All men of sufficient age and understanding are held accountable by Almighty God for their thoughts and actions- and in the broader sense, practice some form of religion. Most folks worship God- however correct or misguided their particular beliefs may be. Others worship Satan, dumb idols, mammon- or even themselves. Some worship only political power and influence. It’s a long list- and most humans choose a combination of the available options. But if you show me the beneficiaries of an individual’s thoughts and affection when left alone to choose such cranial activity- I’ll show you that person’s true religion.
Moreover, when individuals or religious groups adopt a political agenda that oversteps the live-and-let-live boundaries established within a civilized free society, their practice of religion also becomes a political movement. If that political agenda then exercises coercion upon nonaffiliated persons, especially by the use of force, it thereby becomes a criminal enterprise- and should forfeit all legal protection afforded the practice of religion under our Constitution.
Consider what has been happening in Paris, France. I submit that defiant Islam is carrying out jihad against individual liberty throughout the world- and to that extent is not entitled to protection under American Constitutional law.
But these Muslim extremists are not alone.
The global communist movement should also lose protection under the laws of our civilized free society because its godless religion infringes upon the unalienable human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The same applies to the predatory international banking cartel as it worships unbridled power and unlimited wealth- all the while usurping the God-given rights of those individuals upon whom they feed.
The ruthless international drug cartels, like those in Mexico, operate in much the same manner- and deserve the same stringent legal sanctions.
Let me simplify all this by recapping a familiar story.
Before the foundations of this world, there was a great council in Heaven wherein the various plans for the salvation of mankind were discussed. There was one called Lucifer in attendance, whose ruthless plan was based on forcing all men and women to do what was right in the sight of God. Lucifer’s plan was rejected for a number of reasons, but mostly because it destroyed mortal freedom to choose between good and evil. Lucifer then rebelled against God and ignited a war against liberty and all righteousness. He was cast out- his misguided followers cast out with him. That war against freedom and goodness continues here on Earth to this day- as Lucifer fights tooth and nail for the souls of mankind. Contrary to his name, Lucifer is the Prince of Darkness- and he presently deceives and empowers all the enemies of human liberty.
Look around at the many international enemies of freedom- and perhaps declare unto them, “If the shoe fits, wear it!”
In the end, Lucifer will lose his global war of terror, but he presently seems to have the upper hand- even here in the United States of America.
Nevertheless, we, the American people, have now awakened to our awful plight- and are vigorously organizing ourselves in the cause of freedom. Our eventual victory over global tyranny requires that we first purge our own federal government of those who would destroy our liberty. After cleansing our inner vessel and reestablishing the liberties guaranteed by our Constitution, we shall then turn our attention outward as needed to protect our national sovereignty.
Our first giant step forward is only a few days away. Yes, there will obstacles to contend with on 2 November- voter fraud, voter intimidation and probably some false flag operations- but we shall prevail.
Moreover, while a 2010 Taxed-Enough-Already victory may be characterized in the short term as regaining Republican control of both the House and Senate, our victory will not be complete until Congress is sufficiently purged of all our enemies- allowing the full reestablishment of our Constitutional liberties.
That renaissance of American freedom must include forever eliminating the Federal Reserve System- and once again issuing our own currency. It will require sealing our porous borders and again holding sacred our American sovereignty. Deficit spending must end- including the endless hemorrhaging of our national wealth in the form of foreign aid. America’s military must be rededicated to national defense- and no longer be misused as a tool of globalist nation-building. Our federal government must again serve the people! Above all, the Obama juggernaut must be stopped dead in its tracks- its destructive policies reversed and its tyrannical legislation repealed. Then America and her dormant economy will again begin to flourish. Obama’s thistles and thorns will be replaced by roses blossoming in the wilderness…
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