NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
The AP has reported that the White House has apologized for not giving key lawmakers advance notice of the controversial Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap:
Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Democrat and Republican respectively on the Senate Select committee on Intelligence, said White House officials called them Monday to say the lack of notification had been an oversight. Feinstein said she received a call from Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken.
The White House damage control comes as Republican lawmakers accused the White House of putting U.S. service men and women at risk byreleasing the five top Taliban members being held in Guantanamo in exchange for Bergdahl.
An oversight?
How is that possible, when Obama himself signed the 30 day advance notice into law last year?
The administration is required to give Congress 30 days advance notice of any plans to release a prisoner from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, per section 1033 of the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act — signed into law by Obama in 2013.
Oh, that’s right – King Obama can do whatever he damn well pleases. Remember, back in February he told French President Francois Hollande so on their Monticello visit:
“That’s the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want.”
Heck, even Feinstein is upset over this one.
From The Hill:
Feinstein also said leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence panels were almost unanimously against a prisoner trade when it came up in 2011.
She said the chairmen and ranking Republicans of the “connected committees” spent a lot of time in 2011 reviewing the possibility of a prisoner swap and came out firmly opposed to releasing senior militants from the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay.
“There were very strong views and they were virtually unanimous against the trade,” she said.
Feinstein echoed the sentiments of many Americans when she expressed concern about Bergdahl:
“I certainly want to know more about whether this man was a deserter.”
When asked if the White House might have avoided notifying Congress about the impending swap for fear of opposition, Feinstein said that was a possible reason:
“Yeah, it could be. But the White House is pretty unilateral about what they want to do when they want to do it. I think the notification to us is important and I think it would have been a much better thing to do because you do try to work together.”
More damning evidence that the “oversight” was anything but comes from House Speaker John Boehner. In a statement, he said that serious questions about the possibility of a prisoner exchange were raised in talks with Congress in 2011 and 2012. CNN reports:
“Unfortunately, the questions and concerns we had were never satisfactorily answered and they remain today,” he said.
Boehner said the administration “provided assurances” in late 2011, early 2012 and again in 2013 that talks with Congress over an exchange wouldresume if the possibility became credible again.
“There was every expectation that the administration would re-engage with Congress, as it did before, and the only reason it did not is because the administration knew it faced serious and sober bipartisan concern and opposition,” he argued.
It is disturbing that Obama has decided to break a law that he signed and claim that it was an oversight – and that he expects anyone to believe or accept any of it.
You can bet that citizens who break a law will be held accountable – apologies will NOT be accepted. In fact, under the very law that Obama broke – the NDAA – American citizens can be indefinitely detained without being charged with or tried for a crime.
Will anything happen to Obama for this act of treason?
Probably not, but some experts say calling for his impeachment is justified:
In case you missed it, Judge Napolitano pointed out that Obama may also be guilty of helping terrorists, because the five Guantanamo prisoners released may return to terror:
“That’s why I say the president may well have committed a federal crime,” said Napolitano, “by giving material assistance to a terrorist organization. He knows — ought to have known — that that’s what these guys will do.”
“The president should be impeached for this,” he said. “In my view, it’s a very, very valid argument that people are going to start talking about.”
And this administration continues its rogue, lawless reign over America. It is bad enough that Obama has stomped all over the Constitution. Now he’s released prisoners who are likely a threat to this country.
How much more damage will be done before the King’s president’s term is over?
I shudder to think of it.
"...Comment by Annette Akerman 1 hour ago
Here is another thought: Maybe if we back up a bit we might see something else. Remember the hijacked jet flight MH370 out of Malaysia? It has been determined that it was hijacked and made official: and now we have 5 highly dangerous terrorists on the loose. 0vomit, a Muzzie himself, released a Muzzie who went AWOL (by accident?), and negotiated the release of these 5 killers after being turned down twice by Congress on this same subject. Do we see a pattern emerging here?"
Steve Huntley May 2, 2014 6:54PM
Updated: June 5, 2014 6:38AM
The controversy over the Benghazi attack, once seemingly on life support if not dead, roared back to life the other day with the disclosure of a White House email suggesting blatant political motives in how the administration portrayed the deadly attack to America during a presidential campaign.
Whether the email is the smoking gun, as administration critics claim, proving that the White House lied to voters remains to be seen, but that argument can no longer be dismissed out of hand. There’s little doubt the email, and White House reaction to it, show an administration willing to manipulate events to suit the political needs of President Barack Obama.
The attack in Benghazi came on Sept. 11, 2012, the anniversary of the 2001 al-Qaida attack on America; after the 2011 U.S.-supported overthrow of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, and in the middle of a presidential campaign. Four Americans died in the attack, including the first U.S. ambassador killed in 30 years.
Libya after the death of Gadhafi became increasingly chaotic and dangerous. The ambassador, Christopher Stevens, made that clear to his bosses at the State Department, but security for him and the Benghazi consulate was not bolstered.
Several days after the attack, the White House sent Susan Rice, then U.N. ambassador and now Obama’s national security adviser, on five Sunday morning network news shows, an unusual event. She attributed the attack to protests in the Middle East by Muslims angry over a little-seen Internet video disparaging Islam.
It turned out that it was obvious from the start that the attack was a well-coordinated assault involving terrorists affiliated with al-Qaida. That was in conflict with a presidential campaign theme that al-Qaida had been “decimated” and that the Libyan campaign had been a success.
So where did the video explanation come from? The CIA, which advised the White House on “talking points” for Rice, never advanced the video as the cause of the attack, according to congressional testimony.
The newly disclosed email came from Benjamin Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, and listed goals for Rice’s TV appearances. One was to “underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”
A White House spokesman offered the ridiculous argument that the email wasn’t about Benghazi. The very next goal stated that the administration was “resolute in bringing to justice people who harm Americans.” Only in Benghazi were Americans harmed. Only the outrage of four murdered Americans would have the White House put Rice on five shows.
Even members of the mainstream media friendly to the Obama presidency couldn’t swallow spokesman Jay Carney’s patently absurd reading of the email and peppered him with skeptical questions about the email.
This document came to light due to a suit filed by the watchdog organization Judicial Watch. It quickly became apparent that the email had not been released to congressional committees investigating the attack.
One reason Benghazi had been receding from the public eye was the sometimes inept, sometimes overtly partisan, often uncoordinated nature of these probes. Republicans have urged House Speaker John Boehner to appoint a special select committee to examine the Benghazi episode. With the revelation that the White House had withheld evidence from Congress, Boehner on Friday committed to setting up such a committee. Maybe the American public finally will get the unvarnished truth about the events of Sept. 11, 2012, and whether the White House misled the nation for partisan political reasons.
Just "SWIPE" it, (electronically)
That was easy...
I don't disagree with you, Philip......for the most part you are absolutely correct......there are a few who keep their motives where they belong, just a FEW. Too many others get caught up in the power they feel when they become parts of that 'inside the beltway clique".
They have gotten to the point where their own power & wealth is far more important then the original reason for running for office in the first place.
We NEED to have term limits......we also need to ban those who have 'served' in the federal government from returning to or staying IN DC and becoming lobbyists.
Nancy Pelosi said she would "drain the SWAMP" when elected Speaker.......that swamp was created by the power mongers [Pelosi included] and the water will remain brackish until they are no longer among the denisons in that city.
I STILL think they should all work in their home states and use "Go to Meeting" rather than being allowed to contaminate that beautiful city.
If it were me and the other millions of "We the People Patriots" Obama wouldn't have made it past the first gate of the electoral process for office of the president, black man or not.
But we're dealing with (politicians) don't forget . . . . those Americans who seem to check their honor, common sense, and allegiance to our nation at the doorway to the capitol.
I have often wondered if this president has 'naked' or compromising photos of every single Congress person and Senator........
How ,in the name of God, have 'we' [and our elected 'officials'] got tp the point where we are all fearful of impeaching or trying for treason, a man who has obviously committed offenses worthy of BOTH charges?????? Are we [the people] really not yet past the whole racism issue???? And if not, can't we just go after the 'white half' for his BLATANT ignoring of the rule of law as well as the Constitution???? Why are we not able to get past the 'color of his skin' to examine the "content of his charecter"?
Kathryn, for a long time now I have thought that the House, the Senate, and even the Supreme Court members have been somehow threatened what with at least 7 of the Muslim Brotherhood in attendance there in the Oval Office. Have you heard a peep out of Michelle Bachmann lately, and she has always been a forward, front and center voice until this past 2nd term. And there are others. Second, the words spoken by the father of the deserter were in Arabic and they sanctified the WH as now belonging to Islam. We have some very dirty dealings going on in the government and everybody on both sides is apparently afraid of their own shadow. Even the press has problems asking questions like, "Did 0bama just commit a crime of treason by not going to Congress before bartering with terrorists?" What kind of crock is that! Everybody KNOWS it!!! PERIOD!! We are all living in the land of Oz if we think otherwise. I have no doubt our people on the hill are more than happy to simply clam up and let things go whatever way they're going to go. There are very few who will do the right thing, if anything at all.
"Is there a person anywhere with the 'stones' to do the right thing and arrest him for that crime!?!?"
Good question Kathryn. I don't see any "stone throwers" out there at the present time.
The only explanation I can figure out as to why Obama has not already been forced out of office is that our nations politicians will do ANYTHING to protect the legacy of the first black man to occupy our White House.
For those of us who paid attention BEFORE he was elected, this is really not a surprise.......the sychophants in the media were also not shocking........the thing that has been the most shocking is the way the House & Senate have stood back and allowed him to trample our Constitution, our LAWS and our way of life.
Congress [both houses] were entirely HIS during the first two years of his presidency.......the only thing they "accomplished" was Obamacare. In 2010 there was a tsunami that swept the country, we took back the House, ceremoniously 'unseating' the first woman ( allegedly] Speaker in history. Even MORE important there was a wave that placed true Conservatives in governorships and state legislatures.
My Mom used to say "give them an inch & they'll take a mile,".........."we" gave Obama a mile to begin with........anyone who dared criticized his policies was immediately labled "RACIST" by whichever spokes-puppet to the WH, to the sychophantic press as well as Obama's RABIDLY dedicated cult members. Consequently, he took increasing liberties in ignoring the rule of law, bypassing Congress and giving almost unlimited power to various governmental agencies .... the recent action on the part of the EPA will cause the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs and COULD seriously compromise our power grid.
It is amazing to me that the 'scandals' are coming at increasing speed....last week it was the mess at the VA [trust me, the VA has been a mess since I was in nursing school in the early 70's].....Shinsecky 'resigned' as did Jay Carney on Fri.....on Monday the EPA dumped it's new 'energy RULES' on us.....then we were told that FIVE of the WORST 'detainees' in GITMO had been traded for the "only American Prisoner of War" in Afghanistan.............
This 'exchange' occurred with no notifacation of Congress....the SAME Congress that TWICE said "NO" to this proposal in 'suddenly', this president made a unilateral decision to exchange a soldier who has been called a deserter and most probably collaborator with the Taliban............
Now...even some democrats seem to be waking up and there is real talk of impeachment......the Senate will never try him as long as Ried is in 'charge'......perhaps "IMPEACHMENT" is too gentle a penalty..... This president is surely guilty of 'High Crimes and Misdeneanors" but he is also clearly in a position to be charged with "GIVING AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMY".............................AKA TREASON! Is there a person anywhere with the 'stones' to do the right thing and arrest him for that crime!?!?
I am truly amazed at the nature of the system of checks and balances that is supposedly in place to protect We the People from one or the other branches of government becoming over zealous or overly powerful.
Hows that system workin for yah?
@ Annette Akerman
...smell a rat?
Here is another thought: Maybe if we back up a bit we might see something else. Remember the hijacked jet flight MH370 out of Malaysia? It has been determined that it was hijacked and made official: and now we have 5 highly dangerous terrorists on the loose. 0vomit, a Muzzie himself, released a Muzzie who went AWOL (by accident?), and negotiated the release of these 5 killers after being turned down twice by Congress on this same subject. Do we see a pattern emerging here?
Oh, and here is the latest and greatest update! LMAO This clown has been allowed to get away with everything and I for one am sick and tired of it. He was already turned down twice by Congress on the issue of releasing anyone from GITMO.
Think anything will happen now? I don't think so! But I will say this - he is running out of time and is desperate, so if I were even half awake and knew this, I would be looking for some really bad things to start happening real soon, unless, of course, the chicken-$hit in the commander's chair chickens out. Then again, maybe the on ly time he has any guts is when he has to perform for the Taliban.
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