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How the West Was Won by Moammar Gaddafi

Gaddafi-financed Nation of Islam and its leader, Obama friend Louis Farrakhan

How the West Was Won by Moammar Gaddafi

 By Judi McLeod  Saturday, February 26, 2011


The horror story starring Muammar Gaddafi does not begin with the ongoing bloody Revolution in Libya.

If the megalomaniac were to use the $3 billion he parked in London to write his memoirs, it could easily be entitled, How the West Was Won because the story of Gaddafi is, in effect, the story of the corruption of Western leaders, and how it ultimately leads to the decline of Western civilization.

Both Canada and the United States helped put Gaddafi on his perch and helped keep him there.

It is largely thanks to the brilliant website American Thinker that we can help trace the decline of the west through the corruption of western leaders in the pocket of Gaddafi, the man President Ronald Reagan called the “Mad Dog of the Middle East”.

Much has been made of the ties between Obama’s decades long spiritual adviser, the hatred-spewing Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Libya’s longtime brutal dictator.  Ditto for the shamefully Gaddafi-financed Nation of Islam and its leader, Obama friend Louis Farrakhan.  No media outlet made much of it when both Wright and Farrakhan visited Gaddafi in Tripoli in 1984.

We now know it took a dithering Obama some nine days to criticize the bloodbath in Libya and that when he finally did, he did not even once mention his buddy Muammar Gaddafi’s name.

After Obama’s overt support of the Google gang up in Cairo that left the Muslim Brotherhood in charge, there were those who found the president’s eerie silence o the “Mad Dog of the MIddle East”, deafening.

The above is the skinny on Obama’s stance on the Libyan dictator in February of 2011.

Get a load of his Gaddafi stance in 2009:

“Last year, right around the time Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi called Obama “our son”, Obama earmarked $400,000 for two Libyan charities. (Camie Davis, American Thinker, July 17, 2010).  “The money was divided between two foundations run by Gaddafi’s children; Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation, run by his son Saif, and Wa Attassimou, run by his daughter Aicha.  What noble causes did our tax dollars potentially help support thanks to Obama’s generosity?

“Funding of the ship Amalthea: The Amalthea sailed to Israel with the intent of breaking the Israeli blockade on Hamas.  It carried aid for a pseudo humanitarian crisis and supporters who were said to be “keen on expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people in the plight amidst the siege imposed on Gaza.”  The ship was funded by Saif Gaddafi’s charity, Gaddafi International Charity and Development Association.  Obama’s friend, Bill Ayers, joined attempt #1 against Israel’s blockade on Hamas.  Saif joined attempt #2.  One has to wonder which of Obama’s friends will step up to the plate at attempt #3.”

As American Thinker reminds us it was Saif Gaddafi who negotiated convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi’s release, a man who was supposed to be dying from cancer but who is still alive a year and a half later.

The plain truth is that many of the same western leaders who today condemn Gaddafi are, in fact, his close personal friends.

When it comes to Gaddafi, Obama’s next door neighbour, Canada, is as guilty as sin.

Though we know that the Canadian government did not contribute financially in any way to the next ship on its way to the Israeli blockade, we do know that Canada Post is part of it.

This is the background behind Canada’s strong friendship with Gaddafi.

Canadians were “lucky” to have “His Excellency, the Prime Minister Paul Martin as their leader”, Gaddafi said in 2004. (Canada Free Press, Dec. 20, 2004).

Martin, then Liberal Canadian Prime Minister called Gaddafi a “philosophical man with a sense of history”.

“Part of that history is that Gaddafi, the former terrorist facilitator, is most famous for his role in blowing up a Pam Air Flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, killing 270 people, two of them Canadians.” (CFP, Dec. 2004).

Incredibly, Martin’s advance team in Tripoli actually chased Gaddafi for a meeting:  “It took toe-tapping patience in order for Martin’s advance team to confirm a meeting between the two leaders.  Like the host who flees his mansion when he hears pesky relatives are on the way for a visit, it at first appeared that Gaddafi was never going to be at home.”

When two meetings were finally arranged, they took place in tents with camels parked outside.

Having laid his artful dodger routine aside, the Arab leader was absolutely gushing about the depth of his friendship with Martin.

“On a personal level, we have gained a quite personal friendship.  We are friends not just because he is the Prime Minister of Canada but we shall always be friends, even if he is not the Prime Minister,” Gaddafi professed.

Gaddafi even joked about the possibility of Martin leading a revolution some day just like he did.

“Pretty soon I expect Canada to be a jamahiriy.” he quipped in a reference to his own socialist revolutionary state.  Gaddafi’s vision calls for a “people’s power”, a non state that is both non capitalist and non communist.”

Sounds just like the cloaked-in-democracy coming Insurrection to some.

Martin and Company went on to meet with officials of the Great Man-Made River Project, an ambitious pipeline scheme to tap vast aquifers beneath the Sahara Desert to quench Libya’s parched coastal population.  The Montreal-based Canadian engineering giant SNC-Lavalin is a participant in the massive project that will be 20 years in the making and one that is compared to building the Great Pyramids of Gaza­16 times over.

Gaddafi was at home, too, when the leaders of France, Britain, Italy and Germany came to call that year.

The despot’s penchant for elected Canadian leftwing politicians goes back decades.  In 1975, NDP MPP Odoardo Di Santo, who later became the New Democrat Party (NDP) Premier Bob Rae appointed chairman of the Ontario Liquor Licensing Board, now Ontario Alcohol & Gaming Commission, accepted a free trip to Libya as Gaddafi’s personal guest.

Worthy of note is Canada’s terrible track record of cozying up to brutal dictators.  It was Paribas, with connections to Power Corp. where both Paul Martin and his top adviser UN poster boy Maurice Strong worked that did billions of dollars in business with Saddam Hussein during the hideous UN-backed Oil for Food scandal.  ( CFP 2005)

Leftwing Western leaders like Obama, Martin, and others have sold out the populations they govern, putting their own people at risk.  It is these same leaders who would have you believe that the global unrest that is making the rounds worldwide is spontaneous and not orchestrated.

Meanwhile the hypocrisy of Western Liberal leaders and Gaddafi knows no bounds.


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