NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

New Family Structures Research and the “No Differences” Claim

Two peer-reviewed research articles in the social sciences, released June 10, 2012, challenge the claim made by same-sex parenting researchers over the last decade that parents engaged in same-sex relationships do just as well as other parents at raising children. This claim, that there are “no differences” in outcomes between the two kinds of parenting, is undermined by new evidence that these papers present.

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on April 8, 2013 at 10:47am

Here it comes! Mrs. Clinton, who sat beside her "husband" while he spoke directly to the world into a tv camera and claimed he did not have sexual relations with that woman Lewinsky" is going to run for president and tell us that "MARRIAGE" is no longer a sanction directed by G O D !

ANY "arrangement", between two or more (living creatures), man or beast, is suitable for "MARRIAGE".

You wanna know when "Armageddon" will begin? Take a guess.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 7, 2013 at 8:35pm

Hillary: Polygamy, Polyamory a Civil Right

Hacked Clinton e-mails: Adultery supported in April 1 announcement.


A draft statement for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, released from an anonymous hacker and dated April 1, 2013, reveals the potential 2016 presidential candidate will become the first presidential hopeful of either party to formally endorse legalizing polygamy, polyamory and adultery.

Clinton is also lending her name to a new coalition being formed by a number of celebrities including former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, South Carolina ex-Governor Mark Sanford, and golfer Tiger Woods.

The Clinton draft statement for April 1 reads this way:

Like so many others, my personal views have been shaped over time by people I have known and loved, by my experience representing our nation on the world stage, my devotion to law and human rights and the guiding principles of my faith. Marriage, after all, is a fundamental building block of our society. A great joy, and yes, a great responsibility.”

For example, I have learned much from the wisdom of my great friend Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa. Jacob, as you can see here, is the world’s most prominent polygamist, having married his lovely sixth wife, Gloria Bongi Ngema. Ms. Bongi Ngema already shares First Lady duties by accompanying the president on official trips, along with President Zuma’s three other current wives. In truth, President Zuma’s several wives have shared their husband with much more grace than I shared my own husband with Monica Lewinsky or Gennifer Flowers or Paula Jones or the many other women, famous and unknown, that were my husband’s various attractions.

I owe each and every one of those women an apology. I was unaware at the time just how bigoted were my reactions, and I was wrong to have felt as I did.

My great friend Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has, as I know was reported years ago, four wives, seven sons and fifteen daughters. He is a wonderful man who has provided me with much wisdom on this subject. And of course, our British allies, the United Kingdom, have begun the long journey to civil rights and fairness by legalizing polygamy for Muslims in the UK.

A few years ago, Bill and I celebrated as our own daughter married the first serious love of her life. I wish every parent that same joy. To deny the opportunity to our own daughters and sons to have multiple partners solely on the basis of how many they love and when they love them is to deny them the chance to live up to their own God-given potential, as Bill has so often said to me.

I know that many in our country, like my friend Maria Shriver, still struggle to reconcile the teachings of their religion, the pull of their conscience, the personal experiences they have in their families and communities. And people of good will and good faith will continue to view this issue differently. So I hope as we discuss and debate, whether it’s around a kitchen table or through flying dishes, as Bill and I have occasionally discussed the issue of multiple partners for so many years, or in the public square, we do so in a spirit of respect and understanding.

For those of us who lived through the long years of the civil rights and women’s rights movements, the speed with which more and more people have come to embrace the dignity and equality of Polygamous, Polyamorous and Adulterous Americans has been breathtaking, and inspiring. We see it all around us, every day, in major cultural statements and in quiet family moments. Who can forget Big Love, the touching HBO series on plural marriage? Or the sheer joy of Ellen DeGeneres celebrating the reality TV show Sister Wives, the true story of the courageous Kody Brown and his four wives? As Ellen noted on her show that day, “I don’t judge because I really believe whatever works for somebody should work for somebody and its nobody else’s business.”

