NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.



“kids, pets welcome”

4 Year
Landlords: We the People








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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 3, 2012 at 10:21am

Finally, you're starting to sound like the "Declaration of the Independents" as stated above.

Comment by Leon Ewers on January 3, 2012 at 3:05am
Well as far as I am concerned we are all family because the bible says so. We all come from the same to ancestors, Adam and Eve, and if we go by science we all are ancestors of the same seven thousand woman the last I researched that subject several years ago and I am almost sure that they have been able to norrow that down even more by now. I am just talking about humans, not animals. I am sure if we go back far enough even science would say we were related in some way or another.

" The "gay" issue is where you're bumping up against the majority of conservatives in my opinion. Two same sex "partners" living together do NOT make a family for the legal definition which applies to government statistics."

Like they haven't been wrong before.
1. Blacks are not people?
2. Blacks and whites don't have the right to marry?
3. Witches should be burned at the stake?
4. Women that are sexaully promiscious are put to death?
5. Blacks don't have a right to an education and anyone caught teaching them are punished?
6. Woman can't own land?
7. Women can't be in the military?

And the list goes on.

" When we don't like something here in the USA we work to convince the majority of the citizens to make changes. If you can't convince enough of us about a desired change then it is YOU that must move to North Korea."

Look, we do not live in a democracy where the mob rules, we live in a republic where we live by rule of law. The majority does not get to dictate to everyone how they will live or what they consider a family to be. If that's the case we might as well go back to blacks are not people or of a sub spieces.

We must strive to make this (USA) a more perfect union and to do that we have to allow for social changes, evolutionary changes, social engineering, (specially when government is the cause of such changes) and so forth. Else wise we will end up like the nazis and euginist in america were like in the early to mid 1900s.

Let's take a look at one of these. BPA:

1. Prenatal exposure to BPA at levels of (10 μg/kg/day) affects behavioral sexual
differentiation in male monkeys .
2. A 2011 mice study found that male mice exposed to BPA became demasculinized and behaved more like females in their spatial navigational abilities. They were also less desirable to female mice.

" If there is one point on which many scientists agree, it is the risk to the developing fetus and the young child. “At least a dozen studies have shown the effects of phthalates on human reproduction,” says University of Rochester epidemiologist and biostatistician Shanna Swan, the lead author of a much-cited study that showed higher exposure to some phthalates in mothers correlates with reduced “anogenital distance” in newborn boys. Biologists recognize a reduction in the length between the anus and the sex organ as an external marker of feminization, easily measured because it is typically twice as long in males as in females."

Now my best guess is that certain group of people want to decrease the world population and will do anything to achieve their goals, BPA is just one of those, GMOs is another.

So until we stop this type of manipulation of our children and posterity guess what, we will have to make ajustments in what constitutes a family.
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 2, 2012 at 8:28pm

I like Capitalism. I've owned parts of many Banks, Corporations, and Equities over the years. I called it investing. My pension fund is a capitalist functioning entity which has made it possible for me to retire at a higher rate of income had I not had the opportunity to be a part of the Capitalist philosophy. There is much good in Capitalism.

Are there corrupt PEOPLE in our system of Capitalism? I would guess the percentage of corrupt politicians equals the numbers of corrupt CEOs. It's NOT good to have any corruption in government OR our economic system.

It's the degrading moral fiber of We the People that have depressed me and I look for good people in government AND business. Finding honest and good people should be easy but it's not.

Neither party has a monopoly on bad characters, certainly Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism all have bad characters. Without a doubt, if you're doing some reading, you'll have to agree that Capitalism, as practiced here in the USA, has and is the best chance for a middle income person to achieve independence and prosperity.

Comment by Leon Ewers on January 2, 2012 at 7:41pm
As far as free trade or fair trade goes and our current system of what they call capitalism are very different things that's for sure.

For free/fair trade to take place we would first need to get rid of this fiat monopoly money we use that steals our "we the peoples" wealth and go back to silver and gold as the medium of exchange. Se the reason I believe that we the people lost the power to control anything is we lost our wealth, gold and silver. Well we didn't lose it, it was stolen by force and if me or you would have done the same we would have been shot or put in prison for a very long time. Go rob anyone today with a gun and see what happens to you, yet in 1913 and 1933 the government did the same thing to "we the people".

