NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
It took decades of war with the invading Muslims before Iran was conquered. When the Muslims became the masters of Iran terrible things took place. Not only was there genocide of the likes never before witnessed until communism reigned in Russia and China, but also more subtle things that were to have lasting negative effects. Iran was once a highly literate country; a land full of libraries and medical schools and universities. Scientists were not hampered by the dictates of backward religious beliefs and spent lifetimes searching for ways to advance society . However, that all came to an end when the Persian army was defeated at Al-Qadisiyah. With that defeat, hundreds of thousands of people of low cultural development poured into Iran bringing with them a defective mindset molded by their Bedouin existence. Iran’s libraries were destroyed. Its famous medical university was laid to waste. Teachers, professors and scientists deemed as threats to the new faith, Islam, were put to death. Within two generations, Iran went from literacy to illiteracy; a nation living on the edge of fear. It took three centuries for Iran to emerge from its civilizational crash in the 7th century but it never again rose up to the levels of scholarship enjoyed during its pre Islamic era.
The story of Iran is a terrible story of a once great country that was attacked, conquered and ruined by a violent defective people but at least they fought as hard as they could. Today, America is witnessing the same invasion, but no one is taking up arms. You see the invasion of America is of a different sort. It’s an invasion of supposed desperation that tugs on the heart strings of liberals who have no clue what the real world is all about. They welcome the invaders with open arms in the belief that multiculturalism is the way to go in our too white, European society which up until now worked perfectly fine.
Unlike the ancient Persians, there is no need to engage in battle because we’ve already been defeated. There is only submission to the invaders who are not coming to America to breathe free like the immigrants of yesteryear. They are here to grab whatever goodies they can. Unfortunately, They bring with them a backward mentality of violence, anger, and incompetence that hindered the development of their own native lands. They don’t love America yet our Politically correct government hopes they will blend in and become Americans. That’s poor nonsense. As of this writing, the US congress is set to vote on another amnesty bill. Most likely the bill will pass because our politicians don’t care about the health of this nation. They just want to make sure they stay in power. So they sell out this country to those who refuse to learn the language and educate themselves preferring instead to ride on the backs of the US taxpayer. There is no giving only taking.
In the 7th century, the Arabs Muslims invaded Iran and took that country down. Our invaders are doing the same. They have dumbed down our schools. They have ruined neighborhoods and our cities. they create parallel societies that have no allegience to anyone except themselves. Go into the area Malls or drive through the inner cities and see changes in our demographics. Mexicans are everywhere. Asians are everywhere. But the most dangerous of all are the Muslims. Yes, those same people whose forefathers destroyed the world’s greatest ancient empire are here on American soil; rushing into this country like swarms of locusts. Unlike the Asians and Mexicans, the Muslims bring with them a very powerful weapon that allows them to strike terror into the hearts of those who oppose them - Sharia law. You see, we have in our mists people who don’t love life, liberty and happiness and have no regard for our constitution. They are here to conquer and will do so because they sense a weakness in us that goes by the names of guilt and political correctness. In the end this societal weakness will destroy the best hope in the world. Sadly, Islam will prevail as it did in Iran only this time they will do so with the blessings of the Catholic Church and our government and aggressive islamization of non-European Americans. As our government and our religious institutions continue to embrace to the enemy invaders expect civil unrest and a collapse in local governments which will eventually spiral into anarchy. With the new amnesty bill, this is the beginning of something very ugly.
I’m feeling very vulnerable. Aren't you?
The Tea party (and other conservative groups); the enemy of the state
The US government; the enemy of the people
“There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher/independent power from which all its power and authority are derived. “ Henry David Thoreau.
For quite a few years now, the left along with its followers in the high offices of government have been denigrating, vilifying and ridiculing conservative groups whose sins are daring to go head to head with those who are a threat to the peace and prosperity of this country. The left has its ammunition ready- it has in its pocket, a public that is for the most part ignorant and narcissist; ready to eat up whatever BS is shoved down their throats. Most of the general public believes whatever the government says. They never question. They never research. They put all their trust into a government that they think is always 100% accurate, never thinking for a moment that perhaps those who run the “show” have the same mindset as those who have infiltrated our media, and educational systems. The left has a great power base. They know how to get people to turn inward on themselves and cut their own throats. What better way to get people to turn on those who are fighting for them by using Saul Alinsky’s tactic of deception- to present yourself as the champion of good against evil and present your enemy as the evil ones.
The left has no ethics, and therefore have no difficulty in perpetrating the “great lie.” Through the great lie, the left has the ability to destroy those they don’t like; one of them is the Tea party. The left says Tea party is full of elderly whites who want to hurt black people. The tea party is racist. What better way to hurt your opposition than to use the race card? These types of labeling put the fear of God into conservatives. It puts them on the defensive. They feel the need to explain themselves and that only serves to upset what their mission is. It distracts them. It makes them feel insecure because it’s so difficult to stave off accusations of racism in today’s environment. Those who are fearful and unwilling to battle the great lie run off and hide leaving those who want to continue the fight to struggle in a weaken state. The party is shaken to its core until it becomes irrelevant and obsolete- at least that’s the hope of the left.
