NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
To All of the wonderful. Patriotic Souls I have come to know and love here on Real Conservatives:
Well, here we are. Today is the day we've been waiting for, the day we have all prayed will reverse the course our country has taken. We've attended TEA Parties, we've marched, emailed, called, written to, and had face to face conversations with those elected to run our government both at the local level as well as the federal level. In some cases we have been shocked at the blatant disdain with which our 'public servants' addressed us, in others the stunning disconnect with the voters at home illustrated the need for a total DC MAKE-OVER. Our government is broken, badly. Is it reparable? I hope and pray that it is.
I stumbled onto Real Conservatives early in its existance, I think I was number 19 or 20........a part of its infancy. I was welcomed by "Uncle Sam" and friended by EJ, Richard, Darlene, Maureen, OK Patriot, Philip, Emory and all of the rest whose names escape my mind but will remain in my heart.
This has become my 'go to' place for sane discussion about the insanity going on around us. This is where I can find the truth when the main stream media is so preoccupied with the "thrill up their legs when Obama speaks" that they completely forgot to do their jobs and report the NEWS.
Not as they see it or wish it to be but as it actually IS....what a concept!
Today is a crucial day to the future of this nation. If, God willing, the real conservatives are elected we have a chance to restore this wonderful place to her roots. Unlike so many who may think today is the end of two years of protest and being aware and involved in our government, know this, it is just the beginning.
We now know what will happen if we go back to sleep or even return to being that 'silent majority' who sat meekly by while the progressives whittled away at the foundation that the Founders so carefully laid for this greatest experiment in human history. We MUST continue to pay attention to exactly HOW these men and women legislate once they become a part of the Washington way of life. We need to make sure they retain their souls rather than sell them for an important committee post. We need to hold them to the high standards they ran on and if they, for ANY reason forsake those standards and become a part of the problem in DC, we need to march right on in there and drag them out by the hair.
The 'Pundits' and go to Republicans sought by the media have been absolutely WRONG about what the American People are looking for from the Republican Party.............they [WE] do NOT want MODERATES and we do not want compromise! We need to keep in mind the sort of 'compromise' offerred by the Dems following the elections of 2006 & 2008......surely everyone remembers hearing MADAM Pelosi saying "We WON.........". Just last week Obama said that the Republicans were "welcome to ride along but would have to sit in the back of the bus". [now that is one of the BEST examples of "post racism" I've ever heard!]. I seem to recall that when the Republicans took the House and Senate in 1994 they extended olive branches all over the place, shared committee chairmanships etc.................we saw how that worked out. These people can no more be compromised with than Radical Islamists will ever compromise with Jews or just isn't gonna happen, not now, not ever! If the American People elect Conservatives the American People WANT CONSERVATISM! If the Republicans mess up this time they will go the way of the dinosauers and we will be comdemmed to European Socialism [our children will at least].
Now comes the hard work. Vigilance. It will be easier if Real Conservatives continues and I truly hope it will.
To all of you here, thank you for all that you are, for all that you do and for all of the gifts that you so generously share. There are words from a song from the musical "Wicked" that can express my feelings better tham I can:
"Who can say if I've been changed for the better
[I do believe I have been changed for the better]
But, because I knew you,
I have been changed for good.........................."
[I'm sure you can find the entire song on You Tube and if I were less Technologically challenged I might be able to attach it but there you go!]
You are ALL wonderful, God Loving Patriots and have been a Blessing in
my life.
God Bless and Keep All of You and Yours!
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