"THE IRON FIST BEHIND THE INVISIBLE HAND: Corporate Capitalism As a State-Guaranteed System of Privilege" by Kevin A. Carson

"Proudhon, Tucker and others believed the principal sources of economic oppression were simply state granted privilege (i.e. favoritism) and "usury" -- a term that generally, as they used it, meant state subsidization of capital accumulation (creating a vast disparity in bargaining power between labor and capital)." Quote from another blog -

Another good site that I have been thumbing through is the Mises Institute.
Comment by Leon Ewers on January 2, 2012 at 6:59pm
" I want the "Family" defined as stated above 1 Woman, 1Man, and their offspring, legal minor dependents, direct ancestry, and their posterity."

Well let's see. At the end of my block there is two elderly woman that live together in tthe same house, is this not a family unit? They are sisters and have moved in together after their husbands died and childern moved away. This is not a family unit by your standards. At another home near by there is actually two families living in one house and really its three cause one of the sons is gay and his partner lives there with them. Is this not a family unit?

Just because you are a family doesn't mean that every one is having sex in there.
My family consist of who ever or what ever lives in my home, this means me, my wife, my two daughters, my three dogs and three cats. Now according to you this wouldn't be a family cause I consider the animals I care for ( when I say I care for them I mean that I feed and water them, I insure that they are healthy, I take them to the vet when they are sick or need a general check up and shots. And so forth) as part of my family, right?

Now 1 man, 1 woman, their childern and posterity are like you said " basic family" the key word there is basic. There is so much more that constitutes what a family is other than some narrow minded ideology.

Now God didn't create all of us the same, we are not all bricks, we are rocks, each one shaped by nature differently and for you or me or anyone else to try and change that to fit their ideology is completly against nature.
If two bears went into a cave and started humping would you go in there to make sure they were 1 male and 1 female? I don't think so, you would keep your distance and let them do their thing. So why would you make some law that limit what someone else considers a family or does in there own home when you wouldn't do the same to the bear in his cave.

What you are advocating is what some churches advocate but we have in our Constitution freedom of religion and when you make laws that are religiously motivated we might as well let muslim law rule or morman law or which ever religious law anyone wants. The point here is that we have to let natural law rule and natural law says you have to let people be free to be who they are. If you want to control what people do move to north korea or china.

Beastiality is a whole other subject so let's not go there.
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 2, 2012 at 2:12pm

Cmon Leon, you KNOW our law covers the examples of widows from the family unit and offspring are family members to the age of 21 in most cases . . . . except now Obama and the democrats have expanded the age to 25!

The "gay" issue is where you're bumping up against the majority of conservatives in my opinion. Two same sex "partners" living together do NOT make a family for the legal definition which applies to government statistics.

The number of people living in a house do not determine which of those people belong to the "family" .

The change in "family" you're advocating necessarily will eventually have to include any living thing declared a family member including animals. If you declare "gays" a family than you have to allow all the additional claims for family which will include multiple spouses, multiple sex partners, and yes animals if they so choose.

"The point here is that we have to let natural law rule and natural law says you have to let people be free to be who they are. If you want to control what people do move to north korea or china."

I agree Leon let natural law rule, in our case as citizens of the USA that means we use our intellect to choose which living standards are in our best interest and changing the "family" is not in our best interest whether or not Christians or muslims state it or not.

There is no reason for any of us to move to North Korea. When we don't like something here in the USA we work to convince the majority of the citizens to make changes. If you can't convince enough of us about a desired change then it is YOU that must move to North Korea.

Comment by Leon Ewers on January 2, 2012 at 1:45pm
" I want the "Family" defined as stated above 1 Woman, 1Man, and their offspring, legal minor dependents, direct ancestry, and their posterity."

Well let's see. At the end of my block there is two elderly woman that live together in tthe same house, is this not a family unit? They are sisters and have moved in together after their husbands died and childern moved away. This is not a family unit by your standards. At another home near by there is actually two families living in one house and really its three cause one of the sons is gay and his partner lives there with them. Is this not a family unit?

Just because you are a family doesn't mean that every one is having sex in there.
My family consist of who ever or what ever lives in my home, this means me, my wife, my two daughters, my three dogs and three cats. Now according to you this wouldn't be a family cause I consider the animals I care for ( when I say I care for them I mean that I feed and water them, I insure that they are healthy, I take them to the vet when they are sick or need a general check up and shots. And so forth) as part of my family, right?

Now 1 man, 1 woman, their childern and posterity are like you said " basic family" the key word there is basic. There is so much more that constitutes what a family is other than some narrow minded ideology.

Now God didn't create all of us the same, we are not all bricks, we are rocks, each one shaped by nature differently and for you or me or anyone else to try and change that to fit their ideology is completly against nature.
If two bears went into a cave and started humping would you go in there to make sure they were 1 male and 1 female? I don't think so, you would keep your distance and let them do their thing. So why would you make some law that limit what someone else considers a family or does in there own home when you wouldn't do the same to the bear in his cave.

What you are advocating is what some churches advocate but we have in our Constitution freedom of religion and when you make laws that are religiously motivated we might as well let muslim law rule or morman law or which ever religious law anyone wants. The point here is that we have to let natural law rule and natural law says you have to let people be free to be who they are. If you want to control what people do move to north korea or china.

Beastiality is a whole other subject so let's not go there.
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 1, 2012 at 12:59pm

Way to go Leon . . . . start the year off with a great debate.


But are you really saying that the "Family" should be anything anybody wants and you want the the rest of US to stay out of it, keep our mouths shut? NO WAY!

That's NOT what I want.

I want the "Family" defined as stated above 1 Woman, 1Man, and their offspring, legal minor dependents, direct ancestry, and their posterity.

That "Family" unit has persisted for thousands of years and been successful.

Changing the basics to allow any and every combination of babies, children, humans of any sex, and sheep and horses and any kind of animals to be called "family" is insanity. I don't want adults marrying kids and I don't want adults having the right to sexually abuse babies and children and commit bestiality calling it a "family" matter and practice! I don't want husbands to have "family" rights to cane and whip their wives or stone them or dress them up like whores or cover them with a Burka or keep them from a full life.

Capitalism  VS  free trade? 

Get rid of these monopolies and "too big to fail companies and corporations"?

How is "free trade" going to keep a company, corporation, or person, from getting too big?

If what you say, "then they need to be broken up into smaller more manageable entities that won't colapse the nation or world if they fail," is your answer then you ARE for "Capitalism" as it operates in the USA.

Our government applies the restrictions and controls. THAT"S where our economic problems arise. That's where the Barnie franks and Chris Dodds  have ruined our economy by serving their friends and not We the People. We need to identify those civil servants who would corrupt the system and remove them and charge them with crimes. And when the whole system is full of corrupt, lying, and cheating "politicians" We the People need an additional way of  "total recall of all". That's going to take an additional amendment to the constitution.

What we NEED are honest ordinary citizens willing to give several years of their lives to serve our nation without being greedy. We need TERM LIMITS for those elected officials who refuse to leave after two terms in office and who enrichen themselves while using the power of the office for dishonest and corrupt practices we see and read about so often. The houses of congress have proven themselves inadequate and unable to police themselves.

Comment by Leon Ewers on January 1, 2012 at 9:52am
What a bunch of hogwash this is.

Let's start with family being defined as one man and one woman and their offspring....

Who am I, or who is anyone for that matter, to decide what a family constitutes? Who is anyone to decide on what someone elses personal life will constitute?
I personally am married to a woman with two children but I still don't want anyone telling me what a family should consist of. If I were gay, or a single parent, or one of those people that have several partners, I sure the hell wouldn't want anyone telling me that it isn't a family or telling me how to manage my private affairs cause that sure isn't anyone elses business.

Next, strong national defense. Who are we kidding with this nonsense lmao. Really, a nation that spends in the billions even trillions of dollars on it military industrial complex, more than most of the other nations the world over combined? Who is kidding who with that poop?

Next, a balanced budget, laughable and ignorant of our monetary system. There is no such thing as a balanced budget when you borrow money to pay your debts. And to trade one tax for another is even more rediculous. Now if you were to get rid of the taxes altogether ond go by what the founders set up in the Constitution then we can shore up short falls with luxury taxes and corporate taxes.

And last, capitalism. I think we can get rid of that baloney and go back to free trade market. Get rid of all these monopolies and to big tto fail companies/corporations/banks ect. If they are to big to fail then they need to be broken up into smaller more manageable entities that won't colapse the nation or world if they fail, that the economy can absorb the failure of some of them and not bring the rest to their knees.






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