencies with full police powers:

wanted to pound this point in hard so all know we are aware of the
constitutional issues here and at some point in time will need
correcting. We also know there is a need to start somewhere and this is
a great place to start so we support this effort. Read on for the
connections between other movements.

Sheriff Mack – He is trying to educate and organize the county sheriffs across the nation to stick to their oath of office and
protect “we the people” from enemies within – the federal government.
He says things like this- There is one sheriff who has 5000 deputies
to help him enforce the constitution. If the fed wishes to impose
martial law they do not have the manpower and need local law
enforcement like the sheriff to enforce martial law. The guy is good.

Analysis – While the Sheriff of an incorporated county is by definition not constitutional, they could be enlisted to be allies of
the constitution and set the people free. Remember there is probably
only 300 or so people at the top running the show. Those you see on TV
like the President, etc are just character actors for those who stay
hidden. Their approach is to get our own people to turn on us in
return for a nice home or nice car. Federal salaries are quite high
now and those in federal law enforcement are treated quite well. If
you work for the federal government there is no recession. If you are
in law enforcement the opportunities for advancement, raises and
promotions are outstanding as the fed in their paranoia beefs up their
police forces. By educating the Sheriffs we could go far, very far.
They might stand up to the fed and just say no. The sheriff could
arrest the feds for violating the constitution. Starting with the
sheriff is a great idea. One must remember that the courts need to be
pulled in as well lest they indict the sheriff for failing to perform
his duties like not do foreclosures. Keep reading.

The Real Goal - If the sheriff does as Sheriff Mack suggests and recruits and trains thousands of deputies in his posse then they
can choose to listen to the constitutional de jure grand juries being
raised up on a county level as well as you are reading this. The
deputies can be reserve deputies with full powers 24/7 or only when on
duty. Training is usually required and constitutionally oriented
folks can pay their own way going to the academies part time. Then
they can get certified according to the de facto rules. They can buy
their own uniforms and firearms. The sheriff can easily arrange for
them to get a full auto assault rifle at a very low cost - $600 to
$900, the deputy pays. He can issue the gun to the reserve deputy
24/7. They can get magnetic signs that say Sheriff for their personal
auto along with a blue or red light bar. So picture the de jure grand
juries being formed at the same time as the Sheriffs being illuminated
regarding the constitution and their oath of office and raising large
posses of constitutionally oriented men and women – we the people.
Thus the stigma of a militia is avoided but the effect is most

Now the judges of the de facto courts can have presentments filed
against them by the de jure grand juries with the sheriff enforcing
their orders. Whoops! Immediate removal from the bench. Same for the
prosecutor. They can even be charged with violating the constitution
and their oath of office. Now the cookie cart just got turned upside
down. Numerous victims can testify against these judges and
prosecutors on the record and that would make a reversal from the
appellate courts very embarrassing, let alone a reinstatement back on
the bench. Once the judge is removed a new election could be held to
replace the judge and thus the de jure takes over the de facto. If you
have the sheriff, the judges and the prosecutor operating
constitutionally you are well on the way. See what a difference
enforcement makes with a large posse. If this was happening in say 25
counties around the country it would overwhelm the resources of the
fed. What about 100 counties or say 1000 counties. There are over 300
counties by the way. The lawful door to enforcement is the sheriff
posse with deputized members. That is going to be hard for the fed to
deal with. They will need to invent new terms like “runaway sheriff”.
This is real and attainable. The de jure country grand juries are
already being formed. This can grow and move very fast. It is essential
that it do so in that the fed cannot ever respond fast to something
new like this.

Listen to their phone in talk shows:
you feel moved join a de jure county grand jury. Meet other like
minded people and organize with a full out education program to
counter the brainwashing of the fed.

Another website to check out:
Please note they have links to tapes of sheriffs on their web site.
Things You Can Do – Sheriff Mack is positioned to influence law enforcement officers since he was one for so long. He is especially
positioned to influence sheriffs since he was one. He understands
budgets, county politics, corruption etc. He sells books and
educational material that is useful to educate yourself but more
importantly this material can be given to law enforcement officers.
Yes you can walk up to the deputy on patrol and offer to give this to
him. He may be afraid to take this while on duty but again maybe not.
Try to reach out to law enforcement officers as much as possible.

If you are law enforcement or military approach the deputies or police
with your id out and see if they will take the book form you then.
This is counter brain washing. Try to make them see who their real
enemy is and it is not we the people as they are being led to believe.
If they will talk explain the damage the fed has done and how the
country is bankrupt and facing an economic tsunami which could mean
loss of their job, pension and home. Push this fear button. Never talk
about we are armed and will come for you. If you do this then you are
working with the fed brainwashing. Talk about cities and counties
going bankrupt, defaulting on pensions, pensions going bankrupt,
foreclosures, dropping real estate values, declining dollar, and so

It is good to also talk about the constitution but never leave out the
economic benefits in it for them when a righteous constitutional
government is in power. Never make them think you are against them.
Make them understand we are all in this together and the fed is just
using them and will discard them when finished using them. If you have
money and like rocking the boat buy a billboard near the sheriffs
station so the deputies will drive by this billboard. Build yourself a
website that mentions all of this material with appropriate links.
Rest assured the deputies will go to the website. Get a group together
and ask the sheriff if you can distribute some of Sheriff Mack
materials in the locker room of the station. The idea would be to get
local law enforcement to wake up. Local law enforcement for the most
part does not make the money the feds do. They do not get company cars
and all sorts of privileges like they do. They are open to education.
They have seen layoffs of law enforcement agencies. They are aware of
foreclosures and homelessness. They are scared. Reach out. Remember
there are only maybe 300 of these elites at the top. They must have “we
the people” fight each other to stay there. If we the people realize
who the common enemies are, they are finished.

Oath Keepers – This is another organization you should be familiar with. Here is the link to their website:

They educate the military and police about their oath of office to obey the constitution. Worth learning about big time.

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Comment by Sandra on September 14, 2010 at 10:07am
WH would be a good start, actually any county sheriff can arrest him and/or any federal agent...






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