NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

A great example of the indoctrination of government schools !

          This is an exerpt of a blog posted by 6th grader Abe Benkhalid's father, Abe Benkhaled has a father from Pakistan and a mother from Ethiopia - and all three are proud to be Americans. The father-son duo used that love of this nation to write a children's book called "The Greatest Country," which they released on President's Day. It has quickly drawn national attention. Benkhaled, a sixthgrader at Piney Grove Middle School, said his immigrant parents have reminded him to be grateful for the opportunities he has as an American. "I wanted to express my feelings and show my appreciation for America and all the great things it has done,"                                                                                                             

I was talking to a group of 4th and 5th graders. This was in connection with the surveys for an up coming book.

I asked them: “Who are the smartest people in the world?”

A large majority of them said: “Chinese.”

I asked: “why?”

 “They make everything”, the kids replied.

Then I asked: “Which is the greatest Country in the world?”

Only two hands went up. Only three brave kids, (about 20% of  the kids present) thought that America was the greatest country. And the irony is that, while the remaining did not say that China or an other country was the greatest country, they were also not willing to say that America is the greatest country.

Whether we like it or not, kids can be brutally honest, and sometimes – very insightful.

But what's wrong with this picture - children hesitant to say that theirs is the greatest country? Or is there something wrong with what we are doing, or not doing?

  • Are we talking to our kids about what makes a country great, and what is so special about the United states and why we consider it to be the greatest country?
  • Just because China has become the manufacturing plant of the world, is it The Greatest Country in the world or The Smartest?
  • Just because we no longer manufacture as much as we used to, are we no longer The Greatest Country in the world?
  • Are we making sure that our kids understand that it is primarily through education, creativity and hard work that we will remain the greatest country?
  • Do they know as to what sets us a part from most of other countries in the world?
  • Have our children learned to appreciate everything they have been blessed with - including all the sacrifices their parents make to give them a better life - or is it all taken for granted?
  • Do we tell our kids that despite the fact we are not perfect (and who else is?), we have countless reasons to feel proud of our country because we have made accomplishments for our own people, but we have contributed so much towards the well being of the people all over the world?
  • Do our kids even know about our contributions and accomplishments? (Do we - even as adults - know about them, and can we articulate them to our children?)
  • Are we preparing our children to compete and lead in a world that is much more diverse - in every way, and much more complexed than how things used to be?
  • Are we as parents “really” doing our part, or is too much of our "love" for our children, or the complexities of own lives, keeping us from doing what's needed?

In my opinion, the earlier we start thinking about these issues, the earlier we start discussing them with our children, and the earlier we start raising a higher standard of expectation and excellence from them, the better off we will be.

The earlier we start turning our children into creative thinkers, confident individuals, hard working entrepreneurs and passionate leaders - who are proud to be who they are and committed to lead and make it a better world - the better off we will be.

And there is no better day to start doing that than today.

(Otherwise, if we don't talk to to our children about what is right with America, someone else will talk to them about what's wrong with America, because we are not perfect (in every way and according to 6 billion people's likings and expectations). And, after a thought has taken root in a child's fragile head and head, it may be rather difficult to undo that. Furthermore, our children - if they are not proud of being who they are, and if they are not equipped with the knowledge and the ability to work hard, be creative and lead - may not be able to compete with those who have to live on two dollars a day – backed by two technical degrees and a unending hunger to get ahead. Please take my word - I have been there).

I have friends from many parts of the world - including Chinese, who live in America. While some of us are obsessed with the economic expansion China is experiencing, we are also mindful that there are almost a billion people in China who are living in poverty, and there are big differences between the life styles, opportunities (for ALL), rights, freedoms and other aspects of life in the two countries. However, despite these differences and problems average Chinese people face in China, I VERY rarely hear my Chinese friends talk bad about their country. Despite the fact they enjoy the freedom to express themselves, they rarely talk bad about China - even in the privacy of their homes and businesses. And anytime, anyone points out to a problem China has, they simply say: we are working to change that, we need a little more time. You can make whatever you want to make of this, but to me, having that kind of respect and positive attitude about your country is very admirable.

I wish some of us could learn to see our country a little differently, and not expect perfect - all the time, and not take things for grated - all the time. It will be nice to see our children learning and showing appreciation, respect and love for a country that has accomplished so much.

Most of our children work hard to do well at school. Let's say that your child took a test at school that had a hundred questions. Despite the fact that ten of her or his answers were right, 90% of her or his answers were right. So she should get an "A". But now imagine how would you feel if the teacher gave your child a "D".

America is not perfect, but even if we put aside our emotions and subjective love for our country, and we think very objectively about all of its contributions to the well-being of the people - all over the world, most reasonable people will come to the conclusion that America, indeed, is The Greatest Country.

As Abe said in his speech: "That was true yesterday, that's true today, and that will be true tomorrow".

"That is its destiny, and no one will take that away from us".

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Comment by chris ralls on June 12, 2013 at 1:11am

Well as nice an article tht. this is then why pray tell is "America" implementing "Common Core" education tht. goes as far as to say tht. the "Holocaust didn't Happen" tell me just how great am I supposed to think america is, anyone w/a brain can look around and c the evil and dismay of true americans who now c nothing but dishonesty, corruption, misuse of hard working taxpayers money, tell me how I am supposed to think america is great and tell my kids how great it i.  america is far from perfect and it is americans tht. hve. allowed it to happen, america sucks and the majority tht. live in it do too.






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