Amen to Ellen.

In my own personal life, I can never forget the wonderful and deeply courageous women who have made my marriage to Bill so richly diverse and distinctly memorable, whether in our days in Arkansas or the White House. But the journey is far from over, and therefore we must keep working to make our country free, fairer and more chilled out.”

Over the years I have come to realize the sheer bigotry, not to mention futility, of keeping people from loving the people they want to love.

There is no reason in the world my marriage can’t be shared with Monica, or as I call her “Sister Wife Number 17” not to mention with Gennifer (Sister Wife Number 5), Paula (Sister Wife Number 6) and, well, not to bore with names, Sister Wives Number 2, 3, 4 and 7 thru 16.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 7, 2013 at 8:20pm

Fed-up Christians out to defeat 'homofascism'

Oklahoma campaign seeks to restore protections of 1st Amendment to people of faith

Bob Unruh

Hunt for the word “homophobia” – purportedly a fear of homosexuality – and Merriam-Webster, the ADL, Wikipedia, Oxford Dictionary, The Free Dictionary, the Reference Dictionary and others are ready to provide help.

But look for “homofascism” – the use of homosexuality to bludgeon and batter the religious rights of Christians and others – and the logical resources are silent, leaving it to blogs and others to define.

For example, at, a blogger wrote, “In light of all the information that I already posted and current information in this digest, I believe I may have coined a phrase. I am no longer titling the information as homosexual but homofascism. … I am going to use it because it fits this movement.”

It’s not hard to recognize. It’s when:

Rev. Scott Lively, who works with Defend the Family, now also has begun working with pastors and churches in Oklahoma City, under the banner of Oklahomans for the 1st Amendment, to take back Christians’ rights to believe, live and express their biblical beliefs.

Essentially, the goal of the program is to affirm that the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and religion trumps laws set up to promote homosexuality by setting aside quotas for hiring and such.

Lively told WND the effort was launched in Oklahoma for a number of reasons, including that the state is fairly conservative and the special “rights” for homosexuals still are a mostly new idea there.

“The idea is to accomplish somewhere in the nation an amendment of sexual orientation regulations … as an example to the rest of the nation,” he said.

The idea, with variations, could be applied to governments, corporations, or anything else.

He said such “gay” set-asides are sold to the public as a shield against attacks on homosexuals, but the homosexuals use the special provisions as a sword to attack the rights of Christians.

The campaign’s goal is simply to return that status to being a shield, he said.

The Oklahoma group’s members say they “believe in the supremacy of the First Amendment for freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to assemble peacefully as the people desire, and the right to petition the government to make things right if it has caused them harm.”

They “believe these rights have been given by God and not by the state – thus, the state has no authority to take these rights.”

Their request?

“That any non-discrimination ordinance in any city regulations include the following statement: ‘In no circumstances shall sexual orientation regulations supersede the First Amendment rights of individuals, churches and religious organizations to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.”

Its website includes a petition.

Lively said in an open society such as that in the United States, “We as people have to be willing to put up with other people’s speech … Others have been willing to do that – except the ‘gays.’”

Obtaining a foothold in one location, he said, will allow a springboard effect to other cities, counties and states.

Lively’s long list of other incidents that show abuse of Christians’ rights:

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 7, 2013 at 6:48pm

It’s Just Wrong

Written on Sunday, April 7, 2013 by Kim Cole

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“What’s the world coming to,” my dad used to say when I was a teen. I used to turn away, roll my eyes and think, “yeah, I know. And you used to walk five miles to school, uphill – both ways, in knee-deep snow. Fightin’ off Indians. Yada, yada, yada.” Oh, excuse me, Native Americans. (Of which I am 3/8 Cherokee.) Back then things were simpler. Black was black and white was white. Right was right and wrong was just plain wrong. I miss those days, and I am not even “old.” But it seems the world is spinning out of control, and at an exponential rate now.

I hear the arguments being stated for and against same-sex marriage and I cringe. Even the arguments against it don’t satisfy me. It is wrong because we cannot procreate. Tell that to my sibling who married and cannot have kids. It is wrong because a child needs parents of both genders. True, that is the best scenario under which to raise children. It is wrong because the two partners don’t “fit” together as God intended them to….? Yes, true to that too. BUT….same sex marriage is wrong because, and this is going to sound rather simple-minded, but it is wrong because it is not RIGHT. God never, ever intended marriage to be between two women or two men. He created Adam and Eve, a man and a woman, to be joined in HOLY matrimony by Him.

One of the longest running feuds is not the Hatfields and the McCoys; it’s the Arabs and the Israelites/Israelis. How did that feud begin? Was it over oil? Land? No, it all started over humans trying to do things the only way they saw to fulfill a promise of God to Abraham to have many offspring. Sarah got impatient. She gave her maid to Abraham and said, “here. Make babies.” And they did. Then Sarah got pregnant with Isaac! I’ll bet she didn’t plan on that happening! What did intervening with God’s plan gain? Two nations who are today at war with each other, hundreds of years later.
Have we yet learned that trying to alter God’s plan is not beneficial to us? Apparently not, because our nation seems to think that distorting one of God’s most foundational institutions, marriage, will end positively.

So, what if you are not a Christian, or a Jew, or of any other religion that values God’s opinion of things? Then I guess anything could be justified. Actually almost anything has now been justified by our society. Our society has fallen away from God so far that not only is same gender sex acceptable, we take that justification to the farthest degree possible. We are now killing our unborn babies, sacrificing them to the god of “convenience” as the pagans would sacrifice their children. We are a nation built upon Judeo-Christian values, contrary to what is often taught in schools today, but who have turned our backs to Him, choosing to do what is expedient or selfish instead.

At what point do we Christians, especially, finally realize that it is up to us to prevail against the gates of Hell? What will it take to bring us back to our knees to full repentance to God? How far will this nation crumble before we follow through with 2 Chronicles 7:14? Do we have to become Rome? Will we let our nation decay from within to a point of no return? All through history empires have fallen, not because of the enemy without, but because of the enemy within: corruption, moral decay, justification of sin, not calling sin what it is, “sin.” Unless something turns around now, we will be the next Roman Empire, or more accurately, the next Sodom and Gomorrah.

Regardless of all the reasons against same-sex marriage, there is still one that I never hear stated anymore. IT IS JUST WRONG. It is all right for us to take a stand against something because it is just wrong. Some things will never be right, no matter what spin is put on them. Marriage between two people of the same gender is one of those things.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 7, 2013 at 3:01pm

Cringe-Inducing: MSNBC Host Uses Young Daughter to Push Gay Marriage, Asks Her If She’d ‘Marry a Girl’

MSNBC Host Uses Young Daughter to Push Gay Marriage, Asks Her If Shed Marry a Girl


Regardless of where you stand on the issue of gay marriage, few will likely agree with MSNBC host Krystal Ball’s decision to use her young daughter to promote gay marriage during a segment titled “Political Playground” on Thursday.

“What if you were in love with a girl? Would you marry a girl?” Balls asks her daughter.

The little girl seems to be well versed in New York law, as she replies by saying girls can marry girls and boys can marry boys in New York but not in other places.

“And that’s good because you want people to be able to marry who they are in love with, right?” Ball nudged.

Ball went on to explain how “strange” it was that other states haven’t decided to allow gay marriage.

“They should change that, shouldn’t they?” Ball says.

Watch the entire segment via MSNBC below:

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on April 2, 2013 at 6:05pm

Without reading the research papers I can confirm there IS a different outcome for the children. The children of same sex partners are not as fully prepared for adulthood nor as "well adjusted" as children from a heterosexual marriage.

I will read the papers to verify my stance.






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