Psychological warfare can be more damaging than the battle of blood and guts because a demoralized enemy is already defeated. Defeat through demoralization is a tactic taught by radical communist theorist, Saul Alinsky who believed Lucifer was the first radical. Alinsky hated a free enterprise, constitution backed America. For Alinsky protégées like Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, the issue is not the environment or social justice, it’s about the state and how the state dictates not only culture but life itself. For the left, the state is the end all beat all. The state is everything and everyone must conform to its will or else. Its mentality is based on the ideal that individuality and the traditional family have no meaning; it’s all about submission to the New World Order. There is no singularity. There is only sameness.
The left hides behind its back a big bully club as it plays on the emotions of people; all the while plotting for that moment when they take control and the slaughter begins. It’s been the big dream of the left to take complete control of the USA but, there’s one big problem - those pesky patriots AKA conservatives who know the constitution and aren’t about to let it go to the wayside.
The founding fathers knew one day our government would be infiltrated by those who hate liberty, freedom and happiness. How did they know? The founding fathers knew the ways of men . Like Thomas Hobbes, they knew men were easily corruptible and would resort to tyranny to achieve their goals. (Keep in mind that the liberals AKA as progressives/ communists murdered over 100 million innocents to achieve their goals )
To prevent the blood bath that Russia and China endured, our constitution must be valued on the same level as the 10 commandments. The constitution guarantees us our vital rights which are based on natural laws and can never be abrogated or termed outdated. Such Freedoms like speech, and faith are backed up by the right to bear arms. The right to bear arms wasn’t put in the constitution because the founding fathers had a thing for hunters. No, the founding fathers loved freedom fighters who would take up arms to defend this land and its constitution. And that brings us to conservative groups who have been dubbed “enemies of the state.” Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing wrong with being an enemy of the state if that state is corrupted and no longer serves its people. The founding fathers believed and stated that it’s the right of the people to get rid of a government that has willfully failed its people, and this government has been failing its people for decades.
America was founded on the ideal of a nation of the people, for the people and by the people. Humans have great flaws and have succumbed throughout history to acts of idiocy and violence. America is a no different but on the other side of that coin; America has achieved what no other nation could not. It rose to prosperity because of its people and their visions of the future, not because of gold, or oil. It is a nation that stands strong because of its Christian values and a strong work ethic. A government that has become an enemy of the people deserves to be engaged by those very people who believe in the unalienable rights of man. The left can try to demonize freedom fighters as the bad guys all they want but it’s those freedom fighters who are the brave hearts standing firm; refusing to submit.
For those of you who know something terrible is brewing in our great land but still feel compelled to look the other way for fear of being labeled, keep in mind, It’s perfectly fine to be the enemy of an enemy of the people. It’s the goal of all men who believe in individuality, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to combat a government that is no longer virtuous or moral. In the end, it’s the people who decide what goes for America.
Horowitz, D., Rules for Radicals, (2009).
Skousen, W. C., The 5000 year leap, (1981).
No longer yearning to breathe free- today’s muslim immigrant.
For decades, it was the poor and huddled masses that came to America hoping for a new start, a new life that would allow them to breathe free. They came from Europe mostly, from south and Central America, Mexico and Asia. They worked hard and raised their children to the best of their ability. They raised the flag above their heads and were proud to say the pledge of Allegiance. They sent their sons off to fight and proudly offered their time and money in times of natural disasters and calamity. They wanted to be a part of this exceptional land that offered the opportunities and the happiness denied to them in their native lands. But that was yesterday. Now America is being overrun by immigrants who don’t want to be a part of the American dream. They are not huddled masses yearning to breathe free. They are here to take mooch off of entitlements and/or impose Islamic will on America which comes in the form of Sharia law.
Throughout history, Islam attracted degenerates or renegades looking to settle a score. Its main attraction was to take “whatever your right hand possesses,” meaning its ok to take whatever is desired. A Muslim can rape, murder and pillage to his heart’s desire. There is no such thing as feeling bad because Muslims don’t know what it means to feel about bad. You see, Islam isn’t about loving the infidel as they would themselves. For those who don’t know-Non-Muslims are viewed as sub human so they are underserving of Muslim love. Besides, if Mohammed did it then it’s OK and Mohammed did do everything listed above.
Mohammed never worked after his conversion to Islam. He lived off of his first wife’s business and the inheritances left to his daughters. When those monies were exhausted, he along with his followers resorted to plundering caravans. In Islam it pays not to work but to swing a sword when your woman can’t support you.
Today, Islam’s big attraction in America -besides prescribing anti-white hatred to its bourgeoning population of black converts-is its’ lack of a work ethic. Instead of getting off their asses in pursuit of the American dream; lazy, indolent underachievers choose to play victim and that’s where Islam comes in. Islam entices those who don’t want to work by feeding into their victimhood. Why should you work when the infidel did so much wrong to you? Take what the infidel had taken from you. That’s the rallying cry of American Islam, and those who want to believe their loser mentality is the result of prejudices feed into it. Unlike Christianity, Islam gives the slacker the right to be a slacker. It was the Caliph Omar who further justified Islam’s lack of work ethic by stating, You (Muslims) be the soldier, Let the others (infidels) do the work. Just as Lucifer tempted Adam and Eve to rebel against God, so Islam tempts converts to rebel against the only nation that offers them a future.
Today’s American dream which came to fruition because of its work ethic is slowly being eroded by Islam’s ethics (the left has the same) of sexual violence, hatred, economic underperformance and sloth. The Tsarnaev brothers are a hard core example of what the Muslim psyche is all about. They as well as Tamerlan’s convert wife sucked off a nation that believes in charity. In the minds of the Tsarnaevs’, it’s perfectly fine to mooch off the infidel as many of their co-religionists do. There is no shame in it as it would have been for yesterday’s Americans, most of whom were Christians. For those who lived in bygone America, living off the dole was a sign that you were incompetent- you were a failure in life. Not so with the Muslim and the Muslim convert. Taking and taking from the worker is seen as honorable. That mindset is the antithesis of all that is American and it should not be allowed to thrive on our shores.
Long, long ago, the Holy Spirit left Persia. Now it is about to leave America.
Most Christians especially in the United States don’t know the significance of the Holy Spirit. If they did then they certainly would appreciate the enormity of what we are facing. Today as our anxiety and apprehension heighten, we need more than ever our long forgotten stalwart of life, liberty, and happiness that thrives in all good and decent Americans. As America slips further and further into decline, Americans need to understand the importance of the Holy Spirit which will empower us as we face the enemy that threatened and subdued Persia 1400 years ago. Now more than ever we as a nation need its blessings.
Obama and the left have denied that America is a Christian country. They may be right. Americans have turned away from the Christian faith of their forefathers in much the same way that ancient Persians turned away from the Zoroastrian faith of their forefathers. Perhaps the luxury, and sedentary lifestyles of the past 40 years have softened Americans to the point where they think their religion is no longer worthy of their attention. What most Americans have forgotten to their detriment is that only through the bonds of religion can a nation and its people remain strong. Without faith, a nation falters and wilts away and is eventually forgotten.
In our churches, we see lovely paintings of the Holy Spirit descending from the heavens illuminated by the sun. But we really don’t pay it much mind except to briefly admire its beauty. We bless ourselves with the sign of the cross by first placing our hand on our forehead and then to the abdomen and finishing with a touch to the right shoulder to the left with “in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, and never think about the power behind the blessing we bestow on ourselves.
Many of us think the “Holy Spirit” is as an entirely Christian thing probably invented by the early Christian founders, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Holy Spirit which is the third component of the Holy trinity was given to Christian faith by Zoroastrianism which in turn was nurtured by Mithraism.
In Christianity as is in Zoroastrianism, the Holy Spirit is the essence of God. Only those who are good, righteous, and just receives the essence of God.
However, humans are easily corrupted. They forget about righteousness and justice. They lose their way. They forget who they are.
The Holy Spirit will not bless nations and its people who are corrupt. It brings its beauty and strength only to lands that are deserving of its presence.
The Persians were attacked by the Arabs. The Arabs destroyed colleges, great libraries, fire temples and cathedrals. The Arabs struck terror into the hearts of the people. Over time, Persians forgot their Mithra and who they were. Its history was lost to the outside world who quickly forgot just how important Persia was to world civilization. The Arab invaders corrupted Persia and Persia was no longer a land of righteousness and justice forfeited its Holy Spirit. Persia had lost its “Far”.
At least, the Persians can comfort themselves with the fact that they were invaded by a cruel enemy and lost through no fault of their own. They fought back as hard as they could. Now America has been invaded by that same cruel enemy who hasn’t had do much of anything except yell, threaten and intimidate. America unlike Persia is submitting without even putting up a fight. Maybe, it’s because America forfeited the teachings and ethics of its Christian founder’s decades ago, and has allowed itself to be perverted by the indoctrinations of those who have no love for America. America is certainly not the land of our parents. It isn’t even the land it was when we were growing up in the 70’s and 80’s.
The Holy Spirit lives within the hearts and souls of Christian America. But, it needs to be nurtured and defended or it will not flourish. It is our God given essence that we need in order to survive. It’s late but it’s not too late. IF we can get our land back to the land of Christ then we will have the courage to fight the enemy that threatens our very future. It is only through the Holy Spirit that was passed down to us from Persia long ago, that we can regain the holiness and spirituality that defines us as a nation. Only then can we win.
How will history interpret this chapter in our nation?
What IS our future?
Obama and the liberal progressive democrat machine have produced a change alright,
and we've been moved FAR LEFT.
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