NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


"And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." (Ezekiel 22:30)


Pundits are acting as if they're baffled at the meteoric rise in popularity of Donald Trump. They deign, saying that he is just a "flash in the pan", a summer phenom, nothing of real consequence. 

However, there is a fatal flaw in the logic of their phony propaganda. They seem to, deliberately, ignore the existence of what has been called the "silent majority" in America. So far, Trump is speaking the Truth, and when Truth is heard, that Silent Majority begins to gather, to coalesce, around a new champion.

This insidious, but tacit and deliberate blackballing of Mr. Trump in the mainstream media and certain sectors of the private economy-Macy's, Univision, NASCAR, etc., only serves to verify the apparent reality that those sinister entities are all of ONE ACCORD...against the Traditional American Values currently being espoused by Mr. Trump. They know that Truth can destroy them. They cannot allow Truth to spread. It must be extinguished at all costs.

What they fail to recognize, at their own peril, is the equally astonishing phenomenon of CONSERVATIVE UNITY which springs from a deep and abiding faith in America's founding principles, for example:

  • The Tea Party Movement

  • The elections of 2010, 2012, AND 2014

  • The support, with patronage, of various business that openly express the aforementioned Traditional Values:

  • CHICK-fil-A
  • THE MOVIES Passion of the Christ, American Sniper, etc.,
  • Fox News Channel
  • The UNITY displayed in the wake of 911
  • CUTTING UP of Macy's Credit Cards name just a few.

Conservatives were all of ONE ACCORD in those instances.

Just as the "invisible hand" described by Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations to describe unintended social benefits resulting from individual actions, there is also an "invisible consensus" among the electorate in this Nation we call America. 

Aside from the fact that the abolition of the INCOME tax and replacement of same with a national CONSUMPTION (sales) tax, giving We, the People the power to BOYCOTT corrupt government, (operating like Smith's "invisible hand", to give voice to the silent masses), the next best avenue of change is the VOTE. It is shameful that the current crop of politicians have lied, just to get elected, and are too cowardly to stand for what is morally correct. They worship at the altar of Political Correctness. It also seems that a large part of them are either vulnerable to BLACKMAIL or to  taking BRIBES, refusing to exercise the Power of the Purse, which is their Constitutional Imperative when all reasonable compromise fails.

Mr. Trump wants our votes. True, in the past, Mr. Trump has not been the ideal model of Real Conservatism that most Americans idealize. But there does not exist, or ever has existed, a PURE Conservative in our lifetime. Even Reagan was a New Deal democrat before he saw the light, shed upon his conscienceness by perhaps the purest embodiment of Conservative values, Senator Barry Goldwater.

Trump is merely stating, articulating what the others are too timid to say.We, the People are supporting his words, not necessarily Trump himself. We also admire him for his successful accomplishments, which are legendary. He personifies the American Dream. He has lived a life that most of us can only dream about. We are not in any sense of the word jealous of his good fortune.

But it would not be unreasonable for We, the People, before giving Mr. Trump our full support and imprimatur, to hold him to a certain set of standards that we can all agree upon, and achieve that elusive quality of being OF ONE ACCORD.

Trump is a businessman, he understands the enforceabilty of contracts, and the value of keeping promises.

I propose that we the people present Mr. Trump, or any other self-styled Conservative, with a simple proposal, which is what we call

The Declaration of the INDEPENDENTS

(attached JPG)

...with the condition that we will not rule them out for Presidential consideration if they sign and return it to us, with the covenant and promise that if ever they can no longer abide by those precepts after election they will resign, FORTHWITH, sparing us the unpleasant burden of firing them, or worst case, armed insurrection.

SEND THIS  Declaration of the INDEPENDENTS  to your favorite Conservative candidate, with a self-addressed return envelope. If they send it back signed, only then will we consider sending them any financial support, and ultimately voting for any one of them.

...and to all of these self-styled Conservatives I say:

"Mr. Politician, show me that we are truly of ONE ACCORD, unified, if you really want my vote. These are my terms and conditions. Embrace them, or get the hell away from me."





(right click and save to your desktop...send to your favorite candidate)


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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on July 13, 2015 at 10:03am

If Mr.Trump continues toward the political finish line intact, just exactly what IS IT We the People want from him?

If Mr. Trump were to be elected he would most certainly face an angry congress which would resist in every way.

Mr. Trump COULD expect cooperation from the world business community.

Which of those two powers would be more important to We the People?

Mr. Trump could rule by fiat just like Obama has, but would we be comfortable with it?

Mr. Trump's entering the race for President, has certainly changed the political landscape . . .  for the better.






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