NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
More Irony for your Sunday Morning reading enjoyment!
Bernadine Dohrn [AKA Mrs William Ayres] is labeling us and our fellow
conservatives 'terrorists'. Typical of her tremendous courage, she gave this interview to "News Click India" rather than US outlets.
does anyone else out there think this might resemble 'treason' based on the Webster's definition?
This is from World Net Daily
Former Weather Underground leader worries about 'armed' tea parties
Posted: November 06, 2010
10:25 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
Bernardine Dohrn |
A former leader of a '70s protest group responsible for bombing the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, police stations and other targets is worried that "racist, armed, hostile, crazy-making" tea parties pose an "unspeakable" threat to America.
Bernardine Dohrn, who with her husband William Ayers were leaders of the communist revolutionary Weather Underground, had been tied to so many acts of protest violence in the '70s that she was placed on the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted List and was described by J. Edgar Hoover as the "most dangerous woman in America."
Her association with Barack Obama notably led to Sarah Palin's famous comment during the 2008 presidential campaign that Obama had been "palling around with terrorists."
Dohrn, however, told an Indian news and views website that she's concerned about a new breed of protesters, the tea partiers, whom she describes as "a hard right emerging, an armed, new hard right with massive control of media."
"It's racist, it's armed, it's hostile, it's unspeakable," she said. "White people armed, demanding an end to this president – it's very crazy-producing."
Speaking of the polarization of the nation as evidenced by the tea parties, Dohrn told NewsClick India, "It generates thousands of death threats every day in its wake and hate mail and craziness."
(Column continues below)
Video of some of her comments, edited and condensed by the Verum Serum blog, can be seen below:
The full interview is available for view on the NewsClick website, or on YouTube in Part 1 and Part 2.
In the interview, Dohrn speculated, "If the left had a demonstration in Washington against Bush, armed – armed? openly armed? – demonstration of black people in Washington demanding an end to this statist government, imagine! Imagine! There would have been a massive bloodbath."
Dohrn also addressed her violent past as well as Palin's famous quote, calling the suggestion that she was a terrorist "a caricature" that "has nothing to do with reality" and "is built on a complete lie."
She made a point of steadfastly refusing to apologize for her past actions, in fact affirming, "We are radicals today; we think that the real terrorist is the American government – state terrorism unleashed against the world."
Read "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, ...
Dohrn's most notorious activities began when she and Ayers went underground after she was charged with instigating riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 and after several of their fellow Weatherman associates were killed by bombs they were building in a Greenwich Village townhouse. One of those killed was Ayers' girlfriend at the time, Diana Oughton. The group had been planning to use the bombs at Fort Dix Army Base in New Jersey.
Like Dohrn, Ayers has also refused to apologize for his activities, which include participating in more than 30 bombings during his 11-year reign of underground terror. He says his only regret is not doing more to "bring the war home" to America.
In an article he penned for the New York Times op-ed page ironically published Sept. 11, 2001, he wrote: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."
WND previously reported on the links that appear to connect Ayers and Dohrn to far more violence that they might be comfortable recognizing.
WND also has documented reports from the FBI that Dohrn built and planted the bomb that killed a San Francisco police officer in 1970.
WND reported last year when top law enforcement officers in San Francisco signed a letter accusing Ayers and Dohrn of being directly behind the bombing, but the Obama Justice Department then told them not to comment on the case.
In the interview with NewsClick, Dohrn celebrated the message her activity sends, that a radical protester could be at work in America's heartland without being caught and that even now she can still be a radical activist as a grandmother.
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