NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
their political power seems unequal to their numbers and more powerful than expected. How have they gotten so powerful so quickly? How can they control our foreign policy and treatment of Christians in other parts of the world?
For over 200 years America was a Christian nation. Our Christian foundations have been slowly eroding over the past 50 years. However, that erosion has drastically increased during the three years of Obama’s reign and his administration has repeatedly stripped away the rights of Christians while at the same time promoting the rights of Muslims.
The administration’s foreign policy has also taken on the same attitude towards Christians and Muslims worldwide. Earlier this year I wrote US Tax Dollars Building Mosques Overseas and some of our other bloggers have posted US Courting Diplomatic Relations with Islamist Group that Murders C... and Sharia Law Deciding American Court Cases. These blogs give a glimpse of just how the Obama administration deals with matters of religion with other countries.
The US now seems anxious to rush in to help Muslims around the world. We rebuild their sewer systems, schools, water supply systems, electrical power plants and even rebuild their damaged mosques. Hillary Clinton and State Department is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the very Muslims that hate the US and vow to destroy us.
But what about Christians that need our help?
In Nigeria, Christmas Day saw militant Islamists bombed Christian churches, killing at least 25 people and wounding many more. The only response from the White House (or should I call it the Muslim House) was to issue a public condemnation of the attacks and nothing more.
In Egypt, the political turmoil is once again boiling over in less than a year. This time, those in power include the Muslim Brotherhood, who Obama supported in the over throw of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood, with knowledge for the current Egyptian regime have been attacking, beating, and killing Christians and burning their churches. The White House again issues a verbal condemnation, but does nothing more to help fellow believers in Jesus Christ who are being targeted for their faith.
In China, Christians are still being jailed and beaten for their faith. The White House won’t even condemn China for its anti-Christian actions and policies because they basically own a significant part of the US debt and could destroy us in a matter of minutes by calling in those debts.
In Saudi Arabia, who is supposed to be a US ally, Muslims persecute Christians with public floggings and imprisonment. The country has blocked all Christian related websites. The White House response has been one of silence.
Christians around the world are being targeted and persecuted for the faith in our Lord and Savior and the only action taken by the Obama administration is to issue an occasional verbal condemnation to some, but not all. It’s like a parent that tells their unruly child ‘no, don’t do that’, but never does anything to back up the command. And like the unruly child that knows nothing will come of it, they continue to do what they were told not to.
I wonder what the White House would do if it were Muslims being persecuted in a Christian nation? Oh yeah, that’s happened here in America and the Christians were punished and sent to prison. I know there have been cases where Muslims have attacked Christians here in America, but you rarely, if ever, hear about them or hear that the Muslim was sent to prison for their actions. The only thing we do hear about it is when the Department of Justice sets the Muslim free.
Guess that pretty much describes where our nation is at.
Oh, it's absolutely both parties, Philip. Career politicians are one of our main problems. They have become so corrupt and greedy, they have forgotten why they were elected originally. All we can do is keep on trying, and be more prepared than our kids when things get really bad. My kids laugh because I have canned, stored water, and stocked up on non-perishables. One day they will not be laughing!
We do what we can Grammie and somehow it never feels like it's enough.
I agree, like you said, young people aren't doing any research of their own. They're satisfied the MSM is giving them the info they need to make decisions.
I too find myself giving lectures to my kids. This Christmas was particularly politically poignant. Two of my sons are only partially employed, first time in their lives, and they wanted answers from ME. You can bet I gave it to them and I included BOTH political parties.
My old man (father) used to tell me to "automatically" vote out the incumbent. I'm finding out that's NOT bad advice. That was 40 years ago. Still applies/works today.
This divisive administration is - yes, I agree with you, Leon - using the Muslims, using the blacks, using our children, targeting patriots as terrorists - it's all the plan. Anyone who is familiar with Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals can see quite clearly how we got to this point and what the ultimate goal is. CONTROL. The questions remains, though, who actually has a chance of becoming the supreme ruler - the NWO or the Muslims? Somehow, the two factions just don't seem like they will meld together and live happily ever after. And, in the meantime, how many of us seniors will be denied medical care, how many of our children and grandchildren will be indoctrinated into Islam, the Black Panthers, or become brainwashed socialist zombies? It's happening in our schools from K through 12, right now. Since the 1960s the socialist regime has been controlling our colleges. How many patriots are writing their senators and representatives and demanding they adhere to their oath to our Constitution? How many are sitting and whining and blogging, but not actively fighting the destruction of our country? I would like to see a poll on that. My own 46 year old son has become such a socialist that he and I cannot even have a pleasant conversation. It seems the older generation are the ones who are waking up and fighting, but we are fighting not only the government but also our families and neighbors who can't or won't take the time to research any of the many executive orders signed by the thug in our White House, they won't read any criticism of Obamacare - why - because it hasn't diretly affected them yet. It will be a sad day for all of us when the SHTF and these deaf and dumb Americans wake up and say, how did that happen!!! I write a weekly column in our local newspaper trying to keep my small community informed. There are many seniors who do not have access to the internet and all they see is what the MSM puts out. I'm amazed at the number of calls I have gotten thanking me for my information - all from seniors. We each need to do whatever we can to spread the real news and try to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, and everyone else, although that is very frustrating. Take it from this 67 year old grandmother of six who has been doing this for the past four years. I don't really feel like I've made much headway,though. I email my representative and senators several times a week encouraging them to do the right thing, but sadly, Mitch McConnell is a RINO and Ed Whitfield is not much better. The only one Kentuckians have fighting for what's right is Rand Paul, and I'm so thankful he won the election over the corrupt Jack Conway.
"It is in our self preservation enterest to get out of this while we can before these wicked nwo powers to be destroy us and them. "
If what you're saying is true, Leon, I'd want to "get out of this" like you said, but where is it we're going?
I just finished reading a book I ordered from World Net Daily entitled: Why We Left Islam - Former Muslims Speak out. It is a compilation of stories by former Muslims, and the horrors they endured are unbelievable. The book explains very well the true goal of the Muslims, which is to make the world Islamic. Anyone who is aware of what's happening in our country today must believe the thug in our White House is either a Muslim, or for whatever reason is crushing Christianity and catering to Islam. I would recommend this book to everyone - it sure woke me up!! Also, there is another book I got from World Net Daily entitled: From Crayons to Condoms - about our school systems across the country, the perversions being taught to the kids, as well as Islam in our schools. Both books contain great information.
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