NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Ya don’t need yer reading spectacles to discern the signs of the times- and those citizens who remain uninformed are lazy, oblivious or brain-dead.


Take the Atlantic City Press this morning- a liberal Obamanite rag if there ever was one. Nevertheless, on page one is a story about Cape May’s fishing haul this year. In 2009, during the first year of Obama’s ersatz leadership, the fish harvest was 63.9 million pounds valued at $73.4 million. By 2011 the harvest had dropped to 40.1 million pounds, but was valued at a whopping $103 million. Now the Press was touting the amazing dollar increase- but just supply and demand? Nope! That’s called inflation- and devaluating the dollar.


But here’s the REAL amazing trend! Even as the prices of food, energy and other necessities continue to soar, your home values continue to tank. Why? There are so many homes on the market due to bank foreclosure and tight money (even at historic low interest rates), that the glut of homes for sale far exceeds the number of homes that can reasonably be sold. THAT, my friends, is supply and demand.


And herein is the crux of the financial disaster facing the American middleclass. We have inflation and deflation happening simultaneously in separate sectors of our economy. Yes, the average American had only one financial ace in the hole: home equity. Middleclass wealth has therefore taken a 1929 dive, while all other prices have skyrocketed- NOT like the crash in 1929. The NWO financial wizards have managed to steal our home equity- yet simultaneously raise our cost of living. A masterstroke! Slash home values- yet raise living costs at the same time! Just as Thomas Jefferson warned us!


Moreover, Romney’s getting considerable heat for his supposed gaffes- but I have to say the 47% comment (surreptitiously taped way back in May) about many folks voting for Obama simply to protect their entitlements wasn’t far off the mark. On one hand, the middleclass is fighting for its life. Millions of Americans are losing their homes, out of work or underemployed- struggling to keep food on the table. On the other hand, there is a large slice of the American pie (pragmatically approaching that 47% figure) that looks to Uncle Sam for a monthly handout- and I am not talking about Social Security and Medicare.

And by the way, let me remind you that the State of New Jersey forced me to sign up for Medicare at age 65- threatening me that I would otherwise lose my Police and Fire pension health benefits. To me, that strategy qualifies as Medicare fraud.


Personally, I’ve never collected a dime of “unemployment” in my entire life- and I would be endlessly embarrassed to shop with Food Stamps. But I will admit collecting glass pop bottles on Saturday night (back in the Nixon years) to buy milk for the kids- or so my wife could have decent panty hose to wear Sunday morning. And during Carter’s fiasco, I became proficient at dumpster diving. My father once told me, “There’s no free lunch. Somebody always pays!”


Will Romney and Ryan win? As an independent voter (still registered with the GOP), I surely hope so. I often include Mitt and Paul in my prayers. I eat, sleep and breathe politics these days. We are running out of time to reclaim our beloved republic. And yes, four more years of Barry Obama, and it’s all over.


I don’t trust the mainstream media anymore- especially their skewed political polls. Nor do I trust the federal government- especially after 9/11.


Most of all, I distrust Barry Obama and Joe Biden- and anyone who still supports their treasonous crimes. And I guess it’s their treason that bugs me the most. They routinely compromise our military and our national security for their own political gain. They use the US Presidency for self-aggrandizement- conducting influence peddling at the highest level. Yes, Barry, what did you say to the Russian president about this being your last election? You’ll have more “flexibility” afterward?


This will be a close election. In the age of instant messaging and 24 hour news cycles, it will be a photo finish- a relative handful of votes deciding the outcome in a few swing states. Not only will your individual vote make a difference, but so will your admittedly puny individual efforts to influence those around you- whether by direct personal contact, telephone, email or some other means. Stand up and be counted.


And don’t worry. These skewed political polls will help lull the liberal base into a false sense of carnal security. Yes, let them think all is well in Obamaland, because we ain’t buying it, my friends! Not this time around!

Views: 83


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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on September 26, 2012 at 2:10pm

In my opinion NOTHING is beyond Obama and the democrat machine including instituting "Martial Law" to stay in power.

The liberal progressive democrat machine Cabal has disregarded our system of laws with impunity ever since Obama was installed in our White House.

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on September 26, 2012 at 8:25am

Yes, a military coup would be a national tragedy- even worse than current the American tragedy of Obama's failed presidency. When we no longer follow the rule of law (as per rule by executive order), we no longer have our Republic. However, placing the entire nation under martial law (the next step toward an absolute dictatorship) would be a national tragedy of such magnificent magnitude that a military coup would probably provide significant improvement. What a sad tale is being woven for our children and grandchildren!  

Comment by Raya @ REAL CONSERVATIVES on September 25, 2012 at 3:12pm

Comment by gmiller on September 25, 2012 at 3:02pm

A tragedy if it should come to a military coup.  But Obama may make it necessary. The real tragedy is that the USA could ever elect a clearly unqualified, incompetent, inexperienced, arrogant, America-hating Marxist usurper.

Our vaunted system of "checks and balances" is not being used, thanks to Boehner, Reid, Holder, FBI, state legislators, courts. They just stand there and watch Obama, even help him, as in the case of Boehner fully funding Obamacare and illegal wars, Roberts changing his vote and rationalizing unconstitutional Obamacare, courts upholding an ineligible "President" on the ballot.  

Amazing and saddening. Does this country even deserve to survive? 

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on September 25, 2012 at 2:54pm

I think rescinding all these insane tyrannical EOs is a no-brainer. Regarding Lanyon's questions, I do believe the election will come off as scheduled- but yes, the point of eroding our liberty and seizing our personal property is to make us more dependent on government. Finally, since both Congress and the Supreme Court would move too slowly to thwart an EO imposing Martial Law, I think a military coup is more likely- and not necessarily led by the Joint Chiefs. In addition to the active military, there are hundreds of thousands of well-armed veterans who would not stand for martial law- and Obama surely realizes that such an EO would bring an immediate death sentence upon himself and others close to him.   

Comment by gmiller on September 25, 2012 at 2:33pm

This was encouraging. Hope they really mean it:

Ryan: We Will Rescind O's Executive Orders

Comment by gmiller on September 25, 2012 at 2:32pm

Right on target, Richard!

Comment by LANYON on September 25, 2012 at 2:16pm

It's nice to see your writings, again.

Do you stil think that there will be an election?    And, if people lose their "property" and cost of living continues to climb, then, aren't these people more likely to be entrapped in government dependency?

I've had two questions all along" 1) Will Congress or SCOTUS stop Martial Law?; 2) Will Pentagon stop Martial Law and a second coup on  the US government, with the Joints taking action or silent?.... (the movie "Seven Days in May" with Burt Lancaster